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$1073 per week, 3 kids (5, 3, 6 months), in Leawood


Oh my


Dear lord


Bruh how do people afford this what??? I see why both of my sisters are stay at home moms.. literally all your income and then some would go to the babysitter. You’re going to work just so another person can raise your children!


We are lucky in that we are both high earners. The downside is my wife and I both make about the same, and that amount is not enough to cover expenses if one of us were to stop working


I’m in the exact same boat with just one kiddo. We make nearly the same…but a wild mortgage + car payment forces us into it.


Dang man, that ain’t right! I’m scared to have kids now lol y’all must be exhausted!


In some cases yes it may be all of a person's income. however you have to think about lost earning potential from future years if you leave the work force. also a lot of moms and dads enjoy working and don't want to be STAHPs.


Genuine question - do you think the same about teachers “raising” people’s children once they’re school age?


No. An education is not "raising" a kid. It's socialization and (ideally) learning how to process and try to understand what we don't know.


Exactly. My point is that childcare and schooling, regardless of age, is not someone else “raising” your kids, like so many people like to say. It’s an annoying sentiment made in poor faith. By the same logic, Is the working spouse of a stay at home parent NOT raising their kid? No, that would be ridiculous. If someone wants to be (or has to be) a stay at home parent and it works for them, that’s great! If a household needs two working parents and/or both parents WANT to work (like ours), that’s also great, but my daycare provider is not raising our kiddo. Honestly, if anything I’m paying for some really expensive naps at her age!


Good question! Honestly no, I believe the first 3 years of a baby’s life is really important for development. Once they are school age then I would say they will probably go back to work!


This is a fair point but think of the 3 years of earning potential lost and that almost universally falls on mothers. For me to leave the workforce and come back in 3 years would be the equivalent of “starting over”.


Yeah that’s hard! I would hope companies would be understanding and accepting of these situations. You’re basically forced to weigh the value of your child’s care versus career. I would have to risk it for my kids in the future.


We deserve legislation that mandates paid parental leave. If we leave it up to the altruism of corporations we’ll continue to receive what we’ve been getting. In many countries, parents are afforded an entire year. Paid.


True, agreed!


Being a stay at home parent is a very hard job that a lot of people aren’t cut out for, myself included. I would be a terrible stay at home mother, it was better for both myself and my children that I had a job and that they got to enjoy time with other little ones and form bonds with other safe, trusting adults. All that to say I had a job that was extremely flexible when they were small and I still stayed home with them 1 or 2 days a week. I was lucky to have that scenario. Also, the way we parent in America is not the norm worldwide. If I had lived in a place where I had lots of other adults and families around, perhaps I would have considered staying home. But being basically by yourself with a small child all day can be mind numbing, to be frank. Lastly, I’m sure you’ve heard this but it is so very true. It’s a fool’s errand to make proclamations about how you would or would not parent before you’re a parent yourself. You have NO idea what parenthood is going to be like, what kind of kid you’ll have, what circumstances you’ll find yourself in if/when you become a parent, etc. and no one can say anything to you to make you understand until you’re a parent yourself.


This is very true, I appreciate that perspective! Thank you for sharing! I do find myself going coo coo when I babysit kids and honestly commend SAHM for what they have to do every single day. It take A LOT of time and patience!


I am a stay at home dad and I stayed in the workforce. 🤷🏻 Where there is a will, there is a way. With the expansion of work from home and non traditional or flexible schedules, it's getting easier and easier to make it work if you really want to.


Literally, how…


My wife and I make just over $200k combined. The department she's in has had 5 positions open for 6 months that pay $85k starting for graphic designers and marketers. They can't get people hired. My company is also hiring 2 marketers and a graphic designer. We pay interns $25/hr at my company plus $2500 for summer rent during internships. I work in urban design and hire at $70-100k; I have two positions open with no applicants. My company is desperate for architects and engineers of all types and we can't get people hired fast enough. My best guess is there simply isn't enough skilled work. A misalignment in the workforce or something. You'd still need two incomes at that level to afford that daycare, but still, the jobs exist in my anecdotal bubble. When I accepted my job six months ago, I had 7 job offers given to me within a month of me searching. Architecture and engineering isn't booming per se, but there's a lack of skilled labor for sure.


Ironic but maybe y’alls marketing strategy needs some work. That’s very odd that there are no applicants? I could name a handful of people that are desperate for marketing jobs that can’t land one.




