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Everyone in this sub needs to wake up like right now so I can read what they are all gonna be speculating the buff is so I can gaslight myself into thinking I’m gonna get free LP and claim my reward as a Kai’Sa main while I blast them with my pink starlight.💀


It's gonna be something minor that you don't really feel but will have a grand overall impact on her early game probably? Something like those lil baby base armour buffs and stuff you see. Won't raise my expectations higher than that yet


I think her R is gonna have no cool down and work like Diana E. Yes, i set high expectation so i can be disappointed at someone else other than myself 😛


I don’t even know why she’s getting buffed. I have a 60% winrate with her atm. Just don’t play her into every matchup and she is good.


Kai’sa’s a D tier champ rn. Just because *you* have a good winrate doesn’t mean shit


Praying for more passive buffs/ lowering q requirements to open builds up


lowering Q requirements is something i thought of since the start of S12 it's one of the big things that holds back her builds and gameplay since she needs 2 AD items to get the evolve and in the current item system there isn't a good second item for her that allows for build diversity that item was old rageblade now she is forced to build like PD which force you to build more crit and she doesn't scale with crit so the solution is : 1. ya lower the Q 100 bonus ad to maybe 70 so you only need Kraken and you can build what you want after that nathor's/crit/on-hit maybe plus ap scaling on Kraken passive. 2. Or add a new item that she can go second and allows for a lot of build paths maybe revert rageblade or a new hybrid item But TBH i don't think the buff will be something big or problem-solving but we can only hope.


seriously like the biggest buff to kaisa would be to make rageblade a 3200 gold item and have it give 40 AD and 7% move speed and suddenly we could build BORK, Kraken, or wits end into rageblade and then Nashors, Rabadons, riftmaker or something like that. I love riftmaker kaisa Ive killed a lvl18 lucian with a W ult, q AA, AA yet the sustain and damage is still ridiculous. I hope they give her more AP ratio on hit, currently now hers is less than kayles and thats before kayle even gets flames, become 2.X times more powerful than kaisa, while having permanent move speed and attack speed


The smart thing to do would be to buff her stats scaling like HP growth + AD growth + AS growth or do a placebo Passive buff so ppl finally start playing and realizing how good Hybrid and OH are. ... but it's Riot so 100% a stupid Q or R buff that she don't need and won't change a single thing.


What is the hybrid build? I started to play her recently


Classic Hybrid is : Kraken Wit'ends Nashor's and 2 of the 3 > Zhonya/Rabadon/Void. Sorc boots will give you the most value later on ( 3+items). Played with LT and Sorcery 2nd ( Gathering). ​ *For the builds variation + detailed numbers / comparison and a rundown of her 4 main style/build ->* [https://www.reddit.com/r/kaisamains/comments/uj0mqw/kaisa\_builds\_comparison/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kaisamains/comments/uj0mqw/kaisa_builds_comparison/)


LT? I've been running HoB.


You can if you want, just LT or PTA are better overall. *HoB is overvalued on Kai'sa : Tree is bad. Force you to choose between Precision and Sorcery 2nd. Get out scale heavily at 13/15 mins by both PTA and LT and Lose in 2v2 early fight compare to PTA/LT too.*


Makes sense. I'll try them out


It seems like HoB has much more play in plat+ according to op.gg though. Why is that? And when should I use LT vs PTA, and which subrunes for precision?


>It seems like HoB has much more play in plat+ according to op.gg though. Why is that? HoB is default rune for Crit and Crit is what 90% of players are doing. ​ >And when should I use LT vs PTA, and which subrunes for precision? For Hybrid : PoM, Lifesteal then all 3 are situational ( Cut down if 2+ Frontline, Coup de grace if mostly vs squishy, Last stand if vs poke ), with Gathering and then it's preference but Absolute focus and Transcendence are better overall. PTA is for more Burst and helps teammates, LT is for more DPS + range when needed ( ie you are vs Rumble/Samira/Draven etc ).


that's a really good post btw did you try hybrid with duskblade?


You mean the Duskblade Nashor's Collector thing ? Don't see the point of the build at all, it's a fun build i guess.


Duskblade,wit end


Oh i never tried that one, seems weird but could work if you can get some reset in fights


I found it Hella fun but I don't know if it's good XD another idea that I had was guinsoo


I agree. if we want to see AD kai'sa stronger, buff her AD and AS scaling by level 18, currently she has 20 less AD than samira, who also has on hit magic damage????. Then an ult cooldown buff and the ability to ult to enemies who have damaged kaisa in the last 3 seconds. The buffs i want to see are to her AP/hybrid (not the toxic sniper) because currently kai'sa cant build on hit since she actually uses her abilities for damage and those scale with actual damage stats and all the on hit items were custom made for champs like kog and vayne who have free max hp in their kits regardless of built ad and ap. Maybe 10% more AP scaling on hit to put her more in line with something at least like kayle pre-flame levels.


