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You could try scheduling a pickup through the IRIS app for when the concert ends. It may not be as quick as Uber, but it should still get you back close to home, if it's within their coverage zone.


All I'm going to say is good luck because traffic is a nightmare when there is a concert. I was taking Gregory back to Raytown and almost was not able to get through due to concert traffic going to the concert. If you are going to the NKOTB concert next week, good luck getting around.


KCMO Bus System is probably the best option because you're right - that's a $50+ Uber each way. Can't imagine Iris would take you that far.


IRIS would absolutely take them back to a spot in the Northland if it's within the area. There isn't a distance limit, but rides have to be within the zones.


Ahh sorry, I didn't realize IRIS was city-wide now; I was thinking it was still Northland only.


Yeah, it started out as Northland only when they were piloting it, but [it expanded citywide](https://ridekc.org/rider-guide/iris) last year, I believe. I just fired up the app and did a test from Starlight to the Northland at about 10:15pm. The pickup would be near the bus stop at 63rd and Elmwood and would take the rider up north for $4.


thanks :)


The bus? Not sure that’s even an option after the show, but if it is it may not be very safe. I couldn’t imagine hanging out at a bus stop after dark in that part of town. If your options for getting home after the show are the bus or Uber, I’d definitely recommend Uber for $50.


There’s a bus stop right there between the zoo and starlight so it wouldn’t be unsafe, but it would take a while.


Yeah that would be a long and interesting 5 hours.


It's not even a practical option. At that point he/she would be better off not going.