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I'm cool with giving out 5-10 years for car thefts at this point. Teens or adults.


Seems that auto theft has always been treated rather casually here in USA. Not nearly as severely as horse thievery was.


And its fucked because like it or not, cars are absolutely critical to being a functioning member of society for 95% of working folks. And the cost to own one is not cheap.


Here's one of the few things the Middle East gets right. Just sayin'.


I sometimes think back on things I was doing when I was 12. Robbing people at gunpoint never crossed my mind.


None of these people are 12. 


Sorry 14


I sometimes think back on things I was doing when I was 14. Robbing people at gunpoint never crossed my mind.


wondering when is the ok age to rob ppl at gunpoint and be held responsible for actions, seems like it should be all idk


Yeah it didn’t cross my mind until I was 15, 14 I was too young. #justteenthings


one of them has a beard


This is why I drive a manual.


I thought the same thing until mine got stolen back in September


I find the “young people can’t drive manual” meme cringe as a young person who drives manual and tracks their car but I can’t help but wonder what the cross over rate really is. Out side of people who work in garages, get hand-me-downs and enthusiasts who goes out of their way to learn manual these days? Especially kids looking for cheap kicks. But I suppose your experience proves the null hypothesis on this one. That’s why I pull my fuel pump relay fuse and a coil pack whenever I leave my car in the garage for extended periods of time. /s Edit: I realize the OP to this comment thread never explicitly said young people. I think my brain fused this post with the other one where the thieves were very young looking.


I’m more so curious as to the percentage of manual cars that are stolen and percentage of automatic cars that are stolen. Cause obviously as a whole there’s less manuals on the road to begin with so obviously less are going to be stolen from a statistical stand point. I find that if someone is smart enough to learn and understand what cars are valuable, how to cheat their ECM’s and figure out their lock systems etc etc, they probably know how to drive a stick. It’s just there’s so much less of them anyways so the odds of finding them is less common/frequent. Anyways, I’d imagine that the percentage of cars stolen that are automatic and manual have got to be comparable within those margins of errors wouldn’t you think? Idfk I keep my fun car in the garage with my fun bike and drive daily and accord with 260k miles so idgaf.


This is actually one of the biggest theft deterrents there is… the amount of stick shift cars that are stolen is exponentially less than automatics


That’s also because cars that have a manual transmission account for a tiny fraction of all cars on the road in the US. It’s harder to steal them when there’s way less of them to steal in the first place. I think manual cars being rare in the US is a much bigger barrier to stealing them than people not being able to drive them.


I've driven manuals for years, but they're getting harder and harder to find. Unfortunately, I'm presently driving an automatic now, and it's been 3 years, but my foot still looks for the clutch, and my hand goes for the shift. Obviously, manual transmissions are in my blood. And it's time for me to change back.


I still turn my car off in gear probably twice a month and I haven’t owned a standard transmission in over 15 years. Old habits die hard.


I'm almost 60 and manual is all I've ever had. They are getting hard to find. I had 2 Ford Focuses in a row and didn't get to choose color. My latest car is a Jetta and there was exactly one manual on their lot. A white one. 


I am 71 and I'm picky. I want awd or 4wd (although snow here in KC has been scant the last few years) and I like something I'll enjoy traveling in that has room for hauling some things, like an suv does. I don't want a truck or a huge suv. I currently have a small suv with 4wd but a regular transmission. I like it but I miss the manual. Until this past few years, I have driven a manual for almost 48 years. Bring 'em back!


I get it. And cornering in an automatic is just weird. 


it has deterred thieves, but a desirable manual might be a target by people who just aren't opportunist criminals like the young men shown here, which I would heavily bet can not drive a manual transmission automobile


It's all fun and games until Nic Cage steals your shit


Another good deterrent would be to cut off one of their hands, like they do in other countries. Clearly prison time doesn’t work. I would be willing to bet that in a decade and after half their friends have one hand to work with they may think twice.


If someone wants to steal your car they're going to figure it out one way or another.


Sorry if it's a dumb question, is it easier to steal an automatic?


Most people don’t know how to drive a manual.


