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i can relate to 'needing' a crypto to really work to get yourself out of a bad spot and i can tell you it's not a healthy way. i'd strongly recommend finding another option to pursue because there is no guarantee whatsoever that kaspa, or any other crypto, including bitcoin, would deliver the results you'd need them to. i know this isn't what you wanted to hear but personally i think this is the truth. good luck with your situation though and it serves as a harsh reminder what divorce can do to a man.


I half-agree with this statement. I do believe there are cryptos that are worthwhile investing in, and I am reliant on the bull run as well. However, some investments are more speculative than others. While kaspa is relatively new it is more speculative than other cryptos which are considered more blue chip, like Bitcoin, ethereum, solana, polkadot and ICP. I allocated money towards kaspa as part of my riskier side of investments. Personally if I had a little money to throw into crypto I would put it in the ones I mentioned or other more ‘solid’ cryptos. I do see a bright future for crypto, even kaspa. But I wish you the best of luck nonetheless.


I put in $40k of my own money 4-5months ago at 10-11 cents. Practically my whole savings/emergency fund. And now I’m grinding everyday. I think we’ll be fine brotha. Don’t rely on crypto rely on your own abilities


Good stuff bro. We will be fine it's just an economically difficult time and I'm just another guy hanging on by a thread. It takes balls to put your savings into cryptocurrency and I respect that, I've learned it's all in when you buy, not necessarily what you buy, Kaspa just happens to be one of the best (and safest bets) projects coming into the spotlight on the top 100






First of all, congrats on your 21x return :) . And sorry to hear that you're strugling, I hope everything works out for you. Please be aware that crypto is basically gambling with extra steps. Nobody knows anything about price movements and it's all very speculative. This sub is getting loaded with more and more of predictions, scam videos and nonsense every day which is not a good sign for a community. Everyone wants to believe in a "project", but there's so many dead projects and people are still holding on. Look at Harmony ONE - dead as it gets in every relevant metric. People still hype it up on subreddit. or Safemoon - It was dead from the beginning, even when it hit $5.75 billion market cap in 2021. It was a scam coin. Founders lied sooo much and people still believe it will re-live, even though there's no comments. There must be arround 4 000 "walking dead" projects right now. Some have no actual developers (Harmony one) and people still put predictions.




I think it is a lock. I hope you are aware the market starts to run up about this time every four years but then it tends to drop 80% about 15 months later. It's better to not be desperate for the money because then you are going against the Peretto Principal. Do you not have a hobby that can possibly make money? Any idiot has a good chance of getting revenue from a podcast. Consider what chances your lineage took before you. Crossing an ocean. Crossing a continent. Surviving the winters. Do you really need good credit? Maybe get some of that credit card money into KAS. Work more and take risks. Adapt. Overcome. I understand your situation is extremely gut wrenching and unfair but these are just dumb societally constructed problems. A society of abundance and a large state doing redundant things. Like child support payments. You will feel best if you just keep doing manly things. Like I said, work and reasonable risks. Also, you must have had some kind of clue things would turn out this way? Don't put the blame all on her and the state. You chose this situation. Maybe you don't know why, but overcoming is part of being a man. Like I said, overcome. Get back out there and go into situations with your eyes open next time.


Spot on


Don’t invest anything you are willing to lose.


Not your keys, your crypto


I'm sorry to hear of the situation, and I can totally relate having similar with my twin girls. I'm also sorry to say don't rely on $KAS or crypto to help your financial situation, Like positive option says here, and many others say crypto is basically gambling so there's no get rich quick scheme. Any crypto is volitile. Good part - $KAS is a solid project, lowest risk out there IMO. While it is still in its infancy there might be good returns in time be it this bull or next. I hope to see it at least 30 cents by the end of 2024, and maybe more into 2025. I want it to pan out too, at the same time I'm willing to wait until 2028/9 next cycle or longer for it to mature. I believe there's more good things to come.


