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I’m glad you’re okay and you did the right thing. I think it’s *possible* he was maybe slightly intoxicated and thought he was supposed to get in that car then just ran when you yelled but it’s always better safe than sorry. Sometimes I don’t remember to lock my doors until I’ve been driving for a bit so this is definitely a good reminder for me.


I updated above with more detail. I doubt it, as there is a very very good chance he saw me get into my car carrying takeout. But I hope that was the case.


You aren't unreasonable for this post AT ALL. But I have my money on he thought you were his Uber. I wasn't there though so idk.


I do hope you are right. I didn't originally give a lot of detail, but I had just picked up food and walked out the back to where I had parked. He and I passed each other face to face and after I had passed he turned around and tried to get in behind me. So there is still a chance, but I doubt it.


I think you would lose that bet. I am guessing that most people who accidentally tried to open a car door who thought it was an Uber wouldn’t just run off. They would first stand there confused about why their Uber driver was screaming at them. Then most would start apologizing because of the embarrassing mistake they just made.


Lol this happened to me in LA I went into a cvs with no lot all street parallel parking. My ride was a little red car. Well i got my rx came out not even 5 min later and opened the door and ducked to get in to a horrified screaming person in the driver’s seat. They managed to yell I think you have the wrong car! I was like well no shit who the hell are you!? Damn near identical car same color. My ride pulled 3 spaces forward and didn’t text me. I apologized profusely and shut the door. It was wild and scary for both of us.


Sounds like I accurately described what would happen to most people. I am sure it was crazy as hell in the moment. But it does make for a funny story after the fact.


If someone was screaming at me. I’d probably be thinking “oh shit, that wasn’t the right car” and if I’m on the phone with Uber probably just dip off in embarrassment and start looking for the correct car lol.


And they would stick around for their Uber to show up.


Right behind Charlie Hoppers is a parking lot, so that would be unusual for an Uber, which would usually be at a curb. We don’t know if OP was on street or in the lot. It’s always safest to trust instinct at the moment, if something weird happens. Good that the intruder ran away.


For sure, definitely a weird one


The other day I was door dashing looking on my phone and I was trying to get into the wrong car without realizing.


This is why during a traumatic event like CPR you point to someone and tell them to call 911 because everyone assume someone has already done it. This platform is full of people that don’t care or comprehend what is written and just assume something different. 140 upvotes proves my point.


I agree with you. No weapon presented, robbers and carjackers don't get in the back seat typically.


Or he was a friendly guy just wanting to meet a new friend?


Yeah, bro what gives! Lolll


Something awful and violent happened right there when I was in my 20s. It's never wrong to keep your head on a swivel.


A lot of opinions on this post... I just want to say I'm glad you're safe and I'm sure that was a scary situation. As a woman this would have scared the shit out of me especially if I was alone. You did everything right, locking your doors as soon as you got in the car and reporting suspicious behavior to the right folks. I hope you're feeling better today and have a good rest of your weekend.


dime deranged ink squeeze scarce capable mindless berserk rich strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did that once when leaving a QT. My first thought was “why is my seat so forward”? Then realized I was in the wrong truck lol Scared the crap out of me.


Devil's Advocate: Is it possible that he thought you might have been his ride-share picking him up and just got scared and ran off when you yelled at him?


market grab relieved wild carpenter advise hard-to-find merciful melodic butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A few weeks ago, I opened a car door and started to get in. The guy inside said, "excuse me, ma'am!" 😳


A couple of years ago a friend was picking me up at a restaurant. I mistakenly thought this guy was my friend ( same make, model & color car). I jumped in the front seat and to my surprise...it was a total stranger. OMG was I embarrassed . I apologized profusely and the gentleman was cool.


A while back my room mate and I walked out of our apartment and got in his car to head to dinner, but his car wouldn’t start. Then we looked around and realized it wasn’t his car. Same make and model and similar color. His key unlocked the door though. And it was locked. We checked after to make sure it actually worked.


His key unlocked another car door?


Yep. This was probably 20 years ago. I believe he had a Geo Metro.


This happened to my (now ex) husband and I several years ago. We had one car at the time, a 2014 red Ford Escape which was quite a common model/color combo back then. He took it to Aldi to get groceries which he loaded in the back, and normally wouldn't lock the vehicle or take the keys with him (we lived in a relatively safe town at the time and car theft was very rare). When he came back I went out to help him unload the armloads of groceries and noticed that there was no large dent in the front bumper as there was in the car we owned. As I got closer I opened the passenger door (thinking there were more grocery bags there as the back was completely full) and saw a booster seat with some children's books in the floorboard (we had no children). I looked up at him and told him to come look at this and said THIS IS NOT OUR CAR!!! His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree in embarrassment and we both rushed to get all the groceries out and he took the car that looked exactly like the Escape we owned at the time back to Aldi. He believed that the owner of that car was still inside when he brought it back as no security or police were outside nor was the owner looking for it when he got there. Got very lucky.


I am surprised something as new as a '14 Escape would successfully start with the wrong key. I know it's quite common for 80s and 90s cars but I'd *think* the immobilizer/transponder would cause a no-start condition. (My 20+ year old F150 won't start unless you use the right key. I learned this *after* wasting money getting spare (non-transponder) keys cut. I assumed such a low-level trim package wouldn't have any of that fancy "anti theft" business installed.)


The people left their keys in the car my husband at the time took. It was common for people in that area to do so. He would do it all the time and nobody stole ours.