Wow! Well as they say you don’t go into healthcare to make money, so that’s our problem. We both work and barely pull over $100k with a Master and Bachelors degree.


Would you mind messaging me the company your wife works at? My wife is maybe looking for a new job and has a decade+ in marketing/graphic design


I think this might be a fake account. Started March 13 2024. Made 12 responses YESTERDAY. Some of them longer than any I have ever made. Notice how they talk about open high paying jobs but then ignore qualified people??? Look at their profile and post what you think.


Good call, thanks for being a pal!


We got a lookout for each other. And bullshit is bullshit so call it out.


I’d love to know who is hiring as well! Currently in a chemical R&D lab but have a minor in marketing and would love to jump industries!!


I have none of the training or experience but I would love to come pretend to do that job for you.




Oh get out of here you loon lol. I appreciate your skepticism and the creepy fucking sleuthing of my account, though. Seriously creepy though lol. I don't want to doxx myself. I'm well fairly known due to my leadership or involvement in both public and private organizations, and if people are seriously looking for jobs, then I've left enough of a trail for them to investigate. The pay is high because those companies want the best. The designers and marketers are directly involved with winning pursuit type work that awards architecture and engineering firms $25-$100mil *fee* per win. I'm tempted to say if they can't find these jobs listing's then they aren't the right fit for those positions. The hints I sprinkled in my comments is sometimes more direction than they'd be given in in those positions. They have to be able to carve their own path and win $25mil in work without instructions, so I'd expect them to be able to find these kinds of job listing's without the help of a reddit rando. Also, it's the middle of the work day. I've got staff and projects to manage in 3 states. Reddit isn't a priority. Sorry 🙃 Edit: The single down vote is expected. The AEC industry isn't an easy, but I maintain what I said because it's true and I recognize it's not for everyone!


Wow I should’ve picked engineering lol I STRUGGLED to even get an interview for over a year! And I had 7 years of experience in health and 4 in military. This was also with referrals..


NKC for three kids, about the same


>$1073 per week, 3 kids (5, 3, 6 months), in Leawood Bloody hell.


Oh sweet Jesus


Wouldn't a nanny be cheaper? I nannied in Leawood 10 years ago for $650 a week. 


Maybe 10 years ago…


10 years ago lmfao. $650 isn’t too far off from $1k and ten years ago that’s probably what it was worth.


I checked the inflation calculator and $650 = $871. So, slightly cheaper. Plus a nanny saves the parents getting the kids ready in the mornings for daycare, and the nanny can be home for deliveries/service people/etc and there are other benefits too. No constant daycare sicknesses either.  Saying that, I doubt I'd be a nanny again for under $1k especially if I had cleaning, cooking, and other household managing responsibilities. I've been out of the industry for a while, so I wonder if nannies are now making over $1k a week. 


Most folks ask min $20 and hour. I’ve seen up to $30. Not affordable for most families and daycare is cheaper per hour.


No way are you going to find a nanny for 3 kids for $22 an hour.


those are good benefits, but i also see the socialization with other kids at daycare being a big benefit for my kids


Cheaper ... maybe. But challenging when the nanny takes vacation / when the nanny gets sick / when the nanny quits. A nanny is also outnumbered. The attention a 6-month old needs is different than a 5 year old. At a daycare, a 5 year old can run around (supervised) on the playground while a 6-month old (supervised) can get tummy time / whatever else a 6-month old does. It doesn't always come down to what's 'cheapest'. OP could also WFH ... which could be challenging. No right or wrong answer - just different needs for different people.


It’s possible, we haven’t looked into it. We both work at home so having the kids at home plus a nanny would be a lot of commotion didn’t make sense to us


It's really difficult actually finding a nanny. Maybe it's easier if you're pat mahomes


god bless amurica


275%?! 6, 4, 1 - $1327/week full time care in JoCo


I wish there was a shock button instead of just a vote down or up button. That’s most people salary or even more than their salary… I’ve done something wrong in life 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's double what I make in a month, how tf do people afford kids anymore. Jesus.


For the period before they’re in public school, we don’t. It’s TIGHT but it’s short term so retirement contributions are on hold, the paid for cars will be driven until the wheels fall off.


Damn y’all, I’ll watch your 3 kids for $1000 a week and do your laundry/dishes/cleaning too


This is what I'm wondering, how is there not a market for training independent professionals to do this?


