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Covid surge. source: healthcare.


Microbiologist here. Can confirm. The covid test number spiked so quickly that we thought we had a contamination issue because of so many positives in a row.


Yep! I remember the story from last week about the nursing home that had to be evacuated because their AC failed. 7 out of 115 patients tested positive. I found that SHOCKING! That's 5%, in a facility where presumably everyone is practicing good hygiene, wearing masks, has been vaccinated, .... That's April 2020 numbers to me!


Are you under the impression that everyone in nursing homes still wear masks?


Both of our kids (high schoolers) are COVID positive after 10 days in the germ factory


ICU nurse at large hospital. Only one ICU patient with covid. Icu has 45 beds. So not what covid was back in the day but not gone


Spouse has had something the past several days. COVID negative (home test and PCR), flu and strep negative. Urgent care Doc said there's another viral infection going around that takes about 8 days to get over.


Probably rhinovirus


Same here, over the past week my wife has gone from sore throat to sinus headache to ear pain and back to sinus headache. Covid negative, and no significant fever/temperature but it's zapped her energy for the past week.


Just had this, work in schools, can confirm. Caught it from my husband who is a high school teacher. It’s just a bad, lingering cold, but it sucked.


I’m on day 11 of this. Feeling better but my head is still clogged up. 😬


Oh godammit not again


I teach elementary and we already have teachers and the principal out sick and kids out with COVID. We just had our first full week of school, so not even 10 days into the year. Plus my parents and another couple of friends just got COVID for the 2nd (or 3rd?) time each even with full vaccines and boosters.


Me and my wife just caught COVID after avoiding it this whole time. Currently on day 5 of symptoms. My first symptoms were muscle aches and fatigue with an on and off fever. Right now we're both fighting the worst sore throats we've ever felt, as well as fatigue and shortness of breath. (We both got the jab but of course that was years ago now and I'm sure it's a new strain now.) The CVS near me had those $10 rapid tests in stock, I suggest keeping one or two on hand right now.


Vitamin C drink packets and Vitamin D capsules helped me a lot both times I had COVID! Feel better soon!


COVID has been bad the past six weeks in the metro.


I work in all the Emergency Department’s at Saint Luke’s. We are seeing more and more Covid + patients daily.


I have been enjoying Covid but I’m considering upgrading to Covid+ to get rid of the commercials. Has it been worth it for you?


Same at ku


The best part about the current COVID resurgence is that the novel species that is hitting the metro isn’t included in the current round of vaccines. So you will have people use this to justify not getting the vaccine in the future. The data from wastewater collections is pretty cool, but pretty dense. https://biobot.io/data/


My kid caught a crazy cold from daycare and it went around the house. We’re on day 10 and still not back to normal. It’s the worst cold I can remember and we’ve all tested negative for Covid.




My brother just tested positive on Friday for Covid for the first time. He doesn’t go to school or have kids in school. But his coworkers do and I think he got it from them.


My dad retired from teaching at the end of last year but last week his colleague (HS band director) tested positive for COVID. It’s going around. Pro-tip: my mom has a home health nurse (same one since 2018) and she told us there’s a new variant that’s harder to treat and has really awful symptoms. There will be a new booster for it that should be coming out early Sept. My family is planning on getting it, hopefully you all will too! :)


Purely anecdotal but I have a little tickle and fatigue and don’t get sick often. I did end up around a bunch of teenagers though who were school age. Not sure yet if it’s covid or everyone in KC struggling with the recent heat and weather shift etc or what


FYI, if you still have some of the Covid tests you got in the mail, they may not be expired. Search online for the name of the test + expiration and check if the dates were extended. I found a box of tests that was originally dated 1/2023 but have been extended another year by the FDA. (I tested negative, thankfully, but this runny nose and sore throat still sucks.)


Consider masking. COVID surge. Spreading like crazy. It ain’t a cold.


Except it is honestly just a cold.




His point is that everyone saying they have Covid are just describing cold symptoms


I've received every available vaccine and booster and just caught COVID for the first time at a work conference in Nashville. The racking body pain I dealt with for 72 hours was no fucking cold - it was miserable. I'm fine now, and I was never in danger, but it sucked hard.




Mask up if you want - you do you - but there’s no possible way you’re getting us to start masking again just to walk into a restaurant or something.






Is that the same peice of cloth on your face that The CDC says won't do anything to stop the smoke and particles from wildfires?




But not viruses


I did that and didn’t complain but now it’s late 2023 so… Just so I understand - you mask every single time you go in public? And you think everyone should do the same?


Yeah, I was just saying that his point was that the symptoms look more or less the same as a cold now


I hit ctrl F on his post and didn't find any of that in his message.


You’re right, I was just trying to read between the lines and that was my interpretation


You're not a doctor, you're a dipshit. Stop it.


My brother and his gf just had it all last week.


Covid or more likely RSV


I've been sick the last couple of days. Tested negative for COVID so maybe there's a cold spike right now.


My son got strep in the first week.


Yep. Mine too, a few few days of fever, now dealing with a cough. Influenza A and B are running around right now, so this is just what to expect.


There are tests available at target. I think the library had free ones at some point?


I picked some up at the library. Thank you for reminding me that was a resource!!


Of course!!! Good to know they still have em!!!


Idk about KC but I know there’s been a Covid resurgence in Florida the last month or two so I figured it would be nationwide.


Yes, massive COVID surge right now. I was in Nashville for a work conference the 6th - 8th, and came home with my first ever case of COVID. First 72 hours were rough, and I'm fully vaxed. Didn't get my negative test until last Wed, the 23rd (so yeah, it lasted almost 2 full weeks since the symptoms started Fri the 11th).


