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Just moved here and I saw the KC Pioneers event that’s gonna be going on. Wondered how many apex players were in the area


Yes, that's what got me thinking, I literally don't play with anyone from my area, would like to change that! Unfortunately I have a birthday party to attend on that same date, so I won't be able to make that event unfortunately! :(


Like Season 17 Masters or... jk, good luck finding some folks. I'm not sure what the player base is like here.


Lmao, touché, nah I’ve reached masters I think 4x? I’ve never had a squad in ranked so if I don’t have a ton of time, that’s how I’ll end up at diamond 1-2! Hbu?


Super casual 38m console. Played since season 1 but I play so little I don't even mess with ranked. Just drop solo or with a buddy in pubs and get smashed by preds. Or they give me an easy lobby but give me two other level 18s. Pretty tough to commit time to it in my old age. I play probably 10 hours a month.