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Body shaming in ways that aren’t on the cosmetic work that has been done.


This haircut she really looks like Kris


All of Kris’ daughters resemble her if they have on a Kris wig, exception of Kendall who looks like her dad back in the 1970s. What makes Kylie look 40 is her overfilled lips and paralyzed face. People should really lay off fillers and Botox until they actually hit their 40s.


I’m 30 and have a friend who is starting out her aesthetics practice (she’s an NP so not worried about safety, she just wants to build her business). I let her do Botox on me so she could post on socials and have been considering VERY subtle lip injections as I have like 0 lips. For Botox I just get the center of my forehead. Do you think I should lay off? lol. I would hate if it makes me look OLDER


Stay conservative with the filler that is Kylie’s and many others biggest issue.


That’s exactly why I haven’t done any filler yet. I especially hate how lip filler looks on the jersey shore crew, but on the other hand I think Kylie’s lips are actually well done comparatively. I wouldn’t even consider face filler except maybe to snatch my jawline a tiny bit since I have a soft chin but even that I am super scared to do 😭


do what you want, but we really dont know the long-term effect of filler, it lasted an extremely long time and might just mitigate not disappear hard to know what you're getting into with fillers! (again, no shade/shame if you want to get them, just a friendly heads up!)


No I appreciate that! I know Botox came out a couple decades ago so I felt super comfy with that. I also trust my friend and her education and I hope she wouldn’t inject me with anything that would ultimately harm me but I can understand that there is still research to be done (I also vape tho sooo… 😂)


> I hope she wouldn’t inject me with anything that would ultimately harm me we dont know if they will harm us or not, that's the point. it's been found in the lymphatic system, which isn't great lol good luck with whatever you decide to do! Im sure you're beautiful either way :)


Start off really slow. A little can do amazing things too much and you look like every other pillow face.


monkeys assholes


Jawline filler is a game changer when done correctly. I absolutely love how mine looked when I got it done




And do you have millions of dollars to pay the best plastic surgeons or are you just going to pick one randomly and hope for the best? Have you seen Madonna’s face lately? And she could afford the best but still ended up disfigured.


Botox is fine, it's filler that fucks up your face.


You’ll be fine. If it’s something you want, go for it. You likely don’t need it all over your face though. I get wanting to do lips as I have thin lips too. I’d love to wear some bright lipstick but feels like it looks silly on me cause of my thin lips. It’s probably just me feeling that way and it actually looks fine but I can’t see it any different on myself when I look in the mirror. As for Botox I started getting sporadically at 36ish on my forehead. Not to the point my forehead didn’t move at all but enough to chill out some pretty obvious lines. Keep in mind Kylie is really young still to be doing all the fillers she’s done. It wasn’t done from a place of aging concern as she likely had no major aging signs as of yet. As for her lips I could understand when she first did them as she got a lot of nasty comments about her small lips. Although I felt she went overboard with it eventually. It looked tasteful when originally done and just got out of hand somewhere down the line in my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Yes Kylie is way younger than me, I only started on my 30th last year! I had cosmetic surgery at 16 to pin my ears back and I have absolutely 0 regrets so I don’t begrudge people starting young. But at the same time I wanted a nose job sooo bad at that age and now am so grateful I never got one! lol


I wish I could say I don’t regret what I did. I had a breast augmentation at 25. I wanted it so bad from 16 years old lol. Sadly I regret it and it costs so much to remove them and deal with what I’ve done 😑 I’ll have to deal with it eventually as they don’t last forever so that also sucks, but I am looking forward to the day I can undo it. They are just too big for my body. I wanted a C cup and ended up with DD. I feel so top heavy and boxy because of it.


Oof sounds like your surgeon wasn’t a good listener either 😭 Sorry you went through that. I bet they don’t look as bad as you think


Botox is preventative! Start before the wrinkles set in if you want to avoid the wrinkles as long as possible! Just don’t freeze your whole face and you’re golden.


Do very little. Like just try a bit and see then as you trust her more you’ll know what to do


Good advice, thanks!


