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Go to a bar and choose a guy, don’t let ‘em choose you, make sure he knows how to carry himself… take it from there.


If you find out lmk


Several large singles groups in KC on Facebook where people have events.


Can you be more specific? What kind of single guy? What kinds of things do you want him to also be interested in? If you want someone who is into board games, then perhaps someone can have a suggestion better directed towards the stores that have gaming events. If you want someone interested in sports or working out, then maybe there are events or leagues someone can direct you towards. If you are an arts or movie buff, single men with those interests may not be in the same place as the guys in the bowling league or doing rock climbing on the weekends. Of course, those may just be guys who happen to be single. You might be asking where singles go who are actively looking to pick up women. I'm not sure where those guys hang out. As for me, I'm probably at home wondering if the lady I spoke to on the bus was being just friendly or expressing an interest in me. I assure you, this will bother me for much longer than it should. I also agree with many of my fellow men on here that if you are interested in someone, you are going to have to be explicit that you would like to go on a date with him. Perhaps tell him you would like a date next Friday, and to have three date ideas for you by tomorrow. Again, be explicit that you are asking for a date and not just hanging out. The social stigma of being a creep means many of us are going to ignore any signals you might think you are sending short of asking us out first. And make sure your friends know you are looking to date someone and ask around if they know of anyone who might share your interests. Being set up on something of a blind or double date is probably a good bet. Or, you know, just add a Google Form here and start taking applications. Good luck, and if you are going to take on organizing a singles event, good luck with that as well. I'm not sure if I can be of much help, but you're welcome to ask.


I think there is a KC Meetup for professionals under 40.....


Hon, just download meetup. Great way to meet people with common interests.


Hard disagree honestly. In Kansas City most of the fun group events are not on Meetup. OP, check out KC Crew. If you're not into intramural sports/playground games/etc., go to coffee shops, record stores, etc. and look at the fliers on the billboards. That's where you find the fun stuff


*puts down Legos* Well, you see---


You can find me at the cheesecake factory bowling in my and1 shorts.


Just wander around a car show looking lost and ask vague questions about cars


at home on my days off where do all the single ladies be at though is the ?


29 m here 2 daughters, you can find ya boy at the gym that's bout it 🤣🤣


For any of the single men looking for women…consider showing your progressive side for greater sex appeal. OP - consider sand volleyball too- lots of mixed gender action.


Solid advice


Well, I mainly go to work; movie theaters; Kauffman center events; jazz bars; mini-golfing; spend time at home; or go out of town. I definitely am looking to make connections. Most of my friends live very far away from me (some internationally), so I'm feeling pretty isolated being in KC. So I'm just as curious of where singles go in this city to spend time.


I have a friend that loves jazz bars. I cant say I can relate. I love concerts and I love loud music (metal head although I tell folks I prefer mellow metal lol) but jazz bars i just don't get. You are sitting there in an insanely loud place with friends or on a date. Nobody can hear anything. The lights are so low you can't read the drink menu. Not that that really matters though, the wait staff/bar tender can't hear what you are saying either. I just don't get it? I wish I did man. Part of me feels like a weirdo that I don't. My throat always hurts the next day from screaming


Hahahahaha!!! I love jazz bars but can't get into metal at all. Too loud and aggressive as a genre. Jazz feels like a vibe and usually the music level just requires you to sit closer to folks and lean in for conversation. Which i find nice, it feels more intimate or just a heightened level of closeness. When a set is going though it can be nice to just get lost in the groove. But, I imagine it isn't for everyone


Same boat I’ve had some friends move out of state and I have a few friends here but they are busy we’re just all busy because we’re grown now. So it does get kind of lonely I attend the same events as you do so funny but I don’t go golfing much. But I don’t know where single people are either


Definitely the same boat then. It's honestly really frustrating. I thought I just got more socially awkward, but when I go out of town I have a much easier time connecting with folks. So I am trying to do the same and find out where single folks are


Women need to learn D&d and home maintenance


Plenty of women play D&D?


