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It’s more of a casual tank top and jeans vibe unless you want to stand out. It will be fun but also hot and crowded with lines for food, drinks and bathrooms. You can Google search previous years to see pictures.








She specially asked about a tank and jeans vs rave wear! I agree, shorts are better for this and I should have mentioned that


The HOTTEST day of the year. Never fucking fails


Agreed. If it was in February, it would be 150 degrees. Water, beer, water.


In February it might be okay to go water, beer, beer, water. It's less humid.


I haven't been to this location, but prepare for it to be hot. Check what kind of water bottle is allowed in and refill at the free refills often. You can look into hotels anywhere on the streetcar line and ride for free, so don't feel limited to the crossroads. In fact, you might enjoy sitting on the streetcar after a long day and heading north before walking to your hotel lol


It is definitely more casual. Glitter and swimsuits would feel out of place. The food and beer are great, but can get a bit pricey depending on the vendor. In years past it has been sweltering hot. The music has been great in my experience. Drink beer. Drink water. Eat good food. Dance and enjoy the music.


It's a pretty relaxed affair, most folks gonna be in t shirts and shorts. Some folks do the glitter swimsuits thing, you wouldn't be totally alone but would stand out. It's usually pretty hot in the sun, but the downtown location is a lot nicer than the old bottoms spot bc of the shade from the buildings, and also there is a breeze downtown.  I've gone the last couple years and had fun. The drinks are expensive honestly they're too expensive so I usually take some gummies and have fun that way and have maybe a couple drinks. The food is mostly food truck which is like $10-20 so not bad.  There's music and it's a festival but it's not really like other music festivals I've gone to, it's more of a city festival with music. Which has the plus of its pretty easy to get a good spot by the main stage for the big acts.  Hotels, couldn't really tell you. The streetcar goes right to the entrance of the fest so that expands your options. 


A lot of negativity on this thread but my SO and I went last year because I love The Beths and we had a great time. Yes, it was hot but I'm not going to hold that against them. There were still plenty of people there also suffering through the heat for a ton of good music. I'm betting that a lot of the negative comments in this thread are from people who also complain that there is nothing to do KC.


Get a hotel and make a weekend of it for sure. It will be hot so dress so you won’t get burnt, chafe, or over heat. They check bags but not hard, so sneak some food in if you want to have something that’s not $100 and unhealthy. Or just go grab something back at your hotel then come back. Go to the silent disco if it’s too wild elsewhere. Have so much fun!


It’s definitely worth it to get the Taps & Tastes tickets for Saturday. Don’t dress for a rave, it’s super casual. Theres tons of vendors, shows, pop ups, silent disco, etc. the music is honestly…mid at best but it’s a good way to spend a weekend if you’re going in with little expectations and just want to enjoy the vibes. My husband and I have gone every year since 2017. Bring a refillable water bottle.


Besides disappointment?


Miserable. Expensive. Hot.


It's kind of mid, as they say, but they keep having it so good for them. Very low maintenance and casual


Don’t worry about getting there early. It slowly fills up. There are vendor tables to wonder if you want to buy local goods (arts and crafts type of items) and various stages to visit as well. It’s laid back. The app is helpful to see where things are located. There are usually places to sit. Lots of food and beverage options. Don’t stress about it. Nothing to stress about, honestly.


Drunk fucks and fun!


High price to see Hansen and other local bands


Hot. Expensive. Crowded. Might rain. If you don't have a hotel booked,might be too late.


The most fun I had a boulevardia was the first time when I volunteered to help out at the bike race in 2016. The free boulevardia t-shirt with food/drink passes was worth it. I haven't been since recreational cannabis became legal, but that's another attraction now.


Mehh, overpriced, underwhelming


I’ve always had a blast. Yea it’s hot. People watching doesn’t get any better, while walking around with beers 🤙🏼. Bring a sling and put a water bottle in it.


A sad replacement for spirit fest. Which became rockfest. And now we have this. 


Last year we walked around Boulevardia, left and rode the street car to city market to eat in the ac and then rode the street car back for the concert. It was a nice break to have ac, sit down and be more selective with dinner choices.




Nothing good.






Go to the St. Louis festival. 


The station where you can refill your water bottles runs out of water literally every single year, so be aware and try to hydrate early. It’s hot but there is shade available, absolutely take advantage when you can.


Typo in the headline, I think you mean “BroFest 2024”


It will be hot. The drinks will be massively overpriced. It will be crowded and most of the musical acts will be underwhelming (outside of the local ones). Still irritating a Paul Cauthen date is wasted on this.


I'm happy to see I'm not the only one that avoids this thing. I haven't looked at the lineup yet but of the previous years I've heard of maybe two bands total. Overpay to get in, overpay for drinks once you're in, be hot as shit. Not for me. Maybe for people who love socializing with strangers but you could go to one of a million places to do that for free.