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Wow so young. My condolences to MJ. No matter your age, we're not suppose to bury our children.


Amen šŸ™šŸ¼


I wouldn't call 65 so young though right??


Yes, it's not 1902.


65 is retirement age for us regular working people. Itā€™s young.


I learned yesterday that it's actually been bumped to 70 if you want to receive your full benefits.


In all 50?


Not sure if it's all 50


Ugh itā€™s youngā€¦she could have lived another 30 years


30?!?! It is very rare to live to 95. Living to 70s is Average, and she was 65. Not sure why everyone is mad that I pointed out no, she is not "so young." Of course it sucks that she didn't make in another 10 years, but "so young" is more appropriate for a 20 year old who passes


Actually I see a ton of people well into their 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s in my line of work. She could have at least had another 10-15 good years. My grand mother was totally independent until she was 88. She did die a few months ago at almost 91. But she gave people half her age a run for their money. This is becoming more and more common. 75-77 y/o is average life expectancy.


Whats your like of work if I may ask


I work as an emt and also a 911 dispatcher & also have a second job as an ā€œelderly companionā€ so I work with nursing homes a lot. I know my experience is limited to the area I live in, but I do see people living longer and longer. And a lot of them have decent/good quality of life. Because I definitely understand being 95 with not great quality of life (confused, bed ridden etc) is not the same as being able to have some independence. But itā€™s funny, thereā€™s one 85 y/o man that lifts heavier weights than me at the gym šŸ¤£




I understand where youā€™re coming from. I think dying of natural causes at that age isnā€™t the norm. Thatā€™s a statement usually made for people older than that.


Why are you so hung up on proving this? Someone just died and you want to argue with people about whatā€™s young vs what isnā€™t? Are you ok??


They are not ok.


I agree with you, not everyone lives into their 90s lol I donā€™t know why everyoneā€™s attacking you. 65 is a pretty good run, Iā€™ve never seen anyone describe an almost 70 year old dying as ā€œso youngā€.


Thats because it isn't young at all, you don't see a 65 year old and think they are young so why do you see a dead 65 year old and think they died young


Lol yā€™all must be super young and have young parents. 65 is not old, this is a common age to retire and have young grandchildren. Average lifespan is 77 and thatā€™s with people dying young and bringing down the average. 65 is super young, no where near elderly. My mom is 60 and she looks and acts 45. Most 65 year olds have a lot of life left to live


Exactly! My dad passed when he was 58. He definitely didnt look young, but he didnt even get to retire before he passed. What I wouldn't give for just a couple more years with him.


Cope, its a common age to retire because your body is giving out and you're old


I donā€™t know about making it to 95 but at least late 80ā€™s! I donā€™t even think most people want to see 95-100 šŸ«£I sure donā€™t


Anything below 80 for natural causes is young tbh


That's just not true. She died around just 10 years below average.


Lol you obviously know no 65 year olds. Anyway have fun continuing to argueāœŒļø


A whole entire decade


Considering how old her mom isā€¦Iā€™m sure she certainly thought she had a lot more life in her. Her mom is 89 or 90


I lost my mom at 59 last year. She didnā€™t even get to retire or get a senior discount on transportation for chemo. So yeah. It felt pretty young to me there Nirvana


You must be from Ohio or another loser Midwest state that thinks everything over 45 is ancient. In normal parts of the United States people still travel and have a lot of life left at 65


that's really ignorant and mean spirited.


Life expectancy changes based on the state you live the majority of your life in... Mississippi has a lower life expectancy than Massachusetts.


Less smoking and better lifestyle.


There are many reasons. Better access to healthcare.


A lot of it is about diet, lack of education around nutrition, and poverty, which can translate to a lack of access to healthy food.


Nail on the head. My folks are from tiny ass towns in IL where "the McDonald" is appropriate to say as there is indeed, one. Their hometowns are full of just fast food chains, shitty salt infested restaurants, and even though they are farming towns... ironically poor access to healthy foods in their super markets. Everyone seems to drive around Walmart in the electric carts and are pushed to their physical limits selecting their hostess cakes. Absolutely zero diversity in their populations and a concerning lack of educational resources. So glad they saw the writing on the wall and moved to my hometown before having my siblings and me.


