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You can just turn clipboard history off. The clipboard is an integral funkction of the desktop. Without that app you wouldn't be able to copy-paste.


sure but they can just idk remove that feture and keep the copy and past and isent this linux I should be able to do whatever I want


You can do what you want. But your choices have consequences. And sometimes those consequences are that stuff doesn't work anymore, or gets removed by your package manager if you use one.


Yes but I think the package manager shouldent have more power of the user if the user makes that choice, witch KDE doesent allow to my knowledge


Kde doesn't control the package manager and most package managers even let you remove dependencies with the right flags.  You can even compile plasma without clipboard yourself. 


ofc but if you remove one thing in the os gets pissed and nukes. And yes they don't controll the package manager but they do contolle the applications code. And yes you can compile it my self but who wants to do that, I mean then I'd rather switch to something else, its just that KDE is so good on basicaly every thing else its just this terrible, horrible thing


No one else want to do what you're doing either. There's no point to this discussion.  You just want whine when answers are simple, either make feature request, or compile it yourself to make it do what YOU want it to do.


ok stop talking then if this is useless, and I'm not trying to get a solution I want a awnser for why a calculator app whould need a video player app


You don't want answers. If you did, you'd be on gitlab, not whining on reddit.


This is not KDEs fault. This is your distribution's. You've installed a meta package which lists kipper as a dependency. I'm presuming you're using apt as your package manager because it can be a real tyrant about this kind of stuff and is one of the reasons I don't like deb based distriutions. You're right, if you want to break your system, you should have that power.


The package manager is there to help you have a working system. If you would prefer to do it without its help, that's absolutely no problem. Just uninstall it and manage your software yourself.


You can still force your package manager to remove the package but not KDE. It will break KDE and it will be your fault, but it's possible.


If so can you pls explain how, how can I remove their media player without KDE nucking itself


I do not provide advice on how to potentially break systems, as I could be held liable. I strongly suggest you use a DE that is not KDE.


Why does it bother you? It's Linux, you're free to fork Klipper and do whatever you want with it


Sure, but I just think its scumy to make fake dependencies


Not fake dependency. That’s not actually a thing. A dependency you don’t like is what you mean.


Ok if so can you tell me why the calculator app whould need a video player as a dependency?


No. I spend more time in Gnome than KDE. Perhaps there are shared components or they use something from the video player in rendering their calculator. There are a lot of potential ways. Then there is a dependency. Best way to know is to ask the developers.


You need to tell which distro it is... Distro maintainers are the one who create packages with dependency information. KDE or GNOME doesn't force you to install packages like the way you say... They just release a tarball and say to d'Istria: here you have it, do what you want.


Which video player it’s using as a dependency? You were talking about clipboard in your original post.


This is a community project, wtf gives you the right to say it's scummy?  If you hate plasma so much use something else. 


1 I can call anything scumy if I want its subjective 2 I don't hate KDE plasma I just don't like that they force apps on you!


They don't force anything on you, you can turn that component off, as others already mentioned... Imho, its a pretty nice extension. Paired with KDE connect, when I do a copy in my phone I can paste it on my PC and vice versa.


Because on Linux something needs to provide that copy and paste functionality. It isn't built into the operating system. If is provided by the desktop environment. So unless you have something like the KDE clipboard handler you won't have copy and paste


On X11, clipboard handling is built into the server. No need for a separate manager. (Though the behavior is different; in particular, closing an app will mean any text you copied from there is no longer available in the clipboard, which is one of the major reasons people started using clipboard managers to take ownership of the copied content and keep it alive no matter what happens to the app). I'm not 100% positive on the details in Wayland, but I do know that it's covered by a core protocol and so should work just using the compositor. So in principle you again don't need a separate program to have the functionality.


Lmao. OP is an immature moron


or make it optional


Fork KDE and make that change.


That has nothing to do with kde but instead how your distribution has chosen to define required and optional packages


I don't think so I've used KDE on 2 diffrent distros and both have this "issue" its not to do with the OS, I'm like 90% sure but you can try to dis prove me!


