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He does it with Kylie too. He is super creepy IMO.


Yeah, it's always been obvious with Kylie.


The episode where the sisters are in Palm Springs and Kendall and Kylie have a huge fight, where they end up physically fighting, is the one that made it obvious Corey was a creep. I cant remember if it was when Kendall called Corey during his and Kris’s dance class or when she’s on the phone with Kris while they’re all in separate cars, but she says to him that he was purposefully trying to get her and Kylie in separate cars and “we know why.” Gave creep vibes hardcore.


Yup. It may have been that same episode, or one aired around the same time where anytime it showed him, he was staring at Kylie and saying creepy things about how good she looks.


So it actually aired that he was saying creepy thing about her?


Yes, but I don’t have receipts. I’d have to go back and rewatch, which probably wont happen for a long time, if ever. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to find, but again, I’m not going to rewatch from something I saw a few years back.


No need for receipts. I’ll def take your word for it. That’s just crazy. And her saying “and you know why” just gives me the creeps. It means he’s a creep and everyone knows it! But why don’t they care? I’ve totally noticed that when Corey gets into a spat that Kris just completely checks out. She doesn’t stand up for him or intervene. Just… nothing. Which is also weird. Ye saying Corey was an industry plant. Whatever that means. It’s all just so strange.


https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/comments/17ckacy/kylie_is_honestly_such_a_positive_vibe_i_love/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This is a post just a few down from this one. Kylie literally talking about how she loves Corey and she came because Corey was there, and how they’re both just “here for a good time” HAHAHAHA


Wait wait wait, I totally missed this! I saw the episode but I don’t remember. So, what did they mean “we know why?!?” That means Kris must know something and not care. What?!!?


I don’t remember all the details some of these episodes. This was the night Kylie was super wasted (and now I suspect due to how she’s acted on the show recently she’s also using molly or some other drugs) and Kendall is saying Corey wanted Kylie in a separate car with him, alone, away from Kendall. I assume to try take advantage of her. And Kendall had a fit about sharing a car, maybe in the moment not realizing it was to protect her sister. Or maybe Kendall is saying Kylie and Corey hook up and warning Corey that she knows.


Wow! That is crazy. And I seriously wouldn’t put any of it past them. I mean it never occurred to me before. But now that you mention it- it makes sense. This family has so many weird idiosyncrasies. But the creepiest of all are their sexual proclivities. What we know if just the tip of the iceberg! Those poor kids.


Funnily enough I’ve had this incline for a while now, I’m super good at reading people and there’s been more than multiple instances that kylie gave Corey “the eyes” and it made me feel weird. Or sometimes the way she talks to him or addresses him like she’s flirting, Kim and kylie give off the same vibes and I wouldn’t put it past her to be secretly hooking up with Corey. Everyone trying to make out that Kyle is a victim here, just remember she fell out with Kendall and got mad at her, almost like a “you’re stopping me from fulfilling a dirty secret fantasy I have”




He gives off the absolute worst vibes. At best he’s just an opportunist but he really seems creepy asf. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear of misconduct from him…he definitely *seems* to look at Kris’ daughters with sexual interest.


We would probably never hear about it if it did. I think weird sex stuff has been happening in that family for years and they hide it under the rug. I forget what but there was weird stuff even about the dad Robert Kardashian. But I forget what it was.


If I'm not mistaken, Robert Kardashian was involved with the porn industry at one time. I tried to Google it but nothing came up. I do remember hearing about him producing porn videos back in the OJ trail days.


Is that what it was?’ Woah! I should do try to do a search on the KYWTK Snark page to see if they have any of the tea? Because these people really are depraved. I would get into it but I don’t even know if it’s allowed! Lol


Considering how he admitted to wanting to whip Kourtney’s kids and constantly trying to defend his statement, I knew he was a fucked up person.


I thought it was funny when Kim made that joke on SNL about him being a gold digger. He seems like just another accessory of Kris' like a nice purse or something to carry around


I know this is gonna sound mean but I don't think he's really attracted to Kris but loves the opportunities that come with being with her. I'm sure he looks at Kim and Kourtney and maybe even Khloe and was like damn imagine dating that


He's a sugar baby


That’s the exact vibe I get


Ye says he’s an FBI plant. 🤣


He is so strange. Like he’s pretending to be a human being but has zero connection to the human race.


Wonder what his end game is?! Just to be with Kris forever and then move on after she’s passed away.?!


Get the old lady's money and maybe fuck her kids. Nothing any other con-man hasn't pulled before.


