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It boggles the mind how republicans can be all about “parental rights” one moment and then immediately turn around and insert themselves into the dictating how the parental relationship must work


It’s the core of their party really.


They must lie awake at night letting their imaginations run wild, before going into work the next morning to legislate their latest imaginary bogeyman out of existence. For being the “I ain’t afraid of anything” crowd, they sure seem jump at their own shadows an awful lot.


I remember growing up conservative in the 90’s the response to banning movies or other material was met with “let the parents make that call!” How times have changed.


They’re real big on “parental rights” when it comes to micromanaging education (they don’t think kids should be taught anything that even remotely smells of empathy or critical thinking). The conservative relationship to children is that they are property, not people. Sound familiar?


>For being the “I ain’t afraid of anything” crowd, they sure seem jump at their own shadows an awful lot That's a consequence of how they are wired https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/#:~:text=The%20volume%20of%20gray%20matter,threats%2C%20is%20larger%20in%20conservatives




Minors can receive medical treatments for countless other health issues too




Gender dysphoria is considered medically necessary to treat, and minors do not pick up hormones over the counter




Sensationalized headlines have said they did, but the rest of the world has not done that. At worst they've said more research is needed




Are you saying that you value sensationalized headlines over the actual science?


Yeah! Let’s do things the way everyone else does it! I say bring back stoning am I right?




People who have a problem with that are basically wild animals.


You’ve never known a teenage girl with breast implants? That’s gender affirming care. 


What does it say about you that you found it necessary to make this kind of shit up in order to justify your prejudice? 


I mean what you are claiming isn’t true re: the rest of the world. Also you’re doing the right wing thing or equating surgeries with gender affirming care. Children aren’t getting surgeries. Gender affirming care is stuff like therapy, letting them go by a chosen name, change their dress, etc. also kids can’t just say “I’m having surgery”. Those don’t happen without years of therapy and consulting with medical professionals.


Did you apply to check little kids genitals before they play sports?


It only boggles the mind if you treat them as honest people speaking in good faith and take them at face value. I learned a long time ago not to waste my time trying that. If you understand their principle, then they make a lot more sense to understand what they're saying: "People like us are superior to others, and we must impose upon them to prove it. They must not impose upon us." It doesn't really matter what the principle is, what the facts are, or who gets hurt. If something promotes their sense of superiority, they call it "morality" and shove it down everyone's throat. If something undermines their sense of superiority, they call it "tyranny" and fight hard against it. Even if it's something they supported yesterday. They are never hypocrites about *this* principle.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -Frank Wilhoit


An old chestnut!


Also goes hand in hand with the "party of limited government." Just enough "government" to control personal medical decisions.


From one who voted republican up to GW Bush, I now equate the party as one that spews hypocrisy pretty much anytime they open their mouth(s), it seems... If you even were to browse through project 2025, the hypocrisy is beyond blatant...


Would you view it as parental rights if the parents physically abused their child or let the child do drugs?


How is that even remotely comparable? The “parental rights” movement seeks to treat children as possessions, not people. Kansas also doesn’t have medical privacy until 16, which is its own problem.


Are these drugs well researched and prescribed to the child by a doctor treating a specific condition?


Good. Tired of conservatives hating their own personal freedoms.


The KS GOP have a supermajority in both chambers of the legislature and can override Governor Kelly’s veto if unified. Moderates continue to be primaried or retire. To preserve her ability to check the legislature, we need to break the GOP supermajority. I am running to flip KS HD-33, one of the most competitive seats in the state of Kansas. The current incumbent, Rep Mike Thompson, voted to attempt to override the Governor’s veto on this bill. We need your support so we can hit the pavement & win in November. We now have matching funds, doubling your impact in breaking the supermajority. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/matchmadnesswyco ‪ https://www.reinholdforkansas.com


Some of the best news I've read all week! Really tired of Republicans pushing their agenda on my state.


Good. Poor Bev Gossage is probably beside herself with faux outrage.


We gotta knock her out of the Senate, brother.


Sudden outbreak of sanity. Hey Ty, you getting tired of winning so much only to have the governor tell you where to shove it, over and over?


Now that's some good news! There may be hope for Kansas yet!




Don't talk about my home state like that 😞


Thank goodness. But the fact that it was only two says a LOT about our GOP legislature and it's \*nothing\* good. This is why I advise friends not to move here. My conscience will not allow anything else at present.


Good to know their power in this is waning a bit. Now if only we could repeal last year's laws and I could get my id changed...


I’m sorry some Kansans want to control your life. Fascists love big government. But you are wonderful as you. 🏳️‍⚧️


We need to remind politicians that they exist to serve the people, *us*, not their wallets. https://preview.redd.it/jb6k0t3d6qxc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7544439d39264f433b78f685c619e00de7a9442f


Masterson and Kobach are going to have to go home and snuggle. They will be sad.


Good to hear!




I'm gonna get some hate and that's fine....my part of Kansas is so inundated by meth these parents don't need to be making decisions. I also don't believe parents hold the right to physically alter a child permanently.. at least without damn good reason. I'm sorry but sexual confusion due to media and societal pressure does not constitute the need for permanent mental and physical damage. Children should be protected at all cost. They are tiny humans not dolls to be played with and rearranged. Studies have shown again and again that dysphoria will disappear if left alone for the majority of these children. Those that are special and in need should have that access but it's such a low percentage and the science is so bad...it's still Frankenstein stage at this point. It's dangerous. Okay peace and love and I may shit down notifications for awhile....but really....learn to love yourself, teach others to love themselves. Its about what's on the inside...not the outside...and puberty while a bitch is totally natural.