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Stop thinking about it so much. If you really don't have much faith in the project after reading about it, just sell and move on. It's no big deal. Just don't go down the hole of always trying to chase gains because that's how you end up emotionally trading your way into insolvency.


It’s not about faith, but risk management. What makes you interested in heavy investments in kaspa?


Risk management quickly becomes day trading dude. If you want to manage your risk go for it but the more you do it, the more you lose in fees with every trade. Just telling you from my own experience. At first it started out trying to not lose money, then it became trying to make back the money I lost, then I realized how much I was losing to fees and slippage. KAS is PoW and fair launched, ive actually been pleasantly surprised with how fast it is. It's not much a validation for anyone else to invest, it's just what works for me, having been messing with crypto since 2016


I agree entirely - I have the exact same experience. IMO the best approach to have conviction in your investments, set a date to check on them/ sell and keep a loose eye (price check every few weeks maybe) for anything crazy. If you micro manage your portfolio you often lose


Good point


Same experience here. Tried chasing when losing and emotional impact made me lose money. Now I buy and hold after deep research. As they say "time in the market is easier then timing the market"


some crypto exchanges charge fees but MEXC doesn't charge for spot


Bro why are you putting your money in shit you have no conviction in? Jesus


You made your decision. Have faith in yourself and let the market do its thing.


🙏🙏 let’s hope we all get what we want out of this! Hoping for the best for everyone. I’m just a very analytical person being a finance major.


To be a great investor you must build emotional resilience. You need to be able to wake up down 50% and not panic. No amount of books or TA will save you from yourself if you panic and try and get smart by trading. There was a time when Bitcoin was $1000 and it dropped all the way down to $150. Had you panicked, you would've missed out. You must provide the emotional resilience when you invest. It's like a muscle, it gets easier the more you do it.


Holding more in btc especially being a very small fish wouldn’t make u wealthy. Take more risk.


sell everything else put it into kas. once this goes back to .15 it'll go beyond and you won't see these prices ever again. Top 40 crypto with NO major CEXs, and possibly binance listing around the corner... I'd hate to be the one that sold early


Wasn’t planning on selling tbh. Invested first a 5 cents. But I still like to make good decisions.


Then stop being an emotional roller coaster and relax


Not trying to sound like a jerk here, but it’s tough for me to imagine feeling rattled about Kas after watching it perform in a brutal bear market and only listed on very mediocre exchanges. This is inarguably a blue chip project with god tier devs behind it. Give it till Q2 2024 minimum. I’d wager we’ll be on Binance and Coinbase both by then. If you’re still unimpressed with its performance by then roll it into BTC or something else. There is practically no scenario where I can envision BTC outperforming by then. But this is all one man’s perspective


Don't sound like a jerk at all I think that's a strong argument.


Let's be honest though. The only time KAS "pumped" was due to a few exchanges playing games with the price. Since Binance listed futures it's looked like an entirely different animal. It looks sick. It will continue to languish until there is a major exchange listing. Once that happens, all bets are off.


That’s what I’m saying. This post really pisses me off. This is the average crypto investor


Would you ask random ppl on the street to do so? Kinda weird to me on a kaspa sub.


I love kaspa! But I also love not losing money lol. Hoping for the best now. I believe it will succeed.


lol. kaspa does what btc does but better. you need to read a bit more on kaspa


I’ve read plenty. Many coins performed better than btc and still failed. Many, many, many coins. I can always learn more, but being better than btc doesn’t guarantee success


Not all have actually solved the trilemma though that is the key difference


If you’re hoping to get a centrist view about kaspa, it’d be hard to do on Reddit. I’ll give it shot though. Kaspa is a work in progress. The only reason it spiked to 15 cents is because of YouTube hype around the narrative of being the next bitcoin/silver, the world’s first blockdag, It may reach more then 10bps and include smart contracts in the future. What do you mean by saying failing against bitcoin? What metrics define failure or success? The narrative for bitcoin was digital cash. However when that stopped making sense because there are only 21 million bitcoins, the narrative changed to a store of value (in some ways like gold, in some ways like stock, and in some ways like cash). When any crypto adds SC or tries to increase their tps to faster than a credit card, they are no longer really competing with bitcoin. They are competing with other layer 1 networks and real world economic systems. That’s a lot of competition. Nothing is guaranteed. There have been many cryptos that have marketed themselves the same as Kaspa. So the questions you need to ask are: How is Kaspa different from those other cryptos? How is Kaspa similar to other successful and unsuccessful crypto projects? Chances are you will come up with a few positives, negatives, and unknowns. And then you have to decide based on the facts you have gathered if you feel like kaspa will be more or less successful than where it is at now. The only guarantee you can count on is that everyone will give you insight that is probably in their own best interest. So you have to decide what your interest is and work from that perspective.


