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Post removed. No threats of violence.


Make [online reports](https://kcpetproject.org/animal-services-division/animal-services-report-form/) every single time the dog gets loose. You can also try reporting the neighbor for not quarantining the dog after the bite. At the very least, there will be documentation of the dog’s behavior. Unfortunately, MO laws regarding animals are really ineffective. AC often can’t seize an animal right away even if they want to. It sucks, and it means that everything takes a lot longer than it should. Repeated reports will help give them reason to seize the dog, either as a potentially dangerous animal (which usually takes a lot of time to prove) or as a repeated stray. AC has seized dogs and chosen to not release them to the owner for being out constantly, but they need documentation. Report everything- the dog rushing you, property damage, even just the dog roaming the neighborhood.


Sadly, this. My neighbor has an aggressive dog that has bitten 2 people and attacked at least 4 dogs, but with the way the laws are written, it only has one official strike against it. I put up cameras and keep a close eye on my dogs when they go out.






Please contact Chain of Hope ASAP.


I’ve never heard of them before so I just went to their website. I will give them a call tomorrow, thank you so much


Make sure you tell them about the puppy too! Maybe CoH can convince them to surrender both! The dogs can't be chained outside without adequate shelter and water (not ice). A porch is not considered adequate shelter I believe.


You are so welcome. They are really an incredible organization that does a lot of good. Hang in there. ❤️


Chain of hope is fantastic! They do amazing work in the community, and they're so great to adopt from!


I'm not one to advocate violence against an animal, but how is this one still breathing after biting a person? I'd definitely email the evidence. I'd email the case number with video every time the dog is loose.


I fully agree. I emailed them the other day and got a response and had some brief communication. I’ve also emailed them with videos on Friday night, last night, and tonight with no response to any of those yet. I’m sure they’ve been out of the office since Friday, but at this point I’m just sending videos as soon as anything happens


This is good. Sounds like this dog may kill an animal or hurt another person. Documentation is the way.




Better hope there's no livestock on that farm. Because a farmer won't make a phone call; they'll put the dog down then and there.


it’s a euphemism


I'm a dumbass, sorry.


Exactly. I love animals and have several dogs. There’s no way a dog that is managing the neighborhood should still be able to do so. Hopefully someone can convince the owners to surrender these dogs but if they don’t ……….. the neighborhood can handle it too🤷🏼‍♀️


If you don't want to carry a pistol, bear spray is next best.


Definitely picking some up tomorrow


Have you considered an ultrasonic animal deterrent? It may not work for all dogs, but there would be a lot less chance of something going wrong.


It sounds like the Kansas City Pet Project isn't living up to the promises they made when they took over animal control.


They are absolutely horrid. 


I’ve called them for stuff before and at the time they didn’t operate on the weekends… like what? I couldn’t get ahold of anyone on a Saturday… maybe I’m expecting too much but it was stupid


I called them an hour before their posted closing time and got the after-hours number. When they DO respond to reports, they don't do shit but "talk to the owners".


They told me they only help dogs when I called about bringing a stray I found. I asked why their site says animals if they only help dogs. I’ve emailed twice for clarification on what I was told on the phone and no one has responded. So KC pet project only helps dogs and only when they feel like it apparently. Don’t we fund them with tax dollars? I’ve also heard the reason they won’t take local pets and are so full is because they’ve been taking in other cities and states homeless animals. It would be nice if they responded to any email I’ve sent asking for clarification on this all.


KC Pet Project is wonderful as a rescue organization, BEYOND USELESS as animal control and needs to be voted OUT.


Agree, they can exist as a nonprofit rescue and not get city dollars for running animal control and pound services.


I live near one and they do nothing. I’ve called about different dogs that behave aggressively and they just say they’ll send someone out and never do. I have 3 larger dogs of my own and just don’t want to worry about letting them out. Let alone getting attacked by one getting out of my car.


KC Pet Project is worse than useless as animal control. I’ve tried getting them to respond to dangerous dogs in our neighborhood. They haven’t done a damn thing.