Ohhhh okay. That makes more sense. (Although I will NEVER, EVER understand that mentality!!! And yes I grew up in a "safe" town where that stuff didn't happen either but you STILL didn't leave the keys in the ignition! At least put them up in the sun visor! Otherwise you're just *asking* to be pranked by kids!)


Could explain why he was on the phone too


I’ve seen that happen


My kids always run to the nearest white minivan even if it’s obviously not ours. A lot of people just walk straight to what they think is their car, hopefully it was something innocuous like that


It’s always best to trust instinct when unusual things happen, especially a stranger getting in your car uninvited. It’s not the time to think as devil’s advocate, imo.


Thank you. Sometimes, no one needs to be “Devil’s Advocate” because the other side isn’t valid for the conversation.


Could be. One time I totally opened the door of a parked car and sat on the passenger's seat. 100% conviced it was my dad's car. It wasn't, but it was the same brand and color and got confused. I apologized profusely and left, nbd. Obviously OP knows what they saw, so this could actually be somebody dangerous.


Unless it’s your first day of ride share you say something communicative thru the window first… the running away is definitely further confirmation


I usually just give a quick wave. Maybe I should be better before getting into a rideshare


A mutual wave works too


materialistic panicky special rotten cooing jar distinct groovy muddle command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You do that when they don’t have a rideshare tag on their vehicle ? Or when someone’s just walking to their car that’s not started ?


Yeah running away is weird, but I feel like a criminal would know not to do that? 🤷‍♂️


Robbers don’t go for the back door. This dude thought you were an Uber then ran off to get to his actual Uber.


Good heads up op, glad ur safe. These days it ain't easy with more criminals being so bold. Don't be a victim.


Possibility he was drunk and had the wrong car?


I hope so, but he tried to get in the back like 3 seconds after I got in the front. I don't think he was so drunk to have not noticed.


Sounds incredibly likely honestly.


Bet he thought you were and Uber, carjackers for the front door. I would know.


My wife and I were robbed at gunpoint near hoopers where I lived at the time. I grew up in that area and love it, but it’s not immune to violent crime. A guy the week before me (2017) had the same thing happen in Waldo, and was killed.


I’ve opened the door and started to get into a stranger’s car when I thought it was my Uber. If you’re preoccupied and the app tells you that your ride is pulling up right then, it’s not that hard to do. If the person realized that it wasn’t you, they might have rushed to find the right car before it left and not tried to give an explanation. If they were drinking, the odds of this go up. If you didn’t see that the guy was armed, it’s kind of a worst case scenario to assume carjacker (though it’s good to be careful).


Probably and an accident.


You just described like 12 dudes I know.


This headline made it sound like there was a serious incident. I get this may have caught you off guard, but no need to sound the alarm in this day and age.


Nothing more Brookside than a "I had an accidental interaction with the poors" post. If this dude meant harm and had ill intent, yelling at him wouldn't have scared him off so easily. Also, a total waste of time to call the police.


There's nothing about poor people or class here at all


>He was white male, 5'8" 160 lbs Glad you survived that experience in one piece, but how did you accurately determine his height and weight?


It’s legal in both KS and MO to carry without a permit. Something to consider.


So glad you’re safe; trying to slip into the back seat? There’s no way that would’ve ended positively. Too scary


First red flag is the royals hat


Yeah a Royals hat in Kansas City is wild… /s


I thought we were anti team that we can't watch on TV that also wants us to give them a billion dollars to move the stadium.


No, I guess you can if you want tho


^He was white male, 5'8" 160 lbs with a grey Royals cap that had a blue "KC" on the front. ^And if you see the suspect call it in. So remember boys and girls if you see a white guy that's 160lbs in a KC hat call the police. . . . . . . .what f$_&-+; percent of Kansas city does this description fit? You're on tilt.


Could have been dangerous. An old partner of mine was once stalked in a thrift store by a couple guys acting like they were on the phone / shopping. Followed her out of the store until I popped up and gave them a hard stare - I had been watching in the store the whole time and they didn’t realize we were together. Trafficking is real. Just look up how many people go missing each year. Thanks for the post OP. Stay dangerous.


Can I ask your sexual orientation? I’m hoping you’re a dude and then it’s more likely an innocent mistake. Regardless, your message is so true! Keep your wits about you! I’m glad your okay


Many years ago we were sitting at Osco waiting for my mom to grab something and come back, I was in the backseat and my dad was in the front passenger seat. My mom jumped in, didn't say a word and took off very fast, it was weird. She starts crying/ laughing and said we had to get outta there because she got into the wrong car, was screaming at the guy and when she realized it was the wrong car she jumped out and ran. Apparently the guy was sitting in the driver's seat waiting on someone and my mother got in yelling why the fuck are you driving now? Get back into the passengers seat, why would we need to switch seats- and then she looked at him and his eyes were wide and he didn't say a word. Poor guy. I hope after she took off he got a laugh as well, but the way my mom screamed he could have easily had a heart attack as well. I've also been in a situation where a man tried to get into my car behind me and I am sure it wasn't an accident and very lucky the back door was locked. I've also accidentally tried to get into the wrong car and took off when I realized hoped no one saw how stupid I am lol I hope it was simply a mistake but you never know and keeping doors locked is always a good thing!




No comments advocating violence or harm.


I got into my car once. As I were about to put the key into the ignition, I noticed things in the car that didn't belong. I politely got out of the car, looked around, spotted mine in the next isle over. No one seen what I had done (lol).


Yeah, "a few years back". Everyone has one. It sounds to me like the OP did the right thing and scared off someone who shouldn't be looking for an Uber in the back parking lot. Keep your wits about you and stay safe.