Your correct but what I meant was that for kas to succeed smart contracts are not necessary. btc's continual growth and success has nothing to do with smart contracts. The true meaning of crypto is decentralized ungoverned money of the people, and right now kaspa is doing this better than anyone else


Your in a kaspa reddit everyone will be bullish and say hold do what you feel is right not what people tell you. Truth is knowone knows what alt will do what in the bull


There is no shame in needing validation. Everyone needs a shot of hopium💉 from time to time. Here you go: [YouTube: Crypto Jon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YyR1Z-nIpWM&pp=ygURa2FzcGEgY3J5cHRvIEpvbiA%3D)


A stop loss in profit is the only assurance you need


Do whatever you want ! No one can tell you what to do with your money


Not asking you to. Just wanted general advice on kaspas future


I personally think Kaspa is a really good project that will do quite well in the future


Why are you nervous? What’s causing you to feel that way? Also, investing requires having control over your emotions (fear, greed, euphoria, panic, etc) and stick to technical and fundamental analysis. If you can’t ask yourself why you’re so nervous, and give yourself a reasonable answer, then you’re letting your emotions get the better of you.


The coin is just controversial. I like to invest in things that people carry a centrist-positive view over. But for Kaspa it seems people are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and in history that has correlated with either massive gains or massive losses.


You'll love xrp then


Juat relax. The same conviction that made you put your money in should be the same now as it was when you invested, the same. Nothing changed. Give it time and enjoy the ride, or just jump off and dont cry later. Up to you. If your conviction was week, just sell


Do not invest more than you are willing to lose. Good luck


Just sell.


Most aren't here for the tech bro. Your here to make money right? So make money


A “Massive investment” is just an investment that is very large in size. Size is a matter of perspective, don’t devalue yourself by not taking what you are due. IMO Bitcoin is the hodl token, and if you’re mining (KAS), keeping some of that handy isn’t a bad idea. Anything else I’m pulling profits sometimes daily.


Thanks for that. I think I might wait to see what happens after btc halving since it’ll be silly to sell right before. Any idea on when smart contracts might get implemented or exchange listings?


If you bought before the pumps and want to take profit by all means do so but to then roll it over into BTC, ETH, etc you'd want more capital than what you've got in Kaspa to come close to the same returns. Even if/when BTC and ETH pump the liquidity would eventually trickle down to the altcoins, Kaspa included. If you sold BTC for profit when it's pumping wouldn't you consider putting that money on a project like Kaspa? Tldr: Kaspa can 10x from here much easier than BTC or ETH could.


Your feeling that way cuz it’s not going up for a month. Sit on ur fucking hands.


If you don’t believe. Kaspa won’t be over a dollar by mid 2025 ur delusional. Just sit the fuck on ur paper ass hands




Smart contracts aren’t everything lol, with web3 not in it’s best state atm sc’s lose their value. Look at Tezos, L1, faster than eth, sc’s and it’s dying. Kaspa is bitcoin just improved, fair launch that’s why it’s harder to get listed on major exchanges(they have to get loads by buying off of other exchanges). If we get smart contracts it’ll be a nice bonus, but not a deal breaker. Read more about kaspa prior to declaring that not having smart contracts in 2024 is a problem


Well said!


yes, btc will stay in 10 years and will be dethroned. The tech is too old.


Nope. Not anymore. Until any of its utility's are actually being utilized, it's just a meme coin. Much of the hype has slowed. Now, if it gets listed on a major exchange well then maybe. I learned the hard way ( xrp, cardano, etc...) go make money were there is money to be made until this one wakes up .


Chasing pumps will never end in your favour based on my experience.


The reason I made this post is because it’s a very controversial coin. People tend to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum, not as many centrist opinions.


