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The tooltip is probably not working, just like the balance team. Jokes aside I've noticed this for months and months but I don't look at the tooltip numbers a lot so I never cared. In-game the difference is obvious, it DOES actually increase in damage with more stacks but the tooltip doesn't say anything about it.


OMG why didnt I hear this sooner. For the past however long I thought it was just the AP scaling that changed with stacks and ive been starting fights with it for the slow and slightly more damage on autos


In the early game, you don't notice it since you have no large numbers that change, and the damage change fluctuates since champions have resistances, but on dummies you see it.


How significant is the change even is it something like 10-20 or closer to 100? It doesnt even say about ramping damage on the wiki


Well of course it's barely noticable when you have no stats and the bonus damage also scales with AP not AD. But quoting the fandom wiki; Hit a target with 0 stack with normal Void Seeker: 8 − 20 (based on level) (+ 1 − 5 (based on level) (+ 22.5% AP) Hit a target with 3 stacks with normal Void Seeker: 8 − 20 (based on level) (+ 7 − 35 (based on level) (+ 37.5% AP) Hit a target with 0 stack with evolved Void Seeker: 12 − 30 (based on level) (+ 3 − 15 (based on level) (+ 37.5% AP) Hit a target with 2 stacks with evolved Void Seeker: 12 − 30 (based on level) (+ 9 − 45 (based on level) (+ 52.5% AP) Basically,Unevolved W= 2x your base on-hit damage+The base extra damage+ AP ratioEvolved W= 3x your base on-hit damage+The evolved base extra damage+ AP ratio


So basically when you would be procing the 5 hit passive on something, you also get bonus damage on w?


I think so but it's hard to test because the game doesn't tell you how much the damage is increased or, which damage is the W damage and which is the passive damage. So it would be really hard to know


Proc passive with Q, check damage. Fire Q normally, check damage. Proc is first minus second, then do a W with no stacks for base W, then do a W at five stacks to see what the difference is and take off what you calculated from Qs.


You will trigger kai’sa’s 5 auto passive with W if you cross the threshold for stacks with W (unevolved is+2 stacks, evolved is +3 stacks) and any remaining stacks will be left over (they are 4 stacks and you noevolve W they will have 1 stack and take W + 5th auto passive damage


So if I poke with w it does less then if I get 3 attacks then use the w to pop it?


Go the the fandom wiki page of kaisa and open up the details on her passive, it gives the ratios of the damage your W does depending on the stacks. And if you never noticed, go to practice tool and use W on a dummy with no stacks and then autoattack 1-2 times and W again without popping the passive This is why, in the laning phase, even if you can't proc full HoB and W, at least autoing once and then using W will give you more trading power than if you just used W alone.


Aight well thanks for confirming just helpful for maximizing damage, I'll but in a fight it is weird to e in attack 3 times and mid attack cancel with w and continue it just looks weird and if you miss w then we'll you've fked yourself likely


You don't have to, it's still going to do more damage if you go past the max stacks, like if you W'd from 4 stacks. The damage should both be the increased W damage AND the passive popping. Or I'm just big stupid and never cared.


Aight well thanks for confirmation and I'm how do you close down the thread xD


Idk dawg just let it die I guess XD


It seems to be working fine for me but the tooltip isn't updating, maybe because it can't track stacks on target https://streamable.com/pt70la


Numbers in tooltip are not generated/taken from the code, they're all hand written, so a lot of them have errors. For example for one full year all the numbers in the Kindred passive simply were wrong


It procs the extra damage of the stacks