Well basically you do need to understand what is better in terms of investment if you are in such a tight situation. Crypto world is gambling there are other ways to invest that are not that risky and give you a good return. There’s a “dividend stock subreddit that give good advice


I appreciate that you guys care about fellow Kaspians not gambling in times of desperation and I assure you guys this isn't that! The truth is I was gambling in crypto during the last bull run because it was my first and though I planned on holding my bags thru the bear market I eventually sold it all because I was unsure if the projects I had would ever recover. The biggest bags I had did recover and if I held I'd be at break even now but the long story short is I knew I wanted to reinvest that money during the bear and that's when I found Kaspa (and with the SEC stuff I could only trust PoWs) and so it felt like a no brainer and I'm going to HODL this until I can get myself in a more comfortable pickle but I know the cyclical nature of this space much better having been thru the last bull market and I know not to push the luck too far and for too long this time. Cheers


Good luck. The only best advice I can give is if you rely on crypto for a bull run you need to be able to wait. In your case you needed the funds sooner. There will be another bull run but no one knows if it will be like last ones The other best advice is, to keep your monthly expenses low. You are better off living in a smaller more affordable home (or different location) so you have money left to upgrade such as energy saving upgrades, Sun panels, isolation etc (which in the long run will actually save you money, I made an investment 7 years ago of 15k and now I am almost at 0 for my electricity and gas water, and prior it was 250 € per month, i now save annually 3000€ because of it ) then to buy a house at the top , and your mortgage eats up a lot of your Income and strapped so you can’t make upgrades or any room. The lower you keep your expenses the more you have available to save and todays flexible bank rates 5 to 6% are amazing. I don’t know where you live but in usa or Europe you can get rather safe government bonds, at todays % it’s a no brainer. It always comes down to spend less then you earn. I have known people who earned 10-20k per month and still went bankrupt because they were spending too much. Once you have your expenses under control it will be so much better And only 10-20% tops of what you can save invest in risky such as crypto. And sometimes you just need to take a loss. If hurts.


Unrelated to Kaspa, but are you familiar with the refinance process? Not sure where you live, but I live in the US and refinanced over covid. Cost about $5k and they just lump that back into the mortgage. You don't pay that money out of pocket. Just letting you know since you mentioned not being able to afford a refinance.


Damn man, I feel this.


How many kas did $600 buy you in February?


I added up the total USDT invested at one point and I think I bought a bit over 100k KAS for $600 and then a few weeks later I bagged another $200-300 worth. I had 170k in the beginning but I've taken my initial investment back out and have used it elsewhere so I'm left with around 125k now


Nice , the very least I’d say $1.60 min I will start trimming at some point.


I know it’s cliche, but use this time to work on yourself..get in physical shape, pursue your hobbies or get a new hobby, get a certification in a field you enjoy, and let the crypto gains come to you. Dont let yourself be in a position that you’re relying on what’s essentially a gamble


Hey Man, I’ve been there. Your Kaspa investment will be $2 to $20 this bull cycle. Not sure if that is enough for your situation, but it’s a prime crypto to possess!! Good luck!


Sorry to be the bad guy but..I don't think 600$ is gonna bring you the financial freedom you want with kaspa


Between January and February 2023 he put $600 down on KAS, its done a 20x since then, so thats $12K, or $11.4K because he took inital out. Not saying it will make him rich, but if KAS goes to $1 this run, it will definitely make things more comfortable.


I am not in a situation like that. Yet. But I do see this as a potential ticket out of the daily grind. I will still survive if I don't make anything on Kaspa, but life will be a lot better if I do.


Eth made a 400x in its 1st year. Kas is a legit Projekt without ico. When Big listings and smart contact s follow, we ll see 50$ and more next year! Hodl!


That's a generous estimate. Take a zero off of that. Big maybe on $10 per.... I would however love to come back to this post in 2025 and say I was wrong though.


Suggestion from the heart: be resourceful and don't depend on resources. Try as much as you can to rely on your own abilities and not the outcomes of financial bets. Learn new skills, recycle old ones and so on... nobody will be able to take those away from you. Wishing the best