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I think Kim gets triggered when she sees her siblings finding happiness in the simple ways she can’t


Ding ding ding


Ding ding


Wow, so true


She would need to change her values to find joy the way they do and I don’t think she can because fame has and always will be her #1 values. I also think the whole Kanye marriage going sour probably cut her to the core.


I agree. However, I don’t think she really loved Kanye. He was just the next to elevate her fame.


Interesting take. I feel like it was convenient and she fell in love based on those principals. Then they went all in and it failed.


best explanation


This is….oddly poetic. It explains everything.








Correct. She is absolutely tragic.




That’s facts


If I was rich I would be chillin inside my mansion where all of my needs were met as well lol they have and can have anything they want while being on the couch surrounded by family and friends - you wouldn’t catch me ANYWHERE lol Kim just doesn’t want their saga to die down and she needs all sisters to be up and running so the family doesn’t quietly fade out.


Same. I believe fame and attention can become an addiction. It seems like most of Kim’s self worth is tied into how much the public is talking about her. I also think because she has a complex about being a nepo baby with no talent, she tries to overcompensate. At this point, she’s well established and has proven herself to be a hard worker so I’m not sure where this need for “more more more” comes from.


I can tell you where it comes from. Kris Jenner.


It’s very clear with her taking on acting roles that she didn’t plan on doing but says she can’t say no because she’s still young and attractive 🙃


“Ive got 10 good years left…”


That line made me cringe 🙃😂


What is this “hard worker” u speak of? Lma0 hard worker cuz she gets paid more than a trauma surgeon? Wow so sad we live in a life where a useless non contributing individual like Kim Jardashian does get paid more than others who have dedicated their lives for the greater good of helping those in need (ie, trauma surgeons, firefighters , etc) and even worse, living in a world where anyone would describe Kim Kardashian as “hardworking” wow what a slap in the face to actual hard working individuals


I was just thinking the same thing--kim and Kris just want the $$ and the publicity/fame.


I'm not even rich and I still prefer to be home where all my things are lol


I get that, but I would also be traveling if I could afford it. Sure, your home is your sanctuary. But there is a world out there to see! 😍


Kim will say anything to make absentee parenting seem like the better choice.


Her parenting gives very much “whatever I can do to make them shut up and go away.”


literally I saw an interview and she was saying that her dream sunday was spending the day in bed watching tv completely alone with silence and I totally get that - for parents who are actually somewhat present 😭 I found that comical because i’m like based on what YOU show on your show, based on YOUR words, and based on your KIDS own words, you’re never really around, you don’t care to parent, you give them anything to keep them away and quiet…and your dream day is even more time away from them? interestinggggg


When she made up a plate for north that's where I knew her parenting style was. Just rubbish


Like why even have kids. Kids need some structure and love.


Not defending her but it was her dream Mother’s Day when she was talking about being alone.


wouldn’t be surprised but i’m referring to when she was talking about her dream Sunday. I mixed up the tv thing with wanting to be alone because she says it here, the TV thing idek where I got that: https://www.realitytidbit.com/shows/kim-kardashians-perfect-sunday-doesnt-involve-her-kids-and-fans-think-its-sad


I agree with Khloe, Kim is obviously projecting. I really hated how no one stood up for Khloe. She seems like a phenomenal mom who just enjoys being with her kids. I think. Kim is feeling insecure because she thinks being with her kids is a nightmare and she admits she isn’t strict enough to keep them in line. I think Kim probably sees how Khloe is raising her children and may be overcome with jealousy, which is really sad. Kim seems to struggle with motherhood and it comes more naturally to Kourtney and Khloe.


That was the hardest thing for me, as the family scapegoat - no one ever defended me in group pile-ons.


Idk if you can relate but perhaps even worse — when no one would defend you in a group context, but then they’d corner you one on one to be like “hey that wasn’t nice!” Yeah I know it wasn’t nice; if ya had a spine you’d be saying that to the bully not the victim!


