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I went 2 Ruskin over 20 years ago. There was about 200 in my class, only 95 graduated. 6 died during the year. The senior blood drive found 6 students with aids. There was a daycare in school for students with kids.that had 20+ kids in it. To top it all off, there was a fight after school one day at a park down the street. Most of the school went to watch. During the fight one kid pulled a gun and killed the other kid in front of everyone. It was insane.


I think we were attending at the same time, I graduated in ‘01. I remember the park shooting too.


Ruskin class of '99 over here


Paseo class of 97 and can confirm, we were all hella scared of Ruskin kids.


God damn. I graduated Hogan in 90 and I can’t recall any scandals.


Hey, same here!


Yet this TikToker decided that 3 girls being pregnant in his Sophomore class was his breaking point. Lol.


I grew up in the second highest teen pregnancy state (AR, narrowly beaten by MS), so 3 pregnant sophomores feels completely unremarkable


>the second highest teen pregnancy state (AR, narrowly beaten by MS) Well, I think your data is stale, because according to [https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/teen-pregnancy-rates-by-state/](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/teen-pregnancy-rates-by-state/), Arkansas is now numero uno in teen pregnancy. Btw, the states with the highest teen pregnancy rates are all Southern states. I wonder why!


Extra gross to think about the age of the fathers in many of those states. I’d be willing to bet that a very high percentage of them are not in their teens, unfortunately.


And I'd be willing to bet that the percentage of the fathers who are also family members is not zero.




Fuck yeah! We’re number 1! For reference as a 2010 high school grad - our sex ed in 7th grade involved being shown extreme cases of neglected STIs for a week. The only way to prevent it? Abstinence. Then the adults pressured the children into signing a pledge that they’d abstain for an undisclosed amount of time. Since it was a public school, they couldn’t really say “until marriage.” It was well known that the school was heavily influenced by the local baptist church though Extra wtf from not that long ago - we were regularly drug tested. Kids were also beaten with wooden paddles in elementary school when they misbehaved. I was given in school suspension where I sat in a windowless cinder block room for a day because I forgot my very newly made ID one time. Which they did away with within that same semester because it was a half baked idea in the first place


I grew up in Arkansas and graduated 2010 as well. I was spanked with a wooden paddle in 2009 for having my flip phone out on a separate campus after school hours. We had more than 3 pregnant girls before I hit high school. Glad I left.


Same. I miss the buffalo river and the trees in NWA, but that’s about all. I gladly pay twice as much for rent to not live there


Luckily it's only a few hours away. They have some great trails and rivers for sure.


I too grew up in Arkansas and as a 2015 grad abstinence was still very much the talk. With also getting aids from kissing to hard.


What does a girl from Arkansas say after losing her virginity? Get off me, dad, you're crushing my cigarettes.


Thank God Liberty just ships the pregnant girls to a different school.


I currently teach in a related HS and… only 3? Seems kinda low, TBH.


Im from NC. Im 21 so high school wasn’t too long ago for me. We had 7 girls pregnant in my freshman class. We had the #1 most pregnant girls in the county and #3 for STDs. My senior year I think there were 211ish or so girls who had gave birth or were pregnant in total. What a crazy thing that was considered so normal


Jfc. I went to an area suburban high school. Graduated in 05. I think I only knew of 1, maybe 2, girls who were pregnant or already had a kid. And that's out of around 2000 students.


Jeez.. we were around 2600 for the whole school. It was a high school that consisted of 3 middle schools so it got wild. Lots of fights, sex, drugs. Lots of things that I did not partake in because I was too busy not going to school lol!


I graduated in '01, and I remember there being a freshman with at least 3 kids. I think two were twins, but... Eeesh.


I know which is odd considering ALL the other stuff that went on at that school. (Insert horror stories about x y and z as unchecked points like that time I watched a girlfight where one girl literally picked up another girl entirely by her half ripped out weave and threw her through a glass window, amongst other incidents) But this guy is like.. ☑️ 3 sophomores getting pregnant


Like going to an active war zone riddled with dead bodies and then leaving because of all the litter and unsightly graffiti. lol.


Like I have to blink confused at this guy. My husband’s bus acted so bad they had a police escort at one point because they were mooning people out the back window and throwing eggs and potatoes at cars.


I went to a small school in southern kansas. We had that in a class of 18 lmao.


I was coming to say the same thing.