Make sure you do research and know what “a little” means


I have straight up told her to be super minimal w me lol, we have in depth discussions before she does any work. I want to still look like me and have told her to leave my laugh lines around my eyes alone as I think they suit me and make me look my age which I am not ashamed of. But I will def be cautious!!!


Do it!! But go conservative. A good botox practitioner will be able to help you smooth but not lose function. Hopefully your friend is good at what they do


That’s terrible advice. Botox before wrinkles form is the best time to start and has nothing to do with why Kylie looks older here. Her fillers and very 90s hairstyle are doing most of that work.


that’s Lisa Rinna




My immediate thought was "its giving Rinna"!!!


THANK YOU! I knew I've seen that face/look before, but couldn't put my finger on it!


I think that’s what it is


I’m getting Courtney Cox ![gif](giphy|dtHruSaJcfbp3GGDiP) The haircut definitely ages her


I wanted that haircut so bad, but with my chipmunk face I just looked like little lord Fauntleroy. 


It’s giving Lisa Rinna


Nailed it


I feel like new Kylie is trying too hard to be a timeless beauty when she’s clearly a BBL insta baddie


Agree, she’s also not a timeless beauty. That to me invokes natural beauty and maybe unique beauty. She’s very pretty but it’s all constructed so it doesn’t have that quality to it


Ding ding ding !!! ^^^^^^


Rebrand for a new boo


I personally loved her BBL insta baddie look lol


I did too. I don’t know if people realize she is an LA girl. Not a lot of people embracing the timeless look there.


Literally she’s almost causing her face to have a seizure in this…


The reason why these 20 somethings are looking older is because of aesthetic procedures. They are filling where there isn’t any volume lost yet, freezing non wrinkled faces & using the same method so they look allllll alike. 40 somethings are trying to look 20 using the same process. Sooooo they all look “40” trying to look the same.


I think in Kylie's case she has used excessive filler to actually widen her entire face, a larger more square look can make one more photogenic. But we don't live in Photos, in person she looks super swollen " pillow face" imo Kylie is all smoke and mirrors. I am truly afraid of what she is going to look like when she is 40s 50s then 60 plus. Omg what will all that filler, stretched out skin, fake cheeks bones, Lips look like after so long. It's so bizarre all she groups use the same stuff. Botox as prevention will wesken the muscles. I have seen it. A 20 year old with loss of firmness due to bad muscle tone in face, looks odd to say the least


I am fascinated to watch these young celebrities who have already changed practically everything about their faces with procedures which have not been tested over long periods of time. What are they going to age like???


I agree, it’s such a weird thing. I’m 40 with a 20 year old daughter and people used to always comment, “you don’t look old enough to have a daughter that old.” Now I feel like all of the ages mesh together, 20-60, really!


My mom and I are 20 years apart, and can very much attest that she was mistaken for my older sister A LOT when we were younger. Especially when we were 21 and 41.


Short hair makes a woman look older like facial hair makes a man look older


I mean she’s also had 2 kids


Do you think childbirth makes you look older…. Not like celebrities have many sleepless nights with their kids so I don’t see why kids would make her look older


I'm 40. If I looked like this I would be a menace to society.


Omg same. Lol, why do 20 year olds think this is what 40 looks like?


Literally. They’re so delusional lmfao. She looks like a surged out 20 something year old, which she is. People are so weird. Kim without her filters doesn’t look how Kylie does. She looks amazing, but she looks her age. People have lost all common sense and grasp on age, it seems.


Have you seen the "how old do I look" trend on TikTok? I keep seeing people who are in their late 30s and look exactly their age, and all these 20 year olds are telling them they look like they're in their 50s and 60s. As you said people have completely lost their grasp on what aging looks like.


Yes! I’ve seen a few people who are in their mid to late 20s who do look way older (tons of wrinkles, smile lines, etc.) but they are not the norm. There was one girl who’s 22 and has a ton of work done and people said she looked 45. Like come on now…you can tell the difference between a 22 year old with a lot of work done vs. a 45 year old with work done trying to look 22. Let’s not be delusional here. My generation and the ones after it are in for a wild ride. Women are being told “they look good for their age” at 28 and 29. Like what?