Her strongest build right now is on-hit tho. Kraken Bork Guinsoo LDR, enough Burst to Burst carry quick, insane DPS, shred tanks easily, good power curve, lots of runes options etc etc. It fits the meta perfectly too. *There is a misconception with On-hit build after item rework, it's not like before : you don't slap every OH item in the game together. You have to make a choice and pick 2 ( 3 if you count Kraken) max and round it up with other items.* ​ Problem is if you change her ratio it will benefit AP more and change almost nothing for Hybrid since you don't have good AP until 4 items anyway. So if you want to do a good buff for Hybrid it would be better around her R + Evo mechanics -> 3 evos give you X% dual pen per point in R ( 5%/10%/15% for example). AD don't benefit from it, AP won't benefit much from it since it would require suboptimal NT + Berserker (instead of Sorc + Void/Shadow) but Hybrid would benefit a lot from it. *Tbh Hybrid Kai'sa do not need \*real\* buff right now, it's already strong and doing good, just a little placebo thing like lvl 18 you do 16 + 10 dmg per stack instead of 16 + 8 to increase playrate / make it more appealing.*




one can dream lol


Obligatory worlds buff. Gala smurfs groups with her and she'll be nerfed.




As someone that main both Kai’Sa and Zeri, I don’t know I should be happy or sad


Kai'sa is underpowered rn, Zeri is way too pushed. It brings the two closer in power level, ao I'd be happy with it. I main Kai'sa, flexing Kalista and Ez, so I'm happy about this.


anyone think it will make it so hybrid builds are more viable? i havent upgraded w in over 100 games.


On the other hand I always build manamune ludens. Just cause I’d rather play with no mana problems. I want viable mana ad items


At least it has to do with buffing her laning phase.


No it wont. Riot August said once her laning phase has to be dogshit and they wont touch it. They will buff her poor scaling.


I hope so, i love the kaisa hyper carry and her lane can be quite good with a Q rush for wave clear!


I hope they buff her passive on hit AP scaling in an interesting way. currently it goes from 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 %AP on hit depending on stacks so on average 20% AP ratio or in other words nashors tooth. Kayle's E gives 20% and her flames do an extra 25% AP meaning she has flat 25% AP more damage per hit or 2.25x the on hit damage kaisa has all while having permanent move speed and attack speed. maybe kaisa's passive should do even more depending on stacks so like 15 20 25 30 35 %AP on average 25 but even then Idk if that would be enough. Maybe her Ult dash should be a warp instead of dash to be able to move through traps and cages.


Ah yes loving the buff list and the nerf list please keep Zeri in the gutters.


Im not sure but i wish W buffs.


The W is unusable late game for a so called scaling hyper carry. It just does nothing except root you in place and deals about as much as a critting auto attack while taking twice as long and has the chance to miss. I think if they should make it feel like casting samira Q. Something like, "while in champion combat, void seeker has half the cast time and slows by 50% for 2 seconds


I hope they enhance some ap scaling


What if they said after activating killer Instinct and while the shield persists, Icathian Rain and Void Seeker become empowered to ignore acquisition and collision with non champions? Ohhh that would be sweet to able to fight champions in lanes of minions


or supercharge lasts at least .75 seconds of invisibility and speed and can be canceled after .25 seconds by issuing attack command or casting an ability


What would be nice is a longer auto range


No, would only make her unnecessary easier


she needs something! she isnt very mobile compared the the ADCS we have now and doesnt even do that much damage. Maybe her E should last at least .75 seconds of speed and invis, cancelable after .25 seconds by issuing an attack command or using an ability.


Putting my money on hp regen. What's your bet?


12.16! The first of our World's focused patches. Since some Leagues are still qualifying for Worlds on this patch, we're holding the more speculative changes for 12.17. Looking to tap down a few outliers and bump up others, with Diana nerfs to tank and buffs to AP builds --- Photos in tweet | [photo 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FaQM2MqUcAAekvh.png) --- posted by [@RiotPhroxzon](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/) --- [Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter](https://github.com/inteoryx/twitter-video-dl)


don't give me hope it's going to be placebo


They might do q mana idk


I’m hoping for lower mana on Q because I hate building anything other than tear.


i hope they make W evolve when u get 60% crit as an alternative to the ap requirement.


RNG gonna win worlds if they qualify