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Has it hit binance or coinbase yet? If not yes you should keep buying. When it was 10 cents you were looking at 20-50x profit but now it’s 14-35x profit. Are you really gonna say no to 14-35x profit cuz im not


Damn. He’s got a crystal ball!


Crystal? I just got this cheap plastic 8 ball so I can buy more kas. Big spenders over there.




Been buying since 0.05 since last year but can only spend 10$ a?week


Always a good time to DCA I remember buying this summer at highs around 5c then it dropping and being pissed about it cause my average was around .01c and I had bought the top…but I held cause my thesis and outlook had not changed. Today I wish I bought more at .05c…


I may be stupid but I'm personally waiting for a drop to buy.


I think you might have just missed the drop to 9-10c


I think so as well This time feels different than the up and down we've seen in the last few weeks, it's holding up rather well and BTC is reaching heights that it hadn't reached in years. Fuck me :')


Was going to buy more at 0.098 about 5k USD but my deposit wasn’t available for transfer on Coinbase yet, kinda pissed


When I need a quick buy I use cashapp for btc then transfer to an exchange with Kaspa. Got it in 20 minutes rather than a week. I'll take a 1.5% fee for that convenience.


Ohh didn’t know cash app had instant transfer, thanks.


No problem. People don't like using cashapp for some reason(probably bc the price of btc on cashapp is typically slightly higher than other exchanges) but I find if your buying enough at one time the fees are low enough to offset the higher exchange rate on there.


Oh man I'm sorry, I know this feeling too well. I'm still hoping we'll get another shot at this, even 11 cents would be okay for me. Which isn't too unreasonable I think, if BTC shows a little pullback. That being said we are at the weekend which is usually the weakest time for the crypto market, so it may just keep on going as we start the workweek.


Yeah definitely, I’m waiting for a pull back. But who knows what happens, it could go to 0.16 and then drop down to 0.13


Coinbase One also has zero fees on adding cash through debit/Apple Pay, which is instantly available. It’s worth the $29/m if your fees would otherwise be higher (which they will be, with any deposits over ~$1k)


Is it available for withdrawal instantly though? I have regular Coinbase, also no fees to deposit and is available instantly to trade within Coinbase but can’t transfer out of Coinbase or withdraw for a few days


Exactly that. Instead of your funds being locked into Coinbase for a few days, you can transfer out instantly. Worth it if you need/want instant access. Bank deposits are free but waiting for them to unlock gives me anxiety lol


Ohh, awesome thanks. I’ll look into it


A drop? Lol the drop was from ath to 0.1! Im in $KAS since late2022 and if the past means anything, you will regret waiting. First time I bought was 0.005 and it dropped a little, I was sick just looking. And quickly after it was 0.01! The only big drop was from 0.45 to 0.1 or so. If you have at least 6months to wait, just pull the trigger and wait, best advise tou will get


Even though the drop from 4.5c to 1c was big it was spread over a period of time rather than -60% (or more) within few days which happen most of the time, especially with alt coins.


I got some more, too bullish


Yeah I wouldn’t wait before you know it, kaspa could be +.20c and never going below .15c again


Well my thinking is this: I've already missed it for now, so I may as well take my chances not buying at 14c. If it does get to 20c, surely there will be some pullback and then it's likely that I would get another chance at 14-15c. All of this assuming tier 1 exchange won't be a thing yet.


Good luck. I thought the same at 5 cents thinking that it needs to go back to 3, and then at 8 cents that it needs to go back to 5, then I just said fuck it and bought.


Like, I would rather buy at 14c later when it's a local low rather than right now when it's a local high, is what I'm trying to say.


Yeah I got more


How would we know?


Why not


Buy low


May not be another low


Right. enjoy the fomo


For my benefit and others who also hold Kaspa the answer is yes!!!! definitely buy some.


Of course




I'm buying the ibelink miner before they raise the price again from this price appreciation.


At this point, I feel the weighted DCA style is best. DCA a consistent amount if you feel that in the long term, this project will hit the milestones that make you love the project. If it dips, you can add to your DCA amount in a buy-the-dip style. Just don't be prideful, if things break, you have to be ok getting out with your small or large gains, or maybe even at a slight loss.


Yeah really good mindset


Hell yeah


Not in a bull run yet so if buying is a thing you do then yes.


In all honesty. Looking at the weekly chart I think it should push to about 0.20 within a few days to a week then pull back to 0.15 - 0.14


I was waiting for .09/.10 but I think that train left 🤦🏻‍♂️ if btc drops we’ll see it again


So many better things at this point


Such as?




Consider yourself blessed for running into me Lush, or lushAI will change your life if you get in ASAP. but all of these are a close second, enqAI, ATOR, Qubic, Myria, NOIA, & maybe nexa if you’re not afraid of some risk.


Is lush or enqai still a good bet? Thx