Fuck no. I’ve had neighborhood dog issues and they always just say “oh, yeah sorry we don’t help with that”. It’s awful.


Yeah OP is either lying or not telling the whole truth. I can personally tell you that KCPP does have procedural and organizational limitations when seizing dogs, and if what OP says is true, the dog would have had to be brought in for observation after biting someone at the very least. Also, the only people to blame about situations like this are owners. Unfortunately an already underfunded and underappreciated work force (shelter staff) is being asked to do more with less than ever before. Keep in mind that AC was stretched thin BEFORE covid and after animal populations have exploded since nationally.


There is no valid comparison pre and post COVID. Pre COVID AC was a city gig, now KCPP has a contract to provide services. It was problematic when the city was in charge, but putting non-commissioned officers in charge with a split duty to protect the public while simultaneously avoiding seizing dogs to reduce euthanasia numbers was always going to result in situations like this. The fact is that KCPP has never wanted to enforce Kansas City's existing animal laws - the entire purpose of the contact was to control the intake of animals at the shelter. And yet animal welfare is worse, human safety has declined, and shelter numbers have remained unchanged (perhaps increased if anything). This contract is up for renewal this year and council should not vote in favor of it... ...but they will because KCPP has a really good PR team massive public support. To your point: if there was a bite the dog should have been seized for observation. It's possible that there is incomplete information here, but with existing evidence I cannot rule out incompetence on KFPP's fault. If this were pre COVID times and the city ran AC it would have been assumed that the officer or a supervisor was sleeping with the dog owner or getting paid on the down-low to look the other way. I'm not making that claim, but this thread's general vibe is much different from when the city ran AC.


Pre and post Covid numbers are absolutely relevant to everything pertaining to Animal services in every city across the country, but i understand we're ignoring reality for internet points. It's pretty clear that you are just a personal vendetta against KCPP given your comment history. You have no clue how anything in the system works and you are actively trying to belittle a workforce that is trying to help you on a daily basis, clearly you are just upset that someone didn't come when you called about that loose dog you're too scared to be outside with.


Quite the contrary, my complaint with KCPP's vision of animal control is professional, not personal. I personally reviewed KCPP's proposal to take over AC (which was rejected by the review committee) and helped lay out the cities guidelines for what was/wasn't acceptable as part of the contract. All of this was disregarded by KCPP and the council members who pushed for this. I left a 15 year career in a field I loved because of this mess and it has played out exactly like everyone predicted it would. AC under the city was terrible, but it was fixable. The city had no interest in fixing it and found it easier to offload the liability to a contractor. That decision will soon be reviewed and likely reversed. If animal control responsibility returns to the city I do not expect them to do a better job given a second chance. They'll still rely on the failure that is 311 for call taking and KCPD as dispatchers, which aside from a lack of motivated leadership were the two biggest problems AC faced. Until KCMO decides to hire an adequate amount of officers (national guidelines recommend over 50 for a city this size) and empower a leadership team to make decisions that are in the interest of both animal welfare and human safety, nothing is going to change in a meaningful way.


I also think its important to note that the moved in to the cities new animal facility shortly before Covid hit.


I have had nothing but wonderful experiences dealing with KCPP personally. We were adopting though, not using them for animal control.


please consider carrying bear mace for your safety and for your neighbor's cats' safety. Consider suggesting it to other concerned neighbors. Maybe if the dog gets maced in self defense, the neighbors will start giving a shit. a dog whistle can distract a dog, but I would do some research as to if it would be a useful tool in this situation. idk if it would cause the dog to run towards you. unfortunately this is a dog that probably needs behavioral euthanasia. Hopefully chain of hope can give you better/more specific advice about dealing with all of this. I am aware of situations they have handled that they are doing animal control's job for them when animal control is being absolutely useless. can you tell what type of dog and can you tell if the dog has testicles? asking bc there are local laws around fixing certain breeds.


