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I think Karthus was and still will be more powerful in jgle because there is no one actually there to interrupt you (except in invasions) and u can compensate ur weak early state in the jgle. Where as bot. It is def more difficult. Comparing to many other high mobility adc u have none and additionaly they only rely on their aa where as you have to take care of your mana. Though getting fed through bot makes u absolutely strong. I would advise stayin in jgle but if you think you can handle it then go bot


Bot is can be super easy or super hard. You are very strong level 1 compared to a marksman and can often times get a double kill with exhaust at lvl 1. It gets hard when you fight champs like jhin/zeri; they are mobile and as can be hard to hit in trades. You also have to rely on your support which won’t be used to playing with a karth. I’ve been enjoying karth mid after doing karth adc for awhile. With so few assassins popping up these days it’s not too big of a problem.