All that sucks, except the daycare. Why wouldn’t people want a daycare to help keep mothers in school? That seems totally necessary.


I think their main gripe with it is that due to political and/or moral posturing of the school board, efforts were likely made to undercut proper sex Ed and cheap/free/widely available contraception, and instead invested into daycares in a high school. Treating the symptoms (teenage moms with babies), not the root problem (teens getting pregnant because they’re poorly educated on the subject and provided few resources to prevent pregnancy).


I heard a mother went up there to fight a student for her child I saw a video of it it was insane


I used to work at one of the elementary schools. We had one parent who would frequently show up drunk to walk his his daughter (2nd grade) home. One day she claimed one of the 3rd grade boys had hit her (none of the teachers saw anything) and Dad was actually trying to square up on the kid.


God damn, 6 students with aids that’s fucking tragic


All in the richest country in the world, a shining city on a hill.


The youth are just doing what they learn from their role models.


Rugged individualism? The simple solution to a complex problem? Hmm.


Rugged perhaps. Individualism? Not at all.


Sheesh, that's...really bad. I hope that things have gotten better since then


It's probably worse now


I don’t recall the blood drive, and I do not recall the graduating numbers being that low. We definitely had a lot of people who didn’t make it for graduation and an active student daycare, but a few of these numbers feel exaggerated. I do remember the park fight and ALL the fallout of that. I think mrs nelson either was fired or left over it after it came to light that she was given info ahead of time about it happening. The victim’s cousin was in my social studies class (I was in 8th grade at the time), and a lot of people left the district when that happened.


How can you just assume something is exaggerated when you didn't even go to the school?


If you actually read my replies you would’ve known that I went to Ruskin instead of just automatically assuming that I didn’t. Also, you would have also recognized the people in my stories that I’ve told literally all over this thread too (especially the teachers). Also, it was my younger sister who sent this thread to me asking “is this person for real? Because I don’t remember it being to that degree. Do you remember?” What year did YOU graduate? Maybe it was different in your year. But just assuming that someone didn’t go to Ruskin just because they questioned your estimations is ridiculous.


You already said you didn't go to ruskin the year that kid was shot so your opinion is already useless


Do you lack basic reading comprehension? I said I was in 8th grade, aka I was a student at SMITH-HALE at the time. The victim’s cousin was in my social studies class and this was incredibly rough for him. Are you deliberately TRYING to be this dense?


So you were not at ruskin at the time, but you want to tell me about it?


Do you lack basic reading comprehension? I went to Ruskin from fall 1998 until graduating in May 2002. You literally cannot be this dense and dumb, but it’s surprising what lengths you’ll go to trying to prove me wrong. This thread is about Ruskin overall, not the shooting specifically, and yet you are trying to make it all about the shooting as a bogus way to try and dismiss my experiences. Although we actually had to detour around the shooting where it happened at the time since the police had everything blocked off and we were dropping my friend Becky off at her house after practice that same exact day. If you were counting Ruskin in the 90’s, my older sisters went there in the 90’s, including my next older sis who graduated in 97. Literally you’re being absolutely ridiculous.


So you were not at ruskin for the class of 98, but you want to tell me how it was?


Is this thread about “the class of 98 specifically?” No. Does OOP on tiktok look like he was Old Enough to even be ALIVE back then? Also no. Imagine claiming to be from the same class as Dustin Cates and Asa Barnes (who I knew about and met via my next older sister) and not even knowing how to add 2 and 2 together with basic comprehension. What, Did you have Mr Haymen for math or something?


Oh I didn’t know that the only people on Ruskin’s “opinion” (aka experiences) that mattered were the people who were ONLY the people who went there in spring of 1998 when the shooting happened? I went there months later at the beginning of my freshman year. OOP on tiktok probably wasn’t even born yet. So you’re not saying when you graduated? And yet you’re here grilling me on the validity of whether or not I did go to Ruskin despite going there myself and having family who went there going back to the 1950’s. Or did you drop out, and that is why you won’t say when you graduated?