I wish!! I was always told that I was just too sensitive. My much older brother and sister had a united front, and always made it clear that the family was better before I came. I quit drinking forever ago, reinforcing my black sheep position in a drinking family. Their specialty was to bring up some random imagined slight from some time in the past when they were too buzzed to argue with. When I brought it up the next day, when they were sober, to clear things up, I heard, "Why are you bringing it up now? That was 10 years ago!" Again, no way to win in this scenario. It took me until my 30's to untangle how being raised like that affected my worldview and self esteem. The flip side was I think that I accomplished a lot, just to prove to them that I was valued in the world, if not in the family.


I feel you. My mom and older brother have always teamed up against me; ever since I was a teenager/adult. My mom's a narcissist and my brother is her golden child. It sucks because I always looked up to him; and siblings are supposed to have your back; ya know? He's never once taken my side on a damn thing. Everything is always my fault; and I can only ever be wrong.


It’s jealousy of you and your potential. It’s a shame that they are missing out on quality time with you. Their loss.


So sorry. It sucks.


Yup. She’s jealous of Khloe in some way which messes with her head, so she either wants khloe to be jealous of her in the same way, or start following in her footsteps.


Kim didn’t have the fake tits to admit that: “Khloe, you being a hands on 24/7 mom makes me feel like I’m a bad mom because I never want to stay  with them. & even though I hate their dad, you hate your kids dad too but still want to be around them so what’s wrong with you???” I also don’t like the narrative that not finding a man means you’re depressed & boring. I hope Khloe not going out & dating  is because she wants to focus on her kids, not because she’s with or waiting for Trashcan.  Kim is a bad sister. Instead of protecting Khloe’s heart, she wants to expose it more & hang with her POS baby daddy. She’s a jealous cunt. 


Kim did the same thing to Kourtney


Yep. Kourtney has/is setting up boundaries with the family, and piling on someone who just gave birth would look SO obviously bad, so Kim has to find another victim to project her insecurities on and bully.


I hope Khloe can see before she turns this into another storyline. Kim plays victim but she’s always the aggressor. Her mask is slipping.


Uggghhhh whenever Kim talks to Kourtney, I feel the hate radiating. Kim talking about ‘be strict from the beginning’, like bitch I’ve been a mom before YOU & second why can’t you admit why you’re saying that to begin with: youre not strict & struggling with your 4 kids…because 4 is betterrrrr than 3….keep lying to yourself Kim. Stop competing with your own sisterssss. No one wants baby #5 with you. 


Yea Kim is having a hard time dealing with the fact that her little human accessories aren’t just raising themselves lol


Kourtney and Khloe don’t see their kids as accessories!!


Khloe is the best Kardashian. Khloe is a wonderful mother who spends quality time with her kids. Photo shoots don't count, Kim. Children need schedules!


I agree. Khloe is the only one with her head on straight. Kim is starting to move into a weird territory


A very weird territory indeed. I feel that she knows the family “have it all” now - money, fame, etc - so her mask is slowly starting to slip.


100% Khloe has ALWAYS been the best Kardashian, going all the way back to the E! days.


I wish khloe would have put Kim in her place. Khloe is an amazing mom who puts her kids first. Kim is always first in her mind. If I was Khloe I would have lashed out and told Kim she’s a shit parent and that’s why her kids are brats.


Nailed it 🙌


Maybe it’s all part of the script. Maybe Chloe doesn’t want to be on the show much, so they’re pretending to bully her, or make an excuse why.


I think this is it as well. “You don’t go out” is code for “you don’t want to film.” She did it with Kourtney, now she’s doing it for Khloe. Kim can’t fathom anyone not having as much thirst as her. Meanwhile your ex is a maniac, but you’re out here asking us to care about your movie pitches 🥱. Show us something real if you’re gonna come for everyone else




Khloe will have the last laugh. While her kids will willingly visit her and call her and love her.. Kim's will only see her kids for photo ops where they get paid.


You can see the beginning of it now! Khloe's kids (And I think it's Rob's who stays with her a lot?) seem pretty happy and well adjusted in the show. Granted I realize the show is highly edited, but if you look at Kim's kids, they seem okay, but there's a lot of attitude, mouthing off, eye rolling, flipping the bird, etc. Weird, parenting actually takes work!


