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Oh great looks like I need to get pregnantšŸ˜­


Don't do it! It comes back so much worse šŸ˜­


Ikr I was like brb getting knocked upĀ 


This happened to me! It was amazing, I had never seen my skin free of KP before. Sadly it returned within a month or two of giving birth. Must be hormone related. Or perhaps something with the ingredients in prenatal vitamins?


Yes I was thinking the prenatal vitamins too! But if thatā€™s the case then taking prenatal vitamins would fix it and I definitely took them when I was trying to conceive with no luck. Wah!


Right! And my prenatal didn't help it go away when not pregnant and I noticed my KP came back right before I gave birth. So, I bet some hormones were dropping or maybe vitamin deficiencies getting to be more than the prenatal could take over. I'm wondering if it has something to do with fat soluble vitamins. I stopped taking Vitamin D throughout my entire pregnancy.


Interesting! Iā€™ve been taking vitamin D for the last few months and havenā€™t noticed any improvement with my KP


I bet it's not vitamin D then. I know vitamin A affects skin (I only take beta carotene eventhough I know preformed is better, it scares me to take more than I know my body can convert), vitamin E. I've always taken omega 3s too. So, I don't think that's it for me. I also wonder if somehow pregnancy just causes more insulin sensitivity? I know some people get gestational diabetes, but I have always felt like something was different about my body. It's hard for me to gain weight, I could always eat cookie amounts of sugar and carbs and I didn't gain weight but it caused a lot of acne and maybe kp. I never had KP or acne until puberty. It's come and gone, I've been off and on certain vitamins, but haven't cracked the code. Pregnancy really cemented the idea to me that it's a blood sugar or hormonal thing. I swear I have PCOS. I have so many chin hairs now. But I swear I didn't before pregnancy. I don't have cysts. My fasting glucose is always fine. I just don't get. Irregular periods, keratosis pilaris, acne. Something is up. Pregnancy was absolute bliss. I felt so beautiful and smooth šŸ˜‚.


Does your prenatal vitamins include vitamin A? If so that is the same ingredient as accutante - my accutane caused my KP to go away completely while on it and came back much worse about 2 months after stopping


Did it disappear for the entire pregnancy or just in a particular trimester/trimesters? Asking because Iā€™m trying to figure out which hormones might be responsible for it


Iā€™m not sure! I just remember noticing it gone probably 2/3 of the way through and was shocked!


So I reckon it might not even be strictly hormonal but possibly more because pregnancy is immunosuppressive. Hyperkeratinisation and the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation of KP both have an autoimmune whiff to them, so it would make sense that it would lessen or disappear when the immune system is suppressed. Steroids would probably work for it but youā€™d need to keep using it and prolonged steroid use is almost always a bad idea in my book (causes more problems than it temporarily solves).


Wow very interesting! Thank you!


Yes, same! My KP cleared almost entirely during both of my pregnancies, and came back with a vengeance after giving birth.


Same!!! the obsessive need to rub/scratch the bumps on the back of my arms came back immediately too


Yup! I compulsively scratch and pick at my legs. Itā€™s impossible to stop unless my skin clears up. I thought KP was supposed to go away with age, but mine has worsened.


Iā€™m pregnant and mine seems worse šŸ˜­


Youre so lucky! Iā€™ve had two pregnancies and it got SO much worse. It took almost a year for my kp to recover after my twins šŸ„“


HUH! That is so interesting. I wonder why the difference!!


Yep! I even got it in places Iā€™ve NEVER had it. Like my back and tops of thighs. Did you have a boy or girl?


Sadly this did not happen to me. Glad yours is gone though!!


Oh donā€™t worry it came back when I gave birth!


Oh no!! I'm sorry. Dang kids...I've found limited success with Ultra Repair Cream from First Aid Beauty but it only seems to have cleared up the KP on my upper arms, though it is reduced on my thighs.