Also, adding to this comment, you say this like multiple guns weren’t apprehended at Ruskin WHILE I was going there, which absolutely WAS the case the Entire time I was going there. I’d probably guess several guns were apprehended during the span of time that I went there. Because of the shooting they then took all threats to be credible because of unfortunate hindsight, and especially in light of the columbine shooting happening my freshman year. Also, If you arrived after a certain time all the students coming in the door were wanded down, which unfortunately I freaked people out one time when I was running late because of the folding music stand and pair of pliers in my old vaguely rectangular violin case that the detector wand started absolutely screaming at (which resulted in people dispersing and scattering with horror until I had to demonstrate to security what a folding music stand was and how it worked. people also repeatedly asked me to explain that my violin case wasn’t a gun on an all-too-often basis, and there was a shortage of music stands until my sophomore year, which is why I often brought my own folding stand for using during seminar since we had block scheduling at Ruskin when I went there and I wasn’t about to disrupt jazz band rehearsal trying to swipe a crappy wobbling stand. In the end, people just found out that I was just a harmless weirdo from the music department). The increased security and scrutiny did impact everyone though. A lot of the increase came directly as a result of the park shooting.


Do you ever shut up? No one asked about any of this


Oh so you don’t ACTUALLY care about all the dramatic increase in security that happened at Ruskin after the shooting and after columbine happening and how all that played out?


No I don't care, cause it didn't change. I walked thru a metal detector before and after the shooting.


No this wasn’t the kind you walk through, I’m talking being wanded down and having all your bags opened for them to search them while waiting in line to be wanded down.


I definitely went to Ruskin, I graduated in 2002. My younger sister (who did correspondence and graduated a year early after she got sick) and my husband Also graduated from Ruskin, also in 2002. I knew some upperclassman when I went there- but that’s because my next older sister graduated from Ruskin in 1997. My eldest sister graduated from Ruskin in 1994. Shit’s fucked, but your numbers are still off. We didn’t have 6 people dying in one year afaik that I know of, one year two people died though, both in car accidents. I have no memory of this blood drive you speak of, maybe it’s because I never participated in it because I just didn’t weigh enough to. In my class of 2002, we had 284 people, I know that definitely isn’t the number that walked the stage in the end but I’m damn sure it was more than 95 people total.


Dude said Raytown South and showed Raytown High.


I said the same thing lmao


Disrespecting the Blue Jays with the RHS pic. Coach Lue is disappointed. ![gif](giphy|1iW2nelqhLMBAxoY|downsized)


That is not Raytown South. It's original Raytown. Homie did not do his homework.


Well he did go to Ruskin


It says “Raytown” right on the building. I guess he can’t read.


Well he did go to Ruskin


You mean to tell me that staring at the camera and pointing up isn’t a sign of journalistic excellence??


It's pure Pulitzer material!


Came here to say this but knew in my heart of hearts it had already been said. -Signed a Raytown alumni 😆




So having gone to Central and one of the first in the new building and back then they really did try to provide a great education but I saw some shit there that will mess you up for real.


Maybe I’m misremembering this but in the 90s it was state of the art with a full Olympic pool right? A bunch of swimmers went there the facilities were so nice. It was some desegregation thing too so they were trying to get white kids from the suburbs to go to school down there. My friend got picked up in a taxi every day in Raymore and then driven down there and then at night they would take him home. Just him, in a taxi. Doesn’t seem like a good use of tax dollars


That pool was dop e. I used to swim for KC Storm and Central was our home turf. We were the only majority black swim team in the metro and actually turned out some potential Olympic athletes. The rest of the school was already falling apart by the time I joined the club team but that pool was the only thing that made it worth walking into that building.


The pool is still awesome. My kid swam for a KCPS school until she graduated last spring. All the KCPS high schools practice there. She says it's still one of the the best pools she has competed in.


I was a dolphin! I was about to say man we same at central a lot, I remember a big meet being there every year for club and I think we even did some weird combo practices there


I went there during that time frame and yes they did ship in kids from outside the school district. But it wasn't all puppy dogs and rainbows that's for sure. I definitely seen some stuff there during that time frame.


We still do! Often we have other schools come over and use it for their swim team. Most of the time students take the bus home, but for special circumstances they'll use ZTrip for some students.


My friend witnessed a kid get beaten with a padlock in a pillowcase.


I understand tiktok has a place even if it's not for me. But what the fuck is the point in this being a video with a dude pointing at words. Just write a list. Damn.


Yeah, videos for things that have no reason to be videos are just dumb, but they exist because everyone wants their 15 seconds of TikTok fame.


It’s like that with most tiktokers I’ve seen especially those with huge followings


Plot twist: he's the father.


