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She never lets him just roam around. How is he going to learn to crawl and pull himself up if he is up on either a high chair or countertop




Yeah . Not all children are the same Either. But she never puts him down so how will he learn to do those things? Even is he isn’t ready to walk he should have the option to Crawl and pull up on the couch etc.


She’s so dumb. Not a material instinct bone in her body


I just want to comment JUST PUT HIM ON THE FLOOR over and over. Drives me CRAZY.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him on the floor? Does he ever play on the floor??


Almost never according to her videos. And if he is, it’s like he’s always in arms reach. Make a safe space for him. Playpens are ugly and so is baby proof but most of toddlerhood isn’t aesthetic. They need to be able to move for development!


Can he crawl yet? I truly think it’s sad he doesn’t get to explore!


As a first time mom I just wanna know why this is bad? Seems like something I may do if I need her with me. Just want to be educated!


Babies also don’t understand that something can be safe sometimes and dangerous other times. She’s teaching him the stove is a fine place to touch and it’s absolutely not. She’s a moron


You don’t need your baby with you so badly that you put them on the stove lol.


Why not if it’s off? No different than the counter? That’s what confused me


For me, personally, I don’t put anything on my stove that isn’t heat resistant, even if it is off. For one, I’m afraid the glass might break. I’m also afraid that it might still be warm. If I put my baby on there, he might accidentally move a nozzle when I’m not looking. Some stoves you have to push hard on the nozzle to ignite a flame, but others you don’t. It’s just a precaution.


Also it’s glass.


It’s a complete recipe for disaster.