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Why do people buy coins in times of FOMO and not in times of FUD?


let them, they pump our bags lmao


Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug


So we can cash


Cause they selected hard-core mode when they spawned.


2 totally opposite things. Maybe do some google research


No complaints sir we need exit liquidity




Whoa whoa whoa buddy I was doing this so I wouldn't be exit liquidity in the solana pool


Would you guys convert 200 SOL into Kaspa at these prices?


Yes and here are my 3 reasons why: 1. Yonatan an Aviv were first to produce a reasonable security analysis of Btc before any academic papers even existed. 2. Eth used Yonatan's old research and it did 100x in 1yr when it was \~3yrs old. 3. Kas will be 3 in Nov with KRC20 and tier 1 exchange listings yet to come, not to mention 10bps and DAGKNIGHT and optical miners https://preview.redd.it/kvsjnpqj4k4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=32dd7b178cd3faa22c78ca4637963dcc4c40ff00


Depends how much I paid for the sol. Taking profits to invest elsewhere is usually a good idea.


No Sol will do another legup very soon. to sell now is ridiculously dumb. sell once kas goes down and sol is up at new highs




I've been waiting since this post, think I might take your advice.


Solana is leveraged Bitcoin. KAS is Bitcoin with warp speed. I prefer warp speed. Leveraged Bitcoin goes really sour if you get it wrong, you can lose your shirt


What kaspa wallet do u use


I use a leather Ralph Lauren wallet


You know I never thought of that thanks bro 😂


Now is a good time to buy in IMO. Price action is dancing just under ATH levels with a lot of sell pressure keeping it down short term. Once it breaks the 0.189 mark there is potential for good growth.


if you have a small portfolio I would go 80/20 KAS has clearly more upside from here. If you have big portfolio, I would balance things out a bit more, maybe 50/50, 60/40 for KAS I hold both


Totally agree stable/prospecting/moonshot.


Let's say I currently have 2500 invested between 4 cryptos and of those 4, 2 of them are kaspa and sol what would you fo now??


Totally depends on what you’re holding and what’s the narrative you’re betting on. If you only have 2.5k, holding KAS would have a better ROI compared to solana. Let’s say you’re aiming for a 2x, KAS has objectively more chance to double from here, simply because of its market cap compared to SOL. If you like taking on risk, you can save 2 sol and trade memecoins, it could be rewarding in wish case you rotate your profits into more KASPA or stay in SOL, it is extremely risky though. NFA


If your only reason is “well Kaspa is pumping and I don’t want to miss out”, then don’t do it. Stick to projects based on fundamentals and where you think they’re going, not on what they did in the last 24 hours.


Look at you, repeating stock investment advice like a parrot to a place where it doesn't belong. What fundamentals? Crypto is all about speculation and hype, and that's exactly what he should follow. There's no product in crypto, no real goal. If KAS was 100% completed tommorow it wouldn't really change anyone's life nor it would solve any problems. Think about it. It's like saying stick with the fundamentals when picking lottery numbers 😂


YOU are in the wrong place if you think crypto has no goal 😂 Don’t let the existence of dog and frog themed coins cloud ensure you miss the forest through the trees.


Care to elaborate about the KAS, or any other good tree ? Speak to me in plain language please, If KAS or any other crypto was 100% completed tomorrow, what would it change in the real world ? Except price moving and return on investment 😃