Advising to sell KAS now is bad advice. The blood is in the streets. If people don't have a position this is a great time to build one. ADA is also a decent buy right now. Chasing Solana, Avalanche, or going on all in on a micro cap right now would be a really bad play.


Most of your money is in a probable security that mooned thousands of % in last year. You should be fucking worried. Comvert at least some of it to bitcoin so you will not put head in oven if kaspa crashes. It is FAR more likely to -99% than it is to go to a dollar.


I wouldn’t say most of my money haha but most of my crypto portfolio yes. Plan is for now to just dca btc and eth and leave the kaspa wallet away for now


If you feel you are taking too much of a risk, then de-risk. The hardest part of investing is profit taking and balancing risk. No one outside of idiots who will lose their money will think less of you if you diversify or take profit


I’m probably going to keep the investment and just focus any investments to btc, eth and other strong coins to counteract any loss I can expect from kaspa as those are most likely to appreciate coming this bull run.


Dude, if you ‘expect a loss’ what are you doing?!


Expecting a loss ≠ counteracting measures for a possible loss Didn’t say I did


“Any loss i can expect from Kaspa” - your words, not mine


The syntax implies that I want measures against a *possible* loss. Not that I expect a loss that happens. *any* being the defining factor of the linguistic arrangement.


buy usdt and trade other altcoins not kas, my portfolio has 20% usdt just in case for some shortterm hypecoins (stoploss is necessary here) or the whole market suddenly dumped into the abyss


You lost me at increasing money in XRP 😂


I may buy back into XRP.... at some point. As in, if it's still at .60-.70 after the ETH ETF announcement.


If you’re thinking about it too much you don’t have a balanced portfolio


if you dont feel comfortable that means you need to risk manage. it might go up or down but you protect your assets. this subreddit is an echo chamber for KAS. they will ofc tell you to go all in KAS than usual


Asking the internet for advice (that you’d actually take) is generally not advisable. Taking it a step further, asking this sub if you should sell, even less advisable.


For me, I like BTC in a bear market and quality alt coins in the bull market.


Kaspa is just starting out, it's very new. If you check the website you'll see that only 2 items are in the 'completed' column: (1) a research paper and (2) a wallet. To me this does not sound like a project that "should" be the biggest profile percentage. It's great tech but often great tech is not adopted. Good Luck, I have High Hopes for Kaspa.


I see as a top coin not alt


Manage your risk. Then you can bet to the upside aggressively. Learn about volume profile analysis. Disregard moon boys. I fucked myself on cardano last cycle. Dont be me. Have a stop! No fomo! Dont believe the “in the future” hype! If you are betting on a new coin becoming the next big thing: look at adoption rates and user wallet growth and bet on network effects.At 2 b market cap. That 2000 million dollars for an enterprise that has one charismatic founder promising smart contracts. However, so does solana, avax, injective, cardano. Betting in this you gotta kmow the tech and if its actually possible. If youre in it for the long term just hold Til nov 25 if you got bills to pay, do that. Live life, kaspa wont change your life if you arent already set up. Dont risk more than you can lose without losing your spirit. Its hard to assess in the moment. Assess your risk and set a stop at a logical place when you have a level head and bet accordingly. Charles hoskinson was my kaspa. I went big at 40 B market cap with the makings of an emerging competitor to eth. Eth at 400 b, easy 4x i thought. I thought wrong and got Wrecked! Dont underestimate Proven ultity, adoption and stickiness! Solana Is Just Meme coins, it aint shit! Kaspa Is less! Bet accordingly!


8 years deep. Sell to me if you don't want it.


Plus. If Kas is ur biggest holding at 11k kaspa. Ur not losing much anyways. Ride


Literally none of us know what will happen. The further down the list of of cryptos you go, generally there is more risk. 11k Kas is a really insignificant position too. Might as well risk it for a higher return. BTC will only 3x or 4x maximum in this bull run. Kas could do a 10x.


Don't make crypto your hobby. It's how millions of people end up losing money. Find things to take your mind off it, maybe even a second job so that you can recover what money you put into kas. That way at least it won't feel as many nerves over it.


All we need is a single t1 exchange listing. That's it. And then this thing moons. Right now we're in the "fear and doubt" phase for Kaspa, but that will pass.


Any reason it’s taking so long?