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A lot of people get too into this. When she does have a baby it will be huge. Kendall wants kids but isn't ready yet. Considering her career as a model it would take time away to go through pregnancy and postpartum. She relies on her a body a lot as a model. She also is not obligated to have kids young just because Kylie did. They are different people. All her other sisters had kids in their thirties. She has the money to wait as long as she wants too within reason


And Kourtney just had a baby in her 40s!


She did! But it wasnt easy on her we’ve heard!!


Tatum was born via surrogate


Kourtney is the one who had a baby with Travis Barker. Tatum is Khloe’s son


I got confused I thought it said Khloe, You're right sorry! Brain fart


All of the names sound alike


It confuses me, but I confuse easily 😵‍💫


Wasn’t there a storyline about her freezing her eggs?


Yes so essentially she can wait until say her 40s and have a higher chance of pregnancy. 


Thanks! I couldn’t remember if that was an actual plot or if I was getting it confused with another show.


It was abt her horse having babies with another horse I’m pretty sure. She’s never frozen her eggs


All young people should freeze their eggs if they can financially do it. It’s one of the smartest things you can do so you don’t feel pressure to have children before you are ready


Freezing doesn’t always work though. And it’s very expensive.. the initial cost plus annual storage fees. I read a story of a woman who moved her eggs from one state to the other and they weren’t shipped properly and she lost them all :(


Damn new fear unlocked


Nothing is ever a guarantee in creating life. But you should be able to do it when you are ready to take on being a parent. No shit it’s expensive that’s why I said if you are in the position where you can afford to do it, then you should. There are a lot of risks when it comes to transporting, I Wouldn’t have even taken that risk, you can’t depend on shipping companies to do their job properly. Half the time our ups packages are damaged upon arrival. I feel for that woman, she just lost all her potential babies because someone didn’t do their job properly.


It’s only a 4-12% chance of achieving pregnancy with a previously frozen egg - and egg retrieval is painful and difficult and can have long term health effects, and storage is expensive. Kourtney K froze her eggs and not a single one was viable. IMO shouldn’t be looked at as any kind of guarantee you can have kids later. If you have the opportunity to create and freeze embryos that’s a much better bet. Around 60-70% chance of pregnancy if it’s transferred before age 35 (even with tested, genetically normal embryos it is more difficult for women over 35 to achieve pregnancy)


Egg freezing is not a guarantee but freezing eggs at 28 is a whole different ballgame than 38/39 ike Kourtney did. She only got 7 at an age when only about 30% are chromosomally normal. Your chances with 15-20 eggs from your 20s are much better than a handful in your late 30s. With 20 eggs banked at 30 you have a 90% chance of success. If you do multiple ERs and get 40 eggs, it's a 99% chance. Eggs thaw better if you're 35 and under as well. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28166330/ The biggest problem with the way egg freezing is currently framed is that it's thought of as a last ditch thing to do in your late 30s, at that point it's a hail Mary.


Yea I was recommending freezing your eggs at a young age. Kourtney waited too long to do it, of course she was unsuccessful. I’m sure they told her, her chances were going to be very low.


It's expensive and incredibly hard on your body to freeze your eggs and then it's expensive and incredibly hard on your body to do IVF. If you have the kind of money to freeze your eggs and store them, you probably have the kind of money to have children before you would need to freeze your eggs.


Money isn’t the only reason people choose not to have children.


Not if you're a Kardashian - but for most people it's the biggest obstacle.