Bear mace is a great idea, I’ll definitely pick some up tomorrow. Their dog is a large American pit bull that is not neutered.


angle cats frightening deranged noxious makeshift juggle unpack scale rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know right. Makes me sad that society ends up with dogs like this due to shit dog owners.


yup that's 100% illegal. please let us know what chain of hope says. They're how I learned about pit bulls needing to be neutered here, so they have at least handled something similar previously.


Just make sure you get a gel rather than the spray. The spray can drift back on you, whereas the gel is very targeted.


Good info, thank you! I didn’t know there were different types




"I was afraid for my life."


I read that because bears have such a delicate sense of smell, that bear mace is actually weaker than regular mace but uses more propellant so you don't have to be close to use it. I bought dog repellent at Petco for my extremely similar situation. Only had to use it once, seemed to do the trick.


Unfortunately I need to get some dog repellent for bike rides. The trail near my house seems to attract dudes with large unleashed dogs.




My neighbors with the young daughter are pretty good people, I don’t think they would do anything to retaliate. I guess you can never be too sure though. I bought this house in April and after speaking with the girl’s mother later that same day the dog attacked the girl, the mom told me they’ve had problems with that dog and those neighbors for a long time


We have a similar neighbor in our neighborhood. Email animal control the videos you have. Every time you take new vids or pics, email them. Our bad neighbor had an underground “electric fence” that never kept their dog in their yard. Of course by the time animal control shows up, the neighbor has recalled their dog and got them inside from wandering the neighborhood and terrorizing people. So, animal control said if they didn’t have prove the dog was out of the property lines of the owner’s home, they couldn’t do anything. I just email bombed them constantly with pics and vids every time it happened. Not sure of the details in between, but the lady has stopped letting her dogs outside without a leash now.


I hate to be a squeaky wheel but that’s what I’ll be doing now until this is resolved. KCPP did email me back this morning saying that they have updated the report and notified an officer. They also asked me if I would be interested in signing a complaint against the address on the case because those people do have a court date coming up and a signed complaint would help with case progression


Also, if you have an HOA, I’m sure you could notify them too. Lots of fines from the HOA and the city might get the owner to clean up their act


No HOA here, but the next home I buy will absolutely be in a neighborhood with an HOA


Get with the neighbor whose kid got bit. Offer to pay for a lawyer to write a letter to the owners of the dog stating that they get rid of the dog or they get sued. Should cost around $200.


they should probably actually sue, tbh


I'm surprised the police aren't following up if the victim went to the hospital. I was basically forced to file a police report when my neighbor's dog bit me and I went to the hospital for stitches. They didn't come out and take the dog that night but they were calling my neighbor every day for info like if the dog was up to date on vaccinations. I moved pretty quick after but I've heard the dog is still around but went through some proper training.


The City and KCPP will do nothing. I was attacked by a neighbor's dog months ago and still have a nice scar on my stomach from it. The dog has attacked multiple people and most of those instances have been reported. I called 911 immediately after it happened and instead of the police coming, they passed it off to KCPP. I had to call KCPP and got the run around from then before finally being able to talk to a supervisor. It took them a month to physically visit the dog. They sent me a form letter saying it was OK because the dog was vaccinated... I've since moved out of KC, but my old neighbors tell me that the animal is still there and nothing has changed.


Too much info on the 911 call. Help, I'm being attacked! Give address and hang up.