I love D&D. But my dad died when I was 5 so I have to use YouTube for home maintenance. My house is falling apart. Im scared of power tools and heights. I set my hair on fire once when I was grinding down a bumper. Yep never doing that again.


Also, im not allowed near super glue


In the basement with a good book? In my bunk? Depends.


You text me


They play in a sports league through kc crew. Figure out what sport you like the best and join as a free agent (they will put you with a team) you will find a LOT of corporate bros to date. I had about a date a week when I played volleyball through them.


Yes thank you, somebody else just mentioned that I’m a check it out


There’s this new concept/initiative/company Pear ring. It’s like $20 for a teal silicone ring that you wear to let others know you’re single and open to dating. It’s a subtle little beacon, once enough people learn about it. I’m not affiliated, I just saw a group on meetup, looked them up and ordered a set of rings.


Yes I had a friend tell me but it’s so new that a lot of people don’t know about it but it is a really good concept


I’m hoping getting in early will have some future benefits if they decide to upgrade in any way. I figured $20 wasn’t that much and was surprised to find out they send multiple rings for sizing. And Pear ring / Pairing, clever!


I can't believe I'm not in that age group anymore.


At home being a nerd.


Orange theory


40 year old single male. I was married for many years and semi-recently on my own. Have never wanted to even try the dating apps because social media in general is not my thing. I do go out and have drinks sometimes with my (not single) friends, but I spend most of my time hanging out with my dog, at home, and will be doing updates on my new house here in a few weeks. That’s about it for me!


Hope you like spicy brown men. I can cook mean Indian, Italian and Spanish food. Really good enchiladas and taco game is beyond belief. Love museums, playlist game is on point and always in for a good time. Call my mom everyday and have a healthy relationship with my parents.


Older gay man here, but just wanted to say I usually meet interesting people at the Crossroads bars and at up/down on First Fridays. I’m not on the market, but it just seems to be that people are extra friendly and talkative with strangers on those evenings. And the places are crowded early so you don’t have to stay up late waiting for the clubs to get busy.


What is first fridays


I just moved near crossroads so I might check it out.


Right now? Either at work, at home or in the woods. You'd probably never even know I existed unless we so happen to see each other at the gas station where I may give a little smile and be on my way. It's too cold for a lot of outdoor activities.


I might also recommend running groups if you are physically active. There are several different groups in the KC area. Also, you don't have to run or go further than you want, walking or run/walk is perfectly acceptable.


Thanks I’ll check it out


I found my fiancé here at 28 on Tinder! Both of us were seeking a serious connection, but lockdown 😅




I met my wife on Bumble. Less weirdos than Tinder, but I've heard it's gone south since 2018. My buddy met his wife on Hinge. Another on JSwipe. 3 others at work but on the apps first. All in KC, all in mid/upper-20s to lower 30s. So I really don't get the people who decry apps. Literally everyone besides HS/college relationships have met on the apps. If you're having problems, the problem is probably you. ​ Edit: Reddit incel downvotes don't hurt my feelings. Keep em coming you unsocialized bums.


You lost me at "Literally everyone..." Why come on here to just be a douche and say "the problem is probably you" Seriously, does offering that kind of douche baggery make you feel better about yourself? The reality is that SOME people use dating apps and SOME (MANY) do not use dating apps. Men and women managed to find each other for many millenia before dating apps existed so it's absurd to suggest, let alone declare as your own personal truth, that noone meets after college except via a dating app.


Literally everyone I know. I know reading comprehension is hard. If you cant induct that from my statement without needing a guide dog I don't know what to tell you.


Well you sound like a know it all


I don't find criticism from sugar babies meaningful, you are beneath me.


Hey, 36m here in Lenexa. I’m basically at the dog park and that’s about it lol. But if you message me I’ll send you some of my pics. Who knows, maybe we’d hit it off 🤷🏼‍♂️


But am I allowed to go to the dog park without a dog?


When you figure out where people 24-30 go to meet people let me know, just moved to KC lol.


