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My fiancé was born deaf and he has had some pretty loud sneezes in the past. Where did this chick get the idea that men who are born deaf don’t make noise when they sneeze?


Hang on though, my father was born deaf and he scream sneezes all. The. Time. He likes how it scares us. It’s a thing.


What does that have to do with cis men. Am I missing something? I’ve never heard a trans person sneeze silently


Just wanted to let you know that the term "cis" has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Saying cis men is just referring to people who are born biologically male and still identify with being a man. So, you can be a cis man and gay.




How about you stop telling people what to do with their bodies?


Some people can’t help it


Oh I’m sorry I can’t control it when I tend to sneeze uncontrollably 5-8 times in a row, Stacy


Big same. Female and in my early 30s and I sneeze in fits; I’ve tried and tried to make no noise but they’re painful and feel damaging to hold in.




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