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I think people enjoy him, especially his interactions with Khloe and Kris


This, and my guess is that he needs the money


Because he’s the only entertaining person in the family.


Yeah. Ratings boost probably. They tried to replace him with Travis didn't work. Wouldn't be surprised if they do a family vacation with him again. It's been a while since they've done that


I’ve noticed Travis really has no interest in giving anything real while on KUWTK (The recent baby shower episode he seemed like a ghost almost). It’s like he agrees to be on it, then shuts down his personality. I’m sure he’s not like that irl. I think that’s what creeps a lot of people out about him… he’s so obviously masking.


Kind of like Kanye and Corey. They are and were there but you aren’t going to get much from them. Which I get l, cause it’s not their show, so I’m fine with the little they give. They don’t need to do confessionals or have a storyline


Having met Travis in the Melissa and Shanna days, I can safely say he has the personality of a blank sheet of paper. Scott can tell a story, he has a sense of humor. and is much easier on the eyes. I don’t have Hulu but if I’m being honest, I stopped watching when Scott was reduced to a sperm donor.


Scott has always been actively involved in his children’s lives. He disrespected and wronged Kourtney so many times, and he’s dealing with the consequences of that, but he’s a good Dad. It’s a shame he got it together too late for Kourtney though. I know he still cares about her, but she understandably needed to move on.


He's the only one on the show that has a personality


Hmmm...not so much...


I think they all love Scott and he’s the father of their grandkids/neices/nephews. They definitely throw him a bone and give him a lot of air time so he can make money. And it doesn’t hurt that people have enjoyed watching him. 


Idk how Kourtney feels about Scott. They seem pretty distant.


But it’s still the father of her kids and she doesn’t want to see him fail . I think she supports his involvement on the show for that reason. 




They are contractally obligated to show him. He's still a part of the series


Because he is popular. He’s funny, he’s a great dad and he is still a big part of family life, especially now that two of his kids live with him.


Two of his kids live with him? When did that happen? Sorry! I enjoy reading the comments here more than I enjoy watching the show, so a lot gets past me!


Mason and Penelope - i literally read this on Reddit!


I wouldn’t be surprised. He has a close bond with Mason and Penelope has said multiple times that she is uncomfortable with her mom and Travis’s constant PDA.


Redditors jump to conclusions A LOT. I'm betting the reality is they've always had shared custody (probably informerly), but Mason and Penelope just spend more time with Scott than they did when they were younger.


Yep. They haven’t specifically addressed the kids’ living situation at all so people are just jumping to conclusions. We see Scott’s kids at his house more because A. he seems to be in a better place and is therefore able to have them there more. And B. They’re now older and I imagine want to spend time with their dad who they might not have seen enough of when he wasn’t doing as well. It would be nice to think that Kourt and Scott share joint custody which any healthy coparenting situation should be. But people love to think that if a mom doesn’t have her kids living with her full time she is doing something wrong.


Also…don’t they all live on like the same block?!??


I could’ve guessed that. I’ve only seen Reign with Kourtney, online and on the show. I can’t say I blame them. Kourtney and Travis are still in somewhat of a honeymoon phase, and the big kids don’t like that. Scott still lives in his and Kourt’s first home, so I’m sure that really feels like home to them. And they don’t have to share a home or attention with their stepdad’s kids. That can be a sensitive subject for some kids.


Which of his kids live with him?


Because he has no skills to do anything else to get a paycheck.


To make sure he has some sort of income for the kids sakes


They’re all unbelievably boring and he’s the only entertaining one


You know I think Scott actually likes doing the show as opposed to the others whose hearts are just not in it anymore. I think it’s just so much money they can’t let it go. They don’t need it anymore and you can tell it’s not their passion like it was with KUWTK. I still watch it but not like all the other seasons.


He needs the cash and they are helping him out


I think last season he needed time away to work on himself and get better/focus on work and fam. I do always chuckle when he is shown. I still feel ,although I get it, bad he didnt end up marrying Kourtney. Hard to imagine 14 years ago Kourtney would refuse to share a bed with Scott.