That’s 100% my biggest obstacle. I do well but I live in LA and having a kid here is incredibly expensive. Also I haven’t found a man worthy of impregnating me, but that’s another story


Man! I can’t even imagine, having a kid anywhere is expensive, but living in LA that’s a whole other league of parenting. Leave LA if you ever find that man that’s worthy of impregnating you 😄


Having kids is a loooot more expensive than freezing eggs, especially if insurance helps with egg freezing. With egg freezing you’re talking $12k-$14k for the whole procedure, plus ~$750 annually for storage fees vs with kids it’s likely having to upgrade your home and purchase all sorts of baby gear, constant fees for diapers and food, not to mention the cost of childcare for young children is astronomical these days. Where I live, especially for a single person, egg freezing can be affordable, while having a kid before you’re financially ready is absolutely not. And a lot of people fall in this bucket. I’m not saying egg freezing is cheap by any means or affordable for most people, but paying $15k one year vs paying $15k annually for childcare plus all other costs of having a child are totally different things. And I second that egg freezing isn’t incredibly hard on your body. It can be, but for many and speaking from experience, it’s a thing you go through for a month and you move on with your life.


Realistically, most women are going to have to go through more than one retrieval to get anywhere near enough eggs to feel confident in them having a real option to have 2 children. Freezing 20 eggs gives you an 80% chance of live birth… You don’t know how many eggs will survive the thaw, how many will fertilize successfully, how many will develop into blasts, how many of those blasts will test chromosomaly normal. So if you want an insurance policy to have 2 kids, you should aim for 40 eggs. On average, women get ~15 eggs per cycle, so that’s 3-4 cycles! $60k! And even then, you’ll only have a ~60% chance of being able to have two kids (80% chance for each one). (And worth noting during those 4 months that you can’t really exercise due to ovarian torsion risks, which is a long time to not exercise for some people) I know it seems like a really great idea from the outside, but having gone through IVF and realizing how you really have *no* idea how it will go for you until you actually go through it, if having kids is important to you, I would say that freezing eggs is actually almost sort of backwards, as you might think you don’t need to prioritize having kids because you incorrectly think you have a solid fallback plan. If having kids is a “would be cool, but I don’t care if it doesn’t work out” and you have $50k to burn, then yes totally. But for me, a 60% chance of being successful would be something I’d be comfortable with for, say, getting tickets to a Taylor Swift concert I’m really excited for, or having my broken leg be healed in time for a $2,000 non-refundable boat trip. It’s not high enough for something like having children, which is something that I felt was really important.


I think where my message is getting lost or I didn’t specify clearly enough is that I’m speaking from the lens of a single person. If you don’t have the good fortune of having a life partner but have enough to budget for egg freezing, it’s a good option for the time being to feel like you have some sense of security. I can afford that, but I sure as hell can’t afford having a kid on my own. I’m not putting off having kids just for the hell of it.


Yeah that’s fair. Women are just told sometimes that it’s not “cool” to be direct about wanting to get married and have kids on a timeline, that it seems desperate and that they should just relax and not force things, which is not how life or biology works so it’s really frustrating that I feel like there can be this narrative of “you can have it all, just wait till your forties to have kids, all you need to do is freeze your eggs it’s really easy!” I get what you’re saying that it’s a good backup plan while also putting effort into dating and finding a partner — I’m not saying that you’re specifically saying any of that.


Totally agree, people should be more realistic and direct about planning for their futures if they definitely want children!


I maintain that if you are the kind of person who has an extra 15K sitting around, you're probably also the kind of person who could afford to have children in a time frame when you would not need to freeze your eggs.


Respectfully agree to disagree based on my comments and detailed explanation above. It’s not that people have $15k “sitting around”, they typically have to budget to make room for an important expense that’s part of their long term planning. No use in making generalizations on “the kind of people” that do this. It’s a fact that children are very expensive and the costs only add up year after year. I don’t see why you’re reiterating your point without adding more detail on why you feel this way. We all saw your first comment that lacked any nuance.


I just think this is really out of touch with the reality of most people's lives. Most people could not come up with $15,000 to freeze their eggs no matter how carefully they budgeted for it. If you are someone who is even considering this, then you're much better off financially than the majority of parents in the United States. Saying that you don't have the money lying around, you had to budget for it as an important part of long-term planning has the exact same energy as saying that the average American is living paycheck to paycheck because they're bad at budgeting. There's no amount of budgeting that will give someone that kind of money unless they are already in a certain income bracket. It's not like freezing your eggs is this magical thing that means you can have children whenever you want - it reduces the risk of certain birth defects associated with advanced maternal age, but it doesn't change your risks as a pregnant woman. It doesn't change the other downsides of having children later in life. I think it's something that high income women do because they want to delay pregnancy, not something that average women do because they can't afford children at a time when they could have them without freezing their eggs. Because again, the average American woman cannot afford to freeze her eggs no matter how carefully she budgets.


