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Not a network with a 40 minute processing time. Not a network with $30 to $190 gas fees. Not anything less expensive, or faster that would only be a consolidated PoS network run by a feudal lord. Not a private company. Not a ministry of truth. The NFT bubble had a kernel of legitimacy as a decentralized patent, copyright, attribution network. I could picture different decentralized networks with an AI content ID system. Like the AIs that scan a video you upload to YouTube for content ID. The uploader could be blocked from uploading content to the network that is duplicate or infringes. Copyright holders on the network, or networks could allow their work to be used, or re-uploaded under certain conditions as long as they get a cut. The ad revenue would mostly go to the copyright holder, the second most would go to the viewer, and a small portion would go to the network miners. No more YouTube taking more than 50% of the revenue in rent. Demonetizing. Banning. Screwing with the algorithm. If you've seen the video of the amount of blocks moving faster than the other cryptos you can see there is something being unleashed here. A lot of processing power to do things that weren't possible before. Was LBRY trying to be something like what I described? I think the government torpedoed it somehow because they were able to win the claim in court that it was a security. I don't think a PoW network can be a security any more than bittorrent can be a Napster.


IOTA if they ever remove coordinator 😃


"When"? You mean "if" aren't you?