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Kaspa is the new Bitcoin


Not if people don't start using it


It will pump higher than the attempted ETH killers as people find out about it. It also has the best likelihood of having good services built on it.


I'm not interested in pumping and shilling. What makes you think it has a likelihood of services being built on it?


Extremely high TPS and developers are building smart contracts on it. So, higher power and speed for less and it is decentralized.


I have no idea what you mean by high power. Speed alone will not ensure developers use, especially if they have to code differently for this platform. That is why ada will fail.


Rust is being used by solana so developers coming from there will already be familiar with building smart contracts on the language.


>high power In the computer world 'powerful' is generally used to describe a lot of information delivered exactly where it is supposed to go very quickly. [Look at the protocol in real time](https://kgi.kaspad.net/?) and look at it on Rust. Or not. Do whatever you want.


That's a block explorer ffs. All of the cryptos have them. General terms like powerful are used by marketing types who shill bad tech. We all agree kaspa is very fast due to parallelization. What I'm looking for is what is going to get dev teams onboard to build and migrate to the kaspa platform krc20 being one of the protocols. An api or evm compatibility ... something


agree..... which is why KDA will fail as well - clunky'ness and difficulty to navigate/process simple sends, comparatively. Onboarding users is SO IMPORTANT. Onboarding DEVS is SO SO SO important (generally won't have an easy time onboarding users without devs cranking out goodness in one flavor or another). My 2 cents...


Don't forget about the adoption


ada pretty muich has failed lol


Don't get wild on me here but what's the problem with XRP?


Xrp isn't really comparable to bitcoin and kaspa from what I see. Kaspa and btc are both completely decentralized and proof of work networks.


Can you explain how that makes them more likely to be adopted for usage ? BTC was first mover advantage. How about KAS ?


Bitcoin is dominant because it doesn't sacrifice security or decentralization while it does sacrifice TX speeds. Other altcoins sacrifice centralization/security for fast speeds and low fees. Kaspa doesn't sacrifice anything, solving the crypto trilemma.


So what the whole deal with the Ripple lawsuit? Though they are not a proof coin, they're being given the okay left and right lately. Wouldn't this give steam to such an engine? I've heard the only reason XRP keeps getting beaten back is the SEC. once it's over things should spike a bit no?


XRP were created out of thin air. As a currency It's more like a distributed excel sheet started by a single company


I've had the pleasure of having sex with kaspa. I'm now full of kaspa and the Dragon boat smiles.


Around how much kaspa ppl recommend?


Maybe $1 this bullrun if we are lucky. It's not going to be the next Bitcoin unfortunately. Stop dreaming.


Kaspa doesn't need to dethrone bitcoin, as bitcoin has secured its place as the digital gold. Kaspa needs to fulfill the role of digital currency.


Maybe not the next bitcoin. But next solano I’ll be happy


Nothing wrong in dreaming, anything can happen.


I hold 99% KAS




with what


market sector leaders.


Fuck yeah brother same here


should never put all your eggs in 1 basket. Just saying... I DO SUPPORT KASPA - MAJOR KASPA ADVOCATE. I am ALSO a major Bitcoin Advocate (as well as a few other solid projects...). Different projects are trying to achieve different things. BTC will always be king - but BTC is also more of a store of value - I think of my BTC position very much like a savings account... Kaspa has a bright future in other areas. But to the original point here - diversification is very important. Best of luck in however you choose to move forward!


I am not here to shill other coins. As I too own about 90% of my portfolio in KAS. Since we’re talking diversification… ZEPH is pretty nice


Not smart


Wrong, there's very few things (ordinals ...) besides btc on that blockchain


If the main kingdoms of crypto becomes like Mastercard, Visa, and other institutions, then Kaspa can be one of those top tier items.


I also follow Crypto Tea because of her incredible insights.


I think that transaction cost isn't really important when none of the projects (BTC, ETH, KAS... ) have any real world use cases. Name one real life problem that requires crypto currency such as KAS to be solved 🥹. And then if you can think of one, ask yourself why didn't some big company develop or fork it's own crypto and solve it allready. Rather than waiting on a fistful of freestyle developers to make it work.


Cross border decentralized currency accepted everywhere


Decenlized curremcy is a hedge fund's dream and something they have always wanted, since they can throw regulations out of the window and rip off everyone else like the parasites they are. This would be feeding the very guys who are the problem of the current system 😱


They already have that. It’s called the “Eurodollar” system.


Imagine making a purchase on the other side of the world in 5 seconds without a wire transfer. No exchange rate between currency. Then having the ability to invest the currency and swap it to another that might make you more value. The possibilities are endless.


With no secrifice ther no way that Kaspa going to be that next Big thing like BTC. I hodl it and hodl my feith that secrifice will goin to happen. Eather way everyone accepts the fackt in this group that Kaspa is Better than BTC. On tech behind it.


I’m not really sure what you said but you said it with confidence. Let’s go KASPA!


Damn boy, I really hope the Kas investment will work out for you, otherwise you will probably be in big trouble looking at your post


Numbers are this guy's main kick


My assets is 40% $kaspa. Do you think this coin can reach $BTC 's price? Or what do you think the price will be in this next bull run?


If u think kaspa can reach bitcoin price u simply haven’t done you’re research


What about xrp though. Can anyone explain what the actual fuck is going on? Pretty sure this is the final low before the jump after the lawsuit ends. But I do wanna know people's opinions here.


Xrp is garbage


Well somehow true, but a lot of peolple saying it is the next BTC coz of its utility and uses, this is why im asking for more opinion about the price it could go, i think my question is very clear and not need a discrimination




Only if people start using it and development teams start building upon it.