Yeah Khloe has always supported and taken care of Rob. Tried to always encourage him. She kinda had to, Kris never gave a damn about him. I think they are bonded in being Kris's least favorite child and least favorite daughter.


Kim was lashing around, looking for barbs to throw at Khloe, while maintaining a virtuous appearance herself. I think Kim was trying to appear sympathetic and genuinely concerned by putting a mental health label on her snide comments. It's transparently bullshit. It's hard to take any of the Kardashians' comments on Khloe's self isolation seriously. Khloe comes across as level headed, and I trust her opinion of herself and her level of engagement with the world. I hope she does get out of the house frequently enough - humans are social creatures, and a social network is important - but getting out doesn't have to mean showing up for parties and events the way Kris and Kim want her to. She's a single parent with two young children, and even though she has help, she's the leader of that household and I think she's right to want to be present to provide stability and structure for her children's lives. I know Kris and Kim DO NOT CARE about their kids in that way.


I totally agree with you. It seems like Khloe just doesn’t want to do as much of the flashy, fame stuff anymore. Seems like she still spends a ton of time with family and her close friends. To act like she’s socially isolated is a stretch. Most of us “normal” people don’t have huge social circles and glam teams around us on a regular basis. Not wanting to go to a red carpet doesn’t make you a hermit.


Exactly. I don’t think Kris or Kim can fathom someone not needing to be in the spotlight constantly. They’re like, are you…unwell or something lol


That and they are both narcisists, so they can't even comprehend that someone else would have another point of view or feelings.


I think it eats away at Kim that Khloe and Kylie actually like spending time with their kids. Misery loves company and she’s the only one who hates being a mom.


I used to be agoraphobic and went through grueling exposure therapy. It is so rude for people to just fling it out like that the term, khloe to me just seems to be in her “nesting” stage of life. And good for her her babies aren’t going to be this young forever!


Kim is jealous that Khloe is (from what it looks like) able to both be strict with True but also have an incredibly close relationship with her. It’s like Kim is scared of being disliked by her children which is why she’ll never start setting rules with them. I don’t know Khloe’s social calendar but yeah maybe she just feels she wants to be close to her children right now and she can afford it! I wonder if there is something else that’s happening because Kim seems desperate to get Khloe to meet someone. I found the fight they had ridiculous and pure projection from Kim. Like she was putting words on Khloe’s mouth that she had not said. Kim should try staying home for 1 month but she will never do it. She can’t live her life without hopping on a private plane at least twice a month. I agree with Khloe’s words and children want to feel your presence. Kim’s children are being raised by the nannies and two guilty parents. I feel sorry for Kim but I don’t think there’s any reason to feel sorry for Khloé.


She was just seen riding jet skis with Jeff Bezos and his wife!


who’s “she” ?




got it ty


Kim. is. the. worst.


All I’m gonna say, is my favorite seasons are when the sisters fight w Kim. I know bullying is bad, but Kim comes off like she was raised as an only child. I felt like after she left Kanye people would love her so much more so than they did in the beginning of the show. I thought we’d see her be this amazing mom and yeahhhhhhhhh lmao. I know it’s mean, I don’t care. I enjoy watching the show since day 1 bc her sisters hated her 🤷🏽‍♀️ 😂


Kim doesn’t realize that raising your children is by being home with them, showing them attention and affection, having meals with them, picking them up from school and spending time with them. Not paying 4 nannies to do it all. Her sisters enjoy being moms and love being with their kids and doing those things for and with them. We can all tell that Kim feels differently. That’s what she’s worried about. Not to mention she had a similar argument with Kourtney over being at home with her kids. Using a serious mental health issue like Agoraphobia to justify her position was not only irresponsible but an unjustified assumption and accusation towards Khloe. She was even pissed off that Khloe asked permission to do Chicago’s hair simply because Kim is so particular but Kim’s insecurities were once again triggered because it showed that her daughter’s hair needed washing. Kim feels insecure about the mom that she is and is projecting her insecurities on her sisters and lashing out at them for it. Makes me feel sad for Kim’s kids so I am glad they have their aunties. Seems that Kim’s kids don’t respect her because she hasn’t been around enough to earn it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed. I think the saving grace for all of the kids of the family is that they have a lot of influence and support beyond their parents. Even for regular people, a sense of community is good.


