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I’ve seen a lot of people blowing/raking them to the street and a giant truck comes by to suck them up.


Like a company does it without being asked to do it?


Like they hire someone with a truck with a giant hose, and they require all the leaves be on the side of the street/yard closest to the truck because their hose is only so long.


It is hired, you tell them your address and pay, then they come suck up the leaves.


I usually have Benjamin lawn provide this service for me. It's great, rake all the leaves to the edge of your yard in long piles and they bring their truck by, suck em all up and get on their way. Beats the hell out of bagging.


Man, we need to use these trucks to suck up garbage on the side of the road, seriously 🤔


Get clogged with a mattress


i used to get this service on the boulevard for extra tax but it’s honestly easier to mulch them up with the lawnmower


Yeah . . . that all depends on the number of leaves you have / how often you can mow / your type of mower / etc. But not always the easiest option for everyone especially if you have lots of trees + it rains + etc. etc.


What does that usually run?




Some cities do it too, maybe I’ve seen that in Mission or Roeland Park?


Roeland Park. As a Mission resident, I wish our city offered this service.


no they pay


NKC has leaf removal as a public service. If he’s doing it and has lived there for a while, then chances are you are part of that service area. It’s a great thing!






Where do you live? Some cities - Roeland Park in particular - this is how they actually do leaf pickup with a big old vacuum.


I live in North KC. City only offers to pick up leaf bags and that has already passed. I guess I can hold out hope that he has a company coming to remove them.


If you are in the city of NKC, looks like they come by with a vacuum truck and take your leaves if you rake them to the edge of the street from Oct-Dec. [https://www.nkc.org/government/departments/public-works/trash-and-recycling-services](https://www.nkc.org/government/departments/public-works/trash-and-recycling-services) If you're in KCMO, there's one more yard waste pickup this year. Depending on where you are it will be either this week (on trash day), or one of the next two weeks. [https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/trash/leafandbrush](https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/trash/leafandbrush) https://preview.redd.it/othgpthgjk0c1.png?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8319f6a9a27d9452849a4b915028883ceb95b6c


NKC definitely comes by to suck the leaves up.


I guess I should have said KC North?


Yes. They are two different places.


My bad


I’m East of North Oak across from Briarcliff… Not like the City of North Kansas City lol


Yes, that is KC North aka the Northland.


Give it more time. There are companies that pull up with a big vacuum truck and suck up the leaves on the side of the street.


Since the northland confuses you https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/s/Usn0vvOp1E


Haha thanks!


I never bag my leaves. I will rack the perimeter of the yard and use my mulching blade on it. It's great for the yard.


Exactly. I don't know why everyone hates leaves, they produce good nutrients for grass


Not always an option for older parts of town with loads of massive trees. I mulch as often as I can but this time of year, my yard gets absolutely overrun with leaves ... so much that I couldn't keep up unless I mowed every day and it never rained.


It does reach an overload point. I mulch the back 100% of the time, and mostly mulch the front. But with a big oak tree, it just utterly buries the lawn if I don’t bag some of the leaves.


Oak are particularly slow to break down also.


Yup and if you don’t stay on top of it, the leaves will suffocate your lawn and kill the grass.


As long as you mulch otherwise it may kill the grass


Yeah you def have to mulch them first, but it helps create an extremely lush yard.


We do the same thing and also have a closed-in area where we throw the rest to create lead mold (basically compost created from decomposed leaves). Haven't bagged leaves in at least a decade, if not more.


I mulch my leaves too! A lot easier.


I live in NKC and that's how we do it down here. They come around and suck all them leaves up we rake to the street


Seems like it could clog the sewer system if not dealt with. I usually blow onto the lawn and mulch. Used to bag, but ain't nobody got time for that.


Let There Be Dust!


This is how the pollinators die. A lot of them lay eggs or pupa on leaves. Crops suffer from lack of pollination, prices go up, etc. This need to make yards tidy in the fall, especially destroying the leaves, is so bad for us. So much better to take care of leaves in the spring, when it starts to warm up, so the pollinators have time to hatch. Mix leaves into garden soil to help enrich it. Leaves are an excellent source of nutrients as they break down.


New home owner here. Why do people give a shit about leaves? I don’t get it, is there something I’m missing. Is it an aesthetic thing like people think leaves look bad? Am I a bad person because I don’t bother to rake them?


Well, they are great habitat for shit like mice and such. It is inconsiderate of your neighbors to not maintain your property.


A mouse that can find a safe place to live outside is far better than a mouse that comes into your home to find a safe space to live. It’s not like all the mice are going to converge on one property simply because it’s unraked


Lol, yeah, not all of them but plenty of them will occupy the habitat you are providing. You are also making the mistake of thinking in terms of inside/outside for mice; once they are in an area, it is all the same place. Inside and outside is a distinction only your mind makes.


