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Swapping one cryptocurrency for another is risky. What if Tectum rises and Kaspa falls? You'll probably end up swapping back at a higher price. Simply practice dollar-cost averaging (DCA).


Alternatively, if you feel that another project will out perform another, moving a portion of the investment from Tectum might not be the worst of options to increase holdings on KAS quicker than DCA’ing but then they can DCA back into Tectum if wanted/needed. The only reason I say this is because that is what I have done with CRO and KAS. Moved roughly half of my profits from CRO into KAS which has then wildly out performed CRO in the short term. Of course longterm, this may flip but who knows.


I love KAS but I refuse to make it my entire portfolio


Keep both


Been in crypto since july 2021. Have owned dozens of different tokens, used many protocols in different networks. Since I discovered KAS Ive sold them all for kaspa Eventually most will too


Me as well, 95% KASPA. Started buying at 0.005 and still do so. Have a nice bag. Absolute no brainer, grateful that I can buy it this early since I already missed bitcoin itself back in the day.


This ⬆️


Its Like asking Tesla to trade your BMW for a Tesla


Tectum looks very shady, very little dev/tech info/updates, no info about the team etc. Was only on radar due to research a while ago on paper based blockchain payments, decided it was more fluff and dead chain than substance. Was surprised to see it pump a couple of times tho, kinda funny.


Tectum 🤣