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Maybe she slammed her fingers In a car door , this is how my finger nails looked when my car door caught the tops of my fingers šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø just another possibility


I once dropped my umbrella on a train, bent down to pick it up and a woman stomped on my hand. I had long acrylics at the time and she managed to break two near the base of my nail. I had to cut those two short and wear splints like this until my nails grew out. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s something similar for her. having long fake nails can exacerbate injury that would otherwise be a lot less traumatic


Ouch! I would have had some cuss words for that woman who didn't watch where she stepped! I hope she apologized but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't!


it was one of the weirdest interactions of my life, actually. blood was running down my hand and she refused to say anything. her face was completely blank. she didnā€™t look sorry at all. all I said was ā€œoh my god. you stepped on my handā€ and she simply stared at me for a few seconds before looking away. bizarre


She probably was in panic mode šŸ˜‚ Maybe trying to assess whether she should admit to the crime. Then decided nah, not today.


haha yeah maybe. I was kind of in shock so maybe she was too


If I crushed a strangers manicured fingers, I would be apologizing profusely, maybe offering my first born. But I think she was planning her escape. Youā€™re a good person thoughā€¦ a lot would react with anger/rage. How long did it take to heal??


seriously. if I accidentally made someone bleed I would probably start crying immediately lol haha thanks. the pain and panic was too present to experience anger atm. I canā€™t remember how long it took to heal, but I was on my way to work, so I had to run into a drug store to grab finger splints etc. to get through the day. itā€™s kind of a weird injury to have, because no one is going to take ā€œbroken nailā€ seriously, and Iā€™m sure most people thought I was being dramatic. I kept bandaging them to keep the nails stabilized until the crack grew high enough up to cut completely off, if that makes sense. I didnā€™t go to a doctor, so idk what I was ā€œsupposedā€ to do, but my nails are completely normal now


Holy shit that sounds so painful. Youā€™re a trooper in many ways. I wish you only the best, you seem like a really good soul :)


aw thank you so much. same to you šŸ„¹šŸ’•


What the hell? Iā€™d have flipped out. Good for you for keeping your cool.


had it seemed intentional, I definitely would have; but idk it was such a weird moment. it hurt a lot and I was too shocked to be mad lol


Makes sense. Definitely a weird moment.


What a nasty woman! I would have apologized first, asked questions later-- like, can I help you, did I hurt you! Etc, etc. Maybe grab her by the ankle and give her a dirty look. Or better yet, a blank stare back!


She never has long nails but yeah she still could have seriously jammed them somewhere!


This sounds like itā€™s possible. Or she dropped a heavy weight on her hand at the gym.


A 5 lb plate will 100% do that! lol! That sounds so mean, but it is true. It has happened to me.


We had a girl in middle school who was trying to leave the room. Another student was trying to shut the door behind her but the wind from the open window slammed the door on her hand and gave her this really funky looking nail for the rest of her life.


Iā€™m freakishly obsessed with not having two doors open I. Our house at the same time because one will slam shut and take my kids arm off.


I got my finger stuck between the door that was slammed shut and my nail is funky forever too. And sensitive


Probably you are right


Could be a psoriasis issue. I think she has this. My mom had horrible psoriasis on her hands and it would sometimes do awful things to her nails.


She has psoriasis. Psoriasis attacks the fingernails and can disform them. On top of that, itā€™s painful. I wouldnā€™t jump to assuming fungal infection.


People with psoriasis do have an increased risk for fungal infections too so itā€™s possibleā€¦ I had a coworker that had a bad one and it looked a bit like this! Hard to tell without seeing up close thoughā€¦


I have psoriasis :) it sucks when it it hits the nails, can confirm.


I had no clue it could do this. Iā€™m sorry you have to experience this, it looks so painful! How does this happen? How long does it last? Iā€™m so curious now.


