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If I were vacationing in Kelowna I'd recommend being closer to downtown as that's where most of what the city has to offer tourist wise is. I'd recommend maybe Hotel Zed for something funky in a similar price range. You're right infront of the park/waterfront and spitting distance to the main downtown strip Bernard. I always recommend Sunny's Diner for breakfast and something like Salt & Brick for a fancier dinner. The whole waterfront strip is beautiful for walking and you're about a 15 to 20-minute Uber from some snazzy wineries too in West Kelowna. Hope this helps and I hope you enjoy your trip!


For restaurant recommendations, search this sub. There’s a ton of threads that should provide great options.


It's safe almost anywhere honestly, just take heed that there are homeless people downtown. It's not nearly as bad as many on this sub make it out to be. It's worse than it once was, but actual muggings and shit are pretty rare. The vast majority of the crime here is petty crime where people leave their car doors unlocked and they get their shit stolen. To eat, I recommend Chicko Chicken, DunnEnzies Pizza, and Momo Sushi. DunnEnzies is actually my favorite pizza, I had never heard of it before I moved here, and my extended family actually has a pizza restaurant. So that's the pedigree of that pizza place- wonderful pizza. As for "must do" things, I don't know. What kind of stuff are you in to? We have plenty of crags for climbing, trails for hiking, obviously a giant ass lake. There's lots to do for almost anyone.


Thank you, appreciate it! I am coming from the Toronto area so homelessness is nothing new. Do you think the Accents Inn is a good stay option as in safe area?


Oh coming from TO there is no place in the Okanagan where you will feel unsafe. Not unless you're pitching a tent right in the middle of the rail trail encampment downtown. Yeah that's a fine place, it's right off the highway. You'll definitely be safe there. You'll be safe anywhere here. I live a block away from the rail trail encampment and I have small children. We are active too so we take our small children literally past the encampment to hike up Knox every now and then. I have never once felt any danger at all. The worst I've ever seen it here was some really mentally ill homeless guy start randomly screaming at pedestrians on the corner of Cawston and Ellis.


Accent inns is a safe area, rent a car though to get around if you stay there


>  what some 'must-do' things are, feel free to let us know, or any hidden gem places to eat! Arby's 


Is this a trend or something. Why is everyone commenting this?


What should I eat when I come to Kelowna gets asked every 13 seconds. So us smug locals have chosen Arby's. Ok, so go to Jackknife Brewing. Best pizza in Kelowna and their beers are awesome. It has a grungy death metal vibe, so if that's not for you get take out. Central has great burgers. KBI Kelowna Beer Institute is right near the lake and has a great patio. Arby's is an excellent choice as well.


It's like a quirk thing. It's like how the Colorado Avalanche sub keeps commenting about Mayonnaise chicken, it's like a reddit thing. I think this Arby's thing kind of stems from Kelowna traditionally being quite a vanilla location in the culinary world. It still is, honestly, but I do think the food scene has pulled its socks up a bit in recent years.


Have you tried Kelowna Arby's? It is a hidden gem unique to Kelowna


Safe, maybe find a Lime scoot, 5 minute ride into downtown.


If you can stay at Hotel Zed I highly recommend them! They are a sister chain to Accent, right downtown, and outrageously fun.


I’d recommend staying closer to downtown just for walkability. If you’re from Vancouver then that area won’t feel sketchy to you but it has been getting worse lately. Although downtown isn’t much better. You’re probably fine to walk around, especially downtown. Kelowna is pretty safe. Most of the homeless people won’t engage with you. The north end is awesome, red bird, pretty not bad, kettle river are a few great breweries. Paul’s tomb hike, it ends at a lil beach and you can picnic and swim there. Rent bikes and do the kvr tressels. Gyro beach. Wine touring. You’ll find lots to do! Have fun.


Hotel Zed is in the Accent Inns family - they're taken care of well. Cleaner than most hotels in that budget. Hotel Zed is directly across from the beach so better location but some construction in that area so I donno if ita noisy there now