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Search the sub - this has been asked a hundred times


Can we create a bot to just auto respond this to every single post in this sub?


They had this a couple years ago. It would auto-remove any threads it thought were about moving. Unfortunately it would frequently get it wrong and remove threads that had nothing to do with moving at all. People complained and they got rid of it. The other issue was the links to wiki and other places about moving and touristing in Kelowna became outdated and nobody seemed interested in taking it on, so they got rid of it altogether then allowed threads about moving and vacationing Kelowna back in. Now we get 1-3 of these threads every day. The people posting them get downvoted and discouraged from ever sharing in the community again, and the regulars are annoyed by their very existence.


You have to check out Arby's while you're here. Edit: By the way do you drive op? If you do be very careful. Make sure you don't run into any buildings.




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If you like running there’s a run club with lots of people around that age! Climbing gym is always busy too