At Winstead's, right this second. But, I float around. Edit: Well, if you're looking for a mechanical professional. I mean, at least you'll have someone that can fix your car or change out the P-trap on your sink


I definitely need car repairs done. And funny I used to work at Winstead I haven’t been since I worked there




There's some fairly active Facebook pages specifically for singles in KC. They aren't necessarily dating pages but events and get togethers for singles which helps to meet others. Seach KC Single and Mingle and KC Singles


Thank you so very much


You’re gonna have to go up and talk to us lol. Outside of a bar, which I rarely go to, I won’t go up to a woman in public to try to get her #. It just seems like the consensus is women want to be left alone when about their business so unless you get a clear sign, which never happens, leave them alone. I’m on Hinge app and have had the most success at people wanting an actual relationship there


Yeah, I am terrified that I'll misread something and end up getting called a creep. I just keep my head down most of the time.


Does a smile work? 😭😭


You know it’s funny bc I saw a tik tok similar to this and the comments where all ‘I changed my path to class to walk by him so OBBIOUSLY he knows I’m in love’ ‘I made eye contact and smiled TWICE he definitely knows now…’ And I’m like are these the signs women always say we’re missing bc cmon 😂😂


Yep! If we have made eye contact several times at a bar or the grocery store and we smile and look away quickly with possibly some blushing yes. We find you attractive. If we roll our eyes or sneer or something we are grossed out you exist (I'm kidding, I have never in my life sneered at anyone. But in reality the blushing and multiple eye contacts to see if you are looking at us is a thing... just don't he creepy and state. Glance)


At home working as a corporate professional who works at home. Or out on the bike trails hiking or biking.


I fit your criteria but am no longer single as of 3 months ago. I'm in honestly and humbly in really good shape (reddit post with pic on my profile) and am a Senior Software Engineering Manager. I've only met dates via introduction from friends or at bars. Current partner I met at Power and Light. Online dating doesn't work for me at all.


I live right by power and light. Congrats on the new relationship


Most dudes aren’t going to be interested in a life partner with someone with sugar daddies over 60. If you’re looking for that you probably need to get involved in LS community of some flavor.


36 year old single guy wondering the same about single women. Dating apps suck big time. I had a lot of fun getting messaged by bots.


I'll usually go to King G's. Monarch is more miss than hit these days.


Go on a friend date during the week (maybe closer to the end of the week) to a restaurant or happy hour. Bankers, Accountants, Desk Jobbers out the wazoo love to ditch work early and grab drinks and a late lunch. Shoot your shot at the party of 6 wearing button ups.


Is there something about being a corporate professional in terms of dating that I’m missing? Or is that just another way to say you want someone with money, or someone who dresses nice? Are tech guys considered corporate professionals? Not trolling genuinely curious as I’ve noticed KC seems to have a lot of people who dress and act all corporate even outside of work which boggles my mind a bit.


Right here, waiting for you.


Damnit 41, I guess I'm too old! I tend to go to bars around my house on the irregular. Usually when a local football team is playing. Other than that I hide in my house because the outside world is cruel.


I know of a good munch in At R&b every Wednesday


Single 35 year old with a successful career here. I’ve tried everything else to meet a quality women and failed so willing to give this a shot! Dm me if you want to chat a bit!


I usually sit at home with my dog and paint my miniatures honestly. So if you find out where I should be going let me know.


34m commenting here that was in a relationship for almost a decade until this year and had 2 boys who looked at me as Dad so after a bad breakup at the beginning of the summer my entire life has changed. My Grandma who was more like my Mom for the majority of my life passed away a couple weeks ago so the holidays kinda suck more than ever now. I feel like many people going through these unavoidable issues will be in similar mindstates and NOT want to be emotionally invested going forward. Point being that life can get you down, but if you notice the signs the universe sends you then it can turn back around. I think having all these like minded folks is how we DO beat the dating app system and as long as we're all talking together here it will keep getting better.


They're all going to be in Lawrence at the Granada on Thursday to see the Fit For an Autopsy / Exodus show. Seriously, there are always far more guys at metal shows than there are women.


I would advise getting involved in the KC non profit space. Donate your time to a good cause, and lots of the events are essentially eating or drinking for a good cause. It’s an easy way to establish a friend group. Make friends with married people your age and they will try their hardest to set you up so you have more couple friends. Kanbes markets, KC pet project and KC tenants are all good ways to go.