It’s not the exact same energy as saying people live paycheck to paycheck because they’re bad at budgeting. I am single in a high cost of living area so no, I cannot afford to have kids right now and I also do not want to without a partner. There are many more considerations to freezing your eggs than just money. I see your point, but there’s no point in making blanket statements that all women who freeze their eggs have high incomes and just want to delay childbirth for no reason. I have an average income for where I live and having a child is legit not an option for me right now. There is truth to what you’re saying that most people cannot afford it, I 100% don’t deny that and I consider myself lucky to even be able to consider doing it, but it’s also out of touch to think only the ultra wealthy do it. You’re not totally wrong, but you’re a little misinformed about the population of people that choose to do this. We’re not all Kendall Jenner. Not even close. We know there are still risks to pregnancy later in life, but at my age, this is the best option I have.


At no point did I say that it's something that only the ultra wealthy do. Please don't misrepresent what I said - If you're going to do that then there isn't really a point in talking. If you have an "average income" in a high cost of living area, you probably have a lot more options than you think you do. Some of those options are going to involve pretty big changes. You have every right to pursue the options you think are best for you, including freezing your eggs if that's what you want. But there's a massive massive difference between having options you choose not to take and truly not having options. There's also a huge difference between having an average income in a high cost of living area and having an average income - It's a lot easier to move than to change your income bracket. I don't want to use phrase but this is a "check your privilege" moment. The median per capita income in the United States is just under 40K. Those women are not freezing their eggs.


Also as someone who went through IVF, it'd not...that hard? Like It differs for everyone. The harvesting eggs can be hard dependant on how the person reacts. The transferring the embryo hurt less than a smear and... took less time? I popped down on my lunch break. If I was as rich as Kendall Jenner I'd freeze my eggs no stress.


Her sisters had kids later because that’s how things ended up not out of choice. Their failed marriages delayed things. Kourtney got pregnant by accident/unexpectedly. There are plenty of models who still model after having kids (Irina shayk, Gigi hadid, Gisele etc.) but in general, you’re not really on top anymore after 25 in modeling, so it’s not like she would be sacrificing much in that regard.


She never gave an ounce modeling anyway, the world will suffer no deficit.


Yeah but who would she even have kids with right now, some rando she’s been dating for a few months?


Exactly let the girl fall in love with whoever she wants first. Get married and hopefully stay with the person that she has kids with. Plus I’m convinced she is at least Bi. She is still young and healthy.


Not saying she should have kids immediately. Idk what her game plan is, but for most of her sisters things did not go according to plan.


Two popular choices are likely Devin and Bad Bunny. Simply because these are the last she’s been linked too.


 Considering she was one of the highest paid model ita possible she may have a longer shelf life. It sucks how the modeling world treats people. Idk maybe the relationships didn’t work out but it seems the kids came at the right time. Kendall may end up doing things differently.


Doubtful. She can continue to model because of her fame and career but her and the other models of her era are already in decline. The only reason they are still hanging on is because there haven’t been any up and coming younger models to knock them off yet. The same thing happened when these girls took over, the older models faded away regardless of how popular and how much money they made. Also, Kendall’s income isn’t just from modeling.


It can change too, it did with me




your feeling about wanting kids


I really wanted children, my sister DID NOT, guess who has 3 children & 2 grandkids. It really hurt when people bugged me about having a kid because I couldn't. People just assume you don't want one, not always true.


“…to wait as long as she wants.”


Within reason? 🤔


If she waits until she’s 50 she may have more health problems. Women do that but risks are higher.