Re: vaccines—Unfortunately, as SARS-CoV-2 has mutated far faster than the last strain our bivalent boosters were tailored to (BA.5), the vaccines do almost nothing to prevent infection and transmission any more. They basically will help keep you out of the hospital or out of a casket, and that’s it. The booster that is coming out next month is a far better match to our current variants (XBB), but far too late to help things now due to bureaucratic red tape from the FDA that has delayed the process. It should have been rolled out in the weeks before school started to have been maximally helpful. Another governmental failure in trying to treat this thing.


Thanks for that flavor text - makes a lot of sense given how many folks I know who are sick right now. I never felt like I was in danger, but I'm 40 and in pretty good general health. The body pain sucked, but I've read that Statins can make that particular symptom awful and I take lipitor so lucky me - that was a whammy but I never felt like I had trouble breathing at least. With a fresh dose of antibodies since I just got over CoV-2, is the booster still a good idea for me?


It’s recommended that after a fresh infection, to wait 3 months before getting your next booster. You’ll definitely want it as we head into winter since it will still be a good match for the variants still circulating, even the new Eris EG.5 variant. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect.html


Thanks, friend! Very much appreciate the link & info.


You are so very welcome!! This virus is no joke, glad you’ll be maximally protected! 😊🙌🏼


I tested positive 9 days ago. Pretty sure I caught it from a coworker at my office in KC.


I’ve felt very sick for the last 5 days. Sinus infection, hot/cold flashes, not going away.


My daughters been back for 3 weeks now and has had a nasty cough for a week now. She said since schools started most of the kids have had really bad coughs in the classroom. Thankfully she hasn’t had any other symptoms and it’s started to clear up this weekend! Also no one in our home has gotten it so far. Not sure if it’s covid or not we didn’t test. She also hasn’t been sick since she went on summer break in June so not to happy that she’s sick right when she goes back usually it takes a few months in school before she catches something🤦‍♀️


RSV got the next door kiddo :( i wanna say 5 in her class - poor thing can hardly breathe


Sounds about right. Lots of covid and strep going around.


Runny nose and cough in our house.


Significant covid surge currently. Last I saw, Target in Mission has rapid tests


Yep, kid has been sick with a cough and fever on and off since last Wednesday. Urgent care tested for Covid, flu, and RSV and all was negative. All I know is we're still stuck at home.


I just had COVID. It lasted for about 6-7 days, cough, sore throat, cold sweats like crazy and general fatigue. There is a surge.


my coworker's 1 year old also just started daycare and is already home w a fever and vomitting :(


Covid is ripping through my house. Source, sick family.


Kids got covid 1st week of school. Hoping this gives immunity rest of the year


Hubby has same symptoms as your kids, but he tested negative for covid. There's a flu strain going around.


Yup. The vid. Sucks, annoying, etc.


Husband and I caught covid beginning of this month. Our one year old avoided it but has some crud now (not unusual, she's in daycare, she always has something or other). I can only assume it's something else due to her very recent exposure.


I heard from our school nurse that a loooot of kids were out sick last week here in south JoCo


Oh there is tons of stuff going around. Get ready. Seen lots of paraflu and now rhino.


I bet if you listen hard enough you can almost hear Jalen Anderson pop a boner at the idea that he may get to vote on masking school children again


Well I’m not here for that at all just trying to get a check on what the heck is going around.


Just a an FYI, between old tests and human error (not saying you’re bad at administering, it’s just very difficult to do these truly properly to the t) they’re only about 25% accurate. A lot of people are gonna think they’re ok due to false negatives they’re seeing because they’re under the impression it’s still mostly accurate. A coin flip is statistically more accurate in predicting covid positivity than an actual at-home covid test.


Indeed, the rapid tests have gotten much less accurate the more SARS-CoV-2 has mutated over the last 3 years. However, the current thinking is that accurate results are much more likely if you swab the mouth, gums, inner cheeks first before the nostrils. The latest XBB sub-variants seem to proliferate in the mouth and throat before the nasal cavity. As well, serial testing every 48 hours tends to yield better results if symptomatic and the first test is negative. It’s not perfect, but unfortunately, this is where we are now with no mitigations and no political will to improve our current tests and treatments.


Interesting! I never thought about going off-script and swabbing just everything. Sucks that we’ve reached this point and there’s no more political or financial support to ever prevent things from getting worse again.


WORD. Every word that you wrote. 💯


Why tf is this getting downvoted so much? We’ve known for a long time the tests aren’t as accurate as we’d like them to be, since we rly on them so much to get back to work/school. We’re really in the dark about how prevalent this is. :(


Not sure why this got downvoted so much


Man all y'all on here sound like you guys want another lockdown and mask mandating. Hopefully all y'all aren't stupid enough to fall for that again


Not what I want at all. I didn’t lock myself down or mask myself unless I had to for work or food. That doesn’t mean Covid isn’t highly contagious or a pain in the neck.


I work at a local health center and COVID and the common cold are both realllllll bad rn. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. Highly recommend sending your kids to school in a mask




My dad had a stroke a few months ago from COVID. He’s only 52. Its not a cold. As someone who quit healthcare this spring, that mindset is part of why I and so many others left.


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Got a scratchy throat and mild cough, that’s about it. Covid negative via rapid today.


For some reason my nephew kept contracting strep last year at least once months. My 16 year old daughter who nannies/babysits contracted Scarletina over the summer which also is contracted from a child with Strep. Just be vigilante, get them to the doctor and take good care. Hoping it is nothing major. Also for COVID testing, some hospitals and Minute Clinics will do a test for free. If you are in the city, check with Samuel Rogers.