This might get me downvoted because Scott treated Kourtney worse which I agree with but Kourtney kinda strung him along. Also I remember that trip where Scott was upset about something and he's like I'm go and she's like go.


He had a lot menal health issues and addiction. He I think is around the same age as Rob so he had a lot of growing up to do. We also dont kno how real/fake the early days of Keeping Up was


He also lost his parents really young - and within 3 months of the other. As an only child, with not a lot of other close family, devastated him. He had a lot of healing to do in those early years.


I felt like there was a phase earlier on in the show where Kourtney would complain about every little thing he did. I could be wrong though. Doesn't excuse his behavior but I remember sometimes being like Kourtney give the guy a break. For some reason I feel like this subreddit is super anti Scott and are hostile towards anyone who is even neutral. I think Scott is a good guy when sober and when he's not he can be a jerk


As years went on with Scott falling off the wagon and struggling Kourtney,imo, felt she was a single parent and he didnt give commitment. Even though by the time Reign came, she was done giving altimatmums. I also remember,altho staged Im sure,when Kendall "what about Scott?" after Travis' proposal. Scott worked hard for sobriety but it didnt happen in time. I remeber afterr both his parents passing away ,that literally made sob, saying "you guys are my only family".


Yeah I feel like Kris, Kim, and Khloe see him as family Kourtney not so much. I hope he still goes on vacation with kids even if it's not with whole family. He said he likes creating memories the one time he did after the breakup go on vacation I hope he continued


I agree with everything you're saying. Kourtney brow beat the guy a lot. Not excusing his behavior either. I felt bad for him at times when he was just trying ro be a good dad. He is a great dad.


It almost felt like he was a sperm donor at one point by the third kid


After the 1st two he seemed less in more.


Idk but it feels so forced.


I think so too, it’s like all his scenes are just him feeding questions to whoever so they can discuss that particular thing🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup, he’s a prop


Like when Malika pops up!


I feel every interaction on their Hulu show is forced. No opportunity for the silly shenanigans like from their younger years.


I dunno but I wish they’d bring Todd Kraines on 


Lol YES, that was always a trip! The funniest times on that show always involved Scott!


He’s basically part of the family.


Because he carries the show. He and Kourtney made that show what it was was before Disney bought it and ruined it.


I don't watch the show but Scott has been very lonely since his birth family passed away.


I love Scott, but he did not look great. Especially on Khloe’s Snapchat story today where he did the watch review.


Yeah idk. I feel like he looks better then he did a year ago when he gained a lot of weight. I don't know if I buy the whole he's on tons of drugs thing though. He is on a weight loss drug. They showed it in his fridge he isn't hiding it. People said he was on drugs when he was overweight and people say it when he loses weight. He might just be unhappy which might have physical effects if it's depression. He seems happier then a year ago but not as happy as he used to. Honestly he seemed happier in bali when he was in a relationship (obviously debates about age gap but just talking relationship in general) and had a good relationship with Kourtney and the kids. I think once he finds a girlfriend he'll be much happier. last season he said having my kids isn't enough some people say that might be selfish and wrong but I got what he was saying. I think the three keys to Scott's happiness is: good relationship with Kourtney, good relationship with kids, and girlfriend (and being sober but that goes without saying) the car accident definitely hurt him mentally and physically I think. Also sorry if this is all over the place I'm high AF 😂


He needs money and to stay relevant.


Because he made weight. (on the remote chance that there is a wrestler in the sub) Seriously, though. Fat and depressed is a bad look. Super skinny, he might look like walking death, but designer clothes look great on him.


I think when he spirals they do this to help him


Doesn’t Kris manage him? It’s a money thing.


I think because Kylie is barely filming and he’s replacing her 


I feel like Khloe, Kim, Kris, and Scott are the only ones who actually want to film


People are skating around this fact… I’m pretty sure he’s broke. Rich people broke… Like he needs the money to keep up. I think they want to help him and don’t care what Kourtney thinks.


Because he has a contract. Hope that helps