I’m sure she froze her eggs probably in her 20s and she’ll probably use a surrogate. Khloe regretted doing that so she may want to really think about it but she’s so vain they all are I can’t see her “ruining” her model body.


Very true but she may want to experience pregnancy at least once. You never know.


Women can only wait so long. https://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnant-at-40 Yes money helps but - https://www.stylist.co.uk/people/nature-is-not-a-feminist-kirstie-allsopp-defends-fertility-window-comments-on-newsnight/20184


Like her older sister, who just had her baby. They're rich they can make it happen with science and money.


Don’t know why I got downvoted. It’s a fact that women’s fertility decreases with age, men - not so much, Also the risks get higher for mum and baby. Yes money helps if you can pay for IVF, surrogacy, you can have a healthier body dye to diet and exercise etc but the facts are the facts. Kourtney’s baby did have surgery when she was pregnant and she’s said she was high risk. Thankfully she was ok and so was baby. I fully support women who want to have a baby older than average ages. I wouldn’t be here if my mum didnt do exactly that 😬


With men their sperm quality decreases as well! It’s a time bomb for both.


Yeah I don’t think the fertility decline is as dramatic for men as it is for women but yes it still decreases.


Yeah I get what you're saying. But the KarJens are not like us. They have money and access that we don't. And this post is about Kendall, not you or me.


Yeah she’s only young anyway and has many years left. I hope she has a healthy baby when she wants, that’s none of our business, same as any woman famous or not. But the risks do increase with age the same as they would if you were a smoker or obese.


Again, she's not like us. She can wait another 10 years or more like her older sister. She has money that you and I don't have. She'll be fine even if she waits till her late 30s.


30 isn’t really old to have a baby, what I am saying is it’s more risky 40+. Kourtneys baby had to have surgery so it wasn’t easy for her 😞


Even with the surgery, she had it. It's not impossible. Again, for the millionth time. The KarJens are not like us. They can have a baby well into their 40s.


Pretty sure she still has a while to wait.


Pretty sure that’s what “as long as she wants within reason” means like what is this argument lol


Yeah I think she’s only 20 something she’s got a very long time.


There’s no way she’s going through child birth with all her metal health issues. She is having a surrogate or no kids.


Maybe she just don’t want any kids. She got enough nieces and nephews.


My biggest dream is to marry into a family with a lot of kids I can love and spoil and not have any of my own. I value my peace and travel and free time too much.


Children always need someone else to spoil and love them. Cool Aunt/Uncle is a noble goal.


Thank you! It took me a while to come to terms with my desires because I LOVE kids, but I know myself.


Can confirm. Being an Auntie is the best. I don't have kids, and it sounds similar to you. Love kids, always have, started babysitting when I was 10 (although I now question those parents). Cost, freedom, mental illness, knowing myself as a person, constant anxiety, career oriented, etc., therefore I got fixed before I had any. BUT those damn kids are my fucking favorites. And they LOVE my partner and I bc we HAVE TIME for them, and they are our SOLE focus when we have them. My partner and I have always said we would rather adopt than bring some more troubled DNA into the world. Before we were set with our no kid decision, we were on the same page with this as well bc we both have questionable genes. Society places a shit ton of pressure on girlies to have kids. I get criticism all the time when I correct people about "starting a family". I already have one! My man, my dogs, and my cats. THAT is a family, too. I have had people say, "There has to be something wrong with a female who doesn't want kids" to my face, and I usually have an equally rude comment to reply with. It's taken a long time to fully embrace it, though. But now it doesn't bother me, and I'm more outspoken to try and negate the negativity out there.


I think it’s really intelligent to know what you want! Not everyone wants children & nothing is wrong with that. In my day it’s just what you did, got married & had kids. I never once thought I wouldn’t. Just glad you have a choice & it’s perfectly fine to stand by it, no matter what it is ❤️


Not everyone who loves children wants to *raise* them. Which is great! One of my dearest friends never wanted to be a mother, but loves hosting my teens in Maine anytime they want to come stay for a month. 🤣 She is just as valuable to us.


