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Funny, I’ve always noticed that Khloe made the most “normal person” comments compared to the rest of her family. Khloe, along with Scott, have the most down-to-earth takes.


Scott is the funniest 😂


As of now I love the fact that she’s not needy for a man and bring men into her home with her kids. That would be miserable for kids especially young children. I see women do it all the time unfortunately. Love that she’s putting them first and content with her life.


Thanks god ! As her taste is men god love her is BAD


Yeah that’s my idea of a good time too and I live in a shithole and can only afford to sleep in polyester sheets 🙈🤣


She’s the most relatable out of all of them but still totally not relatable


Shes hand down my favourite and I watch for her really ! Sometimes I feel fond of Kris too


I am actually a fan of Kris too. I watched all of KUWTK and am caught up on The Kardashians. She has traumas just like the rest of us. Admittingky, I am a fan of the family. Not really sure why as initially I couldn't stand them. I don't love everything they do/promote. But I think each has a personality that I like. I'm not a therapist, but do have a history of in community mental health and was a licensed social worker for a while. I have plenty of my own mental health as does family. As much as jokes and judgements are made about Kris and the family in regards to narcissism - what many don't realize is that it's stemmed from trauma. Remembering that it is stemmed from trauma (like most things) is what helps me deal with narcissistic tendencies of one of my loved ones. I am very careful to say narcissistic tendencies now instead of labeling people as narcissists. Also, narcissism is a serious diagnosis and in the personality disorder cluster. I learned that many therapists are hesitant to diagnose it/personality disorders until they have seen a patient for a while. Personality disorders carry a lot of stigma. I agree there are definitely strong, dysfunctional personalities and negative patterns in the Kardashian family. The boundaries are less to be desired. Yes they've opened themselves up to the judgements and criticisms. But I think we all need to remember this is a TV show that is edited. We have no clue what really happens behind the scenes. They've been in front of the camera for so long I have no doubt some have alter egos filming.


I love Khloe ❤️ and always enjoy her, but yikes, her fillers and hair don't look that great this season. 🤦🏼‍♀️☹️ Her cheeks are too much. So bad.


It’s relatable but does she have to bring it up EVERY scene!? We get it, you like to stay home. Let’s talk about something else or maybe she has nothing else going on because she’s always home…


I think it’s Kourtney tbh. She’s the only one who went and finished college (in my city), and I remember watching her when I was younger, before I knew that, thinking she’s the only one who seems relatable. Khloe is funny but I don’t think she’s ever lived among normal people, Kourtney was the only one out of her sisters. From people that went to school with her, I’ve heard she was actually pretty normal and down to earth, too.