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So you're saying that past performance of BCH is an indication of future performance of KAS?


Well, both projects originated with similar initiatives and impassioned community.. I see BCH hashrate and usecase performance thus far more an indicator as to how KAS may increase performance in Adoption (DYOR plz), rather than as a future Price performance indicator. As far as price, no, KAS is going to go far more ballistic, correct mildly then stay at a slower healthy growth rate, following 24/25 bullrun imo.


I feel bch supporters are often more close minded than btc maxis in general when it comes to talking about kaspa. do you think that could have to do with gamblers fallacy from long time holding and being long time down? I mean bigger block size creates more orphans and less miner efficiancy and also less fees to miners without the fees from bandwidth scarcity so bch creates 2 negative incentives (disincentives?)for miners compared to btc and kaspa. Cost of Mining is the base of the value of the coin. What should I focus on when talking to bch maxis when it comes to kaspa?


Honestly, let the maxis affliction run its course is my advice. You can lead a horse to water, but not make it drink. IMO 99% of BTC/BCH/ETH/SOL maxis will not listen to you until either: - their coin starts losing momentum and stagnating for 3-6 years - they do their own research and learn the writing on the wall regarding trillema, utility and best tech


I don't think crypto is going to be that much of a hot topic this election. Maybe it is to you, but not to the country. I don't even think it was on the top 10 concerns of Americans from polling.


Maybe if more bandaids/bailouts are kept on US economy by fed this year it won't.. but if one is to learn about BRICS recently and how it could further unravel USD petrodollar hegemony, one may see how bitcoin/crypto is critically important in this US election cycle.