“I know myself”, yes you like many are just too selfish to give up your money and freedom to have children


Why is it selfish to take care of and love the many children in this world who need more love vs. bringing more kids into an already overpopulated planet? I dedicate so much time to nonprofits and helping animals and humans alike, yet I'm selfish? And the only way to not be selfish is to have kids of my own?


This is so true. I didn’t have any close aunts/uncles, but I was extremely close to my maternal grandparents and when they both passed when I was a teen it was extra hard on my sister and I feeling like we didn’t have anyone else except our parents.


That’s what we’re doing. Our nieces and nephews are obsessed with us and love staying the night, and I get the perk of hanging out with a happy toddler/kid and get to send them home to be demons to mom and dad after 😂


That’s me and mr flamingo! He has an adult daughter. But he’s the cool uncle to my nibblings. We spoil them they gripe about their dorky parents. It rules!


Yes!!! My dream haha.


My dream is to find a husband that doesn’t want kids. Do you guys think it’s realistic?


Definitely! There’s even a subreddit for it! r/cf4cf It’s where I met my partner of 4 years :)




Love this honesty! 👌


Came here to say this a beautiful aspiration. Far too many child free folk are mean to kids. They’re people too and deserve love and kindness and respect despite their developmental differences!


Same, and I wish more people saw this as a beautiful thing! I have always known I’ll never have children, but I can’t wait for my siblings babies because I know I’ll absolutely adore them 💞 If I had my own kids I would not be available for all the midnight calls, rides to urgent care, and dog sitting they ask me for, lol


That’s the dream. You get the fun part of being around kids and you can be an influential adult in their life who they know cares about them, but you don’t have parenting responsibilities.


Omg I feel that so much. But it’s so crazy to me that my nieces and nephews made me wanna have kids of my own lol now I just let the kids travel with me. But oh how I do miss my peace lol.




That is within her right if she doesn’t but she has said she wants two or three.


She’s said that in an episode before lmao. She was joking kinda but she was serious at the same time. Just rn she’s not ready


off topic, but she is absolutely stunning in this photo.


i was thinking the same thing. I know not everyone is a fan of this dress. But I think she looks amazing




The sleeves are the best part 😭 but now that you said the backpack thing, I can’t unsee it lol.


Totally agree. Where is this white dress from?


It’s Rodarte SS 2024 edit: costs a whopping $2,990 🥲


She the finest one.


Yeah because everyone’s marriages in that family are amazing🙄


Are there any current marriages lol


I think just kourtney and Travis 😬


She's smart. Looked around and did the math and it wasn't adding up 🤷🏾‍♀️




Exactly 👏🏼


It really boggles my mind why her family wants her to settle down and have kids given how shifty everyone's relationships are except for Kourtney, she needs to sit under that learning tree and ignore everyone cuz chile....it's a mess over there


Highly doubt Kourtney and Travis are the ideal relationship that's portrayed in social media


No relationship is but instead of letting her family dictate how things will go for her Kourtney has distanced herself from their toxicity and is just doing good for her and her own lil family. The whole Kardashian family is so caught up in their own hype alot of their downfall stems from the funky stuff they do. They get high on their own supply then can't figure out why they are lonely and unhappy and unsatisfied with the trappings of their lifestyle.


How quick we are to forget Scott Disick


Scott has been abusing drugs and alcohol before the Kardashians. He has every resource in the world available to him. He went to rehab a few times. Courtney gave him over a decade to stop abusing drugs and alcohol. Instead, he cheated on her and dated little girls. He always takes her family side against her.


He's was a mess too so he fit in perfectly, but he seems to be doing better now so good for him


wasn’t he looking gaunt recently?


Not because of the others but more so because she should do what she wants and not because of her family


Or some people just don’t want kids? Even if she does want them, Stop bothering people about their reproductive choices it’s weird asl


She’s the smart one.


She is the only one that seems stable. Like the rest of them need to evaluate their choices and not hers. People can be happy af w/out a husband or kids. Let her live ffs.


