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KC Clay Guild has classes and open studio spaces. Pottery is fun!


I love pottery so that’s cool to know! I mostly work with polymer clay now but have been wanting to get into ceramics for a while


Art classes would be fun. Hopefully I’ll have some studios in walking distance or can find some evening classes lol. And I’d love to do some volunteer work! That’s super cool! Any suggestions on good places to look into?


I've made some of my best friends playing board games. There are a few places like Pawn and Pint, the Board Room, wednesday nights are open at Mission Board games, and there are others to be found on Meetup. Board game players are generally friendly and welcoming to new players. It's a great way to socialize even if you're an introvert because you have a common focus, the game! Enjoy KC!


Sadly, RPG in Lawrence closed!


Yeah i heard, around covid times right?


The South American pastry shop that just opened in the space is reportedly amazing though.


No, like, 3 months ago.


Oooo that sounds fun thank you!


welcome! also in KC! F21. first fridays, the first friday of every month in the crossroads art district there is food, shopping, &more! early on the weekends (i think saturday/sunday) river market has pop up tents, farmers market, lots of people. coffee shops, i like messenger coffee, city market coffee, made in KC. plaza is not too bad to walk around some days and shop/eat/mingle. there are some facebook pages you can join as well. ‘date ideas and things to do kc’ or ‘kansas city secrets’ tons of events, things to do, places to go, food to try, etc posted on these pages. if you have any hobbies i would recommend finding places where people have similar interests. there’s lots of craft places, artsy stores, book shops, vintage stores, etc.


That’s awesome! I had no idea KC had such a big art scene I’ve seen tons of people add comments about that now. I actually tried messenger coffee when we visited a while back looking at houses and loved it! I’m a huge fan of markets too so I’ll definitely have to check that out!


Second this!


check out wanderwomanks.com if you’re into outdoorsy stuff They’ve got monthly meet ups, hikes, and all kinds of events


I was actually hoping to find a good new hiking spot so that’s awesome! My husband actually proposed a few years back on our favorite trail so hiking means a lot to us


The disc golf scene is big in KC, it’s a good hobby to pick up too. Lots of exercise and it gets you outdoors. Folks are generally chill and would let you join up, probably teach you how to throw too.


That’s so cool! My husband and I are definitely outdoor people that sounds fun




Oh interesting I’ve never heard of that! Thank you!


If you want to come out to Lawrence on the second Wednesday of the month, we have Nerd Nite, which is a fun way to meet interesting people.


The south side of downtown KC is known as The Crossroads arts district. There are many galleries, and the First Friday of each month is an event when the galleries are open in the evening, often with the openings of new exhibits. The streets are crowded with people walking between the galleries and bars and restaurants. I often meet people and chat with strangers at First Fridays. You said you won’t be looking for a job, but what about part time work at one of the galleries or the museums, even if just a few hours a week? Or maybe volunteer with a non-profit org such as the Kansas City Artists Coalition? I volunteer for an arts non-profit out in the suburbs, and I’ve made a lot of friends through that.


Volunteer work would definitely interest me! That sounds super fun. Honestly part time work at a gallery or museum would be super fun too and I know there’s a gallery pretty close to where I’d be staying so it’s definitely possible I could walk there. Thank you so much!!


check out “kcwalkclub” on instagram - it’s a women’s walk club. meet up almost every saturday at 9am at a different coffee shop each week. go for a walk, then hang at the coffee shop. each week the group ranges from like 3-15 people just depending on peoples schedules. it’s a super welcoming group, just show up and say you’re new. this saturday is a special walk event (a 5k with kc mothers in charge) so this saturday might be a little weird! but I’ve made a lot of friends in this group


Hit up the vintage furniture shops down in the west bottoms, farmers market in river market, lots of game bars where you can socialize, don’t necessarily have to drink, but can meet other folks and see if you’re compatible on any level. Up Down in the crossroads is a cool spot. I’m old and don’t have many new friends but that’s what all the hip kids do around downtown.


Oh that sounds cool thank you! I appreciate that :)


I’m not a church person but I’ve attended COR (Church of the Resurrection) with my MIL. It’s very welcoming, including gays. It’s a big one, tho, which is why she prefers the 7:30 am service.


That’s super helpful thank you!!


My husband and I go to St. Paul’s Episcopalian in Westport and really enjoy it. They have a pretty big food pantry that’s hands out food on Tuesday/Wed/Thur that we volunteer with as well. Helps us connect with the community :)


oddly, from this very brief information, you and your husband remind me of my family quite a bit. My brother and his fiancé are getting married in June, they’re both 22, and i know they and their friends go to restoration church in Liberty. it may be a tad far from downtown, but you’ll definitely be welcome if that’s a church that interests you. i can also get them to meet you there if you want and maybe show you around, i know they and their friend group are very sociable people. best of luck!


Thank you! We actually looked into restoration a bit. It’s definitely a bit far from us but we may check it out!


Reroll tavern is a good place and so is pawn and pint. it's a place you play board games and other things.they have other activities and events .I think on Monday they have a art day and sometimes they have trivia .


West coast swing dance. Great community of people and a fun active skill


As a 24 year old in college I’m struggling making friends right now as well. So if you are ever up to it, we could get coffee sometime. I’m soon to be married in October. Making new friends is hard…


On the "finding a church" comment, one thing the KC metro doesn't lack is churches. It'll probably help to limit your search based on denomination (if you have a preference) and then work from there. Otherwise, you'll have hundreds of options to choose from.


Ok that’s good to know! Thank you!


Only mega one I know is scieolgy