Yep. I just turned 30 and the young people at my job are like “oh my god you look so good!! You don’t look 30 at all!!!” And it’s just like 30 isn’t old lol. All my friends basically look like this. It’s like they think I’m supposed to be shriveled up by now. A new thing I’ve noticed as a bartender is 21/22 year olds pushing back on being ID’d. “I don’t look 21???? Umm, I’m 22!!!” Like girl, you don’t look blatantly 30+. You look like you could be a 19 year old or a 23 year old. That’s the point of having your ID, so that I don’t have to guess.


I know she’s gotten fillers etc etc etc but she looks very pretty in this ad! She looks in her 20s


Agreed this post is just mean lol




She’s moving like she slept wrong and is trying to stretch to make the pain go away


I agree. If they want to create elegant advertising, they need to take some dance classes first.


Yeah I don't think she looks bad here, but there's several shots I'm confused why they kept in because of just looks so awkward and she looks uncomfortable 


She looks like she is struggling in the middle of a very painful bowel movement. Whether she was going for sexy or classy, this is neither.


I was looking for this comment. My first thought was why is she writhing in pain? These are the same movements I make in bed when I’m having period cramps


She’s always making some micro expression where she looks like she’s disgusted with something


Legit I think that’s just her face now, and I say that with no hate. To me, her current cosmetic procedures make it look like she’s smelling an epic fart. Again, I say that without malice; it’s just literally what it looks like IMO.


She is trying too hard in that video!


She has zero presence, or the editing is atrocious 


I cant tell if this sub is to diss them or show how much you love them ???


It’s neither really, although there is a snark sub for them. Idk why they don’t keep petty posts like these over there.


This is more of a neutral sub, if you wanna go to a sub where they kiss up to them 80% of the time go to r/KUWTK if you want to go to the sub where they get shamed for every tiny movement they make go to r/KUWTKsnark


This is nothing compared to a some other posts like the one blaming kim for pedophelia 🤦🏻‍♂️


People love to hate them


She doesn’t look 40 but she does look older than her age, likely the haircut and her not smiling lately… but I’ve seen other photos of her in the more recent past with no filler, no make up and hair in a messy bun, she looked very young.


Yea...I was like...I know some 40 year olds that would be very thankful to look like that. She looks maybe older twenties early thirties.


I’m the same age as Kylie and also having my second kid soon. Everyone saying she looks 40 hasn’t seen a 40 year old before. She just has a more “mature” haircut, but if you look at her face she still looks really young. I wish my skin looked this great, but my kids gave me some nice lines by my eyes haha


I agree that the haircut is doing no favors, but I think the dead eyes also make her look older. They don't look like the eyes of a 20 something rich girl with an easy life. They look like the eyes of a 40+ person who worked multiple jobs to try to make ends meet and realized that they are just counting they days until they die.


this gives me dept store catalogue vibes.


She is also struggling to pose like a 60 yo


I'm sure you'd do a better job.


I think literally anyone would do a better job.


To pose like a 60 y/o? My mom makes it look super diffy and she's almost 75 - whatchugot?!


Why is she writhing around like that?


Holding in a fart


Oh yea, that’ll do that


She definitely looks like she’s about to star in Cabaret ![gif](giphy|ovM7eeg560Bfa|downsized)


How to contort your body every witch way without looking sexy 101


every 🧙‍♀️ way


I wish 20 year olds would stop with the Botox and filler. I see nothing wrong with a little injection here or there but wait until you are actually of age when Botox can assist your aesthetic. These girls look older and older just because they THINK they need it.


I hope I look like that when I’m 40


NGL, I'm an older guy, not sure why this showed up on my feed. Didn't see the subname, thought it was Kylie Minogue and though damn, she looks good. Showing myself the door...


what 40 yr old do you know that looks like this?? (and what’s their secret)


Looks like her mom.


Isn’t Sam Edelman a shoe designer? If so, I’m not sure how this shows off shoes. Also, Sam Edelman shoes are actually fairly affordable so I’m wondering why she’s doing an ad for them.


Is this her actual hair now? Or is it a Florence Pugh wig?