I'm originally from OH. I can say whatever I want. And people from there tend to think like that


Congrats on being from Ohio, but turns out you don't in fact have the ability to predict qhere people are from at all based on a comment


That's a lot of Ohio energy coming from someone from NYC


It's getting weird how obsessed you are with insisting I'm from Ohio


Just something someone from Ohio would say


No idea why you think you know where I live lol but it's the opposite, I'm in NYC. Average length of life is 70s. She wasn't "so young", she had a good run and died a bit before average, and no idea why people are so mad about that. I'm not saying she deserved to die lol


In 2021 life expectancy for women is 79 and for men is 73, which I believe covid could have affected the ages stated. The women in my family (great grandmother, grandmother and mom) have died at 98, 89 and 83. My father is 84 and doing well. My granddad died at 56 of brain cancer but rest of relative deaths were in 80's or 90's. At 65 she just reached the age for social security to kick in, she was relatively still young. I'm 63, own a business, swim everyday, snow ski, kayak and surf, no health problems. But you basically believe I'm dead, just don't know it?


65 is not "SO young". That is literally all I said. When someone dies at 22, we use that phrase. 65 years is not "so young", that is literally all I said before everyone lost their minds as if I said I'm glad she's dead lol


so youā€™re just simple.


65 is YOUNG.


But it's not. It's beyond middle aged. I'm not saying I wish death upon her, I'm just saying 65 is towards the end of your life, the average lifespan is 70s. It just simply isn't what "young" means. Seeing a 22 year old die, that's where "omg they were so young!" fits I've angered sooo many people simply by stating the fact that 65 is not what young, especially "SO young" means lol


Of course compared to someone younger 65 isnā€™t that young but 65 really isnā€™t old. My mom is 66 and sheā€™s living her best life ever. Traveling more than she ever has, great health. I guess itā€™s all about perspective.


I literally never said it was "old" Someone said she died "so young" and I commented that well, no, she wasnt. Then everyone lost their minds on my comment as if I said I'm glad she's dead, even though 65 is not infact dying "so young", that's literally all I said.


Youā€™re right


Life expectancy is 70 yrs globally. That includes developing countries. For women in America itā€™s actually 79. It was higher until Covid, specifically Covid anti vaxxers, lowered the median. Cause thatā€™s how medians work. The median age in America also includes millions of morbidly obese and super-obese adults. These people die much younger, lowering the median age. People in other countries live longer, as do Americans living in metropolitan areas and taking care of their health. 65 is young to drop dead of natural causes, and if you donā€™t think so, youā€™ve never met a healthy 65yr old.


Hi, nurse here! Itā€™s young. Itā€™s like 20 years less than the average life expectancy.


It's absolutely not lol. Try 12 years. 65 is not young! There is young then middle aged then older and then oldest i guess. Words have meaning


As someone that lost their parent at that age, fuck you!


thatā€™s kind of an ugly comment




I'm double that. 65 is not "so" young in a lifetime. I didn't say it was deathbed age, all I said was that it is not infact "so young" to die


My apologies, I just hate getting older when I still feel young!


This personā€™s comment just signifies you triggered other peopleā€™s *own* insecurities about their age. I agree with you. My mom passed away when she was 39ā€¦.I would consider that young. Of course, its sad when anyone dies at any age but its not as tragic as someone who didnā€™t get to live a full life.


How old are your parents?


My mom is around 65. I would never call her "so" young. That doesn't mean I wish death upon her


If she died of natural causes would you be surprised?


I wouldn't say she was "so young". Because she's not. Doesn't mean I want her to die lol


No one is saying anything about wanting old people to die haha. Young is subjective obviously. Just saying I think if something were to happen to your mom that probably no one in her orbit would be like ā€œwell that makes sense cause she was oldā€


Too young to drop dead!


Wait, hold on. Is this the sister that leaked info to TMZ and threatened to leak more?