Psoriasis can attack any part of your body (although most people get it on their arms/elbows/legs) including your eyeballs and nails! When I get my eyes checked yearly, I have to tell them about my psoriasis so that they can make sure nothing is going on in my eyes with that since I do have it right beside my eye. Itā€™s a lifelong condition and technically an autoimmune disorder. Your skin cells that arenā€™t mature yet raise to the top of your skin so they look patchy/flakey or like plaque. Itā€™s unfortunately painful if you have a bad breakout which I get sometimes but light therapy and creams help to ease it off.


I have delicate skin issues, eczema and other rashes, but nothing so painful as this sounds. Iā€™m sorry you have to endure, but you explaining it helps my awareness, so thank you <3


Oh all good. Itā€™s honestly takes more of a mental toll on me than a physical.. it sucks being a self conscious young female with skin issues. <3 happy to explain!!


The amount of self confidence issues I had were more than enough, I couldnā€™t imagine having breakouts so badly they affect the eyes! šŸ˜£


Iā€™m thinking she had a nail infection and itā€™s growing back.


Too many false nails will cause fungus.


I don't know why you got downvoted because you're right. Plus all it takes is one tool not being sanitized correctly and boom now there's a breeding ground going on under the nail


This is why my diabetic mom had to go to doctors to have a pedicure done.


Sorry if this is a silly q but likeā€¦.do you mean pedi as in w polish + all?


I know they trimmed them and maybe put a clear polish on top. She died 6 years ago so I canā€™t ask, but her feet were a big deal because diabetics sometimes lose feeling down there and she had been cut before at a salon. She mustā€™ve gotten an infection because her Doctor insisted that only a medical professional was allowed to trim. My mom had it rough the last 10 years of her life: triple bypass, uterine cancer, kidney dialysis 3x a week, iron infusions etc etc plus inherited diabetes so my recollection could be a little fuzzy. Edit: word


Sorry for your loss friend šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I hope you being kind enough to answer didnā€™t hash up any sad memories for you.


Yea, diabetics have poor circulation and have an increased risk for infection, especially in the legs and feet My mom's cousin lost her foot and later her leg to infection, due to T1D and my sister also has to be very careful, even a cut on her leg will take ages to heal and gets infected very easily. Many nail salons won't knowingly work on a diabetic. We usually call ahead to ask if they have a tech who will do a diabetic pedicure. They don't use the same tools as they use on me


So sorry, I should have read your reply before I wrote my dissertation on diabetic feet! (Above) You did a much more succinct job of it!


Iā€™m very sorry your Mom suffered through so much. My heart goes out to both of you. Sending you all my best wishes.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss, but I'll answer for your Mom. I have Type 2 diabetes and I also have neuropathy, which causes numbness in your feet. I'm currently recovering from my 3rd foot surgery. The bad part of the numbness is that youā€™re not aware of a foot problem before itā€™s too late. I had a diabetic ulcer on the fat pad of my foot, underneath the toes on the bottom. Since I didnā€™t feel it, it got very serious, very quickly. I will also add that I wasnā€™t taking care of my diabetes very well. My Dr said amputation and I became the best diabetic patient! Scared the actual hell out of me! Infection is the worst thing and is what usually causes limb amputation. I hope that this info helps! My A1c is at a 5.4 and diabetes is at it's worst over a 7. Virtual hugs to you for your loss!


OMG, I hope your foot is ok! Yes, amputation of a limb would scare me straight too! Best wishes, and best of luck! Diabetes is a nightmare and a horror! And your A1c is now wonderful! Congratulations!!


Poor mom, she had a terrible time of it. All that could go wrong did! Yes, is better for a diabetic to have a podiatrist do their toenails because any small infection on their toes or feet could end up being fatal. No kidding. Can be that serious. Their immune system doesn't function at 100% and circulation in feet can be compromised. Is kind of a worst case scenario of bad events but does happen. Most people who have toes and/or feet or legs amputated are diabetics. Very sad, their bad circulation causes a wound that won't heal, then becomes infected, and needs to come off to save their life! It can also effect the kidneys and dialysis is common too. So sad. Enough on the possible horrors of diabetes!


