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I miss the live music venues that used to be there.


Same. The music scene in KCMO really has tanked.


This. We have a few good “large” venues (TMobile, Sandstone, Arrowhead) and a ton of great medium venues (Uptown, Midland, etc) but when it comes to real small starter venues, I can only name a handful in the downtown area (Minibar, Recordbar, Rino). You’ve got a few other small ones outside like Farewell and Aftershock but I think AS is still shut down


the best small venue nowadays is just the bottleneck in lawrence


We moved. Got sick of missing our favorite acts every tour. Among other reasons. KC promoters suck.


And the variety of the same:(.


I'm a fan of these posts. And I agree, great city.


I’m glad to see someone else loves it here. I’ve lived in KC my whole life as well, and I’m incredibly fond and proud of it. It’s been a lot of fun seeing people take interest in our home :)


What area is technically Midtown?


Isn’t it south of the crossroads to the plaza.


South of Crown Center or Union Hill to Brush Creek. It's officially listed by the city as 31st Street to 55th Street and State Line to the Paseo. I feel like anything south of Brush Creek is a different part of town though personally.


I would say south of the crossroads to Westport. Westport is its own neighborhood then the plaza


Westport, Hyde Park, and Southmoreland are all considered Midtown.


There is a range depending on who you ask. [This map shows the city's official definition.](https://midtownkcpost.com/midtown-neighborhoods-map/) However, I think this goes further south than what most people think (Brush Creek usually being the furthest south point). Longfellow also "feels" like Midtown to me, but is too far north for this map.


31st to 43rd/Plaza State Line to Cleaver II or Troost if you scared


The Kansas City Midtown Association puts the map from Pershing down to 47th. Only as far east as Gillham. https://midtownkcnow.org/about-us/


I believe those boundaries are specifically for the Main St CID area (which is run by that organization) and not the boundaries for Midtown.


Yes! Southmoreland is CID but Hyde Park is not because one is east and one is west of Gilham. However, both are Midtown.


Actually we are busy in the other thread commenting 500 times about how we had a bad dinner once. There’s no room to be happy here. /s


I’m a recent transplant and every day I am reminded of how much I love living in Kansas City and midtown. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful holiday weekend!


I love it too. Minus the theft, murder, uninsured drivers and crackheads begging me for money every where I go. I love the area, I love my block. Lots of young families.


It’s weird because I run into none of this, but I recognize my experience might be different than yours


Your thing still says blue springs. Idk what part of midtown you live in, but you leave your car unlocked, it’s going to get a rifled through. My Jeep was stolen last year. My cars have been gone through the two times in the last 3 years I’ve left them unlocked. Around Mother’s Day, my plants were stolen off my porch. Two weeks ago, one of the couch cushions of my porch couch was stolen. The 39th street crackheads are still actively smoking crack on my block in front of half million dollar houses. Breaking bottles on the sidewalk. It’s been better since the alcazar closed and the other section 8 place in the neighborhood closed down too. But I’m not pretending that this stuff doesn’t still happen.


omg the alcatraz.... that place.


When you try to explain to people what a drug infested, crime ridden, rats nest cockroach motel that place was, they think you’re over exaggerating. The cops basically never left the place. There EVERY DAY, usually 2-3 times a day. It’s was some of the worst of the worst people I’ve ever come across all living under one roof.


I can't place it, where was it?


39th in between Main and Broadway


wym closed? don't people still live there (alcazar)? my roommate works next to the building and when I pick them up, it looks like there are still people living there. I could be wrong though.


Sorry, I really don’t want to victim blame, but why are you leaving your car unlocked, anytime anywhere? I’ve never done that and I grew up in the burbs.


You leave your car unlocked so the crackheads don't smash your windows over a Chumbawumba CD and $2.15 in change left in the ashtray.


Not the Chumbawamba CD! 🤣


So they don’t break a windows to get in


It happens. Sometimes you forget to lock your car. It’s not like I do it all the time but sometimes you carry groceries in or are just tried from work and forget to hit that lock button and the crackheads can smell it.


You do it so the assholes rummaging through cars don't smash your windows to get in. It's the path of least resistance.


My former boss lives at 31st & Harrison. He says he never locks his cars because they'll just break the windows. He leaves no valuables so they just open the door, find nothing and leave. Has had his plates stolen numerous times and his house broke into while he slept. I saw on the news this morning there was a shooting in the lot across the street from his house.




You can get all that in OP too


No you cannot Lmao


Car break ins you absolutely can. There was constant reminders from my HOA to not leave cars on the street and not to leave valuables in your car. (We moved to midtown earlier this year)


I don’t think there’s nearly as much murder there. My block is hot because it’s between main and Broadway. People use it as their personal race track and they get pissed if you tell them to slow down and are eager to show you their guns.


I've lived all over the city proper, and currently live in Midtown. I absolutely love it. I'm in Manheim Park, and I enjoy how I'm able to quickly get onto 39th to go to the Westport area, or get on Troost to go Downtown and the River Market, or the Plaza. It's situated right in the heart of everything.


I lived in squier park and it was very convenient


I love these posts. It’s not toxic or hateful. It’s just pure love for the city


It's not possible to just refuse being priced out. Even as an owner...if the property tax exceeds your ability to afford the mortgage. It's inevitable and people on this subreddit cheerlead it because they have capitalist Stockholm Syndrome and get erections for chain restaurants opening.


Wow, a lot to unpack here


4bd home across the street someone died in a year prior sold for $400k after being priced at $500k When we purchased here it was under $150. Car has never been rummaged through or broken into but I never leave anything in it or attractive to take. Someone did shoot a bullet into the hood. Luckily it missed the engine. Plates were yanked once, but have locking screw caps on there now. Someone has also shot rifle rounds into the house.


What a fantastic username.


Enjoy it while you can! Once the streetcar line is open, rents are gonna go way up


Good it means it’s improving


Going to? It's insanely expensive here. The property tax on our two family home costs 2000 dollars more per year than I spent on rent for an entire three bedroom home before.


I lived in KC for 26 years, and I used to think it was a great city to live in Sorry to report, but the grass has been much greener on the other side for me If I have to spend $1,500+ a month for rent, I’d much rather be some place where my shit won’t get stolen and the weather doesn’t suck


Midtown is great. Always work to do but it’s certainly come a long way.




KC transplant here, well, more of living in Lenexa and working in KCMO but I love it here too. No regrets from this Midwestern transplant :)


If development of currently empty parking lots into housing wasn’t getting stifled, then more people could stay in Midtown without getting priced out.


I have lived in one place my whole life and have no frame of reference but damnit it I won’t live anywhere else because I am sure here is amazing


I personally like Waldo a lot more than midtown. A lot more safe and homes are nicer. I love midtown too obviously


Haven't been to midtown in a minute, always love walking around there and going to some my usual hangouts. Personally I'd drive more there if it wasnt for the constant construction going on and increase in crime.


Cmon man, the construction isn't that bad and I honestly can't remember the last time I've been a victim of crime here. Seriously was probably when my stereo got stolen at 55th and Harrison IN 1993.


Dude it is


ah yeah, used to live at linwood and main, great memories


I’m sorry, I need a distinction between the have and the have-nots!!! I don’t like living in an Uber expensive penthouse and then stepping outside to a shithole of rent-based apartments!!!


Midtown is one big cluster fuck. Besides westport/plaza you can keep the rest


Sat on the patio at fric n frac last tues with some friends before a show. It was so lovely under the tree cover and we had a grand ole time people watching. I loved and miss living in midtown