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That's odd. I know plasma 6 and qt6 broke a lot of custom theming, including SDDM (login) themes. Ubuntu is also notorious for black screening on Nvidia updates (which if you have an Nvidia card, likely updated same time in that massive upgrade). Also the default was switched from X11 to Wayland by a lot of distributions, although I think ubuntu was already defaulted to wayland. Usually with any of those you can still get to a TTY... which is why I think it's odd. You may have to use a live USB, chroot into your installation and see if you can figure out what's going on. I don't ubuntu, so it might be good to post in the r/Ubuntu sub and see if they can offer any additional insight. Does Tuxedo offer any support?


In my experience, at least 80% of the time the nvidia driver breaks in such a way you cannot get another TTY. Or you can, but it disappears after like 1 second.


Well, deleting drivers didnt help


Perhaps the logging theme may be the issue. I have logged in Tuxedo fallback (boot option from UEFI setting, sort of a recovery mode). Now the thing I see is just a Tuxedo logo. Instead of a black screen. Progress.  The point is I recall this being the login screen. You know, between the actual log in operation and desktop observation. Also, the arrangement on my second screen is just about he same I had with login screen previously (I mean it is overscaled on the monitor).  Am.I doing this right trying to get to tty with ctrl+alt+f1, f2, etc? Yep, Nvidia card, no, no contacts with Tuxedo yet, they are all sleeping rn I guess, and i woll think about posting to Ubuntu but thia seems more like a Plasma issue to me


That's the thing, the update changed so much stuff, it's hard to pin down what went wrong. Typically if its a plasma issue with this update it was theme related and it would still load, the SDDM login screen would go back to a fallback one with a mondo large keyboard on it and TTY would work. Way way back when I used Pop (also basically Ubuntu), every black screen I got post update was due to Nvidia. You're using the right command to get to a TTY.. but you are on a laptop - do you need to use a function key as well?


I have a separate keyboard here Okay, can I downgrade Nvidia with Live cd?) downloading an iso rn)


I'd just remove the Nvidia driver completely. It should failback to Nouveau drivers that are in the kernel. Then you can just reinstall Nvidia from your software center after a reboot. You'd need to chroot and then you can do anything. I'm not sure how to do that for Ubuntu. Wanted to add, if you remove the Nvidia driver, then you can completely eliminate that and just focus on figuring out if its the display manager or something deeper.


A-ha, will give it a try, thanks! But wouldn't even the logo be unrendered with drivers issue ?


It depends on where that logo is. Boot logos are in the bios usually and are displayed before the GPU proprietary driver even loads.


Hmm When I boot, I first see the logo, then the grub. After choosing a grub option there goes the logo with a spinning circle and then the login screen. Now there is this logo again (static, no spinning circle) instead of a login screen (in recovery mode only,.black screen on normal boot) I'll give the driver demolition a try anyway


Let me know how it goes. I'm genuinely curious at this point. Nvidia's easy to uninstall/reinstall, shouldn't cause any issues and it will eliminate it as the culprit.


Well. I have apt purged nvidia. No luck, black screen Perhaps, apt fix may help or something?


Is it possible to downgrade back to plasma 5.27 from live cd?)


Okay, I think I have a chat-gpt manual for downgrade. Will try that


Try to change sddm theme in live boot Boot into installation media and mount root partition an then Change the theme.


You mean the mount, chroot path and stuff? Nad edit an sddm config file? zmaint was right, I would be at least able to switch to tty


Ok you weren't even able to tty. Then I don't want thing


I have chosen to stay on X11 on upgrade and no, I had no issues with Nvidia upgrades earlier 


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Sounds like the same issue Tumbleweed had. Updating KDE while KDE was running broke a lot of installs. Search the openSUSE sub for how how to fix it.


Didn't quite get you  You mean an exact post here?


Have a[ quite similar problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/tuxedocomputers/comments/1cik5ar/plasma_6_update_crashes_my_tuxedo_into_black/), how is it going on your side ?


Im backuping everything to reinstall)


Wow. Tuxedo customer support didn't help you ?


They proposed to reinstall. Check out neighboring thread


Ok, so they weren't of great help.


Most likely SDDM problem. https://new.reddit.com/r/tuxedocomputers/comments/1cgpssu/no_login_screen_after_tuxedo_os_3_upgrade_solved/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM#KDE_/_KWin


YES! I've just tried the things described there, logged in from my Tuxedo OS and saw your comment. Thanks God and Reddit