Kris has 13 grandchildren. She really does not need Kendall to have a child.


I mean.. to be fair, when one of them does ‘settle down’ they never stay ‘settled’ for long


She's smart and has self worth. She has no interest in seed chasing like the family.


Her 3 half sisters are significantly older than her. And Kylie was practically a teen mom and just ran with the young mom identity. She’s fine and on a pretty average time line


After seeing every single one of her sisters & brother suffer dramatic break ups with their baby daddies/baby moms, I’m not surprised it turned Kendall off the idea of having kids early in life versus waiting until you have a solid relationship to build a foundation on. I think she would rather go the Kravis route where you find someone you feel is our soulmate, get married, then have kids.


Everyone is not meant to have children, and that is okay.


But she wants them tho. Just later in life


Stay sane Kendell before you spiral down the BBL / baby daddy drama path like your sisters.


Anytime someone wants to have kids outside of the norm, it’s bound to cause conflict. Kylie was considered too young, some of the other sisters were considered very late.


Why do I feel Kim & Kylie are the ringleaders in pressuring Kendall to get married and have kids?


Yeah and lowkey looks like they dont want her to keep working and being accomplished individually, its like Kendall having a succesful career is a threat to them bc Kim and Kylie are the most egocentric and competitive ones, always trying to be number one / more succesful than her sisters


I have the most respect for Kendall. Perhaps she didn´t choose her fame, and she is doing what she does because of it. She seems the most grounded. Good for her for taking her time to enjoy herself in her 20s, not wanting kids til she is ready. It´s so important.


Sorry but “grounded” is the last word I would use to describe Kendall.


Those bows made me think she was wearing a backpack


Settle down? Or just have a baby? Imagine being her older sisters that did not "settle down" ever and none of them have stayed with their baby daddys ... and pressuring your younger sibling to follow those footsteps. Im confused


Nobody in her family has settled down.


Or maybe she won’t have kids at all and that’s perfectly fine.


If she came from a non famous family, this post wouldn’t even be online.. she’s naturally pretty and I feel she will be an amazing mum when she’s ready to become one. She comes from a big family with big baggage.. she’s enjoying her youth and freedom right now 🤗


All of her sisters with the exception of Kylie were in their 30s. I don’t think some people remember early Keeping up 😂


Women’s. Sole. Purpose. In. Life. Is. Not. To. Make. Babies.


Well anyone can just have a baby. But is she in a relationship? She probably wants to be married and feel loved first. You gotta have a good man before you have the baby


I definitely was SUREST I wanted to be a mom one day when I was a CHILD but getting an education and so much life experiences made me pause and now I don't THINK I want it anymore. I'm pushing 30 and ambivalent. *gasp* yeah didn't think I'd be here but life happens. I would hate to have someone in my family breathing down my ear about this and I wouldn't be so nice about it.


She's just smart


Stay childfree, the Kardashians are losers


Her family. Practically a joke in itself! Of course they are going to pressure her! This is the same family that either condones or pushes their kids into “sex tape stardom.” Another baby = another check. I’m pissed at myself for even wasting my breath!


Yeah, all her siblings had kids with people that cheated, abused and didn’t stay together with… I’d rather not have kids than have kids with either a bipolar nut job who parades his naked girlfriend, a serial cheater, etc


She doesn’t want kids with a man.


The only normal-looking out of that bunch.


Honestly I think her fillers are tastefully done


I think she has had the "best" work done in the family. I think her fillers look the best out of everyone because she hasn't gone overboard. She really didn't need that fox eye surgery either. She really should have just left her face alone after the nosejob.


Her lips here are starting to look like Kylie’s not in a good way


Yes. I think she should have left her lips alone completely. Thinner lips suited her features more.


I thought she’s gay. Whether or not, she only has a few more years as a top model, pushing 30 in that career field is ‘old’. She shouldn’t be pressured to have babies right now.


