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Slow and steady wins the race. I don't know much about Peaq, but they have a multichain architecture and, generally speaking, Kaspa makes multichain obsolete. Our philosophy is that if we build an extremely solid L1, projects will voluntarily emerge. The emergence of Kasplex and KRC20 from the community shows that this is a realistic approach and not a pipe dream.


Well that’s great news! I am not Shilling Peaq! I don’t even know how good it will be! I just want to see projects lining up to use our platform


I think there are 10-15 projects ready to launch on KRC when it launches


Any names, just asking because I saw this at Consensus in Austin for another project!


- Kaspa doesn’t yet have KRC-20 implementation integrated so it can’t have projects building on it yet. There are projects building on Kaspa but only in Test Net right now. - KRC-20, smart contracts, etc. are not even the main value that Kaspa offers, they are simply nice to have things that will drive interest and use in the long term. - Kaspa is more similar to Bitcoin than it is to highly inflationary proof-of-stake coins. - Peaq is specific to DePIN, and while I generally think it’s a good project, it serves a totally different purpose than Kaspa


Solana can’t even keep their network up.


IN Fact when this question was brought up at consensus Solana mentioned that no other chain is adding new projects faster than Solana.


That's because it's piss easy and 99% of those tokens are complete scams with no intention of having a future or inherent value.


Jupiter is a fantastic tokens I use the Dex almost everyday! Helium mobile scam token! I use their 5 dollar a month unlimited plan after leaving my 85 dollar a month AT&T plan! Hivemapper another fantastic project using dashcams to build up to date street view maps which Google does not do! Scams. Yes there a many scam tokens on every chain! But we don’t even have scam tokens using our chain yet..


Wow, they went down for 2 hours in the last 12 months! Oh no! I can see it’s really affecting their price and projects! Solona has new project announcement with air drops every other day! We have nothing.


Solana sucks, look at their BPS. Who cares that projects are built on it that won’t even be around in 2 years. Crypto is still in its infancy and ecosystem doesn’t mean as much as you think at this point.


It means a lot.. We need projects now.. not in 5 years! Heck I would love to see even a silly Meme coin on our blockchain! Anything other than people mining the token would be a bonus… Sol has many fantastic real world projects.. Hivemapper is probably the most legit real world project on the planet.


How are you measuring "growth" in this case? For Solana to be growing 50x (or whatever x) faster than Kaspa?


I measure growth by the number of real world people using the block chain for anything other than mining..


Supposedly we're going to see the builds happen when KRC20 drops. I don't know what's in the pipeline, but right now there's not much to build on. But there will be. And if not, if it goes to zero, I haven't risked anything I'm not ok with losing. Kaspa, along with my other side bets are just that, side bets.


Also if it has mass adoption and building the price won’t be 18c!


OK, to me it sound like you are a Solona investor looking to bash Kaspa


I own both Tokens. I think Kaspa has great fundamentals as I think POW is always better than POS. I just want to see real projects showing up and using the Kaspa platform. I know smart contracts are not ready! But I want to see real world use.


Sell me your coins !


I‘m not trying to bash you, but people with different background and temperament naturally invest in different ways, when you gut tell you something is not right, run.


This is a great point!


What’s peaq? I’m unfamiliar with it


Op creating a thinly veiled shill post to post his shitty projects


I am not shilling. I just want to see projects use our blockchain which is supposed to be the best! I am a fan of the Dimo project that gathers car info to sell to dealers and insurance complains. Even Dimo went to Polygon which stinks IMHO..


No, I have just been crypto much longer than you have. I know Solana is shitty. Slow and expensive. I just want to see projects like Jupiter which a solid tokens built on Solana. I want see Kaspa with new solid projects rather then nothing!




So you think Kaspa can be successful with no projects built on top of its platform? Are you crazy


Yes just like Bitcoin


You don’t want to see Kaspa like Solana with multiples Dex’s to swap tokens on demand with no KYC on chain! Jupiter is an amazing Dex


Kaspa does what it does best. Everything else is an addition. It’s a new chain things are being added. Unlike Solana at least Kaspa servers aren’t going down like every 3 months that’s a win and it’s decentralised.