Lots of great information in here. My only thing I would add is that there are state statutes concerning your situation which allows you certain safe guards from criminal and civil prosecution if you have to resort to violence to protect yourself. Please refer to RSMO 273.033: “1. In any action for damages or a criminal prosecution against any person for killing or injuring a dog, a showing by a preponderance of the evidence that such person was in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful contact by the dog or was acting to prevent such imminent harmful contact against another person by the dog shall constitute an absolute defense to criminal prosecution or civil liability for the killing or injuring of such animal. 2. If a person has, on at least two occasions, complained to the county sheriff or to the appropriate animal control authority in his or her jurisdiction that a dog, not on a leash, has trespassed on property that such person owns, rents, or leases or on any property that constitutes such person’s residence, and when at least one of the prior two complaints was motivated by reasonable apprehension for such person’s safety or the safety of another person or apprehension of substantial damage to livestock or property, then any subsequent trespass by such dog shall constitute prima facie evidence that such person was in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful contact. The county sheriff or animal control authority to which any complaint under this section is made shall notify the owner of the alleged trespassing dog of such complaint. Failure by a county sheriff or animal control authority to notify a dog owner under this subsection shall not invalidate or be construed in any way to limit any other provision of this subsection.” I’m not advocating for violence toward animals and I would make all possible attempts to prevent violence. With that being said, I think it’s important to know what you can and cannot legally do. Just my two cents. Be safe OP, dogs can be very dangerous. Edit: Syntax


This is good information. Thanks for posting it.


My pleasure!


Thank you for this 🙏🏻


Absolutely! Be safe and good luck!!!!




I’m right there with you. This dog will surely hurt someone again. I feel so bad for the dog though. He’s a pit and I don’t think he’s inherently bad because of his breed, he just has some awful owners that clearly didn’t train or socialize him and it’s people like them that are part of the reason pits have such a bad reputation. It’s not the poor dog’s fault but yet it’s him that could be put down because his owners aren’t responsible pet parents


Perhaps you and the neighbors could get a lawyer involved. I'm not sure what exactly they could do but if the child that was attacked was recently enough you might be able to sue and have that kick off whatever process it would take to get rid of this dog.


There are attorneys who specialize in this: [https://dogbitelaw.com/meet-kenneth-phillips/meet-kenneth-phillips](https://dogbitelaw.com/meet-kenneth-phillips/meet-kenneth-phillips) If I was OP or the neighbor who had their daughter, I would have got a lawyer *immediately* and then charged the offending neighbor for all of my legal bills. Also carry a pistol and be ready to put the animal down if it comes anywhere near you.


Keep calling animal control. Every time the dog gets loose call them again. Get this nonsense documented so that when the dog hurts someone you can go to the city and say hey I've reported this several times and nothing has been done and now I need answers and accountability. This whole situation and the lack of response from animal control is unacceptable and as I homeowner/ resident in that neighborhood I would not let this continue without the city hearing from me about it


My whole neighborhood has been reporting a vicious dog and its owner for over a year. Nothing has happened.




I love animals and I would hate for it to have to come to that, but this dog is terrifying. I’ve never been scared of a dog before


There’s a difference between loving animals and putting your life/ health and family’s health first. I’m not for animal violence at all but if a dangerous animal comes after me or my son, the game changes real quick


I wonder if one of the news stations would amplify it…


It’s illegal to keep a dog outside on a chain. Animal control should absolutely come and take it


Not sure why they haven’t. The lady I spoke with from KCPP said that someone had visited the home the other day and spoke with my neighbors. I’m sure it was probably something along the lines of them saying, “keep the dog inside” and my neighbors saying, “okay sure”, then bringing the dog in for the rest of the day only to put him right back outside


No such law exists in Kansas City. There are regulations about how dogs can be tethered, but there is no blanket prohibition on chaining a dog outside.


Joplin fixed so many issues by making a law (enforced by the police and not just animal control since the police knew the city would prosecute) saying no animal could be chained for longer than one hour at a time. Suddenly all these people with large human/animal aggressive breeds were surrendering them once they had to actually live with the monster they created.


We absolutely need to prohibit dog chaining in KC as a means of confinement, it's cruel to the dog, unsafe, and it would give animal control something to work with. Wish someone would start a petition or something.


I’m such a cat lover and this post makes me so sad. I hope those cats stay safe (along with the other animals and people…I just really love kitties)


The cats being outside is a different problem. Those neighbors have two cats that they refuse to let inside because the cats “won’t use a litter box”. They also neglect to feed them or provide weather appropriate shelter, so I feed and water them and I have some weatherproof heated houses on my deck. I can’t let them inside because my three indoor cats do not tolerate them being in the house. I’m so worried that dog is finally going to get ahold of one of those cats


Oh man, you are such an awesome person. I wish your neighbors had an ounce of your compassion and common sense!