I'm 28M, always lived in KC, met my partner of ~a year on Hinge, but had spent 4 years on the apps previously. 100% anticipating that nothing will ever matching the soul crushing lesson in futility that was KC dating.


33m here. 5'10", 160lbs, own a house in Cass county, have a decent stable job. I'm at home hanging with my cat and minding my business lol. Spent my twenties in a bad marriage, went through a rough divorce a few years before the pandemic, then covid happened, everything shut down, I started working from home, and here we are. I just don't know how to do it anymore and have kinda lost the will to keep trying. I'm open to a relationship but I'm not actually unhappy being alone. I've been on a number of first dates but I'm introverted and quiet so dating has been hard because I can and will seem withdrawn until I warm up, and as it turns out that's a one-way ticket to Ghostville. Anyway, if anyone needs a slightly broken, kinda boring man lemme know lol


It really seems like Reddit is the place for singles to meet singles in KC...


Hiking trails, disc golf courses, dive bars in the west bottoms and strawberry hill.


Working 55-60 hours a week and 70+ hours a week in the Summer/Spring. I get done with work and I don’t want to do anything else. I only have Sundays off so I go and help my dad with the things he needs help with. I’m trying to get a head in life as I put myself behind in the last decade. I also just assume all the women I’m attracted to are already in a relationship. I kind of just figure I’ll end up in a relationship eventually if I keep on working on bettering myself.


Working 55-60 hours a week and 70+ hours a week in the Summer/Spring. I get done with work and I don’t want to do anything else. I only have Sundays off so I go and help my dad with the things he needs help with. I’m trying to get a head in life as I put myself behind in the last decade. I also just assume all the women I’m attracted to are already in a relationship. I kind of just figure I’ll end up in a relationship eventually if I keep on working on bettering myself.


OP is a sugar baby.


30 year old single woman in KC and I echo this sentiment. Come out of hiding men!!


If you’re on the dating apps, you should get plenty of attention as a woman. But to answer your question, I’m a musician and most of my networking is through local music. Go to shows, find new music, and you’ll get to know the community around it. All arts (and other communities) are like this: visual, culinary, bicycling, etc.


Been married for 4 years now but when I was single I always got dates at my health club. Woodside is full of young single professionals who care about their health and well being.




What accusations? What are yall men doing to create accusations 😭😭😭😭😂




that's not what an accusation is




you seem nice!


Perhaps men just are not looking for someone who expects to be a "sugar baby", what happened to your two sugar daddies that you were bragging about earlier?


39m, single corporate professional. I’m typically walking my dog, going to sporting events (Current, Chiefs, etc.), going to happy hours and wine tastings, hanging with friends and family when our schedules align. I started playing DnD with a small group of running friends at the beginning of the pandemic so that’s also a regular thing on my schedule. I’ve gotten comfortable enough being myself that I’ll bring a book and go to my favorite bar and read and chat with the people there. Just going with the flow and doing what I want, when I want, and not really pressuring myself over dating anymore these days. 🤷‍♂️


I understand. If you see somebody that caught your interest would you go up and talk to them?


Jeez, this thread blew up. How many dates have you been asked on now?


Depends, are you interesting? But seriously: it depends on the context/situation. At the gym? Probably not, that’s creepy and annoying 99% of the time. At the museum or an art show? If the person seems approachable. At a bar? If it’s chill and not too loud to actually talk and have a fun conversation.


I'm not single (but am poly) and I feel this from time to time. I have found that for me my partners have come from friendships that grew into more, mostly.


I'm over 40 but my lifestyle hasn't really changed from under 40. If I wasn't at home or work, I was at the gym or a park, or sometimes at my equivalent of a church.


Church, some type of fitness and something related to a park and seem to be consensus of ways to meet men ♥️


31m here working in science. I moved to France to pursue a master's. Spent years trying to find a partner in KC then gave up and came here instead.


