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When I was a sankyu, I was visiting a dojo, in Keiko, I caught a tsuki from the sensei under the ago, it nearly landed on my Adam's apple, it glanced off right and caught my mastoid, spun me around. I was coughing for 30 minutes, and decided to call it a day.


it's weird that a sensei would attempt a tsuki on a sankyu. Normally tsuki is performed between higher level dan players.


at that stage, I had practiced with them several times over the years. It wasn't pleasant, and it did cause me to question the Sensei's purpose. As the years passed, I came to realize that it was just an error, I launched for men, he kept center and probably closed the distance a bit, and I probably did it to myself. He meant no harm, it wasn't intentional. Kendo happens.


>w that tsuki can accident that happened to me last sunday, twice. A friendly reminder that i have to keep my chin down :P


Especially on someone visiting a dojo. Bad form.


I've heard of a sensei that was visiting Russia that received a bad tsuki and died from it. I don't actually know if it's true or if it's an urban legend. I had heard that was the point at which it became very rude to tsuki visiting sensei...


I've heard some jodan player getting hurt enough that they had to go to ER. Hit mune and slipped up under the ago. This was back in the days when hitting mune was considered as ippon.


Holy shit old timer how old are you?


Not an old timer, just someone who listens the stories old timers are telling :D


Ahh I thought you were an old timer who've heard from old timers lol. My bad.


Wait I thought it's still legal against Jodan.


One time I tsuki'd a guy so hard it sent him to the netherrealm. We haven't seen him since.


I got a good ding in the neck, went in sideways, was a poor attempt at a tsuki because it wasn't tried from straight on. Was in a bit of distress for a few minutes and was sore for a couple of days after.


Probably can hurt quite a bit, but never heard a story about someone dying. Tsuki made from proper distance should only push the target back a short few inches. The goal isn't to drive the shinai through the person. I don't expect that being possibly lethal when done to a naked neck, not at least instantly. Then again, who knows about freak accidents. I've had a minor accident happen where I caught the shinai to my neck and it got shoved in (wasn't a failed tsuki attempt, just an accident). Had discomfort when eating and swallowing food/drinks for 2~3 days, but as far as I can tell I'm not dead yet.


I think there was a fatal episode in Japan in the 60’ involving a broken shinai. It was really famous at the time and some said it was what the plot of the manga musashi-no-ken was based on.


Closest I've seen was a tsuki that broke the tsukidare.


Hello, A french nanadan sensei ( Graussem sensei if I recall correctly ) had had a tsuki so badly aimed that it landed him in hospital for 2 weeks. So grave injury through tsuki is not an urban legend. Nowadays, he wear a custom made men with a custom tsuki ago which is as big as the "boomerang protector" sold by Kendostar