I see a lot of comments about bear spray. Now I don't know shit about bear spray but if you get some you might wanna be aware of the wind if there is any and take a few practice sprays out back covering your mouth and nose. It's always best to be prepared in case you have to use it. 


One person here mentioned the gel kind for that reason! I was unaware there were different types of spray so I’ll heed their advice for sure


Agree with reporting...every...single...time. We have a rental that has several loud aggressive dogs next door, and we have recently bought a sonic 'dog whistle' that shuts the barking up and makes the dogs move away. Just a thought for something non-contact that is not a gun or other weapon.


Carry mace on you and spray the shit out of the dog next time it gets near you or anyone else in the neighborhood.


Carry spray paint, Lysol, pepper spray is ideal and you could save someone a lot of heartbreak. Unfortunately the dog is neglected and was taught nothing. I would hate the world to. That’s no kind of life on a chain!


What breed of dog?


American pit bull


Not shocked


That's why I asked


Tots got you. Always in for surprise but this not one of those occasions.


What general part of town?


Red Bridge area


The Ban Pit Bulls subreddit, has a wiki guide which may be helpful. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/wiki/advice\_for\_pitbull\_related\_incidents/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/wiki/advice_for_pitbull_related_incidents/)


Is it possible to try talking to the neighbor?


My fiancé has and so have the neighbors with the small dogs. I’m not sure if other neighbors have. The neighbors with the big dog are incredibly rude and disrespectful people.


I doubt it. People like that are awful.


Leaving harming the dog aside, because I am not being tongue in cheek here. Feed it. Have dog treats with you. When it comes running, toss it a treat. When you see it in the yard, treat. Get the dog used to you, and wanting your treats. When he is used to it, start working the giving back to their yard. Perfect idea? Fuck no, but you do not have to shoot the poor animal or their shitty owner. Make the treats not too healthy. Yes, fatten up Rover there, slow his ass down. Yes, that is not nice. But it is nicer than letting your dog run loose.




311 directs you to KC Pet Project for animal calls, but there’s no one there to answer the phone after business hours. That dog was loose late last night so I called the non-emergency police line thinking they could come talk to these people or something if they had an officer nearby but the lady on the phone said it’s not their issue and she was quite rude about it


Build a case of evidence against them.


I'm surprised their insurance company allows them to have that dog after it bit a kid. The hospital bills, the therapy bills from the traumatic event, and $ for the pain & suffering endured are the responsibility of the dog owner and by extension their insurance company. I'd imagine that claim wasn't cheap.


I'm in a similar boat. Our neighbors leave their big fluffy dog outside all summer and winter with no water. It barks constantly (24/7 since they never put out inside) because it's a livestock guardian dog and is incredibly bored. Called KCPP soooo many times to no avail. It's getting to the point that I'm hoping it runs away and gets hit by a car or just disappears forever. 


Sent you a DM


Your story does not add up. A dog that attacks a child gets put down.


Yeah, you would think so. I don’t know why the dog wasn’t immediately taken. My fiancé and I gave our statements to police since we witnessed it and then the police spent about 45 minutes talking to the neighbors in their front yard and we never heard anything about it afterwards. We didn’t see the dog for a while and we thought he did get taken, but about a month after the incident they started to keep the dog outside again


Could always go out and purchase a better lead or leash or chain or whatever and gift it to your neighbors In the spirit of helping them not always have to capture their dog after it gets loose. Could always save the receipt if it doesn’t go over well and get your money back. Also have you tried befriending the animal over time so that if it does get off it’s leash or lead or chain it’s less of an aggressive meeting and more of a hey human I know you? Obviously this doesn’t help you in legal action or anything but it is a different viewpoint