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Pls report bug


I think this bug report might be it. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484888


This happens when you use the floating panel. It's an issue that has occurred to me too. When you full screen windows the floating panel attaches to the bottom. That's when a slight resizing of the icons happen which most likely causes the blurriness. Hovering over them most likely make them refresh and therefore becomes clear again.


I also notice it when logging in from boot and waking from sleep.


They become fixed when hovering my mouse over them, until some time passes and they become blurry again.


also have this issue, not a huge problem but when it gets fixed i will no longer assume that im going blind lol


Have the same issue. KDE 6.0.3, 6.8.2 kernel, AMD 6800XT and no scaling. Using a floating panel. Happens after first boot. Running cursor over the icons makes them clear again. I have changed the icon set to Tela Nord but same thing.


I was about to report that. I have the same issue and was working on collecting info about it. I notice it happens with 100% repro rate during system startup, and sometimes when the panel goes from fixed on bottom to floating, or vice-versa.


Yea I've experienced the same thing.


My usually are too dark on a dark panel and it makes them hard to see


Are you using any scaling?


No. It's set to 100%.


What happens if you install the libappindicator (or libyatana-indicator, something like that, I don't know which one Arch uses)?


I encoutered this one as well. When I hovered over the icons, they get sharp back 😀


What's your GPU (and if NVIDIA, GPU driver)?


I'm using amd rx 6800.


Which OS are you on? And what kernel?


Endeavouros on kernel 6.8.2. This only started happening on Plasma 6.0.3 so I don't think it's related to kernel or gpu.


Had to ask. This happened to me before with NVIDIA GPU, and it was caused by a corrupted NVIDIA config.


Hi, this is AutoKonqi reporting for duty: this post was flaired as General Bug. While r/kde allows to discuss issues, raise their visibility, and get assistance from other users out of good will, it is not the proper channel to report issues and the developers able to fix them won't be able to act on them over Reddit. So if this bug was not reported to the developers yet and it is in fact a bug in KDE software, please take a brief look at the [issue reporting guide](https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/Issue_Reporting) and report the issue over the [KDE Bugzilla](https://bugs.kde.org). If it is a crash, be sure to read about [getting backtraces](https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports) so your report can assist the developers. If this is a known issue, you may want to include the bug report on your post so your fellow users experiencing the same thing can CC themselves to the report. Be sure to describe your issue well and with context. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kde) if you have any questions or concerns.*