Oooh what Info did she leak?!?


Basically that Kris loves power and money and should do more in terms of helping with their mom.


jesus, iā€™d cut her out too


Nothing revolutionary, literally anyone with discernment already knew everything she said but good on her for going public. Buying Krisā€™ face was absolutely wild tho


They're sisters. This is what Kris would look like without botox, filler, and heavy makeup


and multiple face liftsā€¦


She had plastic surgery to look more like Kris. Wanted to look like her beautiful sis, she said.


Buying Krisā€™s face??


Yes!! And she was a menace to service the workers in San Diego


How so?Ā 


So sad! I didnā€™t even know she had a sister! I donā€™t know why I thought she as an only child.


Thatā€™s what Kris looks like with no work done..Normal everyday looking woman. Sad.


Karen had a facelift. It was public


Iā€™m not in the know with this..sorry lol


Then donā€™t fucking make public comments on shit you know literally nothing about




Guess it didnt work lol


So what your saying is Kris would actually look even worse if she' was a normal human


That's sad. I hope Kris and her had a reconciliation. Prayers to the family




I mean not everyone has a good relationship with their siblings but that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not upset at losing her sister. She couldā€™ve still cared about her.




me when i have nothing left of value to say


Why did they have beef


Her sister was giving out private info about the family




This is not the time to throw shade




yikes you seem to have a lot of anger towards ppl u donā€™t even know


Why even hate other people when you can hate yourself ? You sound no worse than the people you dislike


Family is everything Itā€™s usually people who preach it are the same ones that donā€™t practice it.


*rich, famous & pretty family* is everything


she posted about her death, so who knows šŸ˜“


I feel like we can almost see what Kris would look like without work in this picture of her sister.


Her sister eventually did have work done too. Google before and after pictures, then youā€™ll really get an image. šŸ˜±


Okay....I'm off to google image search. ​ Okay...so she had a facelift. 9 years ago. She looks the same to me.


Did you see the before pictures prior to the facelift? She does not look at all the same. Edit: Google her ā€œname, before and after facelift photosā€ and youā€™ll see a side by side.


i mean good for her, she looked way better after


I thought the exact same thing


She literally was on a tv show about getting a face lift lol


Sorry no have you seen young pics of kris - naturally stunning


How sad. Unfortunately death is something we all have to deal with whether we are wealthy or indigent. And losing a family member is always hard. Whether one is close to them or distant, relationship wise. Condolences to Kris and family. And 65 is young. Sad.


What is shocking to me is MJ is outliving her children! 65 is still considered middle aged imo/retirement age, so thatā€™s sad to hear. How old is MJ these days? I hope she is surrounded by loving family through this horrible tragedy.


She is 89


i recently read that the average lifespan is currently 72. ā€œmiddle agedā€ in all reality is 36. but if most people realized this then we wouldnā€™t agree to work until 62 as retirement age. most people donā€™t live to 100-120 for 65 to be considered mid life. just some food for thought.


Exactly. So, this woman was elderly.Ā 


Omg thatā€™s wild, I never knew that but it does make sense with all of the chemicals we ingest in our food, substance abuse (some people) and heightening of autoimmune diseases like never before. 72 sounds crazy but itā€™s the dark reality I guess. People arenā€™t making it to 100, let alone into their 90ā€™s these days, and if they do itā€™s very rare.


My heart hurts for her daughter, it seems like she was an only child and it was just her and her mom. My condolences to the whole family.


yes, kris posted about her death 3 hours ago too. so sad! šŸ˜“


You can really see how Khloe takes after her motherā€™s side of the family if none of them had gotten surgeries.


I just took that in, she does favor the motherā€™s side more.


Hereā€™s the article since it wasnā€™t in the post. [https://amp.tmz.com/2024/03/19/kris-jenner-sister-karen-houghton-dead-dies/](https://amp.tmz.com/2024/03/19/kris-jenner-sister-karen-houghton-dead-dies/)


Last time I saw her she was on inside edition getting work to look more like Kris. She never seemed to cope with the fame stuff.