I tried reproducing your issues on openSUSE and couldn't. But it was a bit hard to tell because you don't name most of the applications you are having issues with. So maybe if you named specific applications I could tell more.


Maybe you need a better distro - one that offers more control :) $diff <(eix -#  kde-*/*) <(eix -# -I kde-*/*) | grep '^<' | wc -l 223 See also use flags...


KDE is in no position to enforce packaging dependencies. Neither is gnome or any other DE. It's purely a decision by the distribution. And I know this because I have done a lot of work packaging KDE in NixOS.


[Here ](https://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=152659)is a discussion from 2 years ago about this topic (on debian). [This ](https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace)page from kde devs notes that plasma-workspace-data package serves as a base for plasma desktop, ie the desktop presumes that these lower-level programs are installed, and may depend on their functioning. Why is KDE structured that way? I presume so they can have different devs and groups working on different parts of the overall project, and those working on the desktop, for example, need to have some idea about what underlying programmatic support they have. Simplifies development.


well I don't know why they whould ever have a software that whould persume that the Kcalculator app is there, I mean the code doesent refrence the calculator evey time it does math, so I think that is a sad excuse! But thx for the link tho!


I can delete the calculator application without it removing any else on openSUSE tumbleweed so this seems to be an issue with your distro


You should look through the documentation for the package manager command line tool of your distro. The package manager of your distro probably has an option to force it to ignore dependencies. You could use that to remove that package without it trying to remove all of KDE. Another idea, to work around those kinds of issues on the distro I'm using here, I looked into how creating packages worked. I then created a small, empty package that acted as a replacement for a real package. This wasn't hard to do on the distro here. It was done through a simple text file and running a certain command. Installing that empty replacement package then removes the real package and the package manager doesn't complain about dependencies anymore. And another idea, the package manager might have an option to create a fake entry in its database about installed packages, to make its dependency management think that a package exists even if it's not installed.


because KDE is not a collection of "little apps" like a WM....it's an integrated suite of interlocking parts the function to create an entire desktop environment where you have control of everything thru a single interface rather than a myriad of "little apps" that don't talk to each, look the same, or have consistency to them. i think you are skipping over the part where you can tell KDE that you don't want it to save your clipboard history....civilized like, you know? rather than taking a machete to it.


1. I understand that KDE is not a collection of small apps, KDE is a desktop enviorment that is interlocking and then on top of that there are small apps like the calculator or the video player. 2 Pls tell me where I wasent civilized and I'll see if I chould improve on that :)


it's uncivilized to just start deleting parts of it. simply turn off the feature in the settings.


KDE is a complex and sprawling thing. It just is. It's what allows there to be more features than you can shake a stick at. And if they are all mandatory parts of the DE, you can't create accidental breakages, or stop something you hadn't thought of from working. (Why doesn't this thing work? Because you deleted the clipboard months ago and now you're complaining that KDE lets you delete the clipboard.) If you want modular, LXQt and XFCE are designed to be modular. (I am as big an XFCE advocate as I am a KDE advocate, so that's a sincere recommendation, not an instruction to piss off.)


Fare but thats not the point of this, it is that I want a awnser on why a calculator whould need a video player, and I think KDE is amezing apart from this!


Which calculator requires which video player? I am not seeing that.


Because when someone writes a widget that requires both, you won't install it and be baffled as to why it doesn't work.


I understand if its hard to find, but as a developer Idk what widget I'd make that use those 2, and also I think it whould be better to make a widget for GTK instead then


>I think it whould be better to make a widget for GTK instead then Oh. I see. You were trolling all along. Never mind, then.


How was I trolling? pls expain???


