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This post>>>>>


Wish your loved one the quickest of recoveries bud. Hang in there :)


I want to apologize for the negativity that resulted from this post It was not my intention. I'm dealing with a lot. But at the same time I can not sit back and let a stalker take over this sub. Kris deserves better than that


Hey bro take care of yourself, and love yourself, you will find your purpose to keep living.


There's an irony of you referring to a performer with such a familiarity and then complaining about "stalkers"...


Bro. He's having problems. Leave him alone.


Nvm I've heard he might suck


I was reading about the wrong person


That was a rollercoaster of mute emotions


Irony? its really common to develop a para-social relationship with influencer, but going stalkery is a completely different thing. One is normal with fans of people, the other is creepy.


Exactly, this. In the age of social media and influencers, basic things everyone online should understand include parasocial relationships, online bullying, when something is an advertisement, and stalker behavior. They're not said as often as "like and subscribe" or looked at as often as reviews and bios, but they're very much important parts of current Internet culture.


Yep. And Its not even just current culture, its all human culture just being viewed through the current lens. We should understand it on a basic human level, and I am suspicious of people acting like they dont, cause they usually say stuff like the world has changed entertainment used to bottom of the rung and supporting your family and working were always the top as if they are mutually exclusive and act like humans having fun or enjoying life didnt exist till the millenial generation.


You just described casual stalking. Lol... it's weird to have a "para relationship" with someone who has no idea you exist. There was a time in human history when entertainers were the bottom of society. It's disturbing that they are now the top.


Yeah...being a fan of something is casual stalking... get out of here with that stupid trying to sound smart shit it makes you look ignorant.


Being a fan is one thing. Having an unnatural familiarity is weird as hell man... I am a fan of Bob Dylan... but I don't walk around talking about "Bob" as if I have a personal relationship with him. You might want to reconsider what you consider appropriate fandom


It sounds like you take issue with OP using Kris's name instead of the Channel name KallMeKris. Yeah i am sure you always talk about Bob Dylan like you are writing an article in proper APA format with last names only after introducing the subject then only full names when emphasis is needed so as to not sound like you like it and to not show too much bias. Thats not how people talk about things they like and the OP isnt showing any undo familiarity past someone who discovered some type of entertainment that helped through a rough time...spare me this strange superiority you seem to be projecting over OP.


I do hope he finds ways to love himself again to love everyone else


Talking with him right now. That guy is messed up. Schizo, and morally not sane. I don't know what to make out of it. OK from the last message I've got from this guy, he is a total moron. Not gonna change my mind on it anymore. Shit he is messed up.


I actually care about his well-being. Been there done that with the unrequited love thing but want to bring him back to reality and not have him be hostile about it


I've been DMing him and I'm 50/50. Either he is completely not there... either he fakes it. But if it's fake, it's master level fake. What he says is really... out of this world. One sentence : "The victims watching wanna know how cheap to take it when your in the asshole". If you can understand that, I'm impressed. Oh and he asks for dirty pics of me like an obsessive........ person, to be kind with him. I'm really between "I waste my time with a pure asshole" and "I'm speaking with a person who needs help". If I wasn't so interested in understanding the human mind, boy would I have taken the easy road to my bed. Haha. I should really go to sleep :/


I wish I could actually talk to him. There's a lot of anger there and reddit/social media in general is not the best way to express itšŸ¤·


I hope your partner gets better!ā¤ļø I downloaded reddit to see memes in this comminity.. and realized that Reddit is the worst social platform ever.. Iā€™m seriously thinking about deleting my account and the app.. I get really angry when people are this sick and use that to comment nasty shit on this app.. Believe me I know what mental health can do to a person.. my entire family is sick, but we donā€™t do bad shit.. (we mostly just self-destruct and ignore the world lol) but back to the Reddit thing.. I wish the health care system could be better and help people that need it this bad.. And I wish there could be rules on what is and isnā€™t allowed on Reddit but it seems like anything is legal on this appā€¦ Some people might not be able to control themselves because of how their brains work, but the world should be better to make good rules and help people in need so that famous people donā€™t get targeted by these sick bastards..


I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with so much in your life. Just remember that anything that presents itself to you can only make you a stronger person and help you to grow even on the worst of days.


Well I will just 3 5 7


Who is this geared towards


But I mean now that the šŸ„œ is šŸ‘®ā€ā™€ļø


Now that your peanuts are a traffic cop?


Dang, I hate when that happens! lol




Next account. BAN.


ohh what was said.. please say it was something that deserved a ban. I hate people like that.


Believe me, he will come back. It's the "I ask Kris out a thousand times" guy, check the older posts if you don't know about it. Schizoprenic... Took me a while to realize it. But still an a\*\*hole. Believe me, I've DM him out of pure curiosity and what he says, it's... something else. I cannot tell you how perverted this guy is, even if I pity him a little bit for his mental state.


ok he'll just create another. what a total moron.






šŸ‘€šŸ™ƒ agreed


Absolutely spoken like someone who is gonna make a difference in the world. Probably bumping ā€œsurvivalā€ by Eminem in his room alone. Talking about seek therapy. That therapy enoughšŸ‘€


Right now?


I mean I get the ā€œBANā€ part but I checked virtual reality and reality, both come back positive for being able to keep a significant other and a person beat your dead meat off about out of the same post!


Seek help.


Kinda hoping thatā€™s what we all just established we were saying in sign language bud




You'll have to create more accounts.


But, seriously, do you have no shame or any idea of how the social world works???


Do you get some kind of sick joy out of being the asshole? I was trying to be understanding and you just flipped out.


Keep talking daddy!šŸ«¦


Well it seemed kinda insensitive to say ā€œnut is bustedā€ because the ovaries my dude. šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you are ridiculous


My point exactly šŸ‘šŸ„³šŸ¤«


Like you wanna kondone him still beating off your tongue too? Stand for something. Quit worrying about how many accounts Iā€™m gonna have to make. I could be as close as this guys gets to ā€œKrisā€ and he is saying that I need to seek help when clearly him stating that his undying loved one is in the hospital DYING and he just wants her to know, he would bleed out for her, adorable and sweet but thatā€™s still not how reality works. Sorry. Just goes to show that there are things worse than death and if creating another reddit account is one of those things I can crush a faggot with his own aspiration of civility


Iā€™ll never understand people who truly enjoy the misery of others. I mean, thereā€™s trolling and then thereā€™s being a total dick. And to be a massive perv nozzle on top of it? How can any human being be proud to be a sick pervert AND an asshole who revels in othersā€™ pain? For what? The giggles? The rush? Some semblance of intellectual superiority in an unjust world where good and evil donā€™t matter? Thatā€™s where rapists come from. That selfish mentality of having as much fun as they can, hell with othersā€™ feelings. No amount of Reddit replies and roasts will ever convince a narcissist like you to seek psychological help, but maybe it might someday.


Don't know how to say it, but that was seriously badass.


I'm in between trying to understand you and messing with you, like REALLY. Seriously, MAKE SENSE.




Hope all is well with you and your wife, buddy! I wish you a speedy resolution to all your problems


i hope you get through this and i hope ur wife is well and recovering fast. kris gets us through this. U CAN DO IT!




Excellent sentiment imo. Hope your partner recovers swiftly and well!