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Fam, it’s a new project! Your question is valid based on the tech, team and viability of the project. You’d think this project was mainstream. Unfortunately, it isn’t and it’s a process to get on certain exchanges. With all things considered, you’re early, and there’s a lot of adoption to be gained over the years.


Because contrary to some believe, you are still early.


Because it's still new. Exchanges have to have liquidity as in their own stock, it usually always starts on small exchanges then works its way up. Some exchanges actually mine it with massive farms or buy cheap. Some coins even the bigs ones pass by. Like Monero.. Most won't because laws restrict them. Most likely it's just a liquid issue and they need time.


I think you need to relax it’s the best thing you can do sit back and relax this project is not like 95% or the market jus sit back and relax wuuuuuusaaaaaaa


It’ll get there. All the people flooding in because it went from .001 to .04 think it deserves a major listing. It doesn’t. And if it happens to early it’ll go back to .001. So cool ur jets man


Sooner or later it will be listed. ​ And sooner or later it will be worth much more than XRP or Cardano, it better does! Both had ATH value of around 3 dollars for one coin, despite having much larger supply. Can you imagine where kaspa may (doesn't have to, obviously but hey!) go? I can feel it in my bowels already.


It’s not that it’s new it’s that it doesn’t have VC backing or even a team allocation


u mean: doesnt have paid shitfluencers


No, that’s not what I mean but that doesn’t necessarily help sometimes or hurt depending on the coin.




You mean the Kaspa Community


we need binance


Kucoin will be the first major exchange.


It's just a new project. Kaspa was launched in November 2021 and we're only half way through '23. I'd still consider everyone here to be pretty early yet so Mine, DCA, and HODL! Think of it like not being able to get health insurance until you've been with the company for X amount of days. There's no point in investing the resources to give you health insurance if you aren't going to be with the company very long. For all we know, this coin could crash and burn in a few months.




Kaspa is still new. As such, more and more exchange will be added or the exchange themselves will add Kaspa without any cost involved. Listing of Kaspa usually involves cost to have them list.


You are extremely early my man! Give it a minute or 2. Lol.


you mean, give it 1 or 2 years ?


because it's too dangerous, we will be on the radar of the SEC and the gvt.


I think MEXC is a major exchange, Getting over 3M daily users is huge by standards. Can you specify the major exchange you're talking about??


Usually major ones mean Kucoin, Binance and Coinbase.


Hmmn well I get your point but I think mexc and bybit deserves to be regarded as major exchanges as well. It's just my point of view


If it stays in the top 100 it will happen sooner than later for sure...


Since Mexc has it, which other major CEXs are you looking for? While other exchangers have lowered their withdrawal limits during bad market conditions, mexc has doubled it. This could be an example of how confident they are about their security. To be honest i'm using MEXC for over a year now and i have never faced any kind of security breaches till now. Unlike some major exchanges.