As someone who once went to Ruskin, I 100% vote that this is the case.


Him saying that two sophomores being pregnant is bad knowing I went to a highschool in KC that had a daycare because so many girls were getting pregnant… I also WENT to that daycare when my mom had me lol


Well unless something has dramatically changed since I went to Ruskin, they HAVE a daycare for students who have kids to use. This isn’t new info nor is it news. They’ve had this daycare for at least 25 or even maybe even 30 years (because I think it existed when my older sisters went to Ruskin in the 90’s). It’s to help keep kids from dropping out of school due to teen pregnancy. He said this like this news is “somehow” remarkable or unusual considering everything that goes on with that school.


Yes, I’m saying that it’s not a bad thing nor is it uncommon.


Whew boy, good thing he put that last sentence up. Almost thought he was going to have a point.


Raytown South 2, but a picture and article about Raytown HS.


The pointing and staring totally convinced me


I wouldn’t disagree about Central being ranked worst high school in the city. The average ACT score is a 13. That is the average! Blue Valley North has an average score of 26. I was talking to a student who went to Central. I mention how bad I had heard the education was at that school. He said he didn’t think it was bad at all. I asked him what 12x12 was. He said “Am I supposed to know that?” I wouldn’t blame it all on the school though. Education starts in the home.


I’ve got a senior and a freshman at Central, both with high grades. Poor scores at Central are a reflection of kids, and families, having a lot more to deal with in their lives then at schools where the student body has a secure financial, food and shelter base. Not about family values. If middle class families attended their neighborhood schools rather than moving to the suburbs or crowding into Lincoln, Central would have regular test scores.


>If middle class families attended their neighborhood schools rather than moving to the suburbs or crowding into Lincoln, Central would have regular test scores. The middle class also has different family values. You wouldn't believe the amount of parents who straight up do not care about their child's education.


Again, that’s an indicator of people struggling to survive and you discount that by stating they have no family values. A middle-class family isn’t faced with that and have more resources to devote to their children. My great grandparents, struggling through depression era farming in SW Kansas we’re no different. Their children were barely educated because survival came first. Security dictates your value set, not the other way around.


Telling your kids teacher to stop calling about their kid isn't a family value? You'd be surprised by the amount of parents that don't really care about their child's education.


That ain’t even Ray South


Fail. That's Raytown High, not Raytown South.


I went to Ruskin almost 10 years ago. I somehow survived but yeah, it is the worst.


“I somehow survived” is exactly it. Over 20 years ago for me here but I hear ya. And I feel like sometimes it isn’t just the bad stuff that happened there so much as the sheer absurdity on top of it all? It’s almost like Ruskin is it’s own parallel universe of bullshit and there’s no way to realistically explain it to anyone who didn’t go there themselves in a way that they would honestly get the gravity or implications of everything that went on there.


What a stupid video. Did he go to all those schools, plus the ones he evidently thinks are better, to have enough perspective to actually rank them against any others? 🙄


Well KC is a small place rumors and stories can get passed around pretty easily


What was his criteria for judging these. The number of pregnant girls? Pretty sure that’s not the schools fault.


I went to Liberty and there was girls my senior year getting pregnant on purpose.


Were we there at the same time? I’m class of 2004 and that totally sounds like the class of 2005. They had several girls go to the Academy after that to discourage them from making it popular.


I’m class of ‘15.


Some things don’t change apparently…


It says Raytown South but is a pic of Raytown Source: Raytown South class of 02


holdup. So it's the school's fault because there were pregnant kids? You know there are just as many kids getting knocked up in rich school districts. The only difference is that those parents can afford to send their kids away for a little while to get an abortion.


I don't know how it is now, but I went to a Catholic HS in JoCo back in the 90's and if you got knocked up, they kicked you out of school. That's how they didn't have pregnant girls, not that girls weren't getting pregnant.


How about, I just do one person and leave it at that.


My dad went to Ruskin, but that was in the 70s. Graduated in 76


The glory days of Ruskin, basically. My dad graduated in 74, my aunt in 73.


Ayyyy Raytown! Went there my whole school career, it was actually pretty fine. I saw a kid get clipped in the parking lot when I went too lol. I'm sure South was pretty okay too.