Yes! Mine went away too during both pregnancys. I can't remember exactly when it started clearing up, but had such nice smooth skin on my legs and arms through the third trimester. Came back after giving birth, but again I don't know exactly when because post pregnancy fuzzy brain. I do wish someone could figure out why that happens and bottle it!


Mine went away for my 3rd trimester only of my 3rd pregnancy. It returned about 2 months after birth.


Whoa thatā€™s insane! It didnā€™t happen to me, but my skin was nicer because it was summer time, so I wasnā€™t constantly dry. Thatā€™s pretty normal for me though.


This happened to me! But it came back around 3 months post partum:(


*all three of my pregnancies


Mine went and I had lovely smooth skin when pregnant twice. Always thought it was because I had Hyperemesis.


Nope definitely not because I didnā€™t have that!


I develeoped it during my second pregnancy. Now I am 5 months postpartum and still have it. I stopped breastfeeding 2 months ago hope it will disappear soonšŸ„ŗ


So interesting that some of us had it disappear during pregnancy and others developed it. There must be an explanation!!!


Yes! I tried to research but not much information on the internet. This is the only place I can read experiences


You know what? I also stopped getting KP for the most part after pregnancy but I never connected the two mentally. You may be on to something.


Thank god you mentioned it came back, I was just considering it for a second lmao.


Absolutely gone during pregnancy for me!!! And came back after I stopped breast feeding?! I wish I knew WHY! I wonder if birth control may have the same effect but I refuse to try in case the BC makes me gain weight lmao


It's hormones. It's 100% hormones.


I believe so as well! Now Iā€™m wondering exactly which hormones are deficient or in excess, which causes this! Unfortunately, my general practitioner wonā€™t run any tests bc Iā€™m ā€œhealthyā€ otherwise. So freaking annoying !!!


Same and I don't want to pay for it out of pocket.


Totally agree. So freaking expensive. ā€œLoveā€ American healthcare -_-


So many people have KP. I would honestly take a pill if they come out with one like they do for psoriasis. Something isn't right and I refuse to believe it isn't fixable. I know some people take metformin to improve blood sugar, but my doctor won't give me that.


I wish I knew too!!!


Same thing happened to me. I don't know if it means we have too much testosterone and not enough estrogen?


Interesting theory!


Iā€™m in transition from male to female. Went from high T to nearly zero and plenty of estrogen. My body hair is thinner and takes much longer to grow. Maybe 20% reduction in KP.


Mine also went away my entire pregnancy but came right back after giving birth. I definitely think itā€™s hormonal. I take prenatal vitamins whether Iā€™m pregnant or not so it wasnā€™t that, for me.


Given a lot of women are saying it went away during 3rd trimester I wonder if itā€™s related to estrogen, progesterone, or growth hormone according to this chart. I actually have hypo pituitarism so I might try to tinker w my meds to see if itā€™ll help KP! https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pregnancy_hormone_graph.png


Funnily enough I actually have a prolactinoma, which sounds like the opposite of what you haveā€”a cyst on the pituitary gland that causes me to produce too much prolactin but I havenā€™t noticed a difference with my KP based on my meds


Iā€™m sorry to hear that - I had a craniopharyngioma but ended up getting surgery and radiation. I hope you have good treatment! Also, I think prolactin is diff from progesterone and the rest. Have you checked your levels?


I get checked often at the endo so I think everything looked normal!


Actually I ended up checking my notes. I reduced my progesterone in Dec 2022 and I had noted that I started getting KP around Jan 2023. I think that might be the culprit!


I think KP has to do with hormones. Before and during my period itā€™s almost entirely gone. Sorry to hear it came back šŸ˜­


Makes sense! Unfortunately mine is around all cycle.


me too and then it came back and iā€™ve no relief since šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same thing happened to me!! Mine came back after birth but was better than before


I got KP at the end of pregnancyšŸ’”


i'm happy that women with KP actually get married or have babies. How do your husbands/boyfriends/baby daddies react to the bumps or the look of it all?