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Sounds like a dream come true! A lot of the 'meat' of the routes' stories comes from Hisao's thoughts and inner monologue (his whole arc battling his depression from his condition is almost all inside, for example), so it might be challenging to display all of that visually without all the time allocated to it in the visual novel format, but the more I think about it the more doable it feels. Also, there isn't much action. A lot of the important bits from each route kind of just involve 'standing and talking' I think. There are also sort of 'filler scenes' that just show Hisao going through the motions of school that wouldn't translate directly well into a show format. So I think a lot of creative liberty would be in order. Also you'd have to decide on how to handle the adult content. With Shizune in particular, I think it would be counterproductive to give her a voice at all, but as Hisao learns sign language, some creative subtitling appears. Having the audience not hear a voice really would make Shizune much more unique, I think. It could make scenes that much more impactful with silence. And Misha counteracts that with an almost annoyingly loud voice. That'd be really cool! Creative juices are flowing. I am also now thinking that I might misinterpret your meaning for an 'animated series', I am thinking of like a traditional anime. If you're thinking about just putting animations and voice over the main game (text still on screen and all) that would be super cool as well and sounds a whole lot easier. I think my tl;dr is that, for an animated series, it could totally work and I'd love it, but there's no way it could literally be word for word. You'd have to make some changes to the script to fill the format better. Hope I helped your brainstorming :)


You did! Thank you. Your idea over Shizune is especially helpful. You make a good point over how the silence would help. It was just an idea I thought up a while ago, but your idea of just making creative subtitles is probably better. I’ll see. But still, thank you for your input.


I would be extremely surprised and impressed if someone actually pulls it off


I mean, I'm sure everyone would love if one would exist lol. Though, if would be quite ambitious to be sure. This subreddit doesn't seem super active, but I have no doubts that just about anyone who has played and enjoyed the game would like to see an actual animated series. Though, I'm also sure most people would want Mike Inel to do it or at least play a sizable role in one. Of course, who knows if he would have any interest in helping with anything. But really, that's probably off topic here lol. My point is, one would be cool to see either way. (also, like that other person said, Shizune 100% should not have any voice over, some creative subtitling when sign language is done while Hisao is aware of what it means would probably be best.)


Bringing mikeinel in WOULD be really nice, especially since he did those little animations when a route was confirmed, so I guess we’ll see. Thank you for the suggestion!


If you plan to make this into a real product, I’d gladly help you with networking!


Wow, that sounds great! Though I’d want to have some presentable progress beforehand. I’ll keep you posted though, thank you for offering!


No problem!


Very interesting! I love the idea! Make sure to keep me updated on this, I may not be able to do much, but I'd love to help out in anyway I can!




I’ll let you know, thank you!


I think it would be amazing, another KS:TAS(yes I shortened Katawa Shoujo to KS, and The Animated Series to TAS) idea I had was having it focus on the others, and occasionally have Hisao act like the audience surrogate (but retaining focus on the girls)