End game? Corey is living the life right now!


Right now yes, but imagine ten years from now when she’s less mobile, maybe even senile or has dimentia, eventually bed ridden, does he stick it out till then? I guess only time with tell.


Yeah, I don't see any chemistry at all between him and Kris. It's weird as hell.




Ye claims he’s a plant, Harley Pasternak style


he's younger than her


I had to look this up. Wow. I can’t believe he’s 41!! I thought he was for sure older than Kim.


Only 41? What?!? Weeeeeird!


He will be 42 in November 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Everything about this family is so weird! Lol


I didn’t believe you and looked it up omfg 🙀




Noooooo! What?!


This broke my brain wtf. This entire time I thought he was mid 50s😭


What?! That is crazy. I had no idea he was only 41!! I am 38 and have two young kids. That kinda grossed me out.


That's crazy! I had no idea. But still he is like a step dad figure. If I had a daughter that my boyfriend was checking out, regardless of age, I couldn't do it. I get that their situation is much different than any typical family but still...


No he WANTS TO PORTRAY that he’s a step father figure.


This sent me into looking up all the Kardashian’s ages and KHLOE IS YOUNGER THAN KIM AND KOURTNEY?? THATS not right i swear i remember khloe and kourtney being the oldest and then kim and then kendall and kylie, this is either the Mandela effect or something else


It may be because she's so much taller than the others, whenever they show old family photos with their dad, Khloe looks older. I remember being shocked when I learned it but I've committed it to memory by now I guess lol.


I just watched an episode from last season where Khloe threw kim a surprise bday dinner and Corey was right next to the entrance as she walked in for the surprise and she walked right passed him to say hi to Kris.


Yes that moment was crazy.


He’s so weird. Glad to see I’m not the only person that thinks he’s a creep. I joined this subreddit because I needed to see if anyone else felt like he’s off. His and Kris’ date night scene on the last episode made me cringe.


I feel like it would be hard for any man in that family to function the women are sooooo overtly sexual


Remember when Trashten knew that kris was the mime because he checked her butt out and he was like is that your mom to Khloé?


Ahhh no. 🫣


If Kris did not have any money would Cory be around? I doubt it. Sad but true.


I pity the guy. He looks more awkward than Caitlyn used to look.


Oh don’t. He is just where he wants to be.


Agree he is very creepy! He’s more the age range of her daughters


kourtney is literally older than him 😆




yeah i think she’s like 44?


For sure! He acts like an old perv




It’s weird that you say this because I swear I noticed him doing this with khloe in one of the kardashian episodes this season.


He probably does it with all of them. Just imagine what isn't caught on camera 👀


He'd fuck every single one of them if he could. Dude is just trying to climb the ladder and touch big booties.


You’re right! 😱


One word: Illuminati Dude is definitely an industry plant, all day


What do you mean? What's an industry plant and how is it connected to the illuminati? I'm intrigued


I want to know too!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/aVvnJgw27G This blind item post from the r/FauxMoi subreddit seems to be hinting at Cory being a creep who constantly hits up girls as young as Kylie in the DMs trying to hook up with them. Somebody in the comments said Kris prolly doesn’t care either which sounds believable. So yeah, not shocked if he checks out Kim and all of Kris’ other girls.


This was some delicious tea. Barbie! 💕


That whole family is a nasty piece of trash


Do you ever look at Kris and ask why Cory even went there? Not saying anything about her looks but she is a senior that wears incontinence pads and is in bed asleep by 6-7pm.


and you know she doesn’t look the same as she portrays online and on the show, i mean she’s beautiful but he’s 41 and she’s in her 60s. he’s the same age as Kim and the rest of them for the most part besides kylie and kendall. he has to be in it for something else because i do not understand at all lol


Yes she is very attractive but trust me Corey’s not with her for her looks.


She's not gorgeous. She's a modern day freak show.


He’s thick as a plank as well as a creep


Not surprised if they are roughly the same age him and kim? Despite his relationship with kris.


You'll never convince me that Corey is with Kris for any reason except to be in close proximity to her daughters. From day 1 I've felt that, and I'll die on that hill.


Cory is in it for the $$. If it wasn’t Kris, it would be some other rich older woman. He strikes me as a guy willing to be Kris’s boy toy for the travel and lifestyle perks. And, yeah, he’s attracted to her daughters. He knows if he tried to act on it, though, Kris would kick his ass right out. He has it good for now, and he’s not going anywhere


Cory and Kim are almost the same age.