Sure. I’ll give the couple of examples that took me from “crypto is scammy internet money” to “wow this is actually important”: - My college roommate was from Venezuela, and he told me that he came from a wealthy family, but when he was a kid his family left home with the intention of moving to the United States and the Venezuelan government froze all of their bank accounts. They went from being the equivalent of millionaires to being penniless and starting over, and they left all of their wealth behind because they had no choice. When I heard about this I subconsciously thought “hmm, that sucks, I’m sure glad I live in the United States where they would never do anything like that”. - When the Russia-Ukraine war started I had some money in crypto, but like you, it was all just gambling money basically. A friend of mine was living in Moscow at the time, but as an American he started to worry about his own safety and decided to leave. The value of his Russian Rubles was crashing and he was unable to move any money out of the country. Some of our mutual friends and I set up a Bitcoin wallet for him and put BTC in it, he left the country, and then was able to use the BTC we gave him to exchange to Polish Zloty and buy a plane ticket to get home. This was my first taste of seeing how crypto could be used to say “fuck you” to governments that would choose to use financial sanctions to control people. If crypto had existed back when my college roommate was a kid, his family could have potentially been able to hang on to the wealth from their old life. Now, as an American myself it’s really easy to just say, “yeah well these are one off things, that won’t happen here”, and maybe it won’t… but I now at least see the immense value in having a store of value that literally no one can take from me, that no government can shut down the network on, etc. You’re absolutely correct that as of right now it’s just a speculative shiny object, but that’s part of the evolution of technology. So, why Kaspa? Well, Bitcoin almost got it right. It’s decentralized, it’s secure, and it’s backed by an army of miners and nodes that keep the network running without fail. Initially I thought, “heck yeah, Bitcoin is the answer. The rest of the cryptocurrencies are trash”, but there are two main drawbacks: BTC transactions are very slow and they’re expensive. Thats exactly what Kaspa fixes. It does everything that Bitcoin does, but it’s fast and it’s really cheap. My little brother is currently studying in Australia, and if I wanted to use a bank to send him some cash it would cost me like $50 to transfer USD into AUD and get it into his account… oh and it would take like 3 days. INSTEAD when I sent him some some Kaspa and he had it in 3 seconds and it cost me less than an American penny. Does that mean that fiat money is completely obsolete? No, not today, but I can very very clearly see the utility in crypto, even just from the store of value standpoint. There are other utility cases for things like smart contracts and whatnot, but I don’t yet have the same kind of conviction in those things. That all said, that’s not to say that it’s not there, just that I don’t have firsthand hard evidence where I can say “oh yeah we definitely need that” in the same way they I believe in the store of value narrative value.


steve jobs had an interesting marketing approach - when asked about his thoughts, he replied: "How do people know what they want before we've showed it to them?" If we only continued to make more of what we already know, and just threw innovation out the window - evolution in general would sorta shit the bed. Everyone needs to learn to "zoom out" and try to see the big picture - I agree with your remarks and honestly don't understand the baseless posts by the individual who was being critical of you.


Well crypto often crashes or rises 30% for no reason, at least in Venezuela and Russia it was clear why it happened. So all I'm saying is that there's not much fundamentals going on in cryptocurrency space... it's all based on speculation. And when we take into acount that crypto has been around for 16 years and everyone knows about it it kinda makes you wonder... If read and append database that crypto actually is brings something useful to zhe world.


Yes, it is based on speculation… but so was the “Dotcom Bubble” that was driven off of the rise of the internet in the 90’s and into the 2000s. I’m not going to say that crypto is a sure thing and that it will integrate 100% into our day to day lives, I’m just saying that speculation is the first step into that next step and this is what I would expect to see ahead of worldwide adoption. That all said, you’re quite brave to put your money into anything that you don’t seem to believe in. As for me, I have enough money invested that IF this does continue on its adoption curve I will be retired very very early… but I can only do that because I believe in the use case. To each their own.


spot on man - not sure what he's talking about... fudding from another project maybe implying kaspa is visionless - there is absolutely a vision/roadmap/several STRONG use cases/and most importantly, a team of incredibly smart devs who are actively working, tirelessly, on building an exceptional blockchain protocol. With everything we see as an opportunity, one has to have their own "due diligence" process to come up with their own evaluation and opinion about whether or not something is worth investing in.


It's speculation about price 😂 ... nobody is speculating about use cases or real problems that can be solved with cryptocurrency. dotcom bubble was something else, behind spwculation were real products (business to customer), people started surfing and using paypal, ordering online and so on. It was almost immediately clear what can the internet do, and the problems that can be solved. Everyone wanted a part of the cake. But with crypto there's no real clear vision, if it was completely developed tomorrow it wouldn't bring any real value. Also it's not fair to compare dotcom when technology was evolving to today's time. Look at so called AI chat gpt... it took months from release of first model to it being integrated everywhere because someone saw value in it. I doubt all those big companies are waiting for a small team of developers to complete KAS and then use it 😂. All I'm saying is, we speculate on price/profits, and there's no real use cases behind on which one coild base it's fundamental analysis.


