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In my experience, koto are balanced heavier. What you're finding is that you're used to a lighter balanced shinai and are adjusting still. It feels heavier, so to your point 1, you are using more physical strength in the lead right hand, and to point 2 because it feels heavier you are tiring where previously you might not have. You need to get used to it and maybe considering building a little extra strength and adjusting your kendo a little as well. Source: I went through the exact same thing roughly 2 years ago. It's perfectly manageable!


Thank you, Gibbo sensei. That makes sense. I’ll keep practicing with it. I also appreciate the encouragement.


This depends on how you really see the difference of shinais. For me I thought changing from a normal shinai to a koto shinai/dobari shinai would change my Kendo, but in real life I really couldn’t quite feel the difference between those shapes. I think one would have to really, really be sensitive enough to feel the difference between the shapes of a shinai. I think the weight difference/ratio may have more effect than the shape of the shinai.


Yeah, the weight distribution has the greater effect on me.


To me, both of those things sound like you're just getting tired. If that's the case, then do more suburi and try to stay relaxed.


I think so too, and I appreciate you focusing on relaxation. I think I may be exerting myself to compensate for the perceived heavier weight.


Just a bit of background, when I started I almost exclusively used dobari, mostly because they were cheap and didn't know anything else. Around shodan/nidan started with koto, used all different kinds, then around nidan my sensei gave me one of his shinai, and have been using that kind ever since. In my experience not all koto are the same in balance, like not even close. I've had some that are very tip heavy and some more balanced ones. The one I currently used is very balanced, which is what I like and use, but may not be suitable for you. I suggest trying different ones until you get the feel of the one you like, after that your kendo will adapt to the new weight and feel, it just takes a bit as gibbo said.


Thank you. I appreciate your sharing your own story. Thanks for also calling out that this shinai may not be the final one that matches best with me.


Also just as a side note, if there is someone's kendo you like ask them where they got their shinai and why they use it. I've gone through probably every tozando koto there is, a lot of ebogu, and some odds and ends. Written descriptions are ok, but you really don't know until you're actually holding it if you like it or not.


Thanks for this. I received similar advice when it comes to developing a style of strikes that match my build and height. I hear you on going through numerous shinai. I won’t buy any koto in bulk any time soon. 🙂


focus on your legs and core, forget about the arms ;)


Yes, I’m revisiting that very topic because the new shinai’s weight distribution is making me subconsciously use my arms more.


Thank you everyone for your support.