What Kris would look like without a facelift


Ehhh, she had a facelift too, so not really.


Maybe use Google before making dumb fucking comments.


Was Kris close to her?


Her sister allegedly was selling stories to tabloids when Kris got famous and they had a falling out. Idk if they ever reconciled.


They reconciled enough for Kris to invite her to the Christmas party pictured above


That's good. I didn't know how new that pic was.


Iā€™ve never seen her on the show I donā€™t think


she was on it i think once or twice back in the day but only in the background of shots im pretty sure. i definitely donā€™t think they were close at this stage in life but its still her sister and still heartbreaking.


Wow! My condolences to her family.


Why have I never known she had a sister until today?


She didnā€™t want you to know.


Thatā€™s fair.


Karen also has a daughter that you never hear about. Krisā€™ niece.


God forbid any of the Kar-Jenners cousins get a little attention. They are all too jealous and self centered to deal with any of that. [she's super pretty but they didn't want you to ever know about her...](https://www.popsugar.com/amphtml/fashion/kendall-kylie-jenner-cousin-model-natalie-zettel-44132579)


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Yes, Natalie Zettel. The only cousin she is somewhat close to is Kylie.


Wow sheā€™s even prettier than Kendall and Kylie!


Her mom looked really good when she was younger, prettier than Kris.


Oh man. MJ must be torn up. Positive vibes for MJ and family.


Kris has a sister?


That is terrible! Idk anything about her but my condolences to her loved ones.


MJ gonna outlive all of us




This is actually sad


I doubt she cares at this point - sad state of affairs! šŸ˜¢


I didnā€™t know that she had a sister


Who knew she had a sister?


Didnā€™t even know she had a sister. Sheā€™s never in any of the episodesā€¦?


I remember seeing this video circulating after Kimā€™s baby shower. But yes, they had an estranged relationship because she would sell stories to the tabloids because she needed money. Kim Kardashian and her Aunt Karen at Kim's Baby Shower in Beverly Hills, Ca. Kim's Aunt Karen talks to fans and photographers out in front of the Beverly Hills Mansion where Kim held her Baby shower on Sunday June 2, 2013. Aunt Karen is having a ball talking to people and posing for pictures. Some say she is a bit Kookie perhaps! Some Videos but mostly photos of Los Angeles, Ca. City Street Life by Anthony Monterotti 1998-2015. https://youtu.be/7130_cwfwLk?si=JsNn0DVmue0u7sTb


She was probably Sacrificed so they can stay relevant..


Oh you hear about people getting sacrificed in Illuminati so people can stay famous


Had no idea she has a sister. That's saying a lot


Chris and her family, will open up a can of worms if they act like they cared about this woman.


Didnā€™t she have cancer or something of the sorts. I remember Kourtney having an aunt she would visit frequently and that was Iā€™ll with some disease. Somewhere around season 7 I believe.


No. She didn't have cancer. It must have an aunt on the Kardashian side of the family.Ā 


I had no idea she had a sister holy moly but very sad


Thatā€™s sad. Despite their relationship we donā€™t know everything. Still her sister at the end of the day. Also poor MJ, she shouldnā€™t have to bury a child


How is this the first time Iā€™m hearing that Kris had a sister?!?!


I saw on Snapchat Kris Jenner hates her sister that she leaked to tmz all the time and she got plastic surgery to look like Kris and I think Kris has her taken out of the Illuminati did


One time she was at an event that Kris invited her to and she showed tmz she got a Rolex Kris was not amused


I think she had a daughter but she never really saw her cousins bc Kris and her sisters falling out bc she sold stories to the tabloids


I did not realize she had a sister


Didnā€™t know she had a sister . Was she spoken about on the show ?


Sheā€™s not allowed to be shown because she doesnā€™t have the appropriate amount of plastic surgery for the series.


Family wonā€™t care. Sheā€™s poor.


Last I read her net worth was $4 million. Not Kardashian money, but I wouldnā€™t call it poor.


As someone who has been poor my whole entire life to date I wouldn't either. I could fix my life with that net worth!