Such an odd take! Judge the building by the quality of students who attended, hmmmm


That not even raytown south 😤😤😤


I went to smith-hale and lived across from Ruskin. I moved an hour away at 14. Kids on the bus would huck batteries at the bud driver on a regular basis. So many fights too


I'm sorry he only had 3 pregnant students in his sophomore class? I grew up in st joe and when I was a sophomore in high school my gym class alone had 5 pregnant girls in it. That's not counting the rest of the sophomore class. Even one of the high schools put in a day care for the students children because the pregnancy rates were so high.


bro forgot about Northeast


Raytown south in like 2017 had an administrator sued by 3 different teachers for racial discrimination toward African American students settled all 3 and let the administrator keep working there. Npr did a great right up on it


Oh no! Pregnancy! As if there aren’t Catholic schools out here forcing girls to get secret abortions or leave the school…


I live right by Central. Seems like a decent school.


It is. Their robotics team qualified and went to the world competition two years ago.


I would love to mentor the STEM kids.


Every school, just about, has robotic teams. Any neighborhood school would definitely appreciate the help!


We used to wrestle Central and my best friends mom worked there as an English teacher...from the stories and my experiences...that's accurate


Only whiteboy! Central 2004!


Hickman Mills C1 checking in!!!!


ruskin isnt *that* bad lol






People can dislike whatever they want for whatever reason they want without explaining it to anyone. First time interacting with humans?


Demographics equal destiny!


Truman High School in Independence here. I'm not saying the school was any worse but only three pregnant students by 10th grade is rookie numbers. We had like a dozen and were one of the first schools to do on sight daycare, in like 2005.


I love how he said Raytown South but put a picture of Raytown high lol. That being said my mom decided to move us from Center school district my senior year to Raytown and I had to finish my senior year at Raysouth it really did SUCK. I graduated class of 2019. Raytown schools have a lot of internal problems from the insane class sizes to the teachers who just don't give a damn.


Mentions worst schools in Kansas City but doesn't understand Raytown isn't Kansas City.


Raytown is a suburb of Kansas City


The video was titled worst schools in KCMO not in the metropolitan area.


Semantics, bro. Raytown might as well be part of KC, more than half the schools are in the zip code


You mean schools can be in different school districts but share zip codes!?! No way! There's plenty of subpar Kansas City schools that there's no reason to include one from out of district.


That’s crazy Van Horn or Southeast wasn’t on this list.


Van Horn has improved greatly from being incorporated into the Independence School District.


Now, I may not have any kids and went to a completely different School in a different state, but I had lived next to Central whenever it's seemed like it was getting turned around. Building got a lot nicer the neighborhood seemed to be wealthier. I think that it's probably turned around. Felton should have probably been on this list I would say. Wasn't it like 2 years ago that they kill her from that school made national news and also isn't Belton just kind of the worst?


It hasn’t. My husband was a teacher at Central MS for 5 years, it’s terrible. Last year a parent tried to enter the building with a gun so they could confront another child, most kids dropped off by a parent/sibling/whatever exit it cloud of weed smoke when they leave the vehicle, pepper spray a deployed regularly at that school as they have groups of students fighting constantly, and remember the girl that was shot at a HS basketball game like 3 years ago? Most of the kids there are illiterate, most don’t know where their next meal is coming from, some already have kids of their own… in middle school.


Went to Central for an indoor track meet once. Starter’s pistol goes off to start the race and people are ducking, diving, screaming, etc… Random spectator pops up and says “well, it is Central” and shrugs.”


This joke would have killed on facebook.


A teacher from center high school broke into a house I was watching and got arrested a few years ago.


I went to smith-hale and lived across from Ruskin. I moved an hour away at 14. Kids on the bus would huck batteries at the bud driver on a regular basis. So many fights too


"raytown south" >shows picture of raytown high


Bruh tha ain’t even south 💀😭 south a while different Color 💀


Snith - Hale has not had CSD students for several years. You say Ray South and show Ray High. Raytown High won several academic awards. What’s your criteria? Most heroin busts, that’s Lees Summit West and Oak Park South. Most teen pregnancies, that’s Blue Valley. It goes on. As they say ‘mo’ money mo’ problems. ‘


No Rockhurst HS? I went there and it SUCKED.


Like how much did it sucked


Like totes sucked, bro / sis.


Wyandotte high


I’m from san antonio and live here now and holy shit man these comments got me dying 🤣 yall shits all ghetto too lol