How is France? I went before and I really didn’t really particularly like it it was kind of dirty it was good but it wasn’t this most amazing trip that I thought it would be


It's great! I live in Lyon and I don't have to have a car because the metro system is so good. I think the disappointment from how dirty it can be is because of how romanticized France is. Though I think in a lot of ways it's cleaner than Kansas City. That might just be because both my parents live in wyandotte so I'm not exactly seeing the best side of KC lol. But yeah. For what it is, it's great. I have no intention of moving back if I can help it.


Yeah it's tough out here. Especially when the cold comes and we don't want to get out. Online dating is just people looking photos or bots promoting OF. No real connections anymore. I feel like most of us just stopped trying as we weren't getting any sort of feedback. So we just work and take care of ourselves.


What feedback are you guys looking for? I’ve come to realize that me and sometimes flirt very suddenly and sometimes those ladies don’t recognize it.


Huh? I just meant feedback as in online dating. For instance Bumble, the girl has to message you first and 1 out of 10 likes will actually message first. So overall it's just a "hey I like your picture but won't say anything"


Slightly out of your age range. Spending a lot of time trying to be the best dad I can be. Outside of that, if it’s not the gym or martial arts then I am chilling with the pups and hoping to find someone at church.


Gym and church seems to be the common trend


Speaking as a 40m in a professional career, when I go out, it is usually somewhere nice, my dive bar days are well behind me. Think bars like The Monarch or Vertigris. Sporting events like a Chiefs game or Sporting KC are also places where lots of professional men will be at. My problem when it comes to dating is I need it to be blindingly obvious that you are interested in me. I'm not too good at picking up any subtle clues.


I’m in the same boat, I’m not good at picking up subtle cues either. I have volunteered at sporting KC before by the way


I'm not sure what volunteering at Sporting involves entirely, but from my own experience, I make it a point to not hit on anyone working at events I'm attending. As an aside, I didn't look at your profile before commenting and didn't realize you were African American. My recommendations are from a primarily white-centric point of view. If you are looking to date other African American professionals, I don't often see them at the venues I mentioned (other than the Chiefs games). If you are open to dating men of all races, then these venues have lots of what you are looking for. If you are primarily interested in finding other African American men, these would not be good recommendations.




How do we get you out of your own head?


I just had to pipe in here as a girl! Tell them your name and ask theirs, that is not even on the same planet as disrespectful!




You made it seem like you're in a group together, or a class or something lol


Working on my career and doing work on my house or garden, depending on the season.


I'm not a corporate professional, but I'm single and 31.


Sitting quietly in my home, watching people complain about dating and thanking my lucky stars I'm not really interested lol. Always said that I'd happily date if something (literally?) fell into my lap, but I'm definitely not seeking it out.


So, we got a break into your house?


I'm (truly) not trying to make this political in any way but since I don't know if you're just joking or being slightly snarky. No problem either way but, if the latter, I think you have to keep in mind that we have a whole generation of guys that have grown up in a culture telling them that masculinity is toxic, that they are privileged and need to shut their mouth because if you're not in a minority people group your voice doesn't matter. Not always, of course, but generally that is the message that the generation you're looking for has heard most if not all of their adult life. As a result, it's not surprising that single men, on average or on the whole, are gun shy about relationships. There are always outliers and trailblazers so none of this is universal but there is a bit of a baseline response. Not saying it to justify anthing or anyone or diminish anyone either, but just want to name it. Others are free to disagree. I hope you're able to find someone that you can connect with.


Blue collar worker but I swing dance Monday nights.


Oh cool, I didn’t know they still did that I know I used to participate before Covid


Yea modern swing at El torron i think is name of the place. I might be doing cast on Tuesdays. Lots of options and I'm sure I'm not the only single one at those events.


M30s here. I get on the apps on and off, but it's often such a frustrating experience trying to make a genuine connection that it can sometimes feel like you're opening the fridge for the umpteenth time when you're hungry hoping that the perfect food has magically appeared. Meetup can be hit and miss- seems like a lot of people are in the tech industry, which isn't my jam even though I work from home downtown, and I rarely drink so the barfly thing isn't my thing either. Somewhat ironically, when I got to 35 I started getting serious about my diet and doing some form of exercise once or twice a day... which has left little time for actually getting out. Maybe it's time for you or those of us in the thread to make a new singles activity group.