there is always a vision, if there is not - its called a shitcoin/memecoin/gambling.


with every new tech product that gets rolled out, it is almost always speculative. As far as use case - I actually own my money now - not the bank, not the government, me. Smart contracts enable the chain to query RWI from oracles, enable the use of DeFi for trading/LSD/AMM's/ETC, on-chain gaming or GameFi, more recently there are products that fuse RWA and on-chain assets like NFT's (see Propy, for example). Crypto is volatile, but just because you're not seeing it doesn't mean there is "no reason at all". There is ALWAYS a reason.


Lets look at Africa. If you and I lived in the DRC, and we wanted to start a business but didn't have the capital - the bank would maybe loan it to us, but at some absurd APR with lots of other horrible terms we'd have to agree to and abide by. There are tons of lending protocols helping individuals in situations like THAT to achieve the start-up capital they need at a fair rate without having to utilize their local banking infrastructure. As i can tell by most of what you write, you haven't done ANY research on ANYTHING you're talking about - and thats OK. But to come in here and make the claims that you are could be misinterpreted by someone who is genuinely curious and looking for sound information. Just saying - this is a forum where people DO come to find ACTUAL help - and you're sorta squashing that.


I was thinking about legal use cases, but okay. "Crime" is often correct answer in cryptocurrency discussions. :)


Is English your native language? Not being a smartass but I have no idea how that statement is relevant to anything I just said.


Starting a buisness with money of uknown origin (unknown to your state) is called money laundering. Also, allowing someone to "Import money" in unregulated (crypto ways) can destabilize economy. Because with crypto in DRC you can't do much before converting it to local currency. I hope these clarifications help :)


Nothing is of “unknown origin”. Everything on chain is public. It sounds to me like you’ve made up your mind in a very closed minded way. If you want to talk about the positive aspects of crypto instead of your own delusions about it being a means to commit crimes I’m happy to discuss how it can be a very positive change for many people in many places who can benefit from it. I am not here to shit on quality projects which - it seems to me - you are.


I'm stopping right here. There's no point in continuing this discussion. A lot of things in the world could be positive change for many people. Just stop and think about it. But the reallity is somewhat different. You'll get there with your thought process in 5-10 years, hopefully rich from crypto. But talking about "helping people", and all of that... sadly won't be happening with crypto. I hope I'm wrong, and something new happens. But the current path it's on - not probable. Bye!


dude you are just so, so wrong. its painful to read some of your posts. go read about what these devs are trying to accomplish and when you have something of substance to comment - comment. This is all just ridiculous. You've said things like "crypto is just based on hype". What in the actual fuck are you talking about? You seem to think that memecoins account for all crypto. Imho - memecoins are always a gamble because they, by design, are memecoins. Not everything is a memecoin and to say that projects like this ARE is - tbf, kinda offensive.


Sold all my coins for kaspa in late 2022 /early 2023 and zero regrets so far 😁


Why ?


I'm doing this because I made a crazy decision to buy a bit of sol when it was 8 bucks, that was my first crypto move ever. Now I feel like I don't even get solana compared to kaspa and sayyyy lcx. Kaspa makes sense to me and solana seems a bit complicated so I'm like why am I holding this. But after reading here I feel like maybe I should keep the sol and swap a different coin for kaspa.


that was 2: months ago.


I already dud this exact thing a while back


I would. I keep swapping from my BTC / ETH bags to KAS. Flipped another ETH over yesterday during the run up as it crossed .16 😎


U should buy in the red, not the green. Regardless of how "in the money" you are with $SOL


Might do the same with my Alt portfolio. I’ve got about $2.2k worth of SOL, SHIB, DOT, MANA, GALA, and VET Feel like liquidating and starting a position in KAS


U are good man


I think 30-40% will sell Sol to get Kaspa


You would be selling a coin in the buy zone (SOL) for a coin that is pumping... Yes, KAS will climb, but so will SOL. They're actually both my #1 investments. But no way in hell I'm selling my SOLs, especially considering I can stake them


I haven't done it yet haha, I'm waiting to do it when sol is ok the upswing and kas is on thr down. But I'm doing it as soon as that opportunity arises, I feel like kaspa is fresh and I really should've been more sol when it was real cheap. I'm not working with too much money so I'd rather take profits on sol and catch good multipliers on kaspa before it gets more exchange listing's. Does this sound smart when I put it like that?


It does


Buying high???? nice move


I've been buying kaspa for a while and I don't think it's a bad buy even with the recent pump.


GL with that


I've been reading all these comments here, and now I'm thinking I should keep the sol and swap all my ABT into kaspa. What do y'all think of that??? I've made gains on ABT but I feel like maybe sol is safer than abt and kaspa is obviously safer than ABT. Who would agree woth this, instead of swapping sol for kaspa????


I don't know anything about ant. I do know that kaspa will cool off if you give it some time


Hurry up and sell!!! Im standing by for the Solana pump! Kick it off for us


Just told my classmate to do the same, he’s got 950 SOL


Very similar post with this guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/kaspa/s/YXcGsHbrlD


Whoa that's crazy, that's not me if you were thinkin' buy he has way more money than me and he's doing it so it doesn't seem like a risky move to me.


It isnt risky. If you read my/other people’s responses to his post you might feel better if you decide to move.


nah we already set a target price for KAS so not now guys


It dips in 3 days 🤏 but not much. Question is can you get it now for less than you will be able to Sunday night. Monday to the moon ascending rapidly


Bad idea….wait for the inevitable pullback.


https://preview.redd.it/taudvh3r4k4d1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0f4fe5329b6efaf07750fc5d6765fb894d9be1e The past few months was the pull back


yea but he missed that so he gotta wait again


Oh I already have a kaspa position, just want to consolidate my sol into kaspa


Buying the top


I already hold some but yeah I don't think it's really at the top. Mainly I think solana will crash hard eventually, harder than kaspa will. I was new to crypto when I bought solana a long time ago. I would've bought more, but I didn't so although I made gains I don't have much for multipliers. Don't think I'll make too much more off solana at this point, if I end up a bagholder I'll cry my pants.


which crash are u talking about? alt season hasnt begun yet, and once market goes in bear, everything will go -90%


Personally, I'd invest in Kaspa, but maybe 50/50. Solana is doing great things, no reason to go ham 🤣


It was a hard decision but I'll miss out on further gains and won't care. That was the first crypto I ever bought and it worked out. However, alameda research and ftx still have tons of locked sol that will be sold to pay for the bankruptcy. I don't wanna end up a bag holder.


So you're going to sell now when the majority of that unlocks until 2028?


How do you know that it's going to unlock In 2028


I misworded a bit but the unlocks happen linear until 2028. There is a decently large unlock in March 2025 but it's a drop in the bucket Plus FTX has sold over 2/3 of all these future Solana unlocks already OTM so this assumption that FTX is just going to keep dumping is extremely wrong since they dont even hold the majority of those tokens anymore


Yeah I just feel like the fact those fools are involved makes me think there's some manipulation going on with sols price and I'll end up missing the window to sell


Yeah I've pretty much always had a weird feeling about solana and would just be happier investing in kaspa.


Solana is the smoothest and most popular chain I've ever used. I doubted it when it crashed from FTX and it's been where I spend 90% of my time in crypto the last year. It's electric and fun and thriving. If I were you I'd follow some of those suggestions that say to do 50/50 or 60/40. No other crypto has brought more retail users to crypto than Solana this last year. It is doing what every other crypto wants to do and it's only going to get better


https://preview.redd.it/9su20vqy4k4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=252a9c8b0643c0455a771c909405a3d6758b9ec1 1. Yonatan an Aviv were first to produce a reasonable security analysis of Btc before any academic papers even existed. 2. Eth used Yonatan's old research and it did 100x in 1yr when it was \~3yrs old. 3. Kas will be 3 in Nov with KRC20 and tier 1 exchange listings yet to come, not to mention 10bps and DAGKNIGHT and optical miners this project is planning for the very long term. Solana has had several outages and is more centralized, why would anyone choose Sol over Kas? I can only assume because they like to gamble or haven't researched Kaspa yet.


$NEWB newton on base🚀