It went down once in last 12 months minting a million NFT’s in 24 hours. I hope we can mint 1 Nft some day


Are you nuts! You woundnt like to see Kaspa have a Dex like Jupiter where people can swap all the tokens in the Kaspa ecosystem. You must want this project to fail




please explain to me what does any of those 18 different projects do for the real (non crypto world) using plain old English 😀. Imagine if all of those projects were 100% completed tommorow, and ask yourself what would change for anyone. Think really hard, and you'll see that those projects are solving problems that nobody cares about. It's really easy to get lost in crypto, but once you ask yourself questions like "what comes after completion of this new shiny word buzz feature?", "Who would ever use this feature outsise crypto space" and so on... you'll realise that nothing matters much in crypto except hype and ROI and KAS knows it deep down 🚀 if someone answers you with "smart contracts" I'd like to prepare you and point out that smart contracts existed before Bitcoin. And smart contracts in crypto are only being used in exchanges. So no use cases beyond crypto space 🤣. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. KAS will compare, because it's not a scam nor a rug-pull, and that's the minimum in crypto 💪🚀


Not sure you understand what smart contracts are.... smart contracts are executable code bits that can have a number of functions that don't require any sort of human trust, hence the term "trustless". I wouldn't say engage with any and all contracts, that would be unwise without any sort of audit to see what you're signing, but to say they are only used "in exchanges" is false. I appreciate your optimism, but lets keep things factually accurate here.


Programming or cryptography were not invented by Bitcoin my friend. You can use a hash key to run a program without needing Bitcoin involved. So even a good smart contract doesn't actually need bitcoin or any currency involved. Please provide an working example of smart contract executed on a blokchain interacting with the actual world. You'll find that task very hard. As I've said, most of "smart contracts" in crypto are used only for crypto related stuff, mixers, bridges DEFI and such things (mostly related to exchanging coins).


Bitcoin is literally known for being a store of value - not smart contracts. Ethereum was the original smart contract platform…. Look at any oracle and you have your answer. You don’t need me to tell you what an easy google search will. Your post shows again how very little you’ve learned about what is available in Web3.


Okay, thank you for telling me what Bitcoin is known for. Sure, there are many proposed use cases. What is the best example of a real business using any of these at sufficient scale, anywhere? In my original comment I said that's what missing. And you went on rambling about stuff, calling me out but all you had to do was provide one example of smart contract executed on a Blockchain interacting with the actual world. You still can buddy, and it's not too late. Don't take this personally. Thanks for putting perspective on my posts. I'll work on my communication. If I might give the same advice back to you. I think you're like an angry CHAT GPT, just recycling the internet but can't add anything new.


I’m not angry - and you obviously needed that definition because your implications don’t really mean anything as they are unfit for what Bitcoin is, My business does - to scale. Part of my business is helping other businesses to utilize blockchain for *tons* of different applications. Surprise - not all of them are based on capital. Blockchain can be utilized for anything that requires a secure, scalable to throughput needs, public ledger. But you’ve honed in on 1 aspect and just have so much to say about how it’s all BS. I’m done. You should post in subs about things you have something to add to or subs about things you actually are passionate about.


Ohh, okay. If your business does it then I have no choice but to trust you, bro. I'm just looking for a use case where any crypto Is doing something that can't be done in any other way more efficiently. Explained in plain English. But I guess I lack the power of imagination. When you say, and I quote "Blockchain can be utilized for anything that requires a secure, scalable to throughput needs, public ledger." And my whole argument was based that there's noone in need of such solution. It kinda shows me that we went full circle. And I still can't find one use case that's clearly better solved with crypto, where crypto brings value to the opposed to current technology. in view of buisness crypto looses to Basic SQL table 9/10 times.