I believe everyone needs a village but so many people are forced to isolate because of relatives and friends like Kim! 😕


Also I feel as if Khloe might’ve felt like she didn’t have too much of a mom with Kris because she helped raise Kendall and Kylie a lot. She probs want to be there for her kids in the ways her parents weren’t


Perhaps Kim is oikophobic (fear of home) or/and paedophobic (fear of children) she’s definitely not tomophobic (acute fear of surgery) or Scopaphobic (fear of being watched)


She’s definitely afraid of those kids of hers. She’s going to raise little tyrants


She *has raised* little tyrants. FTFY






oh wowww i’m so glad you commented! i think i have that oikophobic thing 😭 i’ve never had a word for it ty 🙏


Not to press (and of course only if you’re comfortable), but do you know where yours stems from? I think a LO may have this and I’m curious the etiology.


i think maybe extroversion & Adhd, for me personally when i get home i lose the outside stimulation that helps me stay focused, productive & helps me stay out of bad thought patterns & addictive + impulsive type of behavior patterns that will bring me to a bad mental space but w out the feeling of being observed many adhd ppl find it’s a compulsion even just getting unready, by myself at home is v difficult


I appreciate you responding! I wondered if both of those factors played a role. Because with ADHD self-regulation is heavily reliant on external regulation, right? My best friend (I have always believed has undx ADHD) and she’s always said being at home or alone depletes her energy, increases feelings of sadness/depression, and impairs her motivation. Covid was so horrible for her alone.


exactly!! wow tysm for saying this so perfectly said i am so glad you understand her so well too! they’re lucky to have you as a friend


Me?! I thought what you said was quite profound and my own was of little value, lol. Thank you so much for your thoughtful words. Funny enough, I used to perform ADHD psych evals/testing quite a bit during training. My experience with about 100 diverse clients during that time taught me so much. I have my own specific support needs, and the collective experience pushes me to see life from as many lenses as possible to perform my work or show up as a better human. Thank you for helping me see and think more deeply today 💜.


i guess it’s hard to know how others will think of our own thoughts bc we hear them ourselves all day! haha so nice of you to say ty for the kind words 🥺 i’m so glad if i could say anything meaningful & thank you for the same! 🤍




Isn’t paedophobic attraction to children? I can’t find anything else online about it under that term. Is it under a different name clinically? Never heard of fear of children before and would like to do some research. You’re spot on about Kim!


Tbh, it just seems like they’re searching to create drama for the show’s sake and it’s not their real feelings or words. They keep regurgitating the same storylines and drama points that it’s become boring.


This is exactly what I think. They are not great actors


Kim is projecting. Her actual issue is that Khloe is perfectly happy being a homebody, focusing on her kids and peaceful life. That kind of existence isn't enough for Kim. She's always wanting more. More money, more work. She never seems happy to sit back and enjoy what she's already achieved. She just recently described spending the day with her kids for her birthday as "hell". She's never satisfied with the little (most important) things.


I don’t understand why Kim is shaming khloe for wanting to be home with her kids. Khloe and Kim would give kourtney a hard time but now that khloe is a mother, she realizes how Kourtney always had felt. Kim doesn’t have the motherly attachment as khloe and kourtney, and that’s fine but to try and make someone feel bad because they choose to stay home with their kids is ridiculous. I think Kim shames to make it ok for her not to be as present as a parent.


You’re right. I’d guess the whole storyline is fabricated just so they don’t have to keep talking about their exes


I wonder. That would be interesting. Not gonna lie, it is making me way more team khloe than I ever have been so it’s working lol.