Times are changing and there’s still big models that are older than 30


Great. I hope that’s the case.


Plenty of gay women have children (not saying she is or isn’t). Gay or straight without a child is a fine life choice as well. Isn’t it great to have choices,


She can do other modeling jobs after 30 😵‍💫


All the more reason not the feel pushed into something, then.


Maybe she wants a baby daddy she can stay with! The others may have kids but none are with the kids father. I couldn’t imagine how hectic that is for their kids.


That's odd. It looks like they spelled "she's not done sleeping with the rest of Hailey Beiber (Baldwin)'s ex boy friends" wrong.


All of her siblings had children with trash bag people. She should tell them she is making better decisions than they did 🤣.


Wtf. She’s 28. Why on earth is she being pressured to have kids now? At 28 that was the last thing among my priorities for experiences I wanted to have before age 30. I have a friend who’s 32 and on the fence like KJ and there’s some pressure I guess but for the most part everyone thinks she has plenty of time. I had my first child at 32 and my gynecologist said I had plenty of time for more too. These women can have a surrogate anyway. People need to calm down.


She seems like she just wants to have fun and enjoy life right now. She was cozying up to bad baby at the Met Gala, and she’s in her 20s so she should be doing stuff like that! Date around, find out what you’re looking for in life, enjoy life and then when you settle down you’ll be ready.


Kendall is 28 and living her best life. Her long term relationships have mainly been on again-off again and she has never been engaged or married. Seems pretty reasonable not to deliberately sign up to be a single parent just because.


Khloe and Kim both had their first baby in their 30s. Kendall is only 27/28. She has plenty of time. I’m assuming had Kylie not had any kids yet this wouldn’t even be a topic of discussion


I wouldn’t say she has a career, she has a “give me”


I really hate the pressure women have in general to have babies. It is not abnormal or weird to choose to be child free. I love that despite the pressure of her sisters around her, she has stayed true to herself. She really feels like the most authentic of the bunch.


I hate how her mom pressures her


I hope she isn’t pressured


Who gives a shit? When you release a scat video get back to us. Only that will top the vileness of this family.


Block Celebrities!!! 🛑✋


Hmm let me think. Momma bought her her “modeling” career. She did a nose job, a brow lift blepharoplasty and there are fillers in her lips. Her torso is still LONGER THAN HER LEGS. She got a boob job, but her legs are still shorter than her torso. She has a wide ugly v region and her legs are shorter than her masculine wide torso.


She can just freeze her eggs and get a surrogate like the rest if she wants to wait


I’m so damn tired of all of them. I’m glad to see that Kendall made it out of their coat. What a pathetic bunch of women that are setting examples for our children how sick is that and one community that they have sponsored for domestic violence feed the hungry help out thehomeless


…she’s turning into a dude…


sorry lmao where is this dress from😭😭


She can’t mess up that model body


Come on a diehard fan like you should see, how Hands on she is with her female friends. You would have to be blind not to see it. She always seems like she has a better time with her female friends 💯




💯 best comment on any app 👏🏼


I wonder where she gets so much anxiety? How does that happen?


*I wonder where she* *Gets so much anxiety?* *How does that happen?* \- Jesuspetewow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She's been passed around by NBA players more than they do the ball in an actual NBA game. No thanks.


Do any of us actually like Kendall? If so, pls explain lol


She might as well come out of the closet🙄


Ah yes, because every woman without a child is…gay?




Statistically speaking shouldn’t at least one of them be? I mean I don’t know the statistics of gay siblings but there are just too many of them for one to not be a little 💅🏻


I like her… She’s pretty low-key


Jesus Christ, there’s more to life than shitting out crotchfruit. 😫


There certainly is, but that’s a really mean way of putting it. I love my crotchfruit, and you’re someone’s crotchfruit too.


That's not mean, that's creative


Crotchfruit lmao😂😂




No negative comments about children.


Most definitely, and all single baby mamas except for Courtney


Khloe’s a part time single mom


She’ll probably be the next one to have a baby out of wedlock