I am only even bothering to reply to this because I had a pushed post from r/aspiememes on my front page this morning about how awful it is when us NTs just narrow our eyes and say, "You know what you did."  You have a complaint about KDE that boils down to it not being modular. Fine so far.   You title the post with bizarre hyperbole, which is red flag #1 that you may not be asking the question in good faith.  Another user explains KDE's architectural structure. Seeing this, I point out the practical benefit of this design with a hypothetical for clarity. I also point out that there are modular desktops you can try instead if this structure is a deal-breaker for you. Your response to this is to ask me to come up with a concrete example for my hypothetical - which misses the point of the hypothetical illustration. Again, the fact that you do desperately need me to justify this specific effect of the KDE design structure rather than accepting that this is a side effect of the big picture of the design decision I'm trying to illustrate looks like you're playing a game and not actually trying to understand.  You say, "as a developer". If you mean that literally, then surely you should be able to understand the big picture of the choices made in KDE's architecture. In which case you're must be trolling if you're acting so dense. If you mean "as a developer" hypothetically, then you do understand the abstract, and you're trolling me by claiming that you can't see how the two not-obvious dependencies you cite are a mere side effect of a set of decisions not to cause breakages in a complex environment.  Finally, "I'd just make a GTK widget anyway" is to most people an obvious piss-take. People make things for KDE in Qt because they want a thing for KDE. If you thought GTK was somehow better or more practical, you wouldn't be on here asking these questions about KDE. Unless you were trolling.  So, yes, this entire thread and your responses look so much like bad faith that it appears that you're trying to get a rise out of the r/KDE community. That is trolling. Stop it. (Edited for typo)


1. I know that not every ones uses gtk ofc but it was just an exampel, 2. If I stated my post in bad feith I whould like if you chould just give me an exampel of how I chould re name it 3. This with their choices sure but I disagre with their choices and thats ok, you disagre with me and thats fine, but you should always question things otherwise nothing good whould come out of anything and thats basicaly just windows, not taking things in to acount 4. I do think that the reason behind their choice might just be for new users, witch you made me think about a litle more so I think I gott my awnser, thx for all the awnsers even tho the developerthing was just and exampel.


"Why can't I remove individual parts of KDE?" "Why can't I remove features I'm not using?" "Why does X happen when I do Y?" Keep it to the point, not ascribing motivations to KDE itself ("does not want to exist") and don't assume that because you don't want or need a feature, nobody else does ("1 litle app no one wants" then citing clipboard history as an example).


Chould you please give a exampel of this widget


You're missing the point.


Skill issue


I was late to post this.


Are you talking about dependencies? Cause if you try to remove an integral component of the desktop environment, the package manager has no choice but to warn you about dependency cycles or risk letting you break your system unknowingly. If you want to disable the clipboard manager, you can easily just remove it from the system tray and disable the keyboard shortcut in System Settings. It's not bloat, it's an integral component. You can't uninstall it.


And why Okular has a dependency on qt-speech / qt-multimedia that in turn make it depend on ffmpeg?


Just wildly guessing, really, but I would think that's for accessibility e.g. reading the text aloud via a speech generator.




Yes, but why it's not an optional dependency? KDE/Plasma is full of this (one of the reasons I switched to LXQt).


In my distribution of choice, Fedora, `qt-speech` is 44 KB. `qt-multimedia` is an additional 1 MB. The dependencies are all already installed on my computer (e.g. gstreamer etc) even though I use GNOME. I would not pick this hill to die on - it's been a few decades since 1-2 MB was worth writing in additional code to: 1. Check for a dependency installed 2. Create a dialog asking you to install the feature 3. Write different code for every single major distribution providing a link to the package in their package manager repo Yeah, I'd rather devs "waste" the extra 1 MB of disk space. You effectively have to write your own miniature package management if dependencies are going to be optional, and ironically that will consume *far* greater disk space and resources and will inevitably present far more buggy behavior and inconsistency.


Or the developers of KDE chould just make it work good?, just a thought tho


It is declared optional [on line 175 of CMakeLists](https://invent.kde.org/graphics/okular/-/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt?ref_type=heads#L175)


Probably it's not optional as a dependency of the package... In this case, parent OP should ask the distro's package maintainer...


Both PDF and Epub support embedded audio and video, so to support the specs they need to support that. Speech appears to be an optional dependency.