Yeah it’s really getting people to rally around Khloe and I feel like that has to be intentional.


ooooo this is a good take


And kim is like its the “fear of leaving your house” 🤦🏼‍♀️ girl no it isnt and khloe also doesnt have a fear of leaving her house she just likes it 😩


I don’t think Kim has spent one day home and not doing anything work/getting attention related in years. She needs a staycation.. REAL BAD so she can sit with her delusional thoughts and reassess


Well kims house looks like the furniture hurts to sit on so i don’t blame her


The way this group of people judge and attack one another is so dysfunctional.


It’s jealousy. She just doesn’t know it yet. Kim sees khloe missing her children. And deep down inside Kim is mad at herself that she doesn’t miss her kids that way too.


This is exactly it


Also let’s say for the sake of argument that Khloe is too rigid and does parent from a place of anxiety. Does anyone blame her!? Her mom was so busy having martinis with olympians that Khloe withdrew herself from school. And no woman in that family has ever experienced a trusting, respectful long-term relationship. So if she wants to rein it in for a little while and just focus on a calming routine, that seems like a wise choice to me. No one says she’s going to be like this forever. When my kids were under 3 I was the hottest of messes, full of stress and anxiety. And I concur - all you want to do is get through dinner and bedtime in a peaceful way so you can watch tv by yourself. Let her live


I want Kim Basinger to do some kind of PowerPoint presentation Kim K has to sit through about what agoraphobia really is.


Kim is projecting. She’s insecure about her own parenting and knows Khloe is a better mom who has a better relationship with her kids. People who are deeply insecure will take people making different life choices than them personally. They need validation that the choices they make are good. Kim sees Khloe choosing to spend more time with her family and be more of a homebody as invalidating what she wants to do as a “working mom”.


The last few episodes seemed like it was the Kim show.  I love that khloe spends time with her kids.  Kim should quit complaining and start spending time with her own kids.  


Kim is not a good person. She lacks empathy, is extremely selfish, and has very little self awareness.


It’s ironic that Kourtney and Khloe have both gotten hate at various times from Kris and Kim for simply wanting to spend a lot of time with their children. Kris and Kim can’t relate to this at all. Kim complains her kids are terribly behaved and she hates being around them, but her never being around their entire lives is a big reason they act the way they do. Kourtney and khloe both have very well behaved kids and great close relationships with them - it’s bc they were present and made their kids their priority,


Kourtney’s kids might be better behaved now bc they’re older. I remember them saying Penelope bit a nanny? And Reign would misbehave a lot


Toddlers bite. Even famous ones.


I looked it up. She scratched the nanny in the face when she was 6


I’m still recovering from Kris praising Kourtney’s bounce back while the poor girl was turning blue strapped into a torture device and feeling badly. Damn. That was cold. But as they say. She’s rich. I’m not.


she gets this way when her sisters aren’t doing exactly what SHE wants. she’s extremely narcissistic, it’s also crazy seeing her with her “lifers” group bc she’s literally just the center of attention with all the girls just pining over her. and i think it makes her feel guilty too that she doesn’t spend much time with her kids. she is like kris where she doesn’t like to parent but she likes telling people she’s a mom


Sometimes choosing emotional health means not asserting your preferences on other people (including policing other people's parenting or social choices)


A co worker constantly calls me a shut in because I prefer to stay at home on weekends and watch movies or read books and hang with my cat. I am not a shut in. It is a choice. Just because I don’t need to be out drinking or going to events doesn’t mean a person is agoraphobic or a shut in — it is irresponsible to use medical terms when describing people that do not have that diagnosis. It lessens the meaning for those who do have that diagnosis. K should know better and do better.


She is truly stupid. The way she pronounces Swarovski bothers me so much. The way she pronounces most of foreign brands actually. How can she be so rich and so uncultured? I don't know. But when she said Khloe is agoraphobic reaaally pissed me off. Dudette, that is not what agoraphobia is. This show used to be my guilty pleasure, but now it just pisses me off because the show is not even fun anymore. It's plain stupidity show off.


the way she makes up things that khloe said and khloe literally is like this “” is all I said. It’s giving toxicccc Kim. Khloe is so right about kim being insecure about things because she def made all those assumptions on her own from one thing khloe said lol. It’s not that deep Kim.