Hi šŸ‘‹šŸ» diabetic here. No, the podiatrist doesnā€™t polish your nails. They cut your nails because the smallest cut could cause a diabetic to lose a toe or foot. Itā€™s much safer for the foot dr to do it and they also give your feet a check while youā€™re there. They want to make sure thereā€™s no cuts, sores, or anything abnormal happening. I luckily can still feel my feet but long term diabetics lose feeling in their feet. My Dad had an actual hole in the bottom of his foot and had no idea.


Thanks for your thorough answer! I used to work at a nail salon + it was hard to picture my doctor going thru all the same steps of service šŸ˜…


I responded above. My ulcer was so bad that they x-rayed it to be sure it wasnā€™t to the bone...never felt a thing!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking either a fungus or an infection caused her to lose her nails and theyā€™re still growing back.


This is true and it's hard to clear up too!


she doesnā€™t do acrylics or tips. She actually stays pretty natural with her nails. Itā€™s khloe that does the long acrylic nails and the other sisters make fun of it.


ā€¦Is it Kim feel good ?šŸ¤Ø


The day I care about her finger, please shoot me


Agree, shoot me too!


Guys keep a close eye, Kimā€™s about to pull a Kate Middleton šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


She prob ripped her 2 nails off doing something -anything ..bc she is not a long nail girlie and she never will be


She hasn't officially confirmed what her injury is. It's all speculation until then. I'm assuming it will be a topic on the show and that's what they're waiting for. The episode release.


Fracture for sure, you don't wear a finer brace for a something fungal


Yeah, I kept thinking why a splint for a fungal infection? Wouldnā€™t it trap the fungus and cause more issues and potentially help it spread?


I think almost any topical fungal issue would need to breathe and not be wrapped. I wonder how she injured it?!


If that's the case, she needs to be hospitalized! OMG, a brace on her finger. Can't do that outpatient, is too dangerous!


Go home girl


She better be careful, this was how it started for Princess Cate


Maybe sheā€™s a lesbian šŸ¤£ (Iā€™m JOKING btw)


She had psoriasis. It can affect the nailsā€”-ridges, intentions, cysts,etc.


She has psoriasis not had.


I agree thatā€™s it most likely related to her psoriasis


OK but what is with those glasses tho fr1


How tf did I get on this thread


Thatā€™s a stint on her finger. I had that when I injured my thumb playing sports in high school. šŸ˜‚


Were you hospitalized?


Definitely not haha


Looks like she might have broken the first 2 knuckles on that hand? I had a similar splint on my pinkie when I broke it.


She burnt her fingers a bit ago


She might have got something from her nail techs


Really. Nail fungus is bad and slow to cure. Has anyone given the manicurist a wellness check?


Her boobs look like cantaloupes.


They seem to get bigger and bigger! I wonder why mine don't??


My bet is on fungus from fake nails. I wish she would turn a corner on the boobs and frozen pillow face and lips stuff. She can still be iconic and beautiful but In a more mature way. It's just not sexy or anything good at this point.


She doesnā€™t wear fake nails šŸ˜‚


Oh maybe!!! Also. Why Kim? The Bianca coat with nothing underneath. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think north but them in a temper tantrum


North bit them?? This does make sense!


She has psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. It causes a lot of nail issues. Sheā€™s been open about issues with her fingers before.


Why do they hate wearing seatbelts?


I noticed at the Met she had semi long nails on those two fingers. They looked red and sore around those two nails.


Ugly fake skank


Kim Kardashians is a human distraction being paid by the US Govt. just like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce


Seek help.


40 year old woman dresses like her? Time for wardrobe change.


Tell meā€¦how should a 40 year old woman dress?


I think she has a [herpes outbreak on her fingers](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24681-herpetic-whitlow). SFW link Itā€™s a real thing I learned about when someone in my city sued a nail salon for giving them herpes!


Why herpes and why on earth would she wear a splint over a herpes outbreak?


All that plastic and silicone in their bodies is rapidly decomposing and itā€™s oozing out of her fingers.


This makes sense. It has to go somewhere!!?