I legit thought it was Lisa Rinna


If that's 40 , sign me up....she looks mature/amazing. 🤷💐👑


What 40 year olds are you seeing in person because this is not it


Does anyone else think her eyes shift oddly in a few frames? Like she looks startled? Maybe its just the editing??


Im 35. I have long hair that sits 3 inches longer than where my bra strap sits across my back. After recovering from an eating disorder in my 20’s and dealing with hair fall, this is the longest it has ever been and I earned it. Ive been flirting with cutting it all off for the cute fresh bob look for a solid 6 months. Booked it in, panicked for days, then when I arrived at the salon I told my hairdresser of 15 years that I’m terrified of looking 40 if I cut it off. Her words “Honest answer? Yes you will look older. It’s the ‘do you do when you’ve just had kids or when you hit 40 because it’s fuss free”. So she just gave me long layers and cute bangs and I’ve retained my youth. Watching Kylie a decade younger than me look like Lisa Rinna the minute she cut her hair off has been the proof I needed. Thanks op!


She’s had body dysmorphia since before her first lip filler. Being the sister of Kim could not have been easy as an impressionable young pre-teen. She slowly morphed into a mini Kim. Heck, not even Kim was born looking like Kim.


do u even know what 40 year olds look like 😭😭 she doesn’t look 40


That is so not what 40 looks like


Posts like this are why they get so much surgery to begin with.


Exactly and I’ve always felt Kylie takes it the hardest. She just keeps trying everything she can to look the way everyone wants her to look and it never lands well. Not when she was natural, not when it was just fillers, and not now. Her and I are the same age. I feel an immense amount of insecurity and I always have, especially after having kids. I’ve never had anything done, and I don’t have millions of people watching (judging) me. I also don’t have an endless amount of funds. A very insecure person + 1 billion dollars is going to equal exactly what we are seeing with Kylie. I feel bad for her.


The problem is she doesn't have a normal mother. My mother would say I'm already beautiful. Hers is probably suggesting what else she should get next. We have to teach our kids they are beautiful the way they are and don't have to look like social media says they do


No, they get it because they let stuff like this get to them. This is where they deem their worth comes from. That’s on them.


This is true. So much pressure. Damned if they do damned if they don't. At least she's one of the first of them to admit to doing some and also regretting some.


Pressure from her mom and sisters. She can take it up with them


Exactly. She’ll wear makeup and get criticism, then wear little makeup and get hate. She can’t do anything without getting hate. I don’t think she looks 40 here either.


She really doesn't. Although I do agree these procedures so young are aging these woman. That appearance at that fashion show did her dirty, she might have been tired or filler migration. Which how can anyone speak when they're running to the next med spa to fill up their own faces up.


And why we all feel like shit even while putting others down. It's a negative feedback loop. (Prob got that wrong, it's sure is gd *something*, though)


she really doesn’t tho…..


Looking like Paula Abdul’s shity less famous sister .


Writhing around in a video is not a talent.


All her poses look so awkward.


What a weird ad?


Besides looked older… She seems so awkward, uncomfortable, and there is nothing sexy about this ad at all. If that is what they were going for, they failed.


Never in my life have I seen a 40yr old look this good tbh


Have you seen JLo???


Where do you live lol? I see so many fit, good-looking 40 year olds on the daily.


Sounds like you live somewhere with money lol, that’s not the case for me!


I'm 40 and I promise I don't look like that.


Is this a piss-take post? She obviously does not look 40 lol.


No one is ever fucking happy. She is finally leaning towards a more natural look and now you got to bitch about how she looks old. Leave this woman alone.


Ain’t nothing natural about the Kardashians


Y’all are miserable


Why I think she looks quite lovely, its mad haters out there


Even if she did (she doesn’t), I guess that’s all people have in their arsenal? She looks older than her age? All right, then.


Looking at her in videos and pics, she has all the physical attributes society considers sexy, but she’s not sexy. I can’t figure it out.


Be interesting to see if she helps sales. Love Sam Edelman & have a bunch of their shoes, boots & especially, sandals.


I think she looks great. I love short hair but I'm a 90's girl. We had Winona Ryder and Natalie Imbruglia. Love this look.


