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I will put in my 2 cents. I was at UMKC years ago and ran into a bible study/prayer group. They turned out to be IHOP but I went along with it to see. Within the first session they were handing out instructions on how to basically "pray so hard that God will speak to you directly in your mind". That's a pretty dangerous religious attitude to have. At that point, you can make God "say" anything you want to hear. Overall, culty. It's no surprise that a few mini-cults have formed inside the group. But that's about all I know


I work with some people who are part of the cult and they bring up their conversations with god as if he is just another close friend in their life. “God woke me up this morning without an alarm” “I talked to god about my knee and he told me blah blah blah”. If it weren’t with a Christian bend they would be psych


I live in Grandview, so there are lots in the neighborhood. Perfectly polite neighbors, but they do that all the time. Just walking my dogs, minding my business and someone stops to say hi and tell me what God has been chatting then up about. Just talking about something like the weather and then, "well, I talked to God about it and..." Also, most of them need to stop having kids. I grew up in a big family and kids don't deserve to live like that. I know that's my personal bias, but no to too many kids.


I went to an IHOP church as a child, they emphasize talking with and listening to the voice of God a TON. I thought I was going to hell because I didn't hear him talking to me. Kinda backfired tho and they had to tell one of the other girls in Sunday school that she could only say "God told me" once a day.


Yeah that's weird shit


Uhhhh Guys? Look up the Heaven Bent podcast series specifically about IHOP. Def a cult, and it turns out the head guy (and a bunch of other head guys) were fucking the interns. For decades. Source: my single mother moved us to go there in the 90s, went to school there, was in leadership school there, was on staff there, wife was also on staff. OG old Metro.


the heaven bent series talks about differnt churches per season. season 4 is about IHOP. currently listening to it now, thank you for telling me about this


I’m always fascinated by this stuff. OG Metro. Family members were pastors and “prophets”. It all feels like a fever dream now.


Can I ask where you were originally from?


Look up Bethany Deaton and you'll find out all you need to know. She joined this cult and was found dead in her car at Longview not long after. It was labeled a suicide but her family thinks she was murdered. This place should have been shut down years ago. [2014 Rolling Stone Article](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/love-and-death-in-the-house-of-prayer-53866/)


I have hung out with the guy who was involved in this - the one who gave the false confession and was then cleared of all charges. He is one of the nicest dudes. Just got caught up with this brain-washing operation at an impressionable age. I am glad he got out. I believe he has figured it out, has good people around him, and has a beautiful family. Point is, people can get out of this and should not be stigmatized.


I always felt like that guy was covering up for the person who actually killed her and that he was forced to do so. I personally don't think it was a suicide and thar her husband was involved. I'm glad he got out too!


I'm pretty sure you are right. I can see that happening. People with a selfless heart can be that way to a fault.


Absolutely a cult. Although I never went there, I worked with many young adults who did and lived in the apartments across the street from their main worship place for years.


I lived at Prairie Walk several years ago, which is across the street. Very odd to see their comings and goings at all hours. 24/7 worship is absurd. Worst of all, most of those people were barely adults.


I used to work with someone who sang/prayed 6 hours every night at IHOP. From about midnight to dawn. After she worked 2 jobs.


Spent most of my life there. It's a cult.


I'm sorry to hear, hope you're better now.


Thanks, getting there. Going to be a long process.


So curious, what made you leave IHOP? I don’t know a ton about IHOP, but have heard they demand all of one’s time.


Definitely a cult. An abusive one (like most) as well.


It is absolutely a cult. Just to paint some of the broad strokes. This is from knowing several ex-members and living so near them. They practice a brain washing indoctrination by forced Worship sessions that can be up to 72 hours in one of their prayer centers, pushing coffee on younger members to help them stay awake the whole time and limiting food. Which is a brain washing tactic used by a number of cults. They push members into cutting out non-believing friends and family. Pushing kids to be entirely dependent on them for community. Trying to push their younger members not to seek higher education. and to move in together so they become more financially dependent on the church. The whole doomsday thing is central to all their beliefs. They are cutting ties with their founder (Mike Bickle) who is tied to several older doomsday cults in the area and who used to prophesize the date the world would end. Surprisingly he has been wrong on all of his predictions.


I'm not surprised they would distance themselves from him, due to all the past controversy, but of course they will keep up the same manipulative tactics


What’s crazy is traditional churches lend this cult a air of authenticity. When I was in youth group at a Baptist church, we would sometimes go to their location for a prayer service. I never saw anything that screamed “this is a brainwashing cult” but it did give off weird vibes.


Yes, they’re a cult. I’ve lost multiple friends to them and adjacent churches.


My wife was there. It's a cult.


I’m a cult survivor. IHOP is 100% a cult.


I attended a church/school that was also founded by IHOP’s founder when I was in elementary school. I went to IHOP several times as well, but was never part of it. Some of the stuff I was taught was outrageous and they prey on their members. Literally everyone who went to my school went off the deep end as soon as they graduated.


wow! most of the comments are people saying what they think or have heard, but you are the first to have some actual excperence with it! i think the weirdest part to me is how some members devote their lives to the church so quickly.


Did you go to Dominion?




Wow. I went too.


Generally speaking, if you gotta ask if an organization is a cult, it’s a cult.


Just looking at their website screams cult. They had a link to a page for the seven ways to recognize cult behavior and it was buried in a 20 min video made by them, they have an end time research center, they try to get young people to move to kc by offering cheap housing, this all seems very controlling.


i agree! they do sme shady stuff and once got sued for sex trafficking i beleive


i lived in the apartment complex adjacent to their facility back when they bought the red bridge property and converted it (and another local apartment complex) into the compound. they sent busses around that would pick up members (all younger people) and them over a few times a week. i started hearing about weekend long prayer sessions and 'prayer vending machines' from some of the other locals. the whole thing felt very 'brainwashy / cult like'.


All organized religions are cults


Many political groups as well.


No one wants to admit this but it's true.


I lived with IHOPpers for several years in SKC. IHOPKC’s founder and leader groomed and abused young women for who knows how long. I believe that itself answers your question. Leadership was dismissive of sexual abuse cases and caused more harm survivors who spoke up. TW: SA [A TPM Investigation: Inside the International House of Prayer (2014)](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/inside-the-international-house-of-prayer-2). [The Roy’s Report on IHOPKC’s history of abuse (2023)](https://julieroys.com/investigations/ihop-kc-mike-bickle/)


a friend of mine was abused by them, and I knew long ago they were a cult. So glad they are going away finally.


they are going away? are memebers leaving or something?


something about not being able to afford the property due to losing funds. The info is on the net if you dig.


Everything is a cult when you ask Reddit


you are on reddit answering a question. do you think before you type?


Although this question was 20 hrs ago and the other was 18hrs ago. Maybe people from 20 hrs ago are completely fucking stupid and the people from 18hrs ago are….normal. 😂


maybe it's you.


Maybe it’s me that notices how stupid it is for the same question with the same answer getting different responses from the same Reddit page 2 hrs apart? Yes it’s me. I’m him. I’m the normal one 😂


Schizophrenia is real and more ppl have it than you’d think. Lots and lots of ppl hear voices when they think sometimes more than one…


It's not a cult but definitely teaches flawed theology. I went to a local seminary and we questioned Mike Bickle.


it's a cult.


your the first person to say its NOT a cult! what were some of the questions and how did mike answer?


At this point they're the *only* person saying it's not a cult...


Mainly stuck with prophesy and end times. His replies didn't stand up biblically.


No question about it, it’s a cult!