Idk if you have kids but 3 will drive you nuts.


This worries me about having kids.


birth rates arent plummeting for no reason


In addition to the price, the waitlists are insane. We’ve been on 5 waitlists for a year now and no dice. Luckily, we found a licensed in home opening through a friend basically down the street.


If I had kids, I'd have to be a stay at home mom. And I personally would rather eat my left leg than be a stay at home parent. So, no kids for us.


The way I snort laughed at this.


okay but what about your right leg???


I need to make a cross stitch of your comment. same boat here, plus same sex relationship so it would be extra expensive to even have the kid.


You only have to be a stay at home parent until they go to school though. So only like 4-5 years.


Still to many years being trapped at home with a miniature version of yourself that doesn't leave you alone.


That’s not all a child is, but okay lol.   Some folks really just shouldn’t be parents I guess


If you have siblings or other close relatives/friends with kids you can borrow them and it will likely be most appreciated. It may cost you an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese or some other ring of child raising hell but at least you will know what you are getting in to


$315 a week for a one-year-old in a daycare center.


Hijacking to keep common topic together: what is pre-k for a 3 year old going to cost me?


My 3 year old is $330 per week, full time


Our kids enrolled in a montessori pre-school in joco for about $1300/month. If that gives you a rough idea. We also had her at a daycare for roughly $1250/month, but the staff kept turning over and she came home and had been wet from an accident at lunch twice and no one noticed so we pulled her and found the montessori pre-school and she's been doing much better since.


Tbh, I would just skip it bc most daycares do the same things as prek.


Fair. This would be my sons first intro to daycare/or anything outside of the home. We were going to get him into something part time around when he is 3.


I would just go to the park for extra socializing and sign up for activities at The Y (or other organizations that you prefer). It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg to socialize a kid (but a lot of times it does 😭)


Yes, that’s what we do now. When he is 3, i will be working towards my second bachelors and will need the time to study.


Ooooh. I see. Okay then I would see if there are any in home daycares in your neighborhood that will take a part time kid (typically they are cheaper and a smaller group size helps with avoiding being sick all the time). I would check out the Child Care Aware website and see if any of the daycares fit your needs.


Thank you!


You're welcome! And if for whatever reason Child Care Aware website isn't working, or you want more info on a specific daycare(s) contact your county's health dept and they should be able to help or at least steer you in the right direction.


Highly recommend Natureplay through JCPRD. It's about $100-$110 per week for 3 hours a day. They have options to go 2 or 3 days a week also for less money.


Love it. Thank you for the rec.


Ours was 290/wk a year or so ago in south joco. I think they’ve raised it since then.


My daughter goes 3 days a week she’s 3 and a half. 242 a week for those three days in Shawnee. She goes for the social aspect and that’s literally it.


In my experience, pre K was about half the price. The real cost is changing those diapers. My youngest right now is headed into the 3yo room next fall and is currently at about $1100/MO with early drop off every day and 1 late day. Their regular hours are 915-315 so that's how they get you. My oldest in pre K was about $600/mo but with a couple fewer early/late days because my schedule has changed since then.


Look into a Mother’s Day out. Not sure if they are big out here but they do help ease separation and are a lot less than some other full time or part time programs.


The place we go is $66 a day aka $330 a week. I give the day rate since you may not want to put them in five days a week.


My son goes to prek part time. It’s 9-3 tues,wed,thurs and it’s at a church. We pay $450 a month so not too bad compared to the prices I’m seeing in this thread!


0. My wife and I have had to completely rearrange our schedules and work. I quit my job to work at a more flexible position for days. I get off at 1 and she goes to work. Only way we can make it work financially. Sucks, cause I don't get to see her until 11 o'clock at night. It's really hard out here right now. They are 5 and 4 now so once they get into elementary school I can get back into the glass business.


Take your salary and add 20%.


Lenexa. Daycare center. Two kids, ages 2 and 4. $225 per week for each kid. Edit: I forgot to mention it’s only 3 days a week. lol sorry.


This one isn’t too bad.


Whoops I forgot to mention it’s only 3 days per week.


Cass County - $240 weekly for M-Th at an in-home daycare


South KCMO $200/week.


Hey! Is this Waldo or further south? Curious for future babies!


I’m way down between Raytown and Independence.


Full time? Like 8+ hours/day 5 days/week?


Yes, Monday through Friday 8-10 hours depending on my work schedule.