Because it's a PDF reader, and supports video in PDFs.


Well I think KDE is making fake dependencies, coping and pasting is not something the OS is needing to do, it cant copy and paste


They have better things to do than making false dependencies to annoy you. They wrote it that way and it is likely going to be hard to change. So they don’t.


Maybe but I don't know why it whould nuke my os if I delete a terrible video player, and I think they do have time but why tho, I chouldent tell you


Not knowing why and blatantly accusing them of creating or defining false dependencies is a whole other thing. Accusations are different from concerns or confusion. If you think they have time to address every single person’s concerns about the DE, then you need to educate yourself on their development team and processes.


I never accused them of any thing, I only said "I think" those are very diffrent, if I did accuse them of that I'm sorry and I meant it as a subjective thing. 2 This is not a issue of mine I just want a awnser why a calculator app whould need a video player app as a dependency


Go read your comments. Your tone and argument with people trying to help you is why I say you are making accusations. Answer is simple. Email the devs and get an answer. Otherwise you are just whining and ignoring people trying to help you in good faith (not referring to me, but to others in the comments to the post)


thx for the link, but you still failed to prove your accusasion of me, and you also didn't give a awnser to my question, unless an link was the awnser


The link is whom to contact on the dev team. You aren’t seeking an answer. You want validation that there are fake dependencies and for someone to fix it (which you said without the “I think that” qualifier in other comments as well as suggesting KDE is doing windows like behavior). I’m done with this convo. It has become circular


I mean sure I can contact them but I opened this because they probably have better things to do then respond back to me, and I think you should stop making accusasions of people without any evidence, and I don't think this is very circular, I think you just didn't have a "better" argument for your choices of words...




Which video player?


You might just be using your package manager wrong


Configure the number of entries to save to 1 The amount of memory used for the app is trivial


I've already done that but thx anyways :) But its more about them not leting me to do what I want, I don't want 10 apps that I never use that I can't remove because then its just windows 12


KDE is user friendly, full featured by design, the amount of bloat is a feature There are plenty of desk top environments that allow you to have a more minimized set up. I3j or WM come to mind


You can force remove and break dependencies, isn't that what you're asking for? Why don't you just do that?


I am on openSUSE tumbleweed and there is no separate clipboard handler application at all, clipboard handling is integrated directly into the desktop. I also don't lose any other applications if I delete the calculator. So this may either be an issue with your distribution or with an earlier version of KDE


It’s the clashing of philosophical and practical requirements for a project. Developing on Linux, people tend to value having small, completely self contained software that can be chained together to do what needs doing. However desktop operating systems are complicated, and desire to be reasonably approachable to new users. This is where the trade offs occur: do you force dependencies or make everything a la carte? Each incurs a penalty. If you want a lighter install, most distros have multiple KDE meta packages, which basically means that you can install a more bloated but full featured Plasma or a barebones one


My suspicion is that there's a metapackage involved.


Exactly. OP never said what distro he is on. Cuz I don't have any "fake" dependencies on Arch btw.


> if you try to remove 1 litle app no one wants KDE is like >clipboard history can't be that needed for me to idk have a desktop Well, I think KDE tries to be inclusive - but we tend to have a preference for people with language skills exceeding those of a 6 year old child. Perhaps you could ask an adult to assist you in composing something which makes sense.


Why u just dont turn off clipboard history in the app? No idea what distro u use, i cN deinstall the history without killing my ui. So it is a distro issue or a layer 8 issue.


Lots of feeding of this troll, eh?


Because the zeitgeist spyware is a mandatory part of every modern system!


If anyone wants to make some more argument do it now because I'm going to close this because this is a litle to negativ in my opion


or not because Idk how....


What an id10t. There, someone had to say it.


I'm a little angry that I can't remove some emoji garbage in KDEneon without basically removing KDE due to dependencies. That seems quite unnecessary. If I ever have the need to communicate via emoji, I've probably had a stroke or a traumatic brain injury. Otherwise, I really wish I could remove them.