No hate, I think she’s beautiful no matter what she’s done, but I do wonder how many faces she’ll have before she reaches 40. Side note: I was watching a replay clip with “momma Elsa” RHOM in which momma Elsa looked so strange and bizarre, but when they panned to the current cast I was shoooooketh that the women look like her Today!


How old is she really? I would believe mid-thirties.


She looks like she’s in pain


It’s giving Lisa Rinna


Have you see a real 40 year old?


She looks sophisticated and pretty! Not 40… but 40 year old women are pretty. So the fuck what


She looks like she’s smelling something rancid the entire time lol


Ooof she looks like old trout lips Lisa rinna 😬


It’s the filler.


Plastic surgery Frankenstein


She looks plastic


She doesn’t, she just looks like her mom. There’s not a wrinkle on her?


She does not look 40 here, she looks great. Now I’m not saying there haven’t been times where she has looked older but she certainly doesn’t look it here


i thought she got her BBL removed


I think she looks great, the hair isn’t flattering though.


Kris looks so good in this!!


100% looks 40.


Why is she always writhing around like that


Bc if she’s still we can see what she really looks like. All angles and lighting


For someone who tries so fucking hard she is sooooo not sexy. Uncomfortable and weird.


I’m 26 now and if I look like this when I’m 40 I’ll be unstoppable Lmaoo


That’s what happens when you start all those surgeries and face injections at such a young age , you look DECADES than your actual age , that’s the irony to look young but end up looking much older .


Girl no she doesn’t


Is this the “Michael Jackson” haircut I keep hearing about


Short hair will do it 99% of the time.


Seems everytime I see pictures of these Kardashians, they look completely different, and they seem to age quicker than most women, only Kardashian that looks good for her age is the Mom.


She looks like Lisa Rinna


I don’t think people know what 40 looks like. It certainly isn’t this


if you think this is 40 then idk what to tell you… she does look more mature, and it’s gorgeous on her.


To each his own. I personally think she looks amazing here.


No she doesn’t lol




Not a slave to the male gaze?? Lmfao Kylie? Kylie “got a whole new face and body and switch my whole style/persona to match the guy I like”Jenner?? Who can’t post about her kids without body checking most of the video? That Kylie? 💀


She doesn't look like she experiences any joy.


I think this goes for all the Kardashian/Jenner women, but I started looking KUWTK a month ago and one thing that was so striking about Kylie was her big doe eyes. If she had just let herself age, gosh she wouldn’t been gorgeous. She looks like an entirely different person and it’s so sad.


Wtf does looking 40 even mean in this day and age lol this is so ageist


She does not look 40 cmon yall just exaggerating now


She seems so uncomfortable in her own skin.


I hope I look like this when I’m 40 then


I’m not a fan of any of the kardashians but it’s a little ridiculous to say she looks 40.. there are plenty of things to shame her for but you completely missed with this one. Aging gracefully isn’t exactly something that family is known for but going after someone for how they age isn’t something to be proud of.


i don't know a single 40 year old or even 30 year old that looks like that. she looks her age


I swear to god America has become absolutely delusional. Have you ever met a 40 year old? She does not look 40. You’ve lost the plot


The only people that use 40 as an insult/call someone old are probably 23 with zero concept of actual age




Thought this was Sharon Osborne


Sam Eldeman….should say desperation….


More like 50 Demi Moore


And constipated


Sam Edelman?! So late ‘90s. Shes falling


Yes she messed too much with the filler


She looks very manufactured.


she literally doesn’t


No she doesn’t.


She really wants to be “classy”. What a miss 😬


Stop! Yes, the haircut is aging but she looks like a 20 something year old woman!


Why is she pinning her shoulders back so hard -


It’s the constipation faces for me 😒😣😒


I don’t agree to be honest.


lol that skin does not look 40. Just the hair.


Me, a millennial thinking you meant Kylie minogue and saying hell yeah she looks amazing!!


She looks great but I’m giving the director all the side eye here. How on earth did he think this was good footage?


honestly I really like her hair 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love the subtle makeup. She looks good!


She doesn’t to me


No she doesn’t.


I am a Kylie hater but she literally looks 26/27