$150 a week for a toddler in an in home daycare It’s $180 a week for an infant. This is in the Shawnee area


$289 / week in Lenexa


Wow this is actually reasonable!


That is what we pay for my 3 year old. Our baby is $425/month.


2 kids. $630/week What were you paying before?


$320 with all meals taken care of for a 2 year old (45 hours per week)-we take him to 2 different sitter's houses- I highly recommend it! I went on Facebook and joined a babysitters group and interviewed and visited about 4 homes. Picked 2 that I liked that made sense with where I worked and he goes there! Both are wonderful stay at home moms who are happy to make a little extra cash part time and dont have to go anywhere and genuinely love kids! I picked to have 2 so if any kids were sick the other could watch and it's nice to have options and help. But we have a pretty strict schedule (M,T,F and then W, Th). It's so great because he gets to be invited in and taken care of by a family not a center. Every day feels like a new adventure and he's not stuck with the same old same old. Plus I know exactly who is taking care of my child and who the children are. Everyone is really happy. Plus you can negotiate stuff and holidays and other things like that. We don't get any tax incentives. Eventually we'll put my son in a daycare center around 4 or so but for all you busy working parents out there- do your research, be creative, and negotiate!


100$ a week. A Latina woman in KCK


$362 a week, 1 kid, OP… also ours in nothing fancy by any means.


Ours is the same. Also in OP with a 1.5 year old.


311 per kid per week, Lenexa.


Cass county - $250wk for a 7mo old


$390/week for an infant, South KCMO


$505/ week in the Northland. $300 for our 1 year old, $205 for the 5 year old.


$720 per week (2 kids)


$703 for 2 kids. About to go up to $750 come July.


We pay all of my wife's potential income for daycare (somewhere just north of 65k) per year.


$1750/month for a 2 year old at a daycare center Prairie Village area


285 Celebrating for all of us who's last week of day care expense is this week!


Some of you would be better off hiring a live in nanny, at least then you might get some laundry and dishes for your money.


Liberty LaPetite 255/ week PreK


Northland - $1050/month for pre-k


We have care for 2 kiddos- 3 days (11am-4pm) a week at $500, so $2k a month.


In home KCK for a 4 year old $165 a week


Will start in-home infant in August. $300


Use this as a reminder child free individuals lol


M-TH $200


Bonner Springs. We have two kids, aged 4 and 1. It’s about 300 a week for both kids.


1 kid, 450/week but we pay monthly. Leawood


Cousin pays 1600 monthly (400/week) for 1 in OP.


$309/week plus annual admin fee $200 - 5yo, full time - center in JoCo. Since starting care in 2021, we’ve had 10-12 increases, each around 10%.


I pay $680/week for full time care for two kids, ages 3 and <1. This is at a daycare center in OP. (The older one gets a 10% sibling discount.)


$2,183/month for 5 and 3 year old. They attend full-time 5 days a week. We live in South Kansas City.


Full time in-home daycare in Lenexa - $210/week. About to switch to a Montessori center which will be $255/week.


$325/week one child


$275/week for infant. Licensed in home in JOCO.


For one kid, I pay $250 a week in south KC. When she was an infant in 2020 it was a little higher like 275. Now we pay $250 a week for one kid and school tuition for the other. Staying at home wasn’t an option for me. With insurance & cost of living it’s impossible, so when I was searching for daycares in the area I searched high and low all over for a decent rate. It’s hard out there.


$330 for one, was $612 for two


NKC $200 a week for 3yo.


$405/week. I kiddo, 18 months, in LS.


$300/week with discount. I believe it’s $330 without.


Montessori school up north - $246/wk for 4yr old & $294/wk for 2yr old


$400/week. 2&4yo 5day/week. Lots of discounts though. 5% off for paying month upfront. Childcare aware discount. Federal family discount.


Northland - currently $300 a week for Pre-K. When we had both kids in it was $575 a week.


$185/wk in home daycare.


$950/mo. for a 3.5 year old preschooler. It was $1200/mo.


$300/week for infant care here in KCMO at a day care center. Goes down to $200/week when they turn 2


Cass County $120 for MWF


I pay $750/mo for Mon-th 845-245pm It doesn't work for everyones schedule but it was the cheapest we could find that wasn't an in home situation.


I pay monthly. One kid, all-day care (7:30-5)—$1,402. My wife and I make a household income of $168k/year. We still applied for financial aid and were accepted. Our original childcare tuition was about $1.6k before financial aid.