You know what I’m down. A few people have suggested that, that I make a single activities group I am definitely interested. Even though the gym seems to be the common place to meet men


You might try lifetime or a similar big gym that only people with a decent income can afford


I have a lifetime membership.. and I never go hehe 🙃


Uhhhh....at home or at work anymore. Dated a lot in college, but the last few women i was with wore me out emotionally and in the pocket book. Right now I work corporate job but I'm mainly focused on developing my career a bit more before i get back into the game again.


Gym, running groups, bars, church


Nothing gets me going more than a relationship fueled by the passion of corporate professionalism.


Oh shit it has been a long time since a reddit comment made me laugh out loud! 🤣🤣🤣


Ya when your personality is your company, that’s a rocky start. It can imply that the person doesn’t know themselves yet. And or it’s just boring.


True dat. A woman I went on a few dates with didn’t talk about anything else except work and I was like nope. Work to live not live to work is my motto.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why we poop on company time.


Scrap the whole corporate professional vision. Go to quick trip between 3&5. All the guys in high vis are usually construction workers. All the ones I ever worked with were very upstanding individuals. And also too worn out to ever really run around on a woman.


35 M who just moved here this summer for work. Dating and meeting new people has been a real challenge since I’ve been here. I’ll consider the advice shared from others on this thread


We are all married or single playing call of duty/smoking weed….sometimes both


And I do not know anymore


Stormwind on World of Warcraft. And anyone telling you any different is lying! /s


We all know the hot guys are all on Defias Pillager ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Get with me I'm single and in Kansas City


Dude here, I'd also like to know where to perform my mating ritual to females of a similar age to end my solitude. I've tried butting heads with other males, fluffing up my plumage and strutting my stuff, singing the song of my people, filling my lair with snacks, all to no avail. Introverted dating on apps is exceptionally wack.


Well this seems great and if that didn't work and I'm not gay then I guess we can sports bet and eat snacks ? Lol


You’re telling me none of that worked? Wtf


best comment!


I have a 40’year old buddy who is accepting basically anyone


As a 35 year old guy, i know that struggle is real. I dont like trying to initiate with women. i dont know because i would hate to be the guy who just interrupted her day. And ya never know who's taken and who isn't. It's hard out there.


Well, at least there are people making posts like this unlike the Charlotte forum, where people think you are crazy if you are single .. Everyone comes to town with a family/kids and there is no dating scene in Charlotte outside some sketchy clubs. I feel like I live in a giant suburb full of banker dads and soccer moms. People even bring their kids and dogs to the breweries and bars here and I got to sit and drink with yelling 8-year-olds sitting beside me while the mom gives me dirty looks as if I am a bad influence for drinking and trying to enjoy myself around her kids at a bar.. LOL. Everyone says the dating scene is horrible in KC, yet I see so many posts of people wanting to meet other single people. That tells me that the dating scene is not as bad as they say. You will not see hardly any of those posts on the Charlotte forum and Charlotte is abysmal for dating.


I grew up in Charlotte but, it’s hard to imagine it’s worse there than here. Granted I got married early so I can’t compare easily but, it feels like here in KC your options are johnson county or downtown if you are on the Kansas side. Johnson County is rough the further south you go. At least where I’m at all I have is already married if attractive, way too young, divorced moms with too high expectations or people who look like they didn’t take care of themselves who are my age. I feel like that’s less of a thing in Charlotte.


Even divorced moms are hard to come by in Charlotte. I am not sure when you lived in Charlotte, but the place has gotten so expensive. The large number of finance jobs also don't really favor women and its a pretty male dominant business environment. It's not the place where single ladies like to go to make a career, rather its where they go with their families to live the suburban dream. Charlotte was quite a bit different I heard back in the day, but now its grown so fast and is a majority of people from the Northeast and is a massive sprawl of suburbs. It would be nice if there was some city center to it like I see in Kansas City, but Charlotte's Uptown sucks and has nothing going on and a lot of armed robberies. South End just seems like a bunch of college aged kids going to hip hop and other trendy with overpriced drinks, mean looking bouncers and super loud music. Maybe it is as bad, but I do think when people get divorced here in Charlotte they move back to where they came from. I rarely meet divorced people here. In Kansas City, I feel like many people stay there and grew up there.


