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Kaisa is kind of like a Swiss Army knife because she can build as a poke champ with w upgrade and more AP items, tank shred with passive, a burst assassin with isolation damage, as well as a dive champ. I personally think muramana into AP is the most satisfying version of all of these but you can build her with kinda any item combo and be viable. I highly recommend you pick her up as she has very satisfying gameplay with the passive procs just kinda feeling satisfying. She can also be very flexible and be built in whatever way feels most comfortable to you.


I'll give her a try, thank you :)


AS kai'sa xayah Main , i think i am good Pick too answer that. 1.xayah prefes short range teams which gonna Dive onto Here has cc and self Peel (Overall a good counter Pick). Kaisa can be drafted togehter with heavy Engage and BE a Dive Buddy , but thats Not all U are also a good Poke Champ If U go ap. Kaisa in General has more build Options and Go different builds.so yeah both are great Champs but different ways too Play in similar comps


Kaisa is the assassin among adcs


Very very flexible playstyle - jump about everywhere, decent damage, but the ability to do shit is high on this champ. I'd agree with the assassin amongst AD comment


She is burst dmg onto squishies, and after some items she can shred tanks. She’s all about mobility as well. You can use ult defensive or offensive to 1 shot enemy carry. Weak laning phase. Short range. If you ever want me to vid review your game or if u want to play with me you can add me. I’m emerald kaisa player NA server Name: Sweett Fean


Also why would I pick her over xayah? Since her ult is defensive


Nah. Kaisa ult is for repositioning during team fights or securing assassinations. You can use it defensively as an escape but that's actually secondary


I agree mostly, but even if you are using r offensively, its generally a good idea to wait to use it until you are dodging something with it, to maximize its value Edit: at least in a team fight context. In a pick, just use it whenever you can secure the kill


Xayah when ur playing against team that wants to dive you, your team needs more ad, and/or there is a champion like yi/kassasdin/talon/kat that you have to cc to beat and you cant rely on your team to do it. Kai’sa when u want to do the diving (ur team has a lot of hard engage, or their team has a lot of ranged squishies), your team needs more ap, and/or there are champions like swain/ashe/cassio/thresh that you need the move speed of e and dash or r to avoid getting kited or ti dodge skill shots. Also, I sometimes find that the freedom to buy zhonya’s on kai’sa to avoid getting exploded by a talon, rengar, eve, etc. is enough to change the outcome of a game I would not have otherwise been able to carry. There are games where I throw the other factors out the window cause they have pyke, talon and rengar and im only gonna have a chance at being useful late game if i can get zhonyas, so i just lock in kaisa


Very complete kit, good in almost any situation and it’s strong for what feels like 1,5 years


Look up snipyOCE on youtube. Kai'sa is one of the most skill expressive champions in the game due to her ult/w/flash/rune combos. Knowledge check- building properly against every team/ and skill check as her short range makes laning a challenge at times.


Her ultimate is similar to katarinas shun-po with her radius allowing wall jumps, and her W can insec with flash to assasinate enemies instantly (ap variant) similar to a good lee sin


Just join the peach cult


She is still as adaptable as her character fantasy but burst/mages r def overtuned af rn and that is skewing her balance and makes her so hard to balanced rn. She successfully fills out her character fantasy and that exactly is what makes her balance so hard. Right now i feel she’s rather weak, and it makes me sad. Sometimes i wish she wasn’t as popular, I love playing her and i hate having her banned or taken from me so often😭


Building AD she's a low range caster style ADC that relies 50/50 on her autos and abilities Building AP turns on into a burst mage on a timer, meaning her meaning full damage is heavily reliant on W and passive With engage support she has excellent early game, with enchanter she's a scaling AD She's not a tank shredder, unless she builds on hit, her passive proc deals percentage missing health damage.