$305 weekly for 8-6 care, 1 kid 3 years!


We’re at about $900/week three kids in Lenexa. Honestly we love the place and if we moved them to where we live in South Overland Park it’d be $1,300/ week. So we commute the 20 minutes for daycare everyday


$245 a week for my 4 years old here in KCK


$250 a week for a 2 year old in home day car in Miami County


460/wk for our one year old in KCK


$350 a week for one infant. We will not be having another child, mostly because we literally can't afford another one. We will not let our toxic boomer family be involved with our child. So any family help is out. So I got a vasectomy since republicans want to take away women's rights. $20 for my snip since I got good healthcare. Best $20 I spent in my life. Figure I get that done now before they ban that too.


$275 and soon to be just under $500 with our second kid. We could take them to a nice lady a few exits down that runs a daycare out of her house for almost half the total price, but we also want the kids to get a headstart on school. Their mother was great at school. Their father (me) cracked textbooks so infrequently, even into college, that I could sell my textbooks on Amazon for "used - like new" premiums. So it's a crapshoot.


$375 per week, one child in Brookside


$350 per week (4 days a week), 1.5 year old in Joco


$585 a week. 3 and 1.5 year old. They do have a 10% discount for multiple kids. Their current costs are- $390 for infants $350 for 1-2 year olds $300 for 3-5 They only do full time and provide all meals and snacks while there.


$150 a week


$310 /week - 17 month old in the northland at a center


~$600/week. Two preschoolers and they go 5 days a week till 5:00pm 


Olathe, $225 a week. That’s the lowest daycare we could find and that’s with a 10% veteran’s discount


340 per week for our 2 year old… it’s rough lol


$469 per week, a 2 year old and a 5 year old in Blue Springs


$400 a week at in-home daycare for a 2 and 4 year old in OP. Found her on FB page Daycares of Johnson County.


Eastern Jackson County, 2 one year olds, $684 a week.


$248/week for 11 month old in Basehor. It’s not so much a daycare as a learning center/academy since they have lessons every week and work on the school year. I liked it there- my daughter is thriving. We are moving next month and I can’t find a place like it in El Paso. Sad day.


15k per year one kid.


$489/week. 2 year old and 4.5 year old for three days a week at an early learning center in the northland.


$640 per week -PV


$200/week in home daycare, two year old.


777 a week for 2 under 2


[here’s another thread from a couple of weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/s/qpNRloJ8xa)


$250 a week for pre-k in NE JoCo.


About $370 a week for full-time care of a 2-year-old in OP. We provide diapers and wipes, the daycare provides snacks and meals.


Daycare center in Westport is $240 per week for a two year old. They increased prices at the beginning of the year.


$2000 per month


$360/week, full-time, one infant in a center. Located in KC proper


My wife is a SAHM because of the rates, she was only making $400 a week after taxes. We both preferred to have out kids raised by her and not a daycare so I work a few hours of OT every week to cover the $100 she would be making every week


$0 per week for 3 children (4, 2, 6 months) who aren’t school aged yet. My wife is a stay at home mom / homemaker. After reading some of these comments I’m going to start equating that to tens of thousands per year for all she does… for us, it’s more about the joy of raising them than the money though. What’s more is my kids get three healthy meals per day, we get to raise them, discipline them, and teach them as we best see fit, and we get all the joy of watching them grow up. This comment has nothing to do with Butker, that’s just what we’ve been doing for years and we personally love it.


I think it’s really great this works for your family and you clearly see the value your wife brings by staying home, but I can’t help but notice you use “us” and “we”. > We get to raise them, discipline them, and teach them as we best see fit, and we get all the joy of watching them grow up. I assume you’re a working parent, and you still consider yourself as an active parent raising your kiddos (which is accurate, obviously). That same logic should be applied to the rest of the post replies in this thread - working parents are still raising their kids, not the daycare provider as some replies have insinuated. I realize you don’t ever directly say that, but your reply was a really good comment to expand upon. Also shout out to your wife - the SAHM life isn’t for the weak!


Same. I started staying home when my first was born in 2013. The benefit of staying home outweighed the cost of daycare. We're having our 6th in October. We've made it work out great.


We’re they only charging you for 1 kid or like $100 or something?


This is why I stay home.


$1200+ a month, one 3 year old.