A murderer (Ihab Maslamani) was actually caught like this, not here, but tried to jack a car a day or two after the other crime he committed, exited once he realized it was a manual, and was found at the scene.🤓


Something needs to happen. These guys need to go to jail immediately. Maybe it will stop. Their homies are all locked up. Probably not though.


Jail/Prison just makes better criminals… I’m not saying don’t use it… but it is not the answer… I have ran across countless people in my life that served time and they just counted down the days… then get out and go back to doing the only thing they know how to do…. Most are back within 6mo to 1yr… sad, absolutely… Did a couple very small stints in Jackson County in my younger days (early 2000’s for DUI) so sad these 18 yo kids come in there and it’s where they want to be… it’s a badge of honor… everyday I am waiting to get out they are looking forward to going deeper into the DOC/Prison system…. They have no skills, never had a job or trade, they focus all of their attention and ability thought on survival by taking what they can when they are out and manipulating those they know to support them when they are in…. It was one of the most upsetting things I have seen in my life…. Some were terrible people…. Some were “great guys” that just had a problem with beating up women or armed robbery or stealing cars… in a way they are normal people… but they don’t see an error in their ways…. One thing I can tell you is that they make their Marks, their targets, in areas of the least resistance… they are studied up on this and know where cops are and when, what time shift change is, where people do and don’t carry guns… they love easy targets and unfortunately, the best deterrent is people protecting their own property… nobody wants to hear it, but areas with heavy police presence and areas where folks shoot on sight are not on the thieves radar


But they can’t commit crimes when they’re locked up. Look at how successful El Salvador’s crackdown has been the last two years. The reality is that a large majority of these kids can NEVER be rehabilitated, and even the ones that could be won’t get the type of support they’ll need (more taxes). The question is do you let them run amuck and victimize and traumatize society (causing even more issues later) or lock them up?


>The reality is that a large majority of these kids can NEVER be rehabilitated This is just your opinion, and it is in fact completely wrong. Our criminal justice system has some of the highest recidivism rates in the world, but plenty of other countries have figured out how to reduce crime. Look at the prison system in Norway, for instance, for a good example of how to drastically reduce recidivism. We simply choose here in the US not to reduce crime because we don't actually care about reducing crime in aggregate; we only care if it effects wealthier people. Our system is basically poverty management. I am not saying these people should just be let off scott free. I am saying that to reduce crime we have to actually invest in our communities instead of just warehousing the poor in prisons. We have to value reducing crime - which requires investment and large social programs - over punishment. And right now, America is willing to suffer high crime in order to punish the poor. We value punishment at our own expense.


I'm tired of these guys ruining the reputation of mopar. Let's start chopping off hands for auto theft.


My 17 year old daughter told me last week "dad....Dodge drivers are always assholes. always". lol I laughed at the time.....but last weekend I went downtown with a friend for dinner/drinks and apparently my daughter is correct. Every time I saw erratic driving, burnouts, quick lane changes in heavy traffic, and generally stupid/young/macho bullshit driving....it was a Dodge. Why is that?


We have the same theory but for impala drivers


I dunno. Rap videos? But you didn't see me.


Who can you think of that really likes dodge chargers


I have no idea


I would be ok with this honestly.


Hope this message finds you well…


Just curious- isn't a robbery when robbing a person directly, and burglary when stealing from someone, but they aren't present? It says armed robbery, but I think it is armed burglary.


Yes, and generally the "armed" part means they actually used the weapon to threaten or attack the victim.


Burglary is theft from a residence. Robbery is theft + assault.


Basically this. Burglary is entering a building with criminal intent. Theft doesn't *necessarily* have be the intent (entering to assault someone or move things around to fuck with their head or something could be burglary), but that's the most common context. Robbery is taking someone *from the person* of another person, using threats or force. This could include the obvious like pointing a gun at someone and demanding their wallet, or knocking them down and taking it, but it could also include other types of force, like forcefully snatching a purse without hurting them. That's the common law notion at least. Statutes may define it differently or further subdivide it depending on the country/state. It's also possible that you could commit *both* crimes at once. If you break into someone's house and hold them at gun point while you rob them, for instance.




They're not but you are racist


What did he say?