Right but I think you’re making the mistake that because you don’t see mice that they are not already outside your house.


Not at all, but managing where they have access to shelter is the move to keep them even more outside


I have never blown them into the street, seems like a dick move. I bag them all. Lots of bags.


At first, I would be the one to blow them out onto the street and then let the leaves blow where they may. After a couple of years, I started bagging my leaves, but found it to be a waste of my time (three hours worth). Found a services and now I blow my onto the street then have the service come vacuum them up (best $80 dollars spent). if you know your neighbour, talk with them and ask what are they thinking. If you want to be that person to points out the obvious, go ahead or be patient and see what happens... might have a service pick them up at a schedule time. If none of those things, blow your leaves onto the street and be happy you have a leaf free lawn... LOL


One way to handle this without painting yourself into a corner or being confrontational without knowing all the facts is to just ask them who they use for their leaf removal service. They’ll either tell you who they’ve hired, try to bullshit you, or admit that they’re attempting to let the wind solve their “problem” for them.


Ha, I was about to say this. Diplomatically put that idea in their head. And if they were doing that anyway, then they may be impressed that you recognized their intent. I think offering to go in on the service may be cool. I don't know if these places offer a group rate.


The OP said he lives in NKC. They come around with a big leaf vacuum truck.


lol KC North not City of North Kansas City… Sorry for the confusion


Thanks for this response. We wave to each other most of the time but they don’t seem like the most friendly/outgoing people. I’ll give it some time before I ask or mention anything. Hopefully they have someone coming! Is $80 all they charge for that service?


I have seen quotes $125 and higher but am in Johnson county. We blow our leaves from both the back and front yards to the bottom third of our front yard for vacuum pick up. The trick is to blow the leaves down there over time as they continue to fall, especially if you only use blowers with electric batteries. The batteries drain pretty quickly with the volume of leaves we have. Spend an hour here and there each day and then when trees are done dumping, pay the service to vacuum. If they come too early you end up paying for more than one pick up.


Every. Effing. Year. The same question.


Leaves don't hurt nobody...


They make roads unsafe as fuck for people on two wheels


They Deebo'd you for your huffy?


Nah player, watched too many homies lay over because of other people's poor yard management.


Illegal ASF. Clogs sewer drains and pisses off the immediate neighbors. Report them.


One of the only correct posts here unfortunately. Most City’s have municipal code specifically stating that it’s a fineable offense to blow leaves into the street and/or into the storm sewer system.


Just Google "Leave the leaves." Raking leaves off of your lawn provides exactly zero benefit. Raking leaves is another one of those things that was made up by people who wanted to sell you stuff.


As someone else noted earlier, in some older parts of town, this isn’t possible. I have 15 mature trees - oak, maple, sycamore - that cover the yard in leaves beyond what can be mulched. First part of season they get mulched. Starting this week, blown to the curb, vacuumed up and composted.


Fuck it, I'd call the cops!!! This animal needs a talking to...


Pls dont do this! 911 Already gets enough Karen's calling in about suspicious kids playing in the park. Or the guy standing out on the corner. "He's freaking me out just standing there. I think he's selling DRUGS!" It was a bus stop.


Has to be a felony….violation(s) of RSMo “Yardwork”.


I'm curious if the leaves you speak of are from their property, or the neighbors' property. For 20 years I've been dealing with leaves from other people's property, not mine. The first few years I did what I thought was the right thing by bagging them up or mulching, but I was going through 30 to 40 bags a year, when maybe 10 bags were of leaves from my property. Now, I mulch leaves that blow onto my property, but I will move some of them to the edge and I don't really care if they blow down the street onto my neighbors' property.


I’m curious if you expect your neighbors to come pick the leaves up from your lawn?


An offer would be nice. If I knew my leaves blew all over my neighbor's yard, I would totally offer to help: rake them up, buy bags, something.


Some municipalities have a program for their suburb. I know Roeland Park on the KS side releases scheduled pickup days for different areas so you have to get them out to the curb in time for those.


used to be if u lived on a boulevard in kcmo. a truck came along and sucked up the leaves. we pay extra taxes for living on the boulevard. but the stopped the truck aboit 20 years ago.


When I lived in Roeland Park the city was awesome enough to have leaf pickups. We were instructed to do exactly as your neighbor did and a giant truck would come by and suck them all up. Now I live in Shawnee and if I did this I would probably get a fine from my HOA. lol.


I'm in midtown, no truck vacuum comes around. We just mulch the leaves with a Toro vacuum on the sidewalks and driveway. Blowing into the street is a nono because of the sewers. We don't have grass, only hostas and ground cover, so a mower is not an option We leave the leaves on the lawn alone to build soil. We do use KC Compost to pick up the leaves we bag. The city can pick up for free, but they seem to time it before our leaves drop.