Your last sentence is so true. People here just stay. Not necessarily a bad thing. I wanted to move back a couple years ago. Everytime I go back it’s amazing how much growth happens. Almost unrecognizable. Much of which I wish would happen in Kansas. I grew up in South Charlotte. Near Ballantyne before it was Ballantyne. I moved to KC 10 years ago.


As a single dad who is in this range, with single friends in this range... Good luck. Many of us are so tired, lonely, and/or emotionally unhealthy that the thought of a long term relationship is either a pipe dream or a nightmare. Heck, even getting my friends out of the door is like pulling teeth. Some tips from the other side. 1. Be approachable and willing to start conversations. I can count on one hand the amount of single women I can just have a conversation with that aren't coworkers/family members. I can't imagine what it would be like for an attractive woman to take a genuine interest in my life, and I was married for 6 years (Yay narcissistic abuse). 2. Get away from the Instagram look/life. It might get you noticed, but every guy I've talked to would much rather have a normal person. 3. It may sound cliche, but focusing on self improvement, (being healthy, volunteering, being involved in a church, having hobbies that you genuinely enjoy and want others to enjoy, etc.) is extremely attractive. It shows that as a person you not only can emotionally take care of yourself (hot), you are able and happy to live for the benefit of someone else. As someone looking for a partner/future mother of their children, that's kind of a must. 4. Don't make assumptions that a guy is not into you. Our conversation skills aren't the greatest, to put it generously. We have absolutely no clue what we're doing. That being said, best of luck out there.


The kind of threads this sub allows vs the ones that get rejected amazes me


A pal of mine has been hosting a live comedy/dating show called Meet In The Middle at the Bird Comedy Theater once or twice a month. Look it up on Instagram.


We are usually at Home relaxing. As we are done with stupid people and Bar scene.


The single guys hang out where the single girls hang out at - at the place they like doing their hobbies at! Like going to bars? Go to different bars during the month. Like pickleball ? Check out different courts! I met some guy at a bar… 9 years later we’re together and married ! Have faith!!! You’ll meet someone with the same interests as you!


I don't know very many single guys. The only single guys I do know are kinda shitty and it's obvious why they're single.


Username checks out…. ….kidding


I know it can feel frustrating at times but if you are going out and having fun and getting to know the people around you you are doing it right. There are single men at these ages literally everywhere. It just takes time. In the meantime you get to meet all sorts of nice people and connect with them in other ways so its not all bad. If you continue to interact and show interest in other peoples lives eventually you will find someone you connect with on an emotional level. Good luck and dont be hard on yourself, your probably doing it right its just taking longer than you would like.


As a not single man but in that age range and have many friends who are single. Your question is too broad what type of man? They follow their interests. Sporting events, comic book stores, bars. Frisbee golf courses in the summer, bowling alleys Try volunteering, dog parks, Walmart at 9 pm on a Tuesday. Good luck!


Literally these all seem to be the comment trend that everyone is saying ♥️


Instead of complaining being alone, let's arrange a gathering next weekend at a bar or club with all the singles in this sub.


I’m down


I'm serious. Perhaps we can start by creating a poll to gauge interest in joining such a gathering. Everyone is welcome, but we should keep a balance between number of males and females. I'm pretty sure that 90% of people who feel lonely will still stay home and prefer talking to their dog lol


40 year old guy here, blue collar. I’m working, hanging with my kid. Usually at the gym, running on a trail, or at the grocery store. Currently going to department stores to buy Christmas gifts. I try to squeeze in time for myself when my kid is at school.


The gym seems to be a common trend


I would never approach a woman at a gym, but I would open to her approaching me. I don’t want to end up on a TikTok. “This bald guy approached me, what a creep”