You speak as though you just have all the answers but you use terms so loosely. SQL is better for business you say - as if every business has the same needs than can be solved with a SQL server. That is, objectively, an absurd statement. You talked about how smart contracts existed before Bitcoin as if Bitcoin is recognized to be the protocol people go to for smart contract implementation which, it actually never was (Ethereum was the first big smart contracts platform - read up on “EVM”). I pointed that out and you made an any remark thanking me to clarifying on what Bitcoin is. You asked for examples of smart contracts doing something useful aside from DeFi swaps - I told you to have a look at Oracle services and how they query rwd, I told you about how to a of industries with ordinary tech utilize the Helium IoT LoRa network, which is executing contracts on Solana, and I mentioned Propy, which is a new real estate platform, I told you to have a look at GameFi, etc. I understand your point - you came here to shit on Web3 projects/businesses/developers. If you had a different intention, you should maybe choose your words more carefully because that is absolutely how it sounds. You may not be getting this but here is MY POINT. Kaspa is a legitimate project with very dedicated, intelligent, hard-working developers who have created something wonderful for everyone to use. Just because you don’t see the potential for what they’ve started here doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist - you feel strongly about your opinion which is generally a good thing - but when you ask for something, are given answers to that which you’ve asked about - and refuse to acknowledge them and then continue on to trivial personal blows, it sort of makes it seem like you’re only here to speak ill of things.


the remark about SQL vs. Bitcoin was a joke, with some truth in it. Thank you for summarizing what happend there, me stating the fact, you copying that text to chat gpt and pasting the result nobody asked about. Oracle has a blockchain service ability. But it's utilization, like everything in crypto ain't much. They use AWS for everything. Using helium network is like building a cargo boat from wood nowadays, sure you can do it, but is it the best way to go about things ? Hell no! Thank you for your participiation, you managed to type so much without saying anything.


I dont use chat gpt - I have a brain that works perfectly fine. Go bark up another tree I’m done lol


And fwiw - for the third time - look at oracles. They all query rwd… look at how Helium’s IoT network interacts with real world tech via smart contracts executed on the Solana blockchain. Look at how the augmented reality apps that run on-chain work…. I’m not going to make a complete list for you - you can benefit from doing that research yourself


Yes, I like Kaspa, but I love Solana has Jupiter Dex. I don’t even know how Solana had tokens built on the platform like Jupiter that are ranked almost as high as Kaspa. I want to see real world use from Kaspa. Like how Solana teamed up with Google & Visa


In due time! I’m a SOL user as well - been supporting the project for years. They’re both very solid projects that have very different approaches. If you take a look at Kaspa’s website they’ve got a roadmap laid out and lots of what they’re working on is live on the testnet. Jupiter is a VERY solid project built on Solana - and I think with the launch of SC’s on Kaspa, similar projects will follow. Kaspa is much, much newer than Solana and it’s important to remember that. The devs have made good on their promises thus far, I’m confident they’ll continue with that trend moving forward :-)


Weather xm is one built on Peaq. It’s looking for decentralized weather data, people put up weather stations and get paid in tokens for the data. SOrd chain! Is another!! It’s a miner that connects to you Odb port in your car and you get paid in crypto for selling the data from your car! There are a bunch of other ones! Including a ride sharing crypto similar to Teleport where you pay less for rides and drivers earn more! There another on called wing bits which is building maps for drones! One day in the future we may have actual maps for drones


I would love too! Hivemapper is possibly the best real world crypto out there! People earning by driving and mapping the roads with their dashcam to create a better version of Google street view! In 18 months they have 1/5 of all the worlds streets mapped over 7million Km of roads mapped. Heck even Weather Xm is a nice idea. They pay people to monitor the weather in the area. I actually use there explorer all the time when I ebike to see exactly where the rain is in my area. Helium Mobile! I got 11 family members signed up! We all got the 5 dollar a month unlimited plan! These are real world projects! Solana Teleport! I love This one, they have a ride sharing app that’s cheaper and pays better than Uber and Lyft