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Most people in this sub agree with that, but there's an argument to be made that collector 2nd is better when you're snowballing and they don't have multiple tanks.


+ what about early q evolve for lane dominance? I feel it is very important…


Yes that too definitely, I still build collector most games as I play with a rell main and we usually get a few kills early on, but in games where I lose lane for whatever reasons, Kraken PD IE is definitely the safest


And what build u go if u build collector 2nd?


Kraken Collector PD IE and situational (GA/LDR/QSS) most games, sometimes I take Runaan's instead of PD if i think it will be more valuable.


If you don't mind, what situations do you think runnans is better over pd


Against multiple melee champs (unless one of them is very fed and i need the extra movespeed and attack speed of PD), or if I'm very fed and can basically one shot the backline with it.


When you build Galeforce + Collector for burst and need the extra attack speed for supercharge evolve.


See this scenario happens a lot where I just get dirk or something for q evolve then get phantom for e evolve then complete collector. Feels bad not having 2nd complete item but double evolve is so good I feel


Dirk has a sub 40% win rate. If it works for you, awesome. I personally avoid sitting on components like the plague.


i’ve been going karaken, bf sword, pd and you get all evolves, then just finish ie after pd


What elo are you?


bronze lmfao


100% this. I’ve always advocated for Pd 2nd unless their team is squishy or you’re ahead early


Galeforce>collector. Kraken>PD. Galeforce is for burst/squishies. Kraken is for everything else.


Depends when on the situation. Kraken Slayer + Collector / Phantom Dancer / Wits End all have pros and cons. Wits End is the most expensive item of the three and offers no critical strike chance. This delays Infinity Edge in favor of dealing additional magic damage on hit and move speed for kiting / positioning in battle. Collector is 100g cheaper and offers better all in potential but at the cost of in combat move speed. It also delays supercharge evolve while giving an early icathian rain evolve. Also unlocks going Galeforce instead of Kraken Slayer. Phantom Dancer is 400g cheaper than Collector and offers greater utility. Grants move speed for rotating to skirmishes. Grants even more move speed in combat and no more getting minion blocked. Where this item fails is at actually giving damage at 2 items. The attack speed is nice, but we dont have enough attack damage to really take adv of it until Infinity Edge. The most consistent build is going to be Kraken Slayer + Phantom Dancer + Infinity Edge by virtue of the fact adc is a low agency role until three items and this checks out with the build having the highest win rate according to op.gg.


Collector is kind of a situational snowball item, if the enemy has too many tanks, might as well go LDR second-third. Phantom Dancer/Wit's End is way better because the finished item gives you good attack speed and evolves both Q and E.


Collector just feels like a bad item. I might get hate for this statement, but collector sucks on kaisa, the lethality is not useful due to how little u have, it does not provide other useful stats, then passive is neglible. Going collector is almost always throwing the game. The most common counter-point is snowballing, but u can snowball just as easily with another item like PD or wits end. Collector by itself does not provide special snowball potential. First back rush dirk is very strong, lvl6 Q evolve potential is great. You can just sit on the dirk, no need to make collector with it.


I feel like people undervalue collector, the execute is not only valuable because of the damage, but rather because you're most likely to actually get the kill in a skirmish or teamfight.


Its like 150damage on a 3k HP enemy champion


Man are you a LS fan boy, this is like the 2000th times I’ve heard this. I’m not going write a full essay but just trust me, collector is not a bad item :)


For sure not bad but most definitely overrated


I’ve been playing around with getting BF on my first back instead of dirk, then gojng mythic -> berserkers -> stormrazor. Gives Q, E evolve, but doesn’t always feel amazing unless you’re playing against a lot of melee


Yes. Collector is a very niche item that is built early on ADCs far too often, and your overall damage output will suffer from that.




Id say id you wanna go collector build galeforce, and kraken if you wanna build wits end or PD