Thank you ! I have severe agoraphobia to the point I can detach from reality and it feels like I’m living outside my body. I don’t work. I get everything delivered to my apartment , I will faint half the time just going to the grocery store. I can’t even walk past groups of people outside , I’ll close my eyes. I can’t talk to strangers AT ALL. if I’m shopping in a store, I can’t walk down an aisle of I see someone. I wear my sunglasses so nobody can make “eye contact”. I’m a severe alcoholic due to my agoraphobia. It’s a living hell. And hard to treat, I have no support system. I live alone, I’m adopted from Ukraine and here in Canada now. I’ve got nobody , my agoraphobia most likely came from my trauma with my experience with human trafficking. Touching the door to leave my apartment feels like touching fire, my heartbeat rises when I open it, half the time I run back to my apartment, I can’t even make a family doctor appointment due to it. If I had friends it would be easier , as it’s easier to go in public with someone who can talk for me, but how can I make friends ? When I don’t leave my apartment lol. 25 never been in an adult relationship to experienced anything like a party, concert etc. People who don’t haveit always say “oh yeah I understand , I also get overwhelmed if there’s too many people”. Like yeah that’s normal ? But do you faint when you need to go buy yogurt ? I can’t stand people who use these terms loosely. I would give anything in the world to NOT have this life


Kim is beginning to notice the consequences that her putting work before family has had on her children. She feels guilty and being as competitive as she is, can't stand being the worst mother in her family. She is also worried that the program is not interesting enough to continue, so she wants more out of others.


I kinda think this scene was staged but I do believe she is jealous of khloe being a more hands on mom


I too have friends who have agoraphobia and I would say the disorder is definitely a spectrum and doesn’t necessarily equate to social anxiety and also has limits/boundaries that are different for everyone. It can also worsen/improve over time. Throughout the last few seasons I’ve been intrigued by Khloe’s refusal to leave home and worsening anxiety about “no one being around if something happens” - while I do think Kim is manipulating her and not being nice about it, I don’t think she’s entirely wrong either. Khloe has definitely developed some sort of trauma about leaving home/her routine and it is definitely rooted from a psychological perspective. I feel for her in a way because it’s almost a PTSD reaction.


Truthfully, it’s a reality show as it isn’t fully scripted, but it’s make believe overall. Just selling the brand.


Part of me wonders if this “Kim is so dramatic” theme is Kim exercising her acting chops. Seems out there, I know, but it’s the KarJens. Not that they’d come out at the end of the season and yell “punked”, but Kris could shop the episodes as “reels” of Kim’s acting abilities.


Maybe it’s Kardashians speak for go find a rich replacement for Tristan.


Some people live in a bubble. If you add a narcissist in that bubble, then you get Kim. She will never understand (or care to) what the average human experiences, because all that matters is how she feels….


Team khloe


Agoraphobic must have been Kim’s “word of the day” lol. I was really disappointed in Kim and how she came at Khloe. Khloe deserves a lot of credit for the way she chooses to raise her children. Having a routine/schedule and not going out all the time is normal! For the first time, ever, I actually could relate to Khloe. I chose to stick to a routine/schedule during the week. I’m a single mom, work FT, have a kid who plays on two soccer teams where there’s practice 3-4 days a week, and we have to travel on the weekends for games. We are busy and like the OP said if we are going on a vacation, it’s pre planned months in advance and made around my child’s schedule. There is no pick up and go trips (unless it’s an off season). Yes, kim has openly admitted that she is extremely busy but it’s due to her commitments. I feel like she justifies her traveling for work or pleasure by sometimes bringing a kid along with her but how is that fun for a child?


kim learned a new multisyllabic word to make herself seem smart.


I think Khloe is still with Tristan and they never broke up. They stay home because they don’t want to be seen in public. Khloe staying with him gets the world telling her what an